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Clinical Portfolio
Vince Uy
York University
Laura Nicholson, Jacob Mannil
April 8, 2022
Table of Contents
Title Page ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2
Copy of CPP .................................................................................................................................. 3
Resume ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Learning Plan ............................................................................................................................. 5-7
Accountability Documents 1,2,3 .............................................................................................. 8-10
Learning Evidences ................................................................................................................ 11-18
Clinical Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 19-35
Time Log Documentation ..................................................................................................... 36-39
Complete CPP can be found in the google drive link below:
Vince Ivan Uy
54 Ashbrook Way, Brampton, ON L6Y 4R4
Cellphone: (647) 217-2094 || Email: uy_vinceivan@yahoo.ca
Personal Profile:
I am an enthusiastic and friendly individual. I enjoy working as a team with a positive attitude to
achieve any task.
York University Keele Campus
Sept 2018 - Present
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Clinical Experience:
The McCall Centre for Continuing Care Rehab Unit
RN Consolidation Placement
Sentinel City Virtual Simulation
Sept 2020 – Dec 2020
Assessed different patient scenarios in a virtual mental health unit using mental health
assessments such as the mental status examination.
Promoted therapeutic environments through communicative skills
Oxford Medical Simulation
Sept 2019 – Dec 2019
Worked with multiple patients in a geriatric unit and created therapeutic relationships through
conversating with multiple patients.
De-escalated multiple scenarios in patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Work Experience
Sam’s No-Frills; Meat Clerk
Jan 2020 – March 2020
Worked with many patients in a respirology unit and provided interventions such as suctioning,
oxygen delivery via nasal prongs/simple face masks, medication administration, and wound care.
Collaborated with other health care professionals such as a respiratory technician to improve
patient health care
Brampton Civic Hospital Gerontology Unit
May 2020 – Aug 2020
Provided nursing interventions on a virtual respirology unity including suction, resuscitation,
providing oxygen, wound care, and medication administration.
Brampton Civic Hospital Respirology Unit
Sept 2021 – Dec 2021
Performed virtual community assessments to examine the health and wellbeing of communities
January 2022 – April 2022
June 2016 – Present
Continuous customer interactions and working as a team in a fast-paced environment
Commended excellent customer care/service
o De-escalated customer complaints and left multiple customers satisfied
 Knights Table & Canadian Food for Children
January 2016 – March 2016
 Certifications in CPR + AED, BLS, WHIMIS, COVID-19
 Fluent in English and Tagalog both written and verbal
References Available Upon Request
Student Name: Vince Uy
Student Number: 216168718
CCD: Jacob Mannil
Term: Winter 2022
Part A: Learning Plan
HH/NURS 4527 9.0 Integrated Nursing Science Practicum
School of Nursing, York University
Individual Learning Goals
*Also identify the course
outcome you are working
toward through your goal
Learning Goal #1
Participate in the development
of care plans and understand
the importance of
interdisciplinary collaboration
associated with the creation of
care plans.
(Link to Course outcome 5:
Establish and maintain
collaborative relationships with
nursing colleagues, interprofessional team members,
and clients/communities
(Relates to Program Goals # 1,
3, 5, 6, & 7).
Activities to Achieve Goals
(What will I/we do to achieve
this goal?)
*These activities should reflect
or link to the indicators for the
course objective you are
working toward meeting
1. Collaborate with
interdisciplinary team
members such as RNs,
OTs, PTs, and Registered
Dietitians to understand
different care plans from
different perspectives.
RNs may create fall
prevention plans and
cognitive functioning
plans. PTs and OTs may
create functional mobility
care plans and Dietitians
may create nutritional care
2. Conduct patient interviews
and understand first
handedly from the patients
the patient’s goals to
Resources and Supports
What supports will you
need to achieve your goal?
Evaluation Criteria (Learning
*be specific
Previous onsite clinical
care plans
CNO Professional
Practice Standards
Preceptor guidance to
solidify understanding
The successful achievement of goal 1
will be shown through:
 Clinical Portfolio
 A successful creation of a
care plan for a patient which
includes inputs from the
interdisciplinary members
 Midterm & Final Clinical
 Clinical Preceptor can
observe the care plan and
determine if successful.
28th 2022
create a more personal
plan of care
Learning Goal #2
Be able to competently provide
medication teaching by
understanding the
pharmacological aspects of
patient medications so that
patients know what medication
they will be taking and how the
medication will work to
stabilize/improve their health.
(Link to Course outcome # 1:
Demonstrate accountability to
the public by practicing in
accordance with professional
standards of nursing practice
and the current entry-level
competencies for Registered
Nurses of the College of Nurses
of Ontario (Relates to Program
Goals # 1 & 4).)
