Uploaded by Nguyen Thong

ROM-PHOTO -DLHI-03102022

Overview Process for Fabrication on 03 Oct 2022
1. Material incoming.
Overview painting material incomming
Overview painting material incomming
Material inspection request
Painting with label
Painting with label
Painting with label
2. Process preparation for fabrication
Overview process preparation for fabrication
Single part with identification
Single part with identification
Single part with identification
Single part with identification
Single part with identification
3. Process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
Overview process fabrication for Gr.50
4. Process fabrication for Gr.51
Overview process fabrication for Gr.51
Overview process fabrication for Gr.51
Overview process fabrication for Gr.51
Overview process fabrication for Gr.51
MT for handrails for Gr.51
Overview process fabrication for Gr.51
5. Overview process final dimension for Gr.50
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
Items with final dimension with marking (signed)
6. Overview process re-visual after blasting.
Re-visual after blasting
Re-visual after blasting
Re-visual after blasting
Re-visual after blasting
Re-visual after blasting
Re-visual after blasting
Overview blasting and painting .
Overview blasting casing panel
Overview blasting casing panel
Overview casing panel after painting
Overview casing panel after painting
Overview structure after applied primer
Overview structure after applied primer