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Mental Health Awareness Project Reflection

Executive Summary
This reflection recounts when the class we were asked to create an activity for one of the
sustainability developments goals of the United Nations. Through a vote, the class the goal
that was chosen was to raise awareness for a cause. Moreover, the specific activity was
chosen to raise awareness of mental health issues, especially those among those aged 1829.
Firstly, we needed to create a brand name and identity for the activity we were going to
pursue, which was also completed by a vote. The brand was called Bubble with a logo filled
with encompassing bubbles and a large B at the centre. However, the lack of options may
have contributed to this decision. After, these objectives were completed, the group was
then tasked with creating and planning what content we were going to upload, where we
were going to upload it, and when.
The groups plan was divided into four segments and the groups were able to choose which
segment they fit into. The segments being:
Content creation – Which persisted of designing and creating ideas for posts that
could be shared on Twitter, Instagram, or the Bubble website
Content checking – Which was checking whether the content created was suitable
for Bubble and matched the brand identity of Bubble.
Promotion – This group were tasked with employing promotional strategies to
generate more engagement for the posts that were shown across all social media
Website Design – In the last group, the task was to design and create a website using
the branding created.
The plan did have successes and failures, the extent to which Bubble had either is explored
within this reflection. For example, a success for Bubble was the communication between
one and other. However, the mismanagement of time, did not allow for Bubble to be
executed to the way many members intended. In addition, the focus of the activity could not
be zoned in on to a greater extent.
Following this, the reflection highlights what I have learnt from the activity and how this may
impact me in my future. The depths of the impact of this activity on my future is explored, for
instance, I participated in groupthink. Although, I thought there was a better way of
completing a task, I would let the majority rule over my own opinion.
Conclusively, this reflection ends discussing what could be improved as a group if we were
to complete this activity or go on to complete similar activities in the future.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 0
1.0 – Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 – The initial idea ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 – The first contribution by myself ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 – Splitting up the groups. ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 – Giving Suggestions. .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 – Successes of our brand ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 – Our Communication .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 – The failures of our brand – mismanagement of time ....................................................................... 4
2.3.1 – Lack of leadership ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.3.2 – What was the main reason? ............................................................................................................ 5
3.0 - Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.0 - References ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.0 – Introduction
For the past few weeks, my class and I have worked together on raising awareness for
mental health. For the United Nations Development Goal. The purpose of this group
project was to allow us to understand how businesses are adapting globally to their wider
actions that impact communities and the environment. Furthermore, the project was
completed to develop my skills necessary to work in a similar setting in the future as it is
imperative that moral and ethics methods are part of my degree. This reflection may not
use theories that home in on the aspects of my current course, however, reflect the parts
of the activity I partook in and how they influenced the decisions I made and conclusions I
2.0 – The initial idea
Our group’s first objective was to undertake an activity which was increasing awareness
for a cause. This was completed through a vote. Our group decided to choose mental
health/depression, which is prevalent today. Especially, among teenagers aged 18-29
were 19.7% suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression (Mental Health Foundation,
2016). Furthermore, according to (Vizard, 2020) statistic, one in five adults also suffer
from mental health issues. Consequently, the decision to raise awareness for this cause
was heavy among all our hearts.
2.1 – The first contribution by myself
The first contribution by myself was coming up with a group name. The importance of a
good brand name is expressed in an article by (Jenkin, 2013), where he references that,
‘choosing the right business or brand name should be essential’. Hence, the reason I
came up with the name ‘Thoughty’, as a play on word between ‘40’ and ‘thought’.
Although it may not have been the chosen name it helped spark ideas across the group.
Nevertheless, the name our group settled on was Bubble. Upon reflection I believe it was
better suited for the brand as it had more mental health connotations that could have
been associated with it. Moreover, it made coming up with posts even simpler.
We had thought of names, but we never even had a group, so I suggested we create
one. In hindsight I should have created one, however, I was too hesitant. This was a
factor that I will keep in mind to change.
2.1.1 – Splitting up the groups.
After we had created a group, we split task into four sections comprising of: content
creation, content verifying, promotion, and website creation. Since, I wanted to expand
my horizons when it came to content creation, rather than creating my own content as I
am used to. I decided to analyse and offer constructive criticism to others who were
creating content in my group. As described by an (Indeed, 2020) article, they outline that
the benefits of constructive criticism fosters ‘improved performance and engagement’.
However, the article does mention that the use of this method would be better suited in
a face-to-face context, which in hindsight, I agree with. This is because the way a group
member might have read what I said would not
have been in the manner I intended it to be read.
However, resulted in really good ideas and an
enjoyable environment. I completed a post also,
however, I was hesitant to post since it did not
match the direction we were going in (shown in
figure 1). Overall, we managed to find what was
best to post and they had a cohesive theme.
2.1.2 – Giving Suggestions.
In the main group chat, I also tried to contribute
to other components of the group activity such
as, the website. Giving suggestions on what to
change or what they might have missed such
Figure 1 My potential Instagram post for our group
as, the branding on some posts. As a result, the website was completed to a good
standard. The members within that group tried hard and did an excellent job. Especially,
with the design aspect making it sleek and clean. Thus, emphasizing the characteristic
of open-mindfulness and calmness.
