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System Life Cycle Exam Paper (2010-2015)

System Life Cycle PP 2010-2015
14) Joan owns a small company. She wishes to replace the existing computerised
system with a new one. She has employed a systems analyst, Jasvir, to plan this.
(a) Before Jasvir decides on a system he must collect information about the
existing system. Tick whether the following statements about the various methods
of information collection are TRUE or FALSE.
(b) After Jasvir has completed the analysis of the existing system, he will need to
design the new system. Tick four items which would need to be designed
16) After a system has been implemented it needs to be evaluated. Identify two
evaluation strategies and state a reason why each is needed [4]
14) Peter owns a small company. He wishes to replace the existing computerised
system with a new one. He has employed a systems analyst, Sarbjit, to plan this.
(a) Sarbjit wishes to collect information about the existing system using a variety
of methods. Tick TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the following statements
give appropriate reasons why the method would be used. [4]
(b) Sarbjit will need to design the file structure of the new system. Tick four items
which would need to be included in this design
Direct changeover
Parallel running
Phased/Pilot running
16) After a system has been implemented it needs to be tested. Describe two
testing strategies and state a reason why each is needed [4]
16) When a new system is implemented, documentation is provided with it.
Explain why two different types of documentation are produced [4]
19) Describe three actions which might need to be taken as a result of testing a
system [3]
17) A school library is developing a new database of books. After the new system
is developed, it will be tested. (a) Name three items of the system which would
need to be tested [3]
(b) The school librarian is asking students to rate books which they have read and
wishes to include these ratings in the database of books. Each rating will be
between 0 and 10. Below are three different types of test data. For each one name
the type of test data it represents and explain why it is that type of data.
18) When a new system is implemented, different types of documentation are
(a) Identify two items which would be found in both technical documentation and
in user documentation [2]
(b) Identify two items which would be found in user documentation but would not
be found in technical documentation [2]
17) A systems analyst has been asked by a school librarian to update the computer
system she uses to keep records about her books.
(a) The systems analyst must first of all collect information about the existing
system. Describe three methods which could be used to collect this information.
(b) The systems analyst must now produce a screen input form which the librarian
could use for typing in each book’s details. Design a suitable screen input form to
enter the details of one book. It should contain appropriate spacing for each field,
as well as navigation aids. [5]
(c) Name three methods which would be used in a library to input data about books
or borrowers [3]
18) A new computer system storing examination results out of 100 is to be tested
using a range of test data. For each item of test data below, name the type of test
data used, explaining your choice. Use each type once only
19) When a new system is implemented, documentation is provided with it.
Identify the two different types of documentation produced and name two different
components in each [6]
16) A company is developing a new computer system. After the new system is
developed, it will be implemented.
(a) Name two methods of implementation. Give one advantage and one
disadvantage of each. [6]
(b) After the system is implemented it will be evaluated. Identify three activities
which would need to be carried out in evaluating the system [3]
16) After a system has been implemented it needs to be tested. Describe two
testing strategies and state a reason why each is needed. [4]
14) John owns a small company. He wishes to replace the existing computerised
system with a new one. He has employed a systems analyst, Iqbal, to plan this.
(a) Iqbal will need to collect information about the existing system. Describe three
methods he could use to do this [3]
(b) Iqbal has completed the Analysis of the existing system. Describe three items
of file structure which he would need to design for the new system [3]
(c) After a system is designed it will be implemented. Describe each of the
following methods of implementation [4]
19) Describe two methods of data verification [4]
12) Alan owns a small company. He wishes to replace the existing computerised
system with a new one. He has employed a systems analyst, José, to plan this.