Learning Goal #3
Be able to interpret lab values
regarding diabetes to improve
critical thinking skills and
utilize a blood sugar scanner in
1. I will review previous
pharmacology notes to
solidify my understanding
about the various types of
2. Review patient medication
prior to administering the
medication to prepare for
health teaching moments.
3. Note all common
medications the unit has in
order to help focus on
which medications to
1. I will observe how to
utilize a blood sugar
scanner so that I may be
able to know how to
assess a patient’s blood
sugar levels and provide
care accordingly.
Preceptor guidance
Patient MARs to
review common
Internet resources such
as YouTube (NCLEX
RN) to assist in
understanding different
drug mechanisms
The successful achievement of goal 2
will be shown through:
 Clinical Portfolio
 Creation of drug cards with
their respective mechanism
of actions.
 Have my preceptor observe
my medication health
teaching while performing
medication administration.
 Have my patients repeat
what I have taught them, so
I know the patients
understand my teaching.
 Midterm & Final Clinical
31st 2022
Review previous
lecture notes regarding
diabetes and types of
Preceptor can
demonstrate how to
The successful achievement of goal 3
will be shown through:
 Clinical Portfolio
 After understanding and
obtaining blood glucose
levels, be able to
successfully determine
28th 2022
order to appropriately hold or
administer insulin competently.
(Link to Course outcome #3:
Demonstrate praxis, in
incorporating multiple ways of
knowing, evidence- informed
care, and critical-reflective
practice in the humanization of
health care (Relates to Program
Goals # 2, 3, 5, 8, & 9).)
2. I will review different lab
values and their meanings
to solidify my
understanding of different
conditions including:
(hyper/hypoglycemia, etc)
3. I will review the different
types of insulin and
understand the different
mechanism of actions of
each type of insulin.
4. Understand how and when
to administer insulin (can
be time specific)
use a blood sugar
Internet resources such
as videos on YouTube
can show how to
administer insulin
whether to administer
diabetic interventions or
 Creation of drug cards for
the mechanism of actions of
different types of insulins.
 Midterm & Final Clinical
 Clinical Preceptor can
observe if my diabetic
medication intervention is
competent and successful.
Accountability Record #1
Student and Preceptor Information
Please ensure that you enter the required data below:
Student Full Name: Vince Ivan Uy
Student Number: 216 168 718
Email: visu@my.yorku.ca
Course Director’s Name: Laura Nicholson
Clinical Course Director’s Name: Jacob Mannil
Placement Agency and Unit: Long Term Care – The McCall Centre for Continuing Care
Preceptor’s Full Name: Elizabeth DeSousa Mendonca
Preceptor’s Contact Information and Email:
Phone: 647-457-0022
Work: 416-259-2573
Email: desousamendonca@hotmail.com
Accountability Record #2
Learning Plan and 1st Clinical Course Director (CCD) Meeting
Please ensure that you enter the required data below:
Student Full Name: Vince Uy
Student Number: 216 168 718
Email: visu@my.yorku.ca
Clinical Course Director’s Name: Jacob Mannil
Date when my learning Plan is finalized: Friday February 11, 2022
Date of my first CCD meeting: Thursday February 10, 2022
Accountability Record #3
Final Evaluation and CCD meeting
Please ensure that you enter the required data below:
Student Full Name: Vince Uy
Student Number: 216168718
Email: visu@my.yorku.ca
Clinical Course Director’s Name: Jacob Mannil
My final evaluation was completed: Yes, on April 08, 2022
Type of Visit:
Learning Evidences
Normal Blood Glucose Level: 70-140mg/dL
Types of Insulin:
Rapid Acting
Onset: 5-15 minutes
• Peak: 60 minutes
• Duration: 2-4 hours
• Indications: Rapid acting insulins are
used prior to meals to correct hyperglycemia
• Route: Given only SQ
• Meds: Humalog, Lispro, Aspart
Short Acting (Regular Insulin)
• Onset: ½ to 1 hour
• Peak: 2 - 4 hours
• Duration: 4 - 6hours
• Used also for coverage in sliding scale as well for emergency coverage
• Route: Given SQ, IV
• Meds: Regular insulin, Humulin R, Novalin R, Velosulin BR
Intermediate Acting
• Onset: 2 - 4 hours
• Peak: 4 - 12 hours
• Duration: 16 - 20 hours
• Route: Administered SQ only; has protein derivative in the product that prolongs the insulin.
It is therefore cloudy & must be gently rotated to mix.
• Meds: Humulin N, Iletin NPH. Look for N or NPH on the label
Very Long Acting: Basal Insulins
Onset: 1 hour
• No Peak as this agent is sustained over 24 hours
• Duration: 24 hours
• This agent is clear. Cannot be mixed with any other insulin. Usually given HS
• Route: only administered SQ
• Meds: Lantus (glargine), Detremir (Levemir)
Combination Insulin
These are two types of insulin that
are pre-mixed in the same
container. They always contain
regular and intermediate acting
• They include: 50/50; 70/30; 75/25
• All are cloudy and need rotating
prior to SQ injection (only).
Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Consume fruits, fruit-juice, snacks containing sugar such as cookies.
o I had a patient who was hypoglycemic in the morning around 5am with her blood sugar
level at around 3.7 mmol/L. My nurse and I provided her with fruit-juice and a cookie
and checked 20 minutes later and her blood sugar was 6.1 mmol/L.
Acetaminophen – Analgesic/Anti-pyretic
Divalproex – Anticonvulsant
Pantoprazole – Proton Pump Inhibitor; treats esophagitis caused by stomach acid / GERD / ZES
Pregabalin – Anticonvulsant / Anxiolytic; used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain
Senokot – Stimulant Laxative; Keeps water in the intestine which causes movement of the
Bisoprolol – Beta Blocker; Treats symptoms of HTN and HF
Perindopril – ACE Inhibitor; Treats HTN and CAD
Rosuvastatin – Synthetic Lipid Lowering Agent; Lowers bad cholesterols and raises good
Tamoxifen – Antineoplastic; Treat symptoms of Breast Cancer
Vitamin D3 – Treats Vitamin D deficiency, Maintain bone strength
Vitamin C – Treat Vitamin C deficiency, treat Scurvy
Emolax / PEG – Laxative; Treats constipation
Lovenox – Anticoagulant; Prevent and treat symptoms of blood clots (DVT) and chest pain
Tamsulosin – Alpha Blocker; Relaxes muscles in the prostate so urine can flow easy
Alendronate – Bisphosphonate; Prevents bone breakdown and increases bone density
Ferrous Fumarate – Iron Supplement; Produces red blood cells, treats low blood levels of iron
Ramipril – ACE Inhibitor; Treats HTN, HF, Prevents MI and Stroke
Vitamin B12 – Used to treat pernicious anemia, treats deficiency
Tums – Antacid; Neutralizes stomach acid by inhibiting pepsin
Allopurinol – Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor; Reduces the production of uric acid in the body
Candesartan – Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist; Lowers blood pressure by blocking a
substance in the body that causes the blood vessels to tighten
Atorvastatin – Statin; slows the production of cholesterol in the body
Ondansetron – Antiemetic; prevent N/V that may be caused by surgery or chemotherapy
Dexamethasone – Corticosteroid; reduces symptoms of swelling and allergic-type reactions
Gabapentin – Anticonvulsant; Treats seizures
Magnesium Oxide – Can be used as an antacid, or short-term laxative
Ciprofloxacin – Quinolone Antibiotic; Kills bacteria / prevents bacterial growth
Pradaxa – Anticoagulant; prevents blood clots
Rabeprazole – Proton Pump Inhibitor; Decreases the amount of acid made in the stomach
Myrbetriq – Beta-3 adrenergic Agonist; relaxes bladder muscles to prevent frequent
uncontrolled urination
Eliquis – Anticoagulant; helps prevent blood clot formation
Furosemide – Loop Diuretic; treats edema in HF, Liver disease or Kidney disorder
Metoprolol – Beta blocker
Mirtazapine – Antidepressant
Spironolactone – Aldosterone Receptor Antagonist; causes kidneys to eliminate unneeded
water and sodium, reduces loss of potassium from body
Celecoxib – NSAID (COX-2 Inhibitor); relieves pain caused by osteoarthritis/arthritis
metFORMIN – Biguanide; helps control the amount of sugar in the blood
Citalopram – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI); treats depression by increasing
Allopurinol – Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor; reduces production of uric acid in the body
Baclofen – Skeletal Muscle Relaxant; acts on the spinal cord nerve and decreases muscle spasm
Clopidogrel – Antiplatelet; Works by preventing platelets from collecting and forming clots
Escitalopram – SSRI; increases serotonin help mood
Florastor – Probiotic; improve digestion and restore normal flora
Voltaren emugel – NSAID; treats pain and inflammation of joints tendons and ligaments
Enoxaparin – LMWH; prevents blood clot in the leg
Paroxetine – SSRI; antidepressant, increases serotonin
Aspirin – NSAID; reduces risk of having a heart attack in people who have heart disease, reduce
risk of stroke
Plan of Care: Patient #1
Fall prevention Care Plan
Goal – Patient is Free of Falls
Intervention – Ensure that call bell and personal items are within reach, patient is wearing
properly fitted footwear, and bed is left in the lowest position. Caregivers (PSW, RNs/RPNs) to
assess hourly for toileting needs. Ensure room is free of clutter to reduce risk of falls and ensure
appropriate lighting in the room.
