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1. A defined surface on an airport prepared or suitable for the landing or takeoff
of airplanes.
A. Landing
B. Pavement
C Runway.
D. Wearing Course
2. The rate of change in acceleration (or less often, deceleration).
A Jerk
C. Both A and B
B. Jolt
D. None of these
3. Time elapsed between the front bumper of one vehicle and the front bumper
of the following vehicle passing a given point.
A Time Headway
C. Bumper Distance
B. Time Advanced
D. Space Headway
4. Roadside markers used to guide drivers through turns, especially at night or
at times of poor visibility.
A. Guide Signs
B: Delineators
C. Rumble Strips
D. Traffic Lights
5. The maximum speed at which vehicles can continuously travel safely under
favorable conditions,
A. Maximum Speed
B. Design Speed
C. Speed Limit
D. Safe Speed
6. Gravel used as the base below the track for rail.
A. Base Course
C. Aggregate
B. Subbase Course
D. Ballast
7. The layer of the pavement immediately below the binder course or wearing
A. Subgrade
B. Subbase Course
C Base course
D. Wearing Course
8. The materials excavated and thrown away which is no longer necessary to
form an embankment.
A. Borrow
B. Embankment
C Fill
D. Waste
9. A dark brown to black cementitious material solid or semi-solid in
consistency, in which the predominating constituent is bitumen which occurs in
nature as residue in refining petroleum.
A. Asphalt
C. Cut Back
B. Tack Coat
D. Cement
10. Is the determination of water depth at a certain fixed point.
A. Stream Gaging
C. 6/10th Method
B. Hydrographic Survey
D Sounding
11. Is the art of making measurements of the flow of water in open channels.
A. Stream Gaging
C. 6/10th Method
B. Hydrographic Survey
D. Sounding
12. A current or steady flow of water running along the earth's surface.
A. Stream
C. Channel
B. Ocean
D. Canal
13. This word is a plural name of a Greek word which is originally applied in
measuring distances for athletic contests.
A. Plumbus
C. Stadus
B. Stadia
D. Plumbub
14. The distance from the center of the instrument to the principal focus
A. Stadia Constant
B. Stadia Intercept
C. Stadia interval factor
D. Stadia Distance
15. The ratio of the focal length of the lens to the spacing between stadia hairs.
A. Stadia Constant
C. Stadia Interval Factor
B. Stadia Intercept
D. Stadia Distance
16. Is an extremely slow swing of the magnetic needle, periodic in nature,
extending over a very long period of time due to the shifting of the earth's
magnetic interior.
A. Magnetic Variation
B. Annual Variation
C. Magnetic Declination
D. Secular Variation
17. Difference in direction of a heavenly body as seen from the surface and
from the center of the earth.
A. Magnetic Declination
B. Parallax
C. Lunar Eclipse
D. Solar Eclipse
18. It is the distance within which it is more economical to haul materials than to
throw them as waste or beyond which it is more economical to borrow than to
A. Overhaul Distance
B. Free haul Distance
C. Length of Overhaul
D. Limit of Economical Haul
19. The distance between the center of gravity of the mass of excavation
beyond the free haul mass and the center of gravity of the resulting
embankment minus the free haul distance.
A. Overhaul Distance
B. Free haul Distance
C. Length of Overhaul
D. Limit of Economical Haul
20. The process of widening, enlarging, clearing, or deepening of channels in
harbors, rivers and canals.
A. Dredging
B. Quarrying
C. Deepening
D. Widening
21. Refers to surveying streams, lakes, reservoirs, harbors, oceans, and other
bodies of water.
A. Hydrologic Survey
B. Hydrographic Survey
C. Hydraulic Survey
D. Water Analysis
22. The maximum number of vehicles that pass a point on a highway during a
period of 60 consecutive minutes. This volume is used for functional
classification of highways, geometric design standard selection, capacity
analysis, development of operational programs, and development of parking
A. Peak Hour Volume
B. Peak Volume
C. Peak Capacity
D. 60 minute Volume
23. The average of 24-hour traffic counts collected every day in the year. These
counts are used to estimate highway user revenues, compute accident rates,
and establish traffic volume trends.
A. Average Annual Daily Traffic
B. Annual Average Daily Traffic
C. Average Daily Traffic
D. Annual Daily Traffic
24. The average of 24-hour traffic counts collected over a number of days
greater than one but less than a year, These counts are used for planning of
highway activities, measuring current traffic demand and evaluating existing
traffic flow,
A: Average Annual Daily Traffic
B Annual Average Daily Traffic
C Average Daily Traffic
D. Annual Daily Traffic
25. A measure of travel usage along a section of road. It is the product of the
volume (ADT) and the length of roadway in miles to which the volume is
applicable: This measure is used mainly as a base for allocating resources for
maintenance and improvement of highways and to establish highway system
usage trends.
A. Accident Per Million Entering Vehicles
B. Vehicle Miles of Travel
C. Length of Travel of Vehicles
D. Braking Distance
26. Minimum sight distance required on a two-lane, two-way highway that will
permit a driver to complete a passing maneuver without colliding with an
opposing vehicle and without cutting on the passed vehicle.
A. Stopping Distance
C. Passing Sight Distance
B. Passing Distance
D. Stopping Sight Distance
27. The length of super elevation development from zero cross-slope to full
design super elevation in a circular curve alignment.
A. Superelevation Runout
C. Tangent Run-off
B. Superelevation Run-off
D: Tangent Runout
28. Distance traveled by the vehicle after the application of the
brakes until it will stop.
