ManComm Final Self-Reflection There are three parts to this Final Self-Reflection: 1) Part 1 - Evaluate your Final Presentation performance 2) Part 2 - Identify your overall delivery strengths & areas of opportunity as they have developed during the course 3) Part 3 - Highlight your personal takeaways from the course Your Final Self-Reflection should be no more than eight (8) typed pages. You will be evaluated on the quality and thoughtfulness of your Reflection, including the use of specific examples to support your conclusions. We are looking to see that you have internalized key concepts covered in the course, gained insight into your delivery strengths and areas of opportunity, and identified takeaways to support your continued improvement. Before you begin your Self-Reflection: 1. Open/print a copy of your Final Presentation slides for your reference 2. Review video of your Final Presentation (for Part 1 of the Final SelfReflection) and from Classes #1 - #3 (for Part 2) 3. Review the peer feedback from your Final Presentation (for Part 1) and reference those from Classes #1 - #3 (for Part 2) 4. Review your previous Self-Reflections and the Self-Reflection grading memos available in Canvas 0 ManComm Final Self-Reflection Part 1: Evaluate your Final Presentation performance Final Presentation: Audience Strategy How effectively did you implement the strategies you identified in your Audience Strategy? What, if anything, would you do differently to tailor the presentation to your audience? Final Presentation: Structure + Story On a 1-5 scale, how well did you implement the following elements of structure and story? (1 = Not at all well; 5 = Extremely well) Not at all well Extremely well Arc of the story is clear and relevant to the audience 1 2 3 4 5 o Executive summary outlines recommendation with 2-3 main supporting points: 4 o Story builds in a way that is logical and easy to follow: 3 o Main points will resonate with the primary audience: 4 Executive Summary used as a basis for structure o Delivered at the beginning of presentation. 4 o Repeated and reviewed at end of presentation. 4 o Tracker. 5 3 4 5 Story is told through strong headlines 1 2 3 o Slide headlines are conclusive and make standalone sense. 4 o Horizontal logic: when read in sequence headlines told a story. 4 4 5 1 2 Comment on your use of structure + story: I think that overall my structure was solid, the problem was the delivery. The headlines and executive summary (which was repetitive) were really clear and attacked right away the main issue of the presentation: telling the employees that the new business model and accounting system were not going to affect their bonuses nor performance. 1 ManComm Final Self-Reflection However, in the presentation itself I missed in a few slides starting with reading the headline before going into the content, and the transitions were not the best as well. Final Presentation: Visuals On a 1-5 scale, how well did you implement the following elements of slide design? (1 = Not at all well; 5 = Extremely well) Not at all well Extremely well Effective use of visuals to support main points 1 2 3 4 o Variety of diagrams (qualitative) and charts and graphs (quantitative). o Visuals are relevant to and appropriate for the audience. o Information is presented in a way that makes it easy to digest (e.g., free of extraneous items). o Vertical logic within slides o One idea per slide. o Evidence on slide supports the headline. 1 2 5 3 4 5 o Visual style and format appropriate for professional 1 2 3 setting o Consistent look and feel across presentation. o Template is clean and clear (design, font size and color palette). o Page numbers make it easy for the audience. o Sources lend credibility to content. 4 5 Comment on your use of visuals and your slide design: I think my presentation deck was really professional and clear considering the audience. I started straight away with the takeaway from the presentation (bonuses are not affected) and tried to keep it as simple as possible without entering in too much detail of the new accounting system, focusing in explaining the differences and providing a chart with a comparison, so they could easily understand that this is just a reporting issue, but not a performance one. Final Presentation: Delivery with Visuals Did you utilize structure, including HOP-T, to bring the story to life for the audience? Be explicit: yes –or- no, providing examples as appropriate. 2 ManComm Final Self-Reflection Introduction: o Opening set-up the topic and tied to the audience’s interests (Yes – No) o Main Point of the presentation delivered upfront (Yes – No) o Structure of Presentation clearly stated (Yes – No) HOP-T: Page: 1 H: Headline No Main message 2 No 3 No 4 Yes O: Orient Tour of how the slide is organized No Yes Yes Yes P: Key Points Talking points that support the headline Yes Yes Yes Yes T: Transitions Building a bridge to the next slide / next section No Yes No N/A Conclusion: o Main points explicitly recapped in conclusion (Yes – No) Comment on your use of structure and HOP-T: I definitely forgot about reading the headlines in a few slides, which made myself get confused on hoy to do the orientation. Also there is room for improvement in the transitions, it is definitely easier to follow when doing a clear small t and big T. On the good part, I think that the message was clear for the audience which was intended for, employees that not necessary has an accounting background that were nervous about the new business model, the whole presentation was structured to be 3 ManComm Final Self-Reflection repetitive in the fact that no real performance issue will occur, rather than a new reporting system that will make the company look less profitable for a couple of years. Part 2: Identify your delivery strengths & areas of opportunity as they have developed during the course Using the same ACE Grid you completed for Self-Reflection #1 (see below), draw on both your own observations and your peers' feedback throughout the course to evaluate your performance. Behaviors that Enhance Authority First impression, sets tone • “On” from seat to seat • Strong entrance, solid stance, open posture • Disciplined time I think that the position from the start was solid, waited until everyone was paying attention to start speaking. Started addressing the audience and immediately saying the issue and message to calm the audience. Time management was perfect. Behaviors that Detract Too focused on the slides ended in a position with my back to half of the audience in some points. Should have used more pauses, I feel I was rushing to go over everything within the 4 minutes. Need to be more fluid and maybe should have be more clear on the accounting differences and reasons on how actually worked (instead of only showing a chart) management Conversation Engages the audience • Universal and sustained eye contact • Pace matches complexity of content Good pace. Clear emphasis in the conclusion during the whole presentation. • Effective pauses Energy Sustains the connection • Delivery in sync with the message itself • Appropriate level of energy • Brings authentic self to Good energy, trying to pass a message that clear the air and motivating everyone to keep the good work the conversation 4 ManComm Final Self-Reflection What has changed over the four presentations? (Include progression on the intention you identified in Self-Reflection #1 and any other changes you have observed.) Really improved the structure of my message. Improved body posture and gestures as well. Even I made some progress on my pace I am still rushing over everything to cover all points within the given time, I need to focus on using pauses to emphasize because they are a powerful tool. How have those changes impacted your overall delivery? Overall I thing I have improved significantly during this course. Specially of being aware of my posture and gestures, and structuring my message in an effective and structured way, as well as tailored to the audience I am addressing. 5 ManComm Final Self-Reflection Part 3: Highlight your personal takeaways - learnings from this course you want to remember and practice in the future to enhance your communication effectiveness What ideas, lessons or insights do you want to remember from this course? How will you utilize these in future presentations? 1. Structure in the presentation. I think it was gamechanger for me to use HOPT and adopt the class template for slide decks. Making slide decks now is much easier because I already know what to do from the beginning. 2. Being repetitive was odd at the beginning but experiencing the change as part of the audience was impactful, it really help to transmit the takeaways and keep the audience on track. 3. Body Posture. Now I am aware of things that I did before and were distracting, as wiggling side to side and not making eye contact. 4. Feedback. I learned how to provide respectful and useful feedback, which will be critical in my personal development as a leader. 6