When reflecting at the impact I had on the group, I concluded that my hesitation in certain
situations impacted the group negatively. The symptoms of groupthink were present for
me. If everyone agreed to something, whether it was right or wrong I should have been
able to make a comment.
2.2 – Successes of our brand
The successes of the planning were that the group were able to establish an idea and
we were all able to use our abilities to influence the group. Furthermore, another success
that I saw within planning, was allowing people to choose their own groups. This allowed
individual members to be able to choose what they wanted to do and choose the group
they would have the most influence and impact in.
2.2.1 – Our Communication
The communication and coordination in the group was also a success. As outlined by
(Martic, 2020) great communication leads to better alignment of goals and makes remote
work more efficient. The latter of these benefits was especially crucial since the group
was working from home since coronavirus regulations did not permit for campuses to
open. Nevertheless, if individuals had an issue in their groups or in the main group it was
discussed, and a resolution/answer was given right away. Moreover, the professionalism
from everyone in the group was a success. The way we set out tasks and objectives
were good up to a certain extent.
2.3 – The failures of our brand – mismanagement of time
As indicated briefly earlier, although they were successes there were many failures the
first being time management when initially forming the group. In a research paper by
(Adams and Blair, 2019) they discuss how proper time management lead to better
outcomes. I think this is applicable to our group since we were given ample time but
mismanaged the time and decided to form a group chat quite late. Moreover, there was
not a discussion in the group till a week after it was made. Consequently, aspects felt
rush or looked over.
2.3.1 – Lack of leadership
In addition to, the mismanagement of time, this caused our group to be able to allocate
a leader who could align a common SMART goal. Evidence from recent article by
(Daniels, 2019) shows that a strong leader will be able to implement common visions
and values. I discovered that may have been the case because when receiving the posts.
Although each post was individually good, shared the branding, and ideology, they were
not collectively cohesive. Some posts were synonymous with one and other and some
were not. Furthermore, there did not seem to be a pattern in the posts either. However,
the mismanagement of time would not let the group correct this issue, as the majority
thought that pushing more content out would be better.
2.3.2 – What was the main reason?
Due to a lack of leadership, it was increasingly difficult to measure our groups success.
Moreover, it seemed the group had forgotten the main purpose of why we were meant
to undertake the activity, which was to raise awareness. In an article by (Fishbein, 2017)
he discusses why measuring success will help you target what it is truly integral to your
brand and what to keep working on. I feel as though in our group we never calculated
the awareness most post had. Furthermore, even if individuals of us did, we never
decided to have the discussion on how we could improve the awareness or continue with
the engagement by posting content of the same likeness. This was a crucial part of our
activity in hindsight, and we fell short.
3.0 - Conclusion
Overall, the group activity was a challenging one, which brought me closer to a workplace
scenario, where ideas and conversations with people you have never met need to be
had to move forward. In addition, being able to do this after finding mutual ground is
great. This is a something I will undoubtedly utilise in the future. Also, I have realised
how crucial time management really is, it allows for maximum performance and time to
make imperfections perfect. When completing work in the future time will be at the
forefront. In retrospect, I should have taken more initiative to start things and set
precedent, however, learning to deal with pressure that can not be calmed at my hand
is something I still need to work with. I believe our group would have been more
successful if we maintained a more focused approach and managed our time properly.
Nevertheless, the activity was completed to a successful standard the major downfall
mostly occurred due to the unavailability of campus facilities. Consequently, the activity
focus could not be repeatedly heard and focused upon.
4.0 - References
Adams, R.V. Blair, E. (2019) Impact of Time Management Behaviour on
Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Performance’. Sage. Available at:
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2158244018824506 (Accessed:
23 Match 2021)
Daniels, F. (2019) ‘5 reasons strong leadership is important in a business’,
BusinessWest, 5 July. Available at: https://www.businesswest.co.uk/blog/5reasons-strong-leadership-important-business (Accessed: 23 March 2021)
Fishbein, M. (2017) ‘How Do You Measure Success?’ Availabe at:
k%20towards%20getting%20there. (Accessed: 23 March 2021)
Indeed (2021) Positive Feedback: Why It’s Important and How to Give It.
Available at: https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/positivefeedback (Accessed: 22 March 2021)
Jenkin, H. (2013) ‘Is the name of your company important to success?’, The
Guardian, 29 July. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/small-businessnetwork/2013/jul/29/business-name-company-success (Accessed: 22 March
Martic (2020) ‘The Importance of Communication in the Workplace (& How to
Do It Right)’, Smarp, 15 Dec. Available at:
%2C%20motivation%2C%20and%20talent%20attraction (Accessed: 22 March
Mental Health Foundation (2016) Fundamental facts about mental health.
Available at: fundamental-facts-about-mental-health-2016.pdf (Accessed: 22
March 2021)
Vizard, T. et al., (2020) Coronavirus and depression in adults, Great Britain:
June 2020 : ONS