A. Breaking Distance
B. Stopping Distance
C. Collision Distance
D. Braking Distance
29. The distance ahead that must be clear to permit safe passing
A. Stopping Distance
C. Passing Sight Distance
B. Passing Distance
D. Stopping Sight Distance
30. The ratio between parallel forces divided by the normal forces (in banking of
A. Skid Resistance
B: Coefficient of Friction
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
31. The time taken for final action.
A. Perception Time
B. Identification Time
C. Emotion Time
D. Volition Time
32. The time elapsed during emotional sensations and disturbance such as
fear, anger; or any other emotional feelings. with reference to the situation:
A. Perception Time
C. Emotion Time
B. Reaction Time
D. Volition Time
33. The reaction time to be used for road safety design.
A. 2 sec
C. 3 sec
B. 2.5 sec
D. 3.5 sec
34. The time taken from the instant the object is visible to the driver to the
instant the brakes are effectively applied.
A. Perception Time
C. Emotion Time
B. Reaction Time
D. Volition Time
35. The time required for a driver to realize that brakes must be applied. It is the
time from the instant the object comes on the line of sight of the driver to the
instant he realizes that the vehicle needs to be stopped.
A. Perception Time
C. Emotion Time
B. Identification Time
D. Volition Time
36. It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section
of roadway at a given instant time and is usually measured in vehicles per mile
or per km.
A. Capacity
B. Volume
C. Density
D. Flow
37. The number of vehicles moving in a specified direction on a given lane or
roadway that pass a given point during specified unit time and is usually
expressed as vehicles per hour or vehicles per day.
A. Traffic Volume
C: Traffic Capacity
B. Traffic Density
D. Jam Density
38. Waves formed by moving ships or boats are called:
A Wakes
C. Ship Wave
B. Ripple
D. Sinusoidal
39. Waves formed by earthquake disturbances.
A. Seismic Wave
C. Earthquake Cracks
B. Tsunami
D. Tidal Wave
40. Waves formed by gravitational attraction between the moon and the sun:
A. Tides
C. Seismic Wave
B. Tsunami
D. Gravity Wave
41. Waves under the influence of the winds that generated them are called:
A. Tsunami
C. Tidal Wave
B. Wind wave
D. Sea (Waves that are being acted on by the generating wind are known as ‘sea’ or storm
42, The spread of energy along a wave crest is called:
A. Reflection
C. Diffraction
B. Refraction
D. Dissipation
43. The bending of waves as they slowdown is called:
A. Reflection
C. Diffraction
B. Refraction
D. Dissipation
44. Waves that have propagated beyond the initial winds that generated them
are called:
A Swell
B Fetch.
C. Final wave
D. After wave
45. The time that the wind blows across the water:
A. Blow time
C Duration
B. Wind time
D. Water
46. The highest tide which occurs at intervals of half a lunar month when the
sun, moon and earth fall in line.
A. Higher high tide
B. Low tide
C. High tide
D: Spring tides
47. The lowest tide of the month when the lines connecting the earth with the
sun and the moon forms a right triangle, that is when the moon is in its quarter
is called:
A. Spring tide
B. Diurnal Tide
C. High tide
D. Neap Tides.
48. Tides that occur twice its lunar day is called: SemiA. Spring tide
C. High tide
B. Diurnal Tide
D. Neap Tides
49. The circulation of masses of air more or less parallel to the earth's surface.
A. Wind
C. Tornado
B: Typhoon
D: Storm
50. The graphical representation of the direction, frequency and intensity of
winds at a particular location over a period of time is known as:
A. Wind Rose
C. Weather
B. Climate
D. Wind Sampaguita
51. A scale use to measure the intensity and free of winds is called:
A. Beaufort's Scale
C. Coulomb's Scale
B. Richter's Scale
D. Newton's Scale
52. The higher of the two high waters of any diurnal tide is called:
A. Super high water
C. Highest high water
B. Higher high water
D. High high water
53. The height of the mean high water above mean low water:*
A. High Range
C. Mean High Range
B. Mean Range
D. None of the above
54. The mean of the height of mean high water above the mean low water is
referred to as:
A. Mean water height
B. Mean level
C Mean Ocean level
D Mean Sea Level
55. The tidal current setting into the bays and estuaries along the coast is
A. Sea Current
B. Flood Current
C. Ocean current
D. Coast Current
56. The regular periodic rise and fall of the surface of the seas, observable
along their shores is called:
A. High Tide
B. Tide
C. Low Tide
D. Tidal Wave
57. The flow of seawater in the horizontal direction that accompanies a tidal
variation of sea level and thus periodic:
A Seiche
C. Braches
B. Breach
D. Serine
58. The straight line stretch of open water available for wave growth without
interruption of land is called:
A Fetch
B. Nursery
C. Booming
D: Development Length
59. The structure that protects. the harbor from stormy waves and permits calm
in the harbor:
A. Damage Water
B. Destruction water
C. Breakwater
D. Water shield
60. A solid structure which projects into the sea perpendicular to the shore to
berth vessels, is called:
A. Wharf
B. Pier
C jetty
D. Port
61. A platform built parallel to the shore within the harbor to berth vessels is
A. Wharf
B. Pier
C. Jetty
D. Port
62. A platform built in the harbor parallel to the shore and backed up by ground
is called:
A. Wharf
B. Pier
C. Jetty
D. Quay
63. A berth structure projecting out from the shoreline:
A. Wharf
C. Jetty
B. Pier
D. Quay
64. A sheltered place where the ship may receive or discharge cargo. It
includes the harbor with its approach channels and anchorage places:
A. Wharf
C. Jetty
B. Pier
D Port
65. A shore protection structure usually built perpendicular to the coastline to
retard littoral transport of sedimentary materials.
A. Grime
C. Girth
B