Evaluation – Progressing
Functional Mobility Care Plan
Goal – Functional Mobility is maintained/improved
Intervention – Patient to perform daily exercises (active or passive range of motion) at least
once daily. Encourage patient to perform routine activities of daily living such as grooming, selffeeding, maintaining continence and oral care. Provide patient education about the importance
of mobility.
Evaluation - Progressing
Cognitive Functioning Care Plan
Goal – Cognitive functioning is maintained or improved
Intervention – Re-orient patient to person, place, time, and reason for hospitalization daily,
assess patient’s goals and document accordingly.
Evaluation - Progressing
Skin Integrity Care Plan
Goal – Skin Integrity is maintained or improved
Intervention – Ensure cream applied to dry/reddened areas. Wound care to be done daily,
document any worsening wounds (Left Heel Unstageable Wound). Ensure booties to Left Heel
is always on to offload Left heel and prevent wound from worsening. Turn patient every two
hours/as needed, minimize layers of linen. Educate patient of the importance of repositing to
prevent pressure sores. Assess skin daily and observe bony prominences. Ensure skin is clean
and dry.
Evaluation - Progressing
Pain Management Care Plan
Goal – Patient’s pain is managed/controlled
Intervention – Assess pain as needed and offer PRN pain medication. Use non-pharmacological
ways to control pain.
Evaluation - Progressing
Nutrition and Hydration Care Plan
Goal – Maintaining nutritional needs
Intervention – Monitor overall intake of each meal, encourage independence in feeding and
provide nutrition education as appropriate. Encourage for more fluid intake to flush out UTI.
Evaluation - Progressing
Elimination Care Plan
Goal – Maintain bowel and bladder function
Intervention – Monitor last bowel movement, assess urine output (colour and consistency),
Ensure urinal, and call bell within reach. Encourage patient to use the call bell if necessary for
assistance with urinal emptying.
Evaluation – Progressing
Care Plan – Patient #2
Fall prevention Care Plan
Goal – Patient is Free of Falls
Intervention – Ensure that call bell and personal items are within reach, patient is wearing
properly fitted footwear, and bed is left in the lowest position. Caregivers (PSW, RNs/RPNs) to
assess hourly for toileting needs. Ensure room is free of clutter to reduce risk of falls and ensure
appropriate lighting in the room.
Evaluation – Progressing
Functional Mobility Care Plan
Goal – Functional Mobility is maintained/improved
Intervention – Patient to perform daily exercises (active or passive range of motion) at least
once daily. Encourage patient to perform altered activities of daily living (use bed pan instead of
toileting due to newly diagnosed condition of pathological bone fracture due to cancer) and the
routine activities of daily living such as grooming, self-feeding, maintaining continence and oral
care. Patient to be in a wheelchair for up to an hour as requested. Provide patient education
about the importance of mobility.
Evaluation - Progressing
Cognitive Functioning Care Plan
Goal – Cognitive functioning is maintained or improved
Intervention – Re-orient patient to person, place, time, and reason for hospitalization daily,
assess patient’s goals and document accordingly.
Evaluation - Progressing
Skin Integrity Care Plan
Goal – Skin Integrity is maintained or improved
Intervention – Turn patient every two hours/as needed, minimize layers of linen. Educate
patient of the importance of repositing to prevent pressure sores. Assess skin daily and observe
bony prominences. Ensure skin is clean and dry.
Evaluation - Progressing
Pain Management Care Plan
Goal – Patient’s pain is managed/controlled
Intervention – Assess pain as needed and offer PRN pain medication. Use non-pharmacological
ways to control pain.
Evaluation - Progressing
Nutrition and Hydration Care Plan
Goal – Maintaining nutritional needs
Intervention – Monitor overall intake of each meal, encourage independence in feeding and
provide nutrition education as appropriate.
Evaluation - Progressing
Elimination Care Plan
Goal – Maintain bowel and bladder function
Intervention – Monitor last bowel movement, assess urine output (colour and consistency),
Ensure urinal, bed pan, and call bell within reach. Encourage patient to use the call bell if
necessary for assistance with urinal/bedpan placement/emptying.
Evaluation – Progressing
Part B: Practicum Evaluation
HH/NURS 4527 9.0 Integrated Nursing Science Practicum
School of Nursing, York University
Vince Uy
CCD: Jacob Mannil
Preceptor Elizabeth deSousa Mendonca RN Date:
April 04, 2022
Unit/Agency: McCall 3rd Floor,
Winter 2022
Note: Person/Client may refer to: an individual, a family, a client group or a community. Please check the appropriate
qualifier in the shaded box and provide supportive narrative comments. For additional comments, please attach
documentation. Thank you.
