☯ Teaching of Science (Source book – First Year D.T.Ed.). D.T.Ed ). Lecture Notes on Methodology. Unit II. Scientific Method. District Institute of Education and Training. Lawspet, Puducherry – 605008. TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Teaching of Science ( the Source book of First Year D.T.Ed.)) Notes on Methodology : A crash course. Unit II ~ Scientific Method Aims and objectives - Steps involved - Explaining the method with an appropriate example from the content. Contents: Scientific method Introduction and definition – Aims and objectives – Steps involved Role of the Teacher – Characteristics of Science teacher – Merits and Limitations. Unit 2. Scientific method Page 2 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Scientific Method Every problem might have been solved through a specific procedure. Scientists have also adopted some specific procedures and thereby contributed to scientific inventions. The procedure adopted by the scientists to find out the facts and scientific truths is called 'Scientific Method'. It is evident that if the scientific method is followed by the teachers and students in the class room, the teaching-learning process would be effective. This has been proved by various researches. So it is imperative that the student-teacher should get the knowledge and the skill of execution about scientific method. The main aim of science teaching is to impart training in scientific method and scientific attitude Scientific Method ? The procedure adopted by the scientists to find out the facts and scientific truths is called Scientific Method. What is Scientific attitude ? While confronting with problems, the attitude of analyzing and approaching on the basis of scientific method is known as scientific attitude. Objectives of Scientific method: to develop the scientific attitude to develop the scientific temper to aware the problems affiliated with science to know the relationship between the nature and biotic factors. to have the curiosity and creativity in Science and its applications. to acquire the skills of data collection, data processing and analysis, deriving the conclusion, validating the results and application of the facts (validated methods and results) Unit 2. Scientific method Page 3 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Steps in Scientific Method: The Scientific methods has the following steps to be done: 1, Realizing the problem 2, Defining the problem 3, Analyzing the problem 4, Collecting data / information 5, Analyzing the information 6, Framing hypothesis 7, Verifying the hypothesis 8, Finding the solution 9, applying the solutions in the life situations. 1. Realizing the problem: This is the first step of the scientific method. Each and every happening of nature makes the students plunge in wonder. So that students are very curious to know the reasons for various happenings and matters in nature. The urge to find out the truth for any scientific happening, is the first step which helps to solve the problem in scientific method. It is essential for a teacher to introduce a concept in the form of problem and arouse the interest of the students to find out solutions for the same. Example: Learner: Why the diarrhoea causes? Teacher: Consuming the unhygienic food and water causes diarrhoea. Learner: How this unhygienic food and water causes diarrhoea. Teacher: The microbes present in the unhygienic food and water causes diarrhoea Such activities can develop the skills of enquiry among the learners. Other Examples: 1. Air pollution, 2, Land pollution, 3, Wastes management, 4, Adulteration in Food substances 5, Diseases and Preventive measures Unit 2. Scientific method Page 4 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. 2. Defining the problem After sensing the problem clearly, it should be defined clearly so that the problem could be solved. This is the next step in Scientific Method. Only after defining the problem clearly, it is possible to plan methods and strategies to solve the problem. Students themselves can find out and write clear definitions using relevant words with the help of the teacher. Suitable definition can be selected from them. Example: Learner: How these microbes enter the food and water make it unhygienic and causes diarrhoea. Teacher: When the polluted water and other wastes mixed with the water and food to be consumed make it unhygienic and prone to diarrhoea and other water borne diseases. In this step, the teacher should define the problem sensed. Learner should acquire the knowledge about the problem and to define the problem and its components. (For example The Polluted water can causes the diseases. The Teacher should explain the definitions for Pollution and Microbes and their activity to the students. Also teacher give guidelines to approach the problem and its components. 3. Analyzing the problem: This is the third step in Scientific method which classifies and arranges the problem and its components. The learner should analyse the Example: What is water pollution ? What are the pollutants ? problem in to parts to find out the details of each How the pollution is done ? part to understand the actual dimensions of the What are the causes of water pollution ? problem. 4, Collecting data / information: Designing the Methods using available resources and techniques to solve the problem and collecting data accordingly is the important step in the scientific method. Data related to the problem can be collected under the following ways: 1. Collection of data through observation 2. Collection of data through experiments 3. Collection of data by surveying literature 4. Discussion with experts Unit 2. Scientific method Page 5 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. While collecting the data, the information should be clearly recorded without any prejudice and bias. Teacher should help the students to gather the data related to the problem. Example: How the pollutants are reached the drinking water ? What are the pollutants pollute the drinking water and food ? What are the diseases caused by water pollution ? What are the preventive measures to stop water pollution ? 