(a) José will collect information about the existing system and design the new
system. Tick whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE [4]
(b) Name and describe three types of test data which are used when testing a
system [3]
(c) After the system has been implemented it will be evaluated. Tick four activities
which José will need to carry out as part of the evaluation [4]
(d) Part of José’s job will be to produce both technical and user documentation for
the new system. For each type of documentation give two reasons why it is needed
14) Sarbjit owns a small company with little money to spare. He wishes to replace
the existing computerised system with a new one. He has already made backups of
the existing system. He has employed a systems analyst, Tom, to plan the new
(a) Tom wishes to collect information about the existing system. Give four
methods he could use and for each give a reason why it would be used. [8]
(b) Tom will need to design the file structure of the new system. List four items
which would need to be included in this design. [4]
(c) After the system is developed it will be implemented. Describe the most
appropriate method Sarbjit should choose giving two reasons [3]
4) A test is marked out of 20 and recorded as an integer. Tick whether each of the
following marks is an example of abnormal data or extreme data. [4]
12) Name and describe three validation checks which could be carried out on a 16digit credit card number when it is typed into a computer. [6]
15) Gita has employed Johann, a systems analyst, to create a new database system for her car
sales business. She only sells cars made by Rock and only the models Feisty, Mendo and
Galactica in red, blue or gold. Most of the cars have air conditioning but some do not. She sells
3, 4 and 5 door cars.
(a) Give a reason why would it not be sensible to have a Make field in the database [1]
ANS: Would always be the same contents/waste space putting in duplicated field
(b) Complete the design table below giving the field names which would be used in the database
and describing the most appropriate validation check which could be carried out on each
field. [7]
Must be Feisty or Mendo or Galactica
Must be red, blue or gold
Air conditioning
Boolean check - Must be yes or no
Number of doors
Range check >2 AND =3 AND <=5
(c) Discuss verification and validation [6]
4) An examination is marked out of 100 and the mark is recorded as an integer.
Tick whether each of the following marks is an example of abnormal data or
normal data. [4]
12) (b) Compare and contrast parallel running and direct changeover as ways of
implementing the new database system. [5]
13) A teacher has developed a new system for keeping a record of student
examination marks on her laptop and wishes to test it. Each examination is marked
out of 50. Identify three types of test data she could use and describe each type
using an example [6]
10) Describe the three types of test data: Normal, Abnormal, Extreme. [3]
Normal data – data within a (given) range/appropriate for that data type (1)
Abnormal data – data outside the range/of the wrong data type (1)
Extreme data – data on the boundaries of the range (1)
14) John owns a small company. He wishes to replace the existing computerised
system with a new one. He has employed a systems analyst, Iqbal, to plan this.
(a) Iqbal will need to collect information about the existing system. Describe three
methods he could use to do this. [3]
(b) Iqbal has completed the Analysis of the existing system. Describe three items
of file structure which he would need to design for the new system. [3]
(c) After a system is designed it will be implemented. Describe each of the
following methods of implementation. [4]
3) Tick TRUE or FALSE next to each of these statements about methods of
implementation. [4]
9) A group of car mechanics wants to have an expert system to help them with
their work in diagnosing car engine faults. Describe how such a system would be
created [5]
13) (b) Explain the differences between parallel running and direct changeover as
ways of implementing the new database [5].
16) Iqbal wants to test the new computerised payroll system he would like to
introduce to his company. No company worker is paid less than $100 and no
worker is paid more than $500. Explain what is meant by the following three types
of test data using examples of the wages paid to workers
ANS: Normal data – data within a (given) range/appropriate for that data type [1]
Example – any wage between $100 and $500 [1]
Abnormal data – data outside the range/of the wrong data type [1] Example –
any wage less than $100 or greater than $500 or text example [1]
Extreme data – data on the boundaries of the range [1] Example – $100 or $500.
12) When large volumes of data are input to a new system it is usual to carry out
verification and validation on this data. (b) Name and describe two methods of
verification which could be used [4]
(c) Explain why it is necessary to carry out validation even though the data has
been verified. [3]
4) An examination mark is recorded as an integer in a database. The marks are
between 0 and 100. Name and describe two validation checks which would be used
to check the marks as they are entered. [4]
14) The head teacher of a school has employed Pierre, a systems analyst, to create
a new database system to keep details of all students. Each student will be
allocated a unique ten digit reference number.
Pierre has written out some of the questions that the head teacher might ask. He
can then analyse these in order to design a database which may answer these
Some are: Which year is Johann Schmidt in? (the school has students in years 7 to
13) Does Anita Nash have a sibling (brother or sister) in the school?
(a) Complete the data dictionary table below giving the field names which would
be used in the database and identifying a validation check for each field. [6]
System Life Cycle Past Paper 2013-2015
9) Students are using questionnaires to find information about workers at a
company. They are going to construct a database to store the results. Each worker
at the company has an individual works number which starts with a letter and has 6
digits e.g. A123456. Below is part of a questionnaire which some students have
created to collect the results.
