Physical Education Objectives & Functions

Teehera, Jyreen Antonette (Editor)
A. Explain the four (4) objectives of Physical Education.
1. Physical Development
In order to achieve a healthy and problem-free body, we should develop our
physical aspects. We should engage in activities, such as exercise, sports and, other
physical activities, that helps our growth and physical development.
2. Social Development
When we engage in sports and physical fitness activities we also develop our
social skills. Through them we can expand our connections, we will also have good
habits, become friendly, lower our ego, and create a good relationship with others.
3. Mental Development
When engaging with sports and other physical fitness activities we also develop
our mental health by understanding how a game and the equipments work, by creating
strategies and plans, and making ways in winning or achieving your body goals.
4. Emotional Development
The emotional aspects will also develop when we engage in these activities like
our self-esteem will grow, we will become brave and confident, and we will also develop
great self discipline.
B. Explain the three (3) functions of PE. Give 2 examples each.
1. Biological Function - this function refers to the movements our bodies do. These
movements helps our bodies grow mature correctly and develop its necessary functions.
Examples are working out and doing sports.
2. Integrative Function - this function tells us to join in selected activities so that our
personalities will be molded. These activities will also make us whole and will make us
fit in the society. Examples are engaging in zumba and yoga.
3. Social Function - As young as we are we should look for opportunities and activities,
such as sports, that will help us acquire social values. Those values will help us engage
more with other people. Examples are joining marathons and dance troops.
Name: Talisic, Kylejey L.
00216 BSIT-1B
1. Explain the four objectives of P.E
a.) Physical Development -is a vital part of growing up as children learn to master control of their body; examples
of physical development is crawling, sitting and standing. And it’s one domain of infant anf toddler.
b.) Social Development- is the change over time in an individual's understanding of, attitudes concerning, and
behavior toward others. And from making friends to dealing with disagreement, the ability to interact successfully
with others is incredibly important.
c.) Mental Development- provides children with the means of paying attention to thinking about the world around
them. Mental development encompasses a child's working memory, attention, as well as a child's ability to
manage and respond to the experiences and information they experience on a daily basis.
d.)Emotional Development-Emotional development is vital in helping children grow into well -adjusted adults.
Being able to identify different feelings, express them and process the difficult emotions enables children to be
healthy emotionally and psychologically.
2. Explain the function of Physical Education. And give two examples of each function.
a.) Biological Function - are attributed to the traits, behaviors, and parts of living things. A thing’s function can refer
to its purpose, a benefit it confers on an organism, or the causal role it contributes to a more complex system
Example: Sport activities, Giving birth
b.) Integrative function- The integrative function of the central nervous system accounts for our ability of
understanding reason, being conscious, and having complex behavioral patterns and emotions.
Example: Mind games, Soduko
c.) Social Function- These social functions often involve identity, conversation, sharing, presence, relationships,
reputation, and groups.
Example: Public speaking, Hosting
Richvin Rhey D. Verallo
PE 101 4:30-5:30pm
1. Explain the four objectives of P.E.
Physical Development –it refers to the advancements and refinements of motor skills,
or it is the ability to use and control our body.
Social Development-Through participation in sports – related activities, it can acquire
desirable social traits such as cooperation, respect and friendliness for the rights of
Emotional Development- it involves learning what feelings and emotions are,
understanding how and why they occur.
Mental Development- this is an important aspect of growing, it includes abilities such as
perceiving, attending, remembering, imagining, thinking, solving problems.
2. Explain the functions of PE and give two examples of each function.
Biologic Function it refers to the enhancement of an individual’s growth and
development through his/her body movement.
Example: sports, physical body development
Basketball, Baseball and Football
Integrative Function it refers to the personality integration achieved through his/her
participation in properly selected activities.
Example: through physical activities teamwork and camaraderie are produced and
Teambuilding activities.
Social Function it refers to the provision of opportunities for an individual to acquire a
desirable social values through participating in physical – social activities.
Example: Conversation and sharing
PE QUIZ #2 Jude Jefferson C. Sandalo BSIT 1B
1. Explain the four objectives of P.E.
● Physical Development- Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
● Social Development- Strengthen the family's role in society and preserve its social and
economic cohesiveness and stability.
● Emotional Development- refers to the ability to recognize, express, and manage feelings at
different stages of life and to have empathy for the feelings of others.
● Mental Development- The mental development objective deals with the accumulation a body
knowledge and the ability to think and to interpret this knowledge.
2. Explain the functions of P.E
- Helps students develop personally and socially. They work as individuals, in groups and in
teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on
different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating.
3. Give two examples of each function.
-Biologic Function
-Integrative Function
Name: Tulod, Charina Mie A.