Individual Performance
Course Outcome #1: Demonstrate
accountability to the public by
practicing in accordance with
professional standards of nursing
practice and the current Entry to
Practice Competencies for Registered
Nurses of the College of Nurses of
Ontario. (Linked with 4th year level goal
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Professional 2.1-2.14
Midterm Evaluation
Final Evaluation
Student Comments: I have been given multiple
opportunities to demonstrate accountaibility to the
public. For instance, during medicine administration, I
ensure that I practice within the professional standards of
nursing practice by understanding the 10 patient rights to
medication administration. Prior to administering
medicine I ensure that I understand how the medication
works and then I provide patient teaching to how each
medication works.
Student Comments: I believe that I have
exemplified course outcome #1 throughout this
semester. I have been performing competent
nursing care such as medpass and wound care on a
weekly basis in accordance with professional
standards of nursing practice. I always ensure to
perform medpass competently by adhering to the
10 patient rights to medication administration. I
also perform wound care competently by adhering
to wound care techniques. Furthermore, I seek
assistance when I have any pertinent questions.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince also demonstrates
continued public accountabilities through nurse client
relationship. Always introduces himself as a student RN.
Follows up with patient concerns pain and seeks
appropriate assistance.
Preceptor/CCD Comments:Vince continued to
demonstrate his professional accountabilities by
maintaining the standards of medication
administration, Nurse client relationship, Ethics,
and Codes of conduct. Vince was able to provide
and administer medication to 10-12 patients. Vince
was also able to provide treatments to 10-12
patients on the unit. Vince was always present and
on time for his shift. He maintains integrity through
respect for all patients and staff.he maintains
privacy and confidentiality by being mindful of
surroundings. He continued to work on his learning
plan and meeting several goals including care
planning, and continued to evaluate and self reflect
on his own practice. He recognizes the
appropriateness of seeking assistance.He had the
opportunity to participate in ethical decisions and
understands the importance of the Interdisciplinary
teams involvement. He has an understanding of
regulatory bodoes such as Public Health, ONA, and
RNAO. Regularly reports to CN daily occurences
and recognizes priority reporting ex- change in
patient acuity including patient with diarrhea, as
well as physical assessments of new admissions.
Vince is able to identify safety concerns and
reports- PPE use and signage.
Course Outcome #2: Enhance health
and healing in individuals, families,
groups and/or communities/populations
in a variety of traditional and nontraditional settings through synthesizing
knowledge from nursing and other
disciplines to guide assessments, care
and health promotion. (Linked with 4th
year level goals #2,8)
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Clinician 1.1-1.27
Educator 8.1-8.5
Student Comments: I have been able to progress towards
this course outcome through multiple experiences. For
instance, through the knowledge learned from the
physiotherapy discipline, I encouraged my patients to be
active and participate in physiotherapy as much as they
can so that they can stay strong. I explained the concept
of move it or lose it where not using a muscle for a
prolonged period of time can cause muscle atrophy and
weakness to some of my patients.
Student Comments: I have been continuing to
enhance patient health and healing through multiple
scenarios. For instance, through a learned
experience from an injury prevention seminar, I
have provided health teaching to patients who were
prone to skin breakdown to switch positions in
order to prevent skin breakdown. Also, from a
nutritional perspective, I have encouraged patients
to consume as much of their meals and explained
the importance of adequate nutrition as a factor to a
healthy lifestyle.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince demonstrated both
competencies through the admission process. Head to toe
physical assessment. Also completed pain assessment
administered and health teaching provided follow
through with CN + MD.
Course Outcome #3: Demonstrate
praxis, in incorporating multiple ways of
knowing, evidence-informed care, and
critical-reflective practice in the
humanization of health care. (Linked
with 4th year level goals #3,8)
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince meets his
competencies by client centered care through full
HTT physical assessments of patients. He is
compassionate, safe and ethical. Respectful of all
patients he encounters. He continued to work on
new admissions requiring history taking, gathering
of patient information and developed Kardex
(unit’s care plan) Vince has had opportunity to
teach and monitor medication and understands the
potential side effects of meds and appropriate
monitoring/follow up. Provided appropriate
interventions for patient’s with pain, evaluation of
medication and follow up with patient. He was able
to provide health teaching on skin issues with 2
patients. He was able to develop a care plan and
work closely with a patient with some mental
health concerns (hoarding). He was able to see the
impact of intervention on client well being. He
continues to communicate with patient’s to develop
care plan and is conscious of patients spiritual and
cultural needs. Vince has had the opportunity to
work in an outbreak scenario and practice IPAC
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Clinician 1.1 – 1.27
Educator 8.1-8.4
Student Comments: On the unit I have been able to
experience multi-disciplinary team collaboration in
regards to patient care. Understanding how team
members such as PTs, OTs, Dietitians, PSWs, RNs, and
RPNs work together allows me to better understand how
to care for my patients. For example, one of my patients
had low blood pressure in the morning and therefore I
relayed my clinical judgement to the physio team which
allowed my patient more time to rest before partaking in
Student Comments: I have continued to participate
in performing multiple nursing skills. For instance,
completing admission documentation as well as
receiving admission reports from other units,
preparing discharge documents as well as discharge
teaching, performing multiple wound care/dressing
change. A scenario where I have displayed criticalreflective practice was when one of my patients
was having multiple loose bowel movements. I
looked to see if the patient had any anti-diarrheals
and noticed a PRN Immodium was available and I
communicated the problem and intervention to the
charge nurse to see if it was appropriate. I have also
had the chance to participate in a kardex round
where I learned how patient and pertinent nursing
details are updated.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince has had the
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince has met the goal
opportunity to participate in performing multiple skills.
