Presented by: INTRODUCTION Servqual: The SERVQUAL Model is an empiric model by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry to compare service quality performance with customer service quality needs. Their Dimensions are as follows: 1. Reliability: Reliability involves consistency of performance and dependability. It also means company performs the service right time and honours its promise 2. Assurance: The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. 3. Tangibiles: The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials. 4. Empathy: The provision of caring, individualized attention to customer. 5. Responsiveness: The willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service About company Founded In early 2015 to create an eco system for parents to easily access technology enabled solutions to help drive better outcomes for children. They work with Doctors, Academicians, neuroscientist, Psychologist, Nutritionist, Teachers, Schools, Hospitals and research institutions to come up with new ways to simplify the parenting. Objectives To assess the service quality rendered by Parentof solutions Pvt Ltd from the perspective of Tangibility, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, and Responsiveness. To provide suggestions based on the current empirical study. To identify the strength and weakness in their services. Data analysis Variables Age Group Gender Educational Status Profession Characteristics No. of respondents Percentage 20 – 28 5 16% 29 – 35 10 31% 36 – 45 15 47% 46– 50 2 6% Male 9 28% Female 23 72% SSLC/ PUC 5 16% Graduate 11 34% Post Graduate 13 41% College/ but not Graduate 1 3% Others 2 6% Self employed 1 3% Salaried 16 50% home maker 10 31% Professionals 4 13% Others 1 3% Major Findings Percentage Dependent Variables I will recommend this app to whoever seeks my advice about parenting I find the overall services delivered by Parentof is satisfactory Neutral 26 Agree 39 Strongly Agree 35 Neutral 26 Agree 42 Strongly Agree 32 Neutral 22 The progress made by parentof services in today's day as strongly influence Agree the parents mindsets towards parenting Strongly Agree The overall services provided by parentof before downloading and while using the app is satisfactory 50 28 Neutral 36 Agree 37 Strongly Agree 27 Neutral 33 The care expressed by parentof service staff while addressing customers need Agree is satisfactory Strongly Agree 43 24 Regression analysis ANOVA Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 871.340 191.570 1062.910 Df 5 94 99 Mean Square 174.268 2.038 F 85.510 Sig. .000b Table showing T test Model (Constant) Tangibility Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Standardized Coefficients Beta T Sig. Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF .276 .000 1.119 .224 1.021 .056 .260 1.096 3.983 .450 2.222 .190 .076 .233 2.483 .015 .218 4.585 -.303 .141 -.254 -2.149 .034 .137 7.285 .221 .139 .211 1.588 .116 .109 9.212 .611 .097 .576 6.328 .000 .231 4.324 Model Summaryb Model R R square Adjusted R square Std. Error of the Estimate R square Change F change Sing. F Change Durbin Watson 1 0.905 0.82 0.81 1.428 0.82 85.51 0 2.362 Conclusion Out of various responses given by the parents from the age group from 23 years to 45 years, Above obtained results explain 82.0% of the variation in Dependent Variable (Customer satisfaction) was captured by independent variables Tangibility (V1), Reliability (V2), Responsiveness (V3), Assurance (V4) and Empathy (V5) with a standard error of 1.428. Rest of the independent variables posses strong beta coefficients out of which Empathy has the best and followed by Tangibility, Reliability, and Empathy had a significant and positive effect on the overall satisfaction. Assurance is not influencing the change in overall satisfaction. Recommendation Following are the recommendation based on the analysis, 1. This is a new app in a relatively grey area in children upbringing and holds a lot of promise and potential in the future provided it is allowed to evolved on the right lines. 2. App should also be compatible with IOS and other platforms. 3. To address any problem there has to be troubleshoot section in the app since they have no interactions with employees