A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 11 April 25, 2022 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: a. identify the subject and the verb in a sentence; b. choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject; and c. write an example for each of the subject-verb agreement rules. II. SUBJECT MATTER a. Topic: 9 Basic Rules of the Subject-Verb Agreement. b. Reference: https://academicguides.waldenu.ed/writing center/grammar/home c. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Projector, Laptop, Printed Pictures, 1 whole sheet of paper, and colored papers. d. Values Integration: Understanding and Compassion III. LEARNING PROCEDURES A. Preliminary Activities a. Prayer b. Greetings c. Checking of Attendance d. Review B. Motivation The teacher will show the students a sentence, then lets them identify if it is correct or not. Guided Question: 1. Why made you think that the sentence is correct or incorrect? C. Lesson Proper The teacher will discuss the lesson on the 9 Basic Rules of the SubjectVerb Agreement: Rule 1 Singular subjects need singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs. Examples: a. Edina sings beautifully. b. The boys go to church. Exemption to the rule: The pronouns I and You follow a different rule. Examples: I walk at the park. You wash the dishes. Rule 2 Compound subjects connected by and, use a plural verb. Example: Chad and Rachelle are transferring to another school. Rule 3 Consider the subject closer to the verb of two or more subjects joined by OR or NOR. Example: Either her colleagues or her boss leads the opening. Rule 4 If there is a phrase that comes between the subject and the verb, consider the subject and not the noun or pronoun in the phrase. Example: The teacher as well as her students walks to the library. Rule 5 Each, each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody, anyone, nobody, somebody, someone, no one; these are all singular and requires a singular verb. Example: Nobody remembers who lead the school hymn last week. Rule 6 Words such as Mathematics, Measles, Physics, News, and or nouns that end with -s but are not considered plural, requires singular verb. Example: Physics is a difficult subject. Rule 7 Words such as scissors, tweezers, trousers, shears, and the like are always considered plural. Example: My shorts are made of pure cotton. Rule 8 The word "here" and "there" are not subjects. When the sentence starts with these words, the subject is placed after the verb. Example: There is my jacket. There are my jackets. Rule 9 Team, committee, class, family, and the like are collective nouns. - In considering collective nouns as either singular or plural, you have to analyze how the verbs are use. Example: The troop of monkeys is running. The troop of monkeys are doing different fun activities D. Generalization The teacher will show the students some sentences, then let them identify if these are correct or incorrect. Afterwards, she will allow the students to defend their answers. Are the following correct or incorrect? Sentences: I wants to go shopping. My teacher and mentor gives me guidance at school. E. Application Group Activity: The students will perform an activity called “Picture Prompt”. Instructions: 1.The teacher will group the students into three. 2. The group of students will pick a picture and the SubjectVerb Agreement rule from the teacher. 3. The students will construct a sentence using the picture and apply the Subject-Verb Agreement rule. 4. Each group will provide one presenter to discuss their output in front. 5. The students will complete the said activity in 10 minutes. Criteria: Subject-Verb Agreement Rule Usage - 10 points Content - 5 points Presentation - 3 points Teamwork - 2 points Total - 20 points IV. EVALUATION Directions: Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. Put it on a 1 whole sheet of paper. 2 points each. 1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school. 2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting. 3. Mathematics (is, are) John’s favorite subject. 4. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France. 5. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner’s. 6. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully. 7. The committee members (leads, lead) very different lives in privately. 8. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially. 9. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case. 10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win. V. ASSIGNMENT Directions: Write one example for each Subject-Verb Agreement rule. Write your constructed sentences on a one (1) whole sheet of paper. Each sentence is rated two (2) points.