of Kardex rounds. He is able to identify change in
He respects privacy, reassurance and patients commented health status through his assessment skills. He
on his caring nature. Goal in the next ½ of semester to
demonstrates knowledge of how changes in acuity
participate in kardex rounds.
effects the patient. He maintains dignity and respect
and also privacy in the manner in which he
communicates changes. He appropriately seeks the
assistance of the floor RN, investigates the change
and notifies the CN and MD.
Course Outcome #4: Exemplify
personal and professional growth
through application of skills for lifelong Pass
learning. (Linked with 4th year level goal
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Scholar 9.1-9.8
Student Comments: I have been able to experience many
new nursing skills thus far. On the unit I have been able
to apply skills such as administering SubQ medications
where multiple patients have praised me for
administering the medication so painless and well,
administering fleet enemas, obtaining nasopharangeal
COVID-19 swabs, receiving admission reports from
hospitals, removing saline locks and transcribing newly
admitted medication to the unit’s system. I am always
ready and looking for opportunities to learn on the unit.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince has also participated
in transcribing new medication orders, attended an IPAC
meeting. I will continue to seek opportunities for Vince
to practice and learn.
Student Comments: As the semester ends, some
more of the new skills I have learned are
completing the whole admission process
(documentation, admission report and initial HTT
assessment), inquiring for COVID-19 vaccination
consent, administering a Flu shot, acquiring
admission MRSA swabs of nose and rectum,
acquiring C+S swabs for infected sites (G-Tube
Sites) applying a new libre scanner, learned the
nightshift workflow and discontinuing a holter
monitor. Also, I have experienced an ethical
dilemma of whether to administer or hold
scheduled narcotics to a patient who appeared
drunk. After assessing the patient’s cognitive
function and blood test results, it was revealed that
the patient was under the influence of alcohol and
scheduled narcotics were held due to drug
interaction with alcohol.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince continues to
practice documentation for example admission
report and initial HTT assessment, inquiring for and
practising vaccination consent, administering a Flu
shot, acquiring admission MRSA swabs of nose
and rectum, acquiring 10 point C+S swabs for
infected sites (G-Tube Sites), applying a new libre
scanner, learned the nightshift workflow and
discontinuing a holter monitor. Vince initiated and
participated in the care planning of a patient with
addiction/substance abuse. This provided
opportunities to participate in Ethics, safety,
assessment, seeking assistance from the
interdisciplinary team and the importance of each
role. Vince continues to seek knowledge for
personal and professional growth demonstrated
through his questions and seeking knowledge from
Course Outcome #5: Establish and
maintain 2nd Entry and Collaborative
relationships with nursing colleagues,
interprofessional team members, and
clients/communities. (Linked with 4th
year level goal #5)
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Communicator 3.1 – 3.8
Collaborator 4.1 – 4.5
Coordinator 5.1 – 5.9
Student Comments: I have had many experiences
collaborating with colleagues on the unit. For instance, I
was performing a head to toe assessment on a patient and
helped one of the PSWs obtain the patient’s weight with
a hoyer lift. Also, I had a patient who was extremely
constipated and was unable to go to the bathroom and I
performed a bowel assessment. I noted that the patient
did not eat his lunch provided to him at all and upon
giving report, I notified the dietitan that he did not eat his
lunch. I have also collaborated with the physio team by
letting them know the patients vitals such as blood
pressure values so that they know whether the patient can
partake in physiotherapy or not.
Student Comments: As the semester ends, I have
learned to collaborate more with colleagues on the
unit. I continued to work with physio/OT, PSWs,
dietitans, MDs, RNs, and RPNs. In the beginning, I
have worked with multiple RNs/RPNs with
medpass and eventually I began to complete full
med pass of a full side (West/East side)
independently while seeking assistance as needed.
Course Outcome #6: Demonstrate
leadership for the advancement of the
nursing profession in all areas of
practice. (Linked with 4th year level goal
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Leader 6.1 – 6.11
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince was assigned to a 4
patient assignment, provided full care as per Kardex with
the assistance of the PSW and co-ordinated med pass
with RPN. Positive feedback provided by the patients,
PSW and RPN. We will continue to practice
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince continues to
demonstrate collaboration with all staff and has a
good understanding of their professional roles. He
has been included in the interdisciplinary team.
