How To Use ASP Alkaline Surfactant Polymer Trainings 2018 Rock Flow Dynamics ASP injection: works in formats E1, E3!! 2 Alkaline, Surfactant, Polymer are characterized by variables C poly Calkl Csurf Which represent their concentrations in water (kg/kg) (However, all concentrations are assigned in kg/m3 (lb/stb for FIELD). For recalculation the water density in standard conditions is used) ASP presence affects: 1) Water viscosity Wasp WO 2) Surface tension Kc ⇒ changes capillary number (ratio of viscous to capillary forces) ⇒ 3) changes to relative permeability due to interpolation between curves krW (SW ), krOW (SW ) ⇒ 4) changes to capillary pressure PcWasp 5) Moreover, alkaline influences the adsorption of polymer and surfactant: the less they are adsorbed, the more is their impact on production 2 1) ASP effect on water viscosity 3 Water viscosity dependence on pressure with surfactant influence is calculated by Where viscosity(Csurf) is set in SURFVISC, reference viscosities are set by PVTW In this case water viscosity for ASP And PLYMAX, Wasp SURFVISC is calculated from (parameters set by PLYROCK, PLYADS, PLYVISC) PLMIXPAR 3 1) ASP effect on water viscosity 4 Here: K rrf is the residual resistance factor for this rock type, representing the decrease of rock permeability to water phase when maximum amount of polymer has been adsorbed is the Todd-Longstaff mixing parameter: if we set it to 1, only polymer will influence if we set it to 0, we will have weighted average of viscosities, for maximal polymer concentration only polymer will influence, for zero only surfactant will influence C ads,max poly And PLYMAX, is maximal polymer adsorption used for residual factor calculation (parameters set by PLYROCK, PLYADS, PLYVISC) SURFVISC PLMIXPAR 4 2) ASP effect on surface tension 5 Alkaline effects on water-oil surface tension in combination with surfactant: WO WO (Csurf ) Ast (Calkl ) WO – Surface tension WO (Csurf ) Ast (Calkl ) – surface tension at surfactant concentration and zero alkaline concentration (specified via SURFST) – surface tension multiplier dependent on alkaline concentration (specified via ALSURFST) 5 3) Surface tension effect on rel.perms 6 Capillary number (ratio of viscous to capillary forces) is calculated from: Numerator: Square root of sum of squares of permeabilities multiplied by pressure derivatives in space, taking into consideration transmissibility multipliers for link: this is how much pressure changes in space weighted by permeability Divided by surface tension, taking into account alkaline concentration: this characterizes capillary forces Then, capillary number is used to interpolate between curves from SATNUM and SURFNUM, with F(K) being set by SURFCAPD 6 4) Surface tension effect on Pcw 7 Capillary pressure is influenced by surface tension too: asp cW P surf (Csurf ) PcW surf (0) Here: PcW – Capillary pressure calculated in “classic” way surf (Csurf ) W – surface tension at surfactant concentration and zero alkaline concentration (specified via SURFST) MASS WATER DENSITY Is calculated from PVTW 7 5) Alkaline affects on Surfactant and Polymer adsorption 8 Alkaline reduces surfactant and polymer adsorption on the reservoir rock and enhances their effectiveness this way. Mass of adsorbed surfactant and polymer is calculated via the formula: M ads Porv * Porv – Block pore volume 1 * rock * C ads (C ) * Aad (Calkl ) rock mass in block – porosity C ads (C ) rock – concentration of absorbed surfactant/polymer for current concentration of surfactant/ polymer in surrounding solution (specified via the keyword SURFADS, PLYADS) – mass density of the rock for adsorption calculation (specified via one of the keywords SURFROCK, PLYROCK (if polymer present) by saturation regions) Aad (Calkl ) – adsorption multiplier that depends on the alkaline concentration (specified via the keyword ALSURFAD, ALPOLADS). Reduces adsorption 8 ASP conservation law: Concentration changes with time due to adsorption change, i/o flow from nearby blocks and wells i/o flow Sdpv is dead pore volume (not invaded by polymer) from PLYROCK Asurf, Apoly are adsorption multipliers, showing how alkaline influences adsorption (see above) Nw is water molar concentration per block volume, ξw is water molar density (mass for black oil) Q are sources of alkaline, surfactant, polymer B is viscosity multiplier 9 Training description 10 In this course we will run 3 models: 1) with ASP injection – 2) with Polymer injection – 3) without ASP (only waterflooding) – and compare Enhanced Oil Recovery efficiency (ASP vs Polymer vs Waterflooding) Supported keywords: SURFACT / POLYMER / ALKALINE (RUNSPEC section) – Defines that surfactant/polymer/alkaline will be used in the model SURFADS / PLYADS / ALKADS (PROPS section) – Specifies surfactant/polymer/alkaline adsorption functions ALSURFAD / ALPOLADS (PROPS section) – surfactant/polymer adsorption multiplier that depends on alkaline concentration SURFROCK / PLYROCK / ALKROCK (PROPS section) – Specifies rock properties SURFST / ALSURST (PROPS section) – Alkaline and surfactant effect on surface tension SURF / POLY (SOLUTION section) – surfactant/polymer initial concentration SURFNUM (REGIONS section) – Saturation function region number in miscibility conditions WSURFACT / WPOLYMER / WALKALIN (SCHEDULE section) – Specifies the concentration of surfactant/polymer/alkaline in the injection stream SURFCAPD, SURFVISC, PLYVISC, PLMIXPAR, PLYSHEAR etc… 10 Opening project 11 1. tNavigator main window. Select simulation in the main menu. Open 2. Open models ASP test/ , 3. Run calculations of both models and wait till the end Run calculations 11 Alkaline concentration as 3D property ( 12 1. Grid Properties. Calculated properties. ASP Flood and Tracers. Alkaline concentration 2. 