Voices ActivitY #3 Role Play Resolution of lnterpersonal Conflict Description lnstructional Objectives of This Activity . . . Oral Language: o o o Social Development: o Conflict Resolution: . Develop ability to apply ABC problem solving method to literature based and real life conflicts. . lmprovise how to use different strategies to literature based solve conflicts. . Provides platform for role playing real life conflicts and the use of conflict resolution strategies in those situations. o Perspective Taking: . 3'd Person: Develop ability to begin to look at one's own experience more objectively through role playing conflicts in stories and improving solutions. Deep Reading Gomprehension: Theme Related Open Ended Questions: o o o o . a Conflict Resolution Schema: Students learn to apply conflict resolution concepts to the reading of stories, including analyzing different types of conflict, conflict escalation, and conflict resolution strategies. Perspective Taking: Develops ability to take perspective of the characters and to stand in their shoes and to try to solve their conflicts. Related Comprehension Strategies: Determining lmportance: Role playing helps students to determine what's most imporlant in the story with regard to the central conflict. Prediction. The ABC activity involves students in fully developing their own predictions/solutions to the problem in the story. They later compare their predictions to the resolution in the story. . . Writing: Fictionat Narrative About Real Life Gonflict o o o 10 Develop ability to role play and improvise in front of the class. Learn to use dramatic voice as they negotiate book based conflicts. Learn to use voice to negotiate real life conflicts' Provides platform for writing fictional narratives about real life conflicts. "Experiences of Conflict" activity in week 3 in grades 2-6 provides source material for primary narrative writing activity in week 4. See Theme 3 Social Development Tools for more information about this activity. ln grades K-1, the "Experiences of Conflict" activity takes place during week 4. Voices Activity #3 May 12,2010 Day 2: Read and Discuss Step 1: Teacher lntroduces "Role Play Resolution of lnterpersonal Conflict" Activity o . . . . r lntroduce central question for theme 3: Write the central question on the board. Discuss. Review what it means to have a problem or a conflict with another person. Review the ABC problem solving method using the overhead. Review Different Ways to Solve Conflict using the overhead. lntroduce "Role Play Resolution of lnterpersonal Conflict" activity Step 2. Read First Part of the Story . lntroduce the story. . Encourage students to be thinking about what kind of conflict this is going to be and what can be done about it. . Read the story up to the point where the conflict between the two characters is most intense and before it becomes obvious how it is going to be resolved. . Discuss story to make sure students understand the conflict and its causes, Day 3: To Apply step 3. Partners Brainstorm solution to lnterpersonat conflict . . . e . Distribute ABC Worksheet to the partners. Have them analyze the conflict using the worksheet. ln "A", they want to give each character's understanding of the conflict, including their own point of view as readers. ln "8", they brainstorm what each of the characters could do solve the problem. ln "C", they select what they consider to be the best solution to the problem. Encourage them to be clear about what their reasons are for their choice. Alternatively, they could articulate what values lead them to their choice of a solution. You can do each part of the ABC worksheet one at a time. Walk students through it. Circulate around the class and help them brainstorm solutions. Step 4. Teacher Models How to Role Play and lmprovise Role play key scene and improvise resolution to the conflict with a partner. . step 5. Partners Develop skit that solves lnterpersonal Gonftict . . . . 11 After they have completed the ABC worksheet and watched you model one way to resolve the conflict, ask students to brainstorm how they could role play their solution in front of the class. Assign partners to play each of the roles. Work with them to develop a script which walks through the steps of the ABC process. Help them put into words how they will express their points of view and how they will present the different strategies. Provide students with simple props and name tags. Voices Activity #3 May 12,2010