Vince has demonstrated his ability to provide care
to patients, develop a careplan, implement/ coordinate and communicate care to the team, and
evaluate patient’s progress. He maintains a
respectful code of conduct with all team members
and patients. From TOC report to end of shift,
Vince demonstrates his collaboration and daily
planning efficiently.
Student Comments: On the unit, I strive to take
iniative/leadership by partaking in opportunities that are
given to me. For instance, I was asked whether if I
wanted to swab a potentially Covid positive patient and I
hopped on the opportunity to do so in order to gain
experience. Whenever I notice that something needs to
be done, I take initiative and do it. For instance, when I
see specimens that need to be taken to the lab, I confirm
whether they need to be taken and go right away. I also
stock up PPE such as gowns whenever I notice that the
supply out on the floor is low.
Student Comments: I have shown leadership skills
in multiple scenarios. For instance, since I have
done multiple admission reports, I delegated an
admission report for a Pre-grad RPN student to do.
First, I demonstrated how to receive an admission
report and how to go over the report profile. Then I
answered any questions the Pre-grad RPN student
had while supporting the student RPN during the
report. I also displayed leadership by taking on the
role of the main assessor and supportive assessor
during admission HTT examinations with other
nursing students. I strive to take
initiative/leadership and I show that through my
desire to help others.
Course Outcome #7: Advocate for and
support healthy organizational and
public policy to promote health of
individuals, families, groups,
communities and/or global populations.
(Linked with 4th year level goals #7,8)
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Advocate 7.1 – 7.14
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince is a leader by
example, takes initiative and has fit in well with all
disciplines. Goal – we will practice and review the 3
factor framework, and he will participate in delegatable
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince continued to
demonstrate leadership by participating in client
centered care through care planning. He was able to
delegate in a respectful manner. Vince has a good
understanding of the culture and 3-factor
framework. He understands each interdisciplinary
teams roles. Staff feedback is always positive. He is
self reflective and this is demonstrated through
report as he recognizes where he can improve and
can verbalize the rationale.
Student Comments: I believe that I have been advocating
for and supporting healthy organizational and public
policies to promote the health of individuals on the unit.
For instance, one of the lab nurses went up to our floor
and asked why she needed to wear PPE to enter the room
and I explained that our new admissions are on
heightened precautions due to potential exposure to
Covid-19 on their previous unit. This ensured the safety
Student Comments: As the semester ends, I believe
that I continued to advocate for and support healthy
organizational and public policy to promote the
health of indivduals on the unit. For instance, when
the unit had a Covid outbreak, I adhered to
appropriate PPE and IPAC as well as reminded
patients to be in appropriate PPE and practice good
IPAC. Advocating for appropriate PPE and
of both the lab nurse and the patient that was receiving
practicing IPAC decreased the chance of Covid
infection spread.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince has excellent
observational skills. He is confident in communicating
IPAC/Public health policy on the unit with PSW. Goal –
provide more opportunity for Vince to communicate with
families. Vince will use public health guidelines and
review policies.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince demonstrates
safe, ethical and compassionate care by caring for
patient with mental health and social concerns. He
assessed patient’s cognition and was able to
recognize the patient’s ability to make decisions.
Vince then supported the patient by involving him
in the plan of care. He promoted public health
IPAC guidelines throughout the outbreak on the
unit. He was very observant and caught some
mistakes during admission medication
reconciliation and was able to confidently
communicate this with the CN to fix it. Vince
provided health teaching to family and patient on
Course Outcome #8: Provide culturally
sensitive nursing care that honours
human dignity, diversity, and different
ways of being. (Linked with 4th year
level goals #8)
The following CNO Entry to Practice
competencies may be incorporated:
Clinician 1.1-1.27
Student Comments: On a couple occasions, I noticed that
patients had televisions that would be playing scheduled
mass. I offered privacy and made sure the television
would be loud enough for them to hear. I also had
conversations with patients on the topic of God and how
important God is to the patients. I made sure that I
understood and respected their cultural perspectives.
Student Comments: I provided culturally sensitive
nursing care to a patient from India. I noticed that
the patient was playing Indian music and asked him
if he was praying in which it turns out he was. I
supported his cultural background and offered
privacy while respecting and honouring the human
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince uses his
listening/communication skills making patients very
comfortable sharing their culture. Goal – Vince will
prepare and provide a plan of care to support cultural
sensitive care by the end of next semester.
Preceptor/CCD Comments: Vince was able to
provide culturally sensitive and religious care to
patients. He uses his strong communication skills to
obtain information and supports the patient. He has
worked with 2 patients with mental health
issues/addiction/substance abuse and
developed/assisted with a client centered plan of
care. He maintained dignity, and honors the patient
in a nonjudgemental/dignified manner in his
Part C: Practicum Evaluation Summary of Comments: Please provide a summary of student’s strengths and areas requiring further development.