Date: 09/21/21
1. Explain the four objectives of P.E?
a.) Physical Development refers to the development and refining of motor skills, or the
ability to utilize and control the body. It also refers to the physical and biological
changes that occur in humans between birth and adolescence.
b.) Social Development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society
so they can acquire desirable social traits. The social development objective is
concerned with helping an individual in making personal adjustments and group
c.) Mental Development is an important aspect of growth, embracing the various
mental abilities. It
deals with the accumulation a body knowledge and the ability to think and to interpret
this knowledge.
d.) Emotional Development, there are beneficial emotional traits that can be
developed. Which is self- confidence, self-control, self- reliance, courage,
determination, and personal discipline.
2. Explain the functions of Physical Education. And give 2 examples of each function.
a.) Biological Function- refers to the use of physical movement to improve an
individual's growth and development.
Examples: Exercise
Regime Sports
b.) Integrative Function- refers to the personal integration that occurs as a result of
engagement in carefully chosen tasks.
Examples: Team Building Activities
c.) Social Function- relates to the provision of opportunity for people to learn good
social ideals by participating in physical-social activities.
Examples: Team Communication
Public Activities
Carlo Ian Tulibao
1. Explain the four objectives of P.E
a.) Physical development – It includes both growth ability and the ability to use the
muscles and body parts for particular skills, any muscle movements or motor
movements contribute to physical developments.
b.) Social development – It refers to how people develop social and emotional skills
across their lifespan, with particular attention to childhood and adolescence. It is also
the change over time in an individual’s understanding of, attitudes concerning, and
behavior toward others.
c.) Mental development – It is an important aspect of growth, it also includes the abilities
such as observing,perceiving,remembering,imagining,attending,thinking,solving
problems and growth of intelligence as well as of language. These abilities can
change, grow and mature with age and decline with old age.
d.) Emotional development – It involves learning what feelings and emotions are,
understanding how and why they occur, recognizing your own feelings and those of
others, and developing effective ways for managing those feelings.
2. Explain the functions of P.E and give 2 examples of each function.
a.) Biological function – It is the first kind of education that exerts its influence on the
body, it has the responsibility to prove the necessary conditions to allow timely
maturation and development of the natural functions of the human personality in
optimal conditions.
Examples: Warm up exercises, Sports
b.) Integrative function – It is a modern and comprehensive concept that provides
opportunities for students to transfer learning from one sub- discipline to another, it
uses the comprehension of the brain to do complex task.
Examples: Chess, Poker
c.) Social function – It helps students develop personally and socially. They work as
individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal
and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including
leadership, coaching and officiating.
Examples: Brainstorming session, Public speech
Name: Brent M. Sotto
Date: 09/21/2021
Strand & Yr: BSIT-1B
1.) Explain the four objectives of Physical Education
a) Physical Development
This objective focuses on how a person can maintain their health and fitness in
which they would achieve by doing physical activities. By doing so, they can develop
and grow and keep themselves healthy and physically fit and preventing the risk of
problems that might grow onto them if they don’t do so.
b) Social Development
This objective focuses on how a person can learn how to develop and grow with the
social traits which allows them to be a better person on Physical Education and the
activities they participate in. They also can exhibit and develop good behaviors and
social skills that can be useful to their day-to-day life as well.
c) Mental Development
This objective focuses on how a person can relieve and improve their mental health
through Physical Education and activities. Doing so may help one cope and relieve
themselves from stress, anxiety, pain and loneliness as one can do so with enough
activities and proper exercise. This also improves the mental thought process of a
person which allows them to think critically in sports and competitive activities as
d) Emotional Development
This objective focuses on how a person can develop and maintain their emotions
and how they can control themselves in doing exercises and in physical activities. By
participating in sports events, one can develop self-control and self-confidence
which helps them be able to think well and develop in their activities too.
2.) Explain the functions of Physical Education and give two examples of each
a) Biological Function
This function refers to how an individual can grow and develop their body through
thorough exercise and flexibility on their movements as well. This also allows the
person to build up their physical shape and keep themselves healthy and fit.
 Exercise Regimes
 Sports Activities
b) Integrative Function
This function refers to how one can integrate and develop their personality and
behavior throughout the various activities or exercises that they would encounter as
Name: Brent M. Sotto
Date: 09/21/2021
Strand & Yr: BSIT-1B
they develop themselves within Physical Education. This also means that they will
shape themselves mentally which their behaviors and their attitude can be changed
and developed with the exercises they perform.
 Yoga
 Teambuilding Activities
c) Social Function
This function refers to how an individual can develop personally and socially through
Physical Education, whereas they could be put in an activity or an exercise which they
will have to work together. This means that one can learn how to cooperate, take
responsibility and gain leadership and teamwork skills from doing activities with other
 Team Communication
 Joining Public Activities