5. Analyzing the information Analysis of Information collected develops the scientific attitude among the learners. The collecting of information can reveal the uniqueness and the diversity of the problem and its dimensions. Only on the basis of analysis of information formulating the hypothesis can be done. The irrelevant data and information can be discarded by this method. The teacher should support the learner for analysis of information. By this skills of classification and comparison can be developed among the learners. Example: What are the sources of the pollutants ? What are the human interventions in pollution ? What are the microbes present in polluted waters ? What are the preventive measures to pollution ? Example: Sl. No. 1 Sources of Pollutants Industrial wastes Pollution Factors Chemicals Microbes preventive measures Entamoeba spp. Stop pollutants at prime level. Treat the polluted waters. Use and consume the water after boiled, distilled filtered and cooled 2 3 Unit 2. Scientific method Page 6 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. 6. Framing hypothesis: Formulation of hypothesis or tentative solutions (Framing hypothesis) is the important step in the scientific method. Tentative solutions are derived from analyzing various data on the basis of organizing and grouping the data according to their similarities and dissimilarities. In this way, many tentative solutions can be obtained to the given problem. They are called as hypotheses. All hypotheses cannot be the solutions to a problem. One among them will be the suitable solution to the problem. Students can be encouraged to formulate hypothesis on the basis of collected data by observation or by experiments. Example: Various uncontrolled activities of human society is responsible for Pollution. The awareness of pollution and its effect is required for mankind. The control of human interventions can reduce the pollution. Teacher formulates an hypothesis as an example and students are trained to build other hypotheses with the guidance of teacher. Hypotheses built by the teacher or students may be accepted or rejected after the verification and validation. 7. Verifying the hypothesis. Evaluation of hypothesis or verification of hypothesis is essential to find out the appropriate one which is most likely to be correct. On the basis of hypotheses, further data collected through the repeated experiments are analyzed and the most appropriate hypothesis need be selected. The tentative solutions may be discarded when there is lack of validity and experimental proof. This step inculcates the learner to do the experiments and decision making skills on the basis of results of experiments and hypothesis formulation. Example: Testing the water in the laboratory. Interview with the public about the awareness of pollution and its effects. Unit 2. Scientific method Page 7 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. 8. Finding the solution A hypothesis must be tested in variety of environments and from the results of the tests and experiments a valid hypothesis is selected. Selected and confirmed hypothesis is tested again and again. According to its consistency it becomes final solution to the problem and it can be announced as the result. This activity makes the learner self reliant and develop his decision making and problem solving skills scientifically. The teacher has to assist in this process to derive a valid hypothesis in his problem. Example: The water is polluted by man in various means. The awareness of pollution and its effects must be mandatory to the human society. 9. Applying the solutions in the life situations: The derived results must be generalized. The generalized result can be utilized whenever the situations happened alike. The learner can apply the same or similar type of methods for problem solving. The teacher must be a guide and give necessary guidelines to the learner whenever he/ she need the help in learning or problem solving. Example: The water is consumed by us must be well protected and hygienic. Consuming the contaminated water must be avoided. Unit 2. Scientific method Page 8 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Overview of the Scientific Method Unit 2. Scientific method Page 9 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Role of the Teacher: The Scientific method is an essential method in teaching of science. This scientific method can be used by the learner to understand the objects, activities and acquire the skills decision making and problem solving. The solutions or results derived through this method can be applied to the living environment. In order to apply the solutions in life solutions the teacher should i. Arrange a necessary environment to understand the problem ii. Guide the learner to collect the data or information iii. Help in classification and arrangement of data or information in a desired order. iv. Formulate the hypothesis and test the same. v. Help to prepare a report on tested hypothesis vi. Give a life situation enable the student to utilize the solution to find the result. Characteristics of Science teacher: he / she should be open minded Interested in seeking accurate knowledge and searching for the truth objective in nature (analyze all the happenings without any prejudice or bias) not superstitious (free from superstition). solve the problems based on upon the evidence and following scientific method Opinion and conclusions would be based on the adequate evidences only. identify the measures to develop scientific attitude among the students. Merits and Limitations of Scientific Method. Learners always try to solve their problem themselves Learning process is independent Highly motivated learning by experience is also felt Learning by doing enhances the motivation and self confidence in learning. Learner solves the problems scientifically and arrive new valid solutions too. Learner receives good skills and training from the scientific method Learners can develop their skills in data collection and analysis. Unit 2. Scientific method Page 10 of 11 TEACHING OF SCIENCE source book: Lecture Notes. First Year - Diploma in Teacher Education. Merits and Limitations of Scientific Method. Time consuming Learners need to work hard for a longer duration There will be no facilities available for some problems If teacher is not competent in this method entire teaching-learning process will be collapsed. Let’s make things better Lovingly, yours Unit 2. Scientific method Page 11 of 11