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Price, Quality, Brand Awareness & Customer Satisfaction

Price is defined as the sum of cost-plus half of the consumer overflow (Wang, Tang, Zhang, Sun
& Xiong 2021:16). Particularly, the price is the variable through which it is implied to satisfy the
value within the market (Cataluna, Perez & Prada 2018:120). Furthermore, Mostafa and Elseidi
(2018:341) indicated price as the degree to which consumers focuses only on paying low without
considering the item unmistakable qualities that legitimise any increment in price. Having the
above definitions in mind, price denotes the amount of money expected, required, or given in
payment for product or service. In marketing literature, relationship between price and customer
satisfaction have been found by researchers such as (Haq 2018:98; Zardi, Wardi & Evanita
2019:863; Zhao, Yao, Liu & Yang 2021:9), to mention few. Furthermore, Razak, Nirwanto and
Triatmanto (2016:64) found that when the customer is satisfied with the unswerving toothpaste
that emphasizes a regulated quality followed with an affordable price can increase the customer
satisfaction, it appears in the interest of the consumers to re-purchase repeatedly. From the abovementioned relationships, the current study propose the following;
H1: There is positive relationship between price and customer satisfaction
According to Jean, Iibert and Rivano (2016:4) quality is based on the early efforts for
standardization and the establishment of industrial norms which means it is based on a precise
measurement. As such, quality is homogeneous meaning products of region A should be perfectly
substitutable to product. Quality is an attribute of a product or service that indicate how well it fits
the needs of its customers; as a result, it is linked to customer satisfaction XXXXX. Quality in
contrast to products is regarded as a difficult and illusive task (Razak, Nirwanto & Triatmanto
Brand awareness
The quality or state of being aware; knowledge and understanding that something is happening or
exists (Diamond 2021). How knowledgeable potential consumers are about your brand, services,
product. How consumers are of their needs and wants in relation to your company’s offerings
(Team 2020:17).
Customer satisfaction and purchasing intention
The satisfaction perception is considered as the most vital construct in sports marketing and
businesses alike because it plays a key role on business performance as a predictor of purchase
intention (Saleem, Ghafar, Ibrahim, Yousuf& Ahmed 2015:23). Customer satisfaction is a level
where expectation of a certain products exceed customers’ expectations after comparing the
service quality or product received under what is expected and the performance of the product
meets the customers expected performance (Sharma & Patra 2021:130). Satisfaction refers to any
findings about requirement of goods and services which completes the pleasant level of
consumption (Ioannou & Bakirtzoglou 2016:438; Han & Hyun 2018:78). A case has been made
by Razak, Nirwanto and Triatmanto (2016:59) that customer satisfaction is determined by the
quality and price of the products desired by the customer, claimed that product quality is a major
determinant of consumer satisfaction. With this research in mind, customer are satisfied if they get
maximum value for their time and better service from stores.
Define Purchasing intention X2
The Importance of PI
The relationship between CS and PI
(. They further specified Customer satisfaction is as an outcome of evaluation and satisfaction
related to buying and consumption of products or services. Customer satisfaction is a level where
expectation of a certain products exceed customers’ expectations after comparing the service
quality or product received under what is expected and the performance of the product meets the
customers expected performance Sharma and Patra (2021:130). In addition,. Price is often
considered as the most figure within the acquiring choice of customers (Hauck, Rabta & Reiner
It is highly unpredictable to know consumers decision when buying a product in the market as
more and more products offerings are developed. As customer choice is widened with more brand
awareness among consumers, the more impact on the customer satisfaction can be measured more
accurately (Poranki 2015:38).
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