Midterm Evaluation
Final Evaluation
Strengths (identified by Student): I believe that my strengths lie in my
organizational skills, time management skills, and willingness. I exemplify
my organizational and time management skills through medication
administration. I have developed a routine where I am now able to
efficiently administer medication safely and in a timely manner.
Furthermore, I am always advocating for my personal experience by seeking
new opportunities to learn something new on the unit.
Strengths (identified by Student): As the semester ends, I strongly
believe that my strengths lie in my organizational skills, time
management skills and my ability to take initiative. I now also believe
that my other strengths are my communication skills, and being able
to interpret a situation using critical thinking. Furthermore, I
continued to advocate for myself by seeking opportunities to learn
something new on the unit. I have also learned how to appropriately
handle patients who have dementia/sundowning by understanding
their situation.
Strengths (identified by Preceptor/Clinical Course Director): Vince
has very strong communication and organizational skills. He brings
his theoretical and skills knowledge and demonstrates exceptional
patient care. He is always seeking opportunities to learn more. He
practices his critical thinking skills and reacts appropriately. He has
strong assessment skills and practices them daily.
Strengths (identified by Preceptor/Clinical Course Director):
Communication, organizational skills, self reflection on his practice, also
seeking assistance with the interdisciplinary team are Vince’s strengths.
Areas of Development (identified by Student): I believe that I need to work
on my ability to be confident and when facing patients who are
argumentative due to dementia/sundowning. For instance, I had a patient
who needed to be PCR tested for Covid-19 and the patient had multiple
reasons to refuse. This made me feel flustered and I was unable to provide
an answer. I found myself having to rely on another nurse to come and
convince the patient to have a PCR test done.
Areas of Development (identified by Student): As the semester ends,
some areas of development that I find I need to work on just a little
more is completing a med pass a bit faster. Although I finish at an
appropriate time (morning med pass), at times when there are new
admissions, I find myself being slowed down due to being unfamiliar
with new admission medication, however I understand that it is also
important to be extremely thorough so I take my time with
Areas of Development (identified by Preceptor/Liaison): (Planned Night and
Evening Shifts)
Delegation of duties and responsibilities of the nursing team to unregulated
care providers. We will review and practice care planning. Process and
support chain when confronting challenges. Review Ethics.
Areas of Development (identified by Preceptor/Liaison): Vince can
proceed with confidence that his development will come with more
practice and experience.
Student General Comments: So far I am learning a lot on the unit. On the
unit I have been able to apply new skills such as administering SubQ
medications, administering fleet enemas, obtaining nasopharangeal COVID19 swabs, receiving admission reports from hospitals, transcribing newly
admitted medication to the unit’s system, removing saline locks, and
obtaining blood glucose levels and understanding the blood glucose value
significance. I am looking forward to successfully achieve my learning plan
and find more learning opportunities on this unit.
Student General Comments: As the semester ends, I can confidently
say that I have learned a lot on the unit. I had an amazing preceptor
who guided me from day one with patience. My preceptor has given
me many opportunities to expand my knowledge in the nursing field
and I will apply the experience I had at my placement into my future
nursing career.
Preceptor General Comments: Vince’s skills have been excellent this
semester. I would like to include more careplanning next semester and
involve Vince in the interdisciplinary admission to discharge process. Great
work so far.
Preceptor General Comments: Vince, please continue with your
passion, care, and kindness. You have all of the qualities of an
excellent Nurse. Always remember why you came into this
profession. I highly recommend you continue care with the geriatric
and rehab patient scope. When you graduate and obtain your liscence
to practice, remember me. I am more than willing to reference you.
Thank you for all your hard work, It has been my pleasure to guide
Clinical Course Director General Comments:
At midterm, Vince is satisfactory.
Clinical Course Director General Comments:
 Progression Plan Objectives Met
_____Vince Uy______________________
I completed this evaluation with my Preceptor’s input and reviewed the evaluation with my Clinical Course Director.
__April 04/2022______
Clinical Course
Director: __________________________________
I have reviewed and discussed this evaluation with the student and Preceptor.
The evaluation reflects the student’s progress in relation to the Course Objectives and College of Nurses Entry to Practice Competencies.
CCD Recommendation (see Appendix A Criteria)
 Pass
 Fail
Course Director:
 Time Log
 Site Visit Summary
__________________ _______________________________________
I acknowledge receipt of this evaluation and attachments.
 Preceptor is not applicable in this course
Elizabeth DeSousa Mendonca
Elizabeth DeSousa Mendonca
April 04, 2022
I have completed this evaluation with the Student. The evaluation reflects the student’s progress in relation to the Course Objectives and College of
Nurses Entry to Practice Competencies.
Time Log