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Scientific Approach Steps

Scientific Approach
Kelas 11 Sem. 1
The Steps are:
• Problems Identification
• Literature Review
• Hypothesis
• Choose research methods/designs
• Collect the data based on the methods
• Analyze and evaluate the data
• Disseminates the data
Problems Identification
• Must consist of 2 variables or more
• Each variable must be proven related
• It is written in the form of a question form of sentence
Variables are one of two or phenomena that a researcher believes are
related and hopes to prove are related through research.
Does over-use gadgets influence (variable 1) the students’ learning
difficulties (variable 2)?
(Are they related? Do one variable really affect the other?)
Literature Review
• To assure researcher that their research is
• To avoid researcher from plagiarism by
checking out if their research were never been
done in the past
• To make sure if the same topic had been
done/used in the past, then the researcher
could change the topic or use the previous
research as references to support their
research using different approach
• To assume/predict what the result of the research
might happen
• Should be written in a statement form
Example using the previous problem
The writer believes that over-use gadgets does
influence the students’ learning difficulties.
(Note: you have to type yourself as a “writer” on
your final paper)
Research of Methods
(Based on its approach)
• Qualitative: Presented in the form of text
(descriptive, narrative, or explorative)
• Quantitave: Numerical, mathematically
measured, may shown in the form of graphs
and pie charts (amount), or line graphs
Collect the Data
• Interview
• Survey
• Ethnogaphy or field observation
Analyze and Evaluate the
• The researcher will connect all the data they
collect and analyze if there are accuracy or inaccuracy of the hypothesis in predicting the
Are your data accurate enough to prove that overuse gadgets affects the students’ learning
If yes, then your hypothesis is proven right.
If not, then your hypothesis is not proven right, or
there are in-accuracy in the data you collect so that
you have to do further research with different
• You share the result to community, general
public, peers.