3D view. Right mouse button click on the palette. Use Local Palette. Logarithmic Palette 3. Each injector injects ASP (Alkaline+Surfactant+Polymer) Keywords WPOLYMER (concentration in injection stream 0.35 lb/stb), WSURFACT (0.3 lb/stb), WALKALIN (2.6 lb/stb) 12 Surfactant concentration in 2D view ( 13 1. Grid Properties. Calculated properties. ASP Flood and Tracers. Surfactant concentration 2. 2D view. Avg (Average) 3. Each injector injects ASP (Alkaline+Surfactant+Polymer) Keywords WPOLYMER (concentration in injection stream 0.35 lb/stb), WSURFACT (0.3 lb/stb), WALKALIN (2.6 lb/stb) 13 Polymer concentration in 2D view ( 14 1. Grid Properties. Calculated Properties. ASP Flood and Tracers. Polymer concentration 2. 2D view. Avg (Average) Time step 133 Time step 344 14 Alkaline effects on Surfactant and Polymer adsorption 15 Alkaline reduces surfactant and polymer adsorption on the rock and thus enhance their effectiveness. Mass of adsorbed surfactant and polymer is calculated via the formula: M ads Porv * Porv – Block pore volume 1 * rock * C ads (C ) * Aad (Calkl ) rock mass in block – porosity C ads – Concentration of absorbed surfactant/polymer (specified via the keyword SURFADS, PLYADS) rock – mass density of the rock (specified via the keyword SURFROCK, PLYROCK) Aad (Calkl ) – adsorption multiplier that depends on the alkaline concentration (specified via the keyword ALSURFAD, ALPOLADS) 15 Surfactant/polymer adsorption keywords 16 SURFADS / PLYADS The number of tables should be equal to the number of saturation function regions. One table row contains parameters: 1. local surfactant/polymer concentration in the solution surrounding the rock (FIELD: lb/stb); 2. corresponding saturated concentration of surfactant/polymer adsorbed by the rock formation (FIELD: lb/lb). ALPOLADS / ALSURFAD The number of tables should be equal to the number of saturation function regions. One table row contains parameters: 1. local alkaline concentration in the solution surrounding the rock (FIELD: lb/stb); 2. Polymer/surfactant adsorption multiplier 16 Adsorbed surfactant concentration ( 1. Grid Properties. Calculated Properties. ASP Flood and Tracers 2. Adsorbed Surfactant concentration 3. Click on the grid block to see the value in that block 17 Adsorbed polymer concentration in 3D view ( 18 1. Grid properties. Calculated properties. ASP Flood and Tracers 2. Adsorbed Polymer concentration 3. Click on the grid block to see the value in this block 18 Alkaline effect on surface tension 19 Alkaline effects on water-oil surface tension in combination with surfactant: WO WO (Csurf ) Ast (Calkl ) WO – surface tension WO (Csurf ) Ast (Calkl ) – surface tension at surfactant concentration and zero alkaline concentration (specified via SURFST) – surface tension multiplier that depends on alkaline concentration (specified via ALSURFST) 19 SATNUM and SURFNUM in 3D view 20 1. Grid Properties. Regions: Saturation Regions (region number 1 for all blocks) and Surfactant miscible regions (region number 2 for all blocks) SATNUM SURFNUM – saturation table numbers that are used to calculate the relative permeabilities at a high surfactant concentration (implies the oil and water are miscible) SATNUM – immiscible saturation functions. SURFNUM 20 Relative permeabilities 21 1. Fluid properties. RP Water-Oil 2. There are 2 regions of relative permeabilities SWOF keywords in PROPS section Region 1 (SATNUM) Region 2 (SURFNUM) 21 ASP on graphs ( 22 To view the graphs of injection/production rates and totals of alkaline, polymer, and surfactant: 1. Go to Graphs. Tracers 2. In the visualization settings check the graphs you want to see 3. If needed, select a particular well or a group 22 ASP on graph templates ( 23 To view the ASP-related values on the graph templates: 1. Under Graphs Templates, open Production Rates or any other existing template 2. In the visualization settings under Tracers check the graphs you want to see 3. Specify the tracer (POLYMER, SURFACTANT, or ALKALINE) on the left panel 4. If needed, select a particular well or a group 23 Comparison of graphs for 2 models 24 1. Open calculated model 2. Document . Load Results. Load tNavigator Graphs from Model File 3. Choose calculated models and 24 Comparison of graphs for 2 models 25 1. Graphs. Totals. Groups – FIELD. Parameters – Oil Total, Water Total for current model, for and for 2. Both ASP and Polymer flooding result in considerable increase in Ultimate Oil Recovery and decrease in Total Water Production. 3. Meanwhile, the efficiency of ASP is higher in terms of Cumulative Oil 25 Thank you for your attention! 26