NAME:_____________________________________ PERIOD:___ BACKGROUND: As in any language, English words are invented as needed. In biology, many words are built from Greek or Latin terms, which serve as word roots. Every year, as biologists make new discoveries, they need to invent and introduce new words made from these roots. Since Latin is a “Dead” language and is not spoken anymore, it is a great choice as a foundation for these roots. These terms are made up of prefixes (The beginning part of a word) and suffixes (The end of a word). The new words can be just one prefix and suffix or many of each can be used to form a new word. ACTIVITY: You will be using a list of common prefixes and suffixes to work with the vocabulary used in biology. MEANINGS OF WORD ROOTS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES USED IN BIOLOGY a, an- without , anemia ecto- outer, ectoderm ab- away from, abnormal ectomy- removal, appendectomy ad, af- near, toward, adrenal, afferent emia- blood, anemia alb- white, albumin endo- inner, endoderm algia- pain, neuralgia enter- intestine, enteric amphi- both, amphibious epi- on, at, beside, epidermis anti- against, antitoxin erythro- red, erythrocyte aqua- water, aquatic eu- true, eucaryote archae- ancient, Archaeopteryx ex- out, exterior arthr- joint, arthritis fer- bearer, Rotifera ase- enzyme, lipase gastro- stomach, gastric juice auto- self, autobiography gen- producing, antigen bi- two or twice, biceps glossa- tongue, hypoglossal bio- life, biology gymno- naked, gymnosperm blast- that which will germinate, blastula helminth- worm, platyhelminthes brachi- arm, brachial hemo- blood, hemoglobin branch- gill, arthrobranch herb- non-woody plant, herbarium card- heart, carditis hepato- liver, hepatic duct carn- flesh, carnal hetero- other, heterosexual caryo- nucleus of cell, eucaryote homo, homeo- same, homogeneous cephalo- head, cephalothorax hyper- above, excessive, hyperacidity chloro- green, chloroplast hypo- below, not enough, hypothyroidism chondr- cartilage, Chondrichthyes ia, iasis- disease, pneumonia chromo- color, chromosome ichthys- fish, ichthyology cide- kill, bactericide inter- between, interspecies coel-cavity, coelom intra- within, intraspecies com, con- with, community iso- same, isoptera costa- rib, intercostal itis- inflammation of, appendicitis cyst- capsule, nematocyst kin- motion, cytokinesis cyto, cyte- cell, leukocyte lac- milk, lactose decid- to cut off, deciduous lamella- leaf or layer, lamellate dendr- tree, dendrite leuco, leuko- white, leukocyte dent, dont- tooth denture, orthodontist logy- study of, biology derm- skin, epidermis lupus- wolf, Canis lupus di- two, diatomic lysis- dissolving, cytolysis dis, dys- ill or bad, disease eco- household, ecology macro- large, macronucleus mal- bad, malnutrition maxilla- jaw, maxilliped mega- very large, megaspore meso- middle, mesophyll meta- beyond or after, metamorphosis micro- small, microbe mito- thread, mitochondrion mono- one, monoculture morpho- shape, form, morphology myo- muscle, myofibril nema- thread, nematocyst nephr- kidney, nephritis neuro- nerve, neurology noto- dorsal or back, notochord oma- tumor or swelling, sarcoma omni- all, omnivore ophth- eye, ophthalmology orni- bird, ornithoIogy ortho- straight, orthoptera osis- act, condition, acidosis osteo- bone, osteopath oto- ear, otitis ovi, oo- egg, oviduct, oocyte para- beside, parathyroid patho- disease, pathology ped, pod- foot, millipede peri- around, pericardium phago- eating, phagocyte pheno- to show, phenotype photo- light, photograph phyll- leaf, mesophyll phyto- plant, saprophyte pino- to drink, pinocytosis plasma- form, cytoplasm plast- particle, chloroplast platy- flat, platypus pleur-side, somatopleure poly- many, polysaccharide post- after, behind, posterior proto- first, protozoa pseudo- false, pseudopod pter- wing, diptera pulmo- lung, pulmonary renal- kidney, adrenal glands rhea, rrhea- flow or discharge, diarrhea rhino- nose, rhinoceros sal- salt, saline sarc- flesh, sarcodina sclero- hard, arteriosclerosis soma- body, chromosomes stom- mouth, stomata sym, syn- binding together, sympathy tax- arrangement, taxonomy tel- far or distant, telophase therm- heat, thermometer thromb- clot, thromobosis tom- piece or section, anatomy trema- hole, trematoda trop- turn, phototropic troph- nourishment or food, autotrophic viv- living, viviparous vore- to devour, carnivore xeros- dry, xerophyte zo- animal, zoology zyg- united, zygote PART A: Translate these make-­‐believe words into commonly used English words. Use the list above and on the previous page to complete this part. 1. Macromallupus-­‐____________________ 2. Gymnopodiasis-­‐_____________________ 3. Ichthygenderm-­‐______________________ 4. Gymnochloropoditis-­‐______________________ 5. Megarheachlororhinoplast-­‐_________________________ 6. Gastrothrombhelminthiasis-­‐__________________________________ PART B: Use your list to break down the following words and then combine the terms to translate the word into its meaning. Example: Biology -­‐ Bio = life and ology = study of. The study of life. 7. Ichthyology_______________________________________________________ 8. Heterotroph_____________________________________________________ 9. Autotroph______________________________________________________ 10. Endoderm_____________________________________________________ 11. Erythrocyte____________________________________________________ 12. Omnivore_____________________________________________________ 13. Isoptera_______________________________________________________ 14. Archaeozoology________________________________________________ 15. Arthropod_____________________________________________________ 16. Chromosome__________________________________________________ 17. Chloroplast___________________________________________________ 18. Carnivore_____________________________________________________ 19. Cytokinesis___________________________________________________ 20. Chlorophyll___________________________________________________ 21. Archaeopteryx_________________________________________________ 22. Maxillaped____________________________________________________ 23. Orthoptera____________________________________________________ 24. Ornithology___________________________________________________ 25. Zoology______________________________________________________ 26. Microbiology__________________________________________________ 27. Cytoplasm____________________________________________________ 28. Photosynthesis________________________________________________ 29. Ecology______________________________________________________ 30. Platyhelminthes________________________________________________ PART C: Now using the list create 5 of your own words and tell their meaning and use them in a complete sentence. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.