(b) Name the validation check which would be most suitable to ensure that data
entered for question 1 of the questionnaire is acceptable. [1]
ANS: Format/picture/length
11) Put the following steps into the correct order that the systems analyst would
follow. [5]
17) A car company has decided to develop an expert system to help mechanics
with their diagnoses of car faults.
(a) Describe steps required in the analysis and design of such a system. [5]
(b) Name two other applications which involve the use of expert systems. [2]
8) The chemistry department in a school keeps its stock records on computer. The
stock for any item is not allowed to fall below 10 or go above 100. Here are
examples of records from the suggested database
(a) As the data is entered it will need to be verified. Name two ways in which the
data could be verified. [2]
ANS: Visual verification [1] Double data entry [1]
(b) For each of these validation checks write down the field that would be best
suited to it. You must name three different fields. [3]
Range: Number_in_Stock [1]
Length: Area_code [1]
Check digit: Serial_number [1]
(d) The new system will be implemented. Describe three different ways in which
the system could be implemented. [3]
(e) After the system is implemented the library will be given two types of
documentation. [4]
(i) One type will help people use the new system. Give two examples of the
contents of this type of documentation. [2]
(ii) The other type will help a programmer or systems analyst who wants to
upgrade the system. Give two examples of the contents of this type of
documentation. [2]
4) Tick whether the following tasks are carried out in the Evaluation or Analysis
phase of the systems life cycle. [4]
12) Here is part of a database of students born between 1st January 1999 and 31st
December 1999. It shows the number of IGCSEs each student is taking next year.
No student is allowed to take more than 10 IGCSEs. Each student has a seven digit
Student_number. Some of the data has been entered incorrectly.
(a) Paul Nixon has an incorrect Student_number. For each of the following fields
write down the names of the students whose data has been entered incorrectly. [3]
(i) Year_of_birth: Joyce Alonzo and Aftab Ali
(ii) Gender: Maria Jones
(iii) Number_of_IGCSEs: David Senior
(b) Identify two methods of verification [2]
Visual verification/visually comparing data entered with original [1]
Double data entry/entering data twice and the computer compares them [1]
(c) For each field, name a different validation check which would have prevented
the errors in the following fields. [3]
(i) Year_of_birth: Range (check)/lookup (check)
(ii) Number_of_IGCSEs: (Invalid) character (check)/type (check)
(iii) Student_number : Length (check)
15) A mining company has asked a knowledge engineer to devise an expert system
to help them with their prospecting for valuable minerals. Describe how this expert
system would be created. [5]
11) The owner of a shop wants a new computer system to store the records of all
the stock and customers. The systems analyst will need to find out how the existing
system works.
(a) Describe, in detail, two out of the four possible ways she could find out this
information. [4]
(b) After analysing the existing system, the systems analyst will design a database.
Identify four items that the systems analyst will need to design for the database. [4]
After the system is designed, it will be developed, then implemented.
(c) Name two methods, other than direct changeover, that could be used to
implement the system and give an advantage for each method compared to direct
changeover. [4]
8) The owner of a sports club has recently had a new computerised stock control
system installed. He employed a systems analyst to research the existing system
and then install the new system.
(a) Tick the relevant stage of the systems analysis and design (systems life cycle)
for each of the following activities. [4]
(b) Name and describe three methods of implementation. [6]
2) Below is a list of statements. Each statement is true for only one of the given
methods of implementation. Tick the method which matches the statement. [4]
15) One of the stages in systems analysis and design is called development and
testing. Describe the different testing strategies that can be used on a new system.
13) A company has decided to introduce a new computer system. It has employed
a systems analyst to oversee this. Her first task is to research the current system.
(b) The new system will be designed after the current system is analysed. Identify
three items which will be part of the design. [3]
13) A company is going to introduce a new computer system. The company
employs drivers to deliver orders and they are rarely in the office for more than a
few minutes. The office secretaries process the orders and dislike being
interrupted. A manager is in charge of the current system and appointments can be
made to see her.
(a) Name three methods of researching the current system other than from
examining documents. Identify the workers that each method would be most
suitable for. Each method will be used with a different type of worker. [6]
(b) After the current system has been researched, the new system will be designed.
This means that the file structure will be designed. Identify three items of a flat file
structure which will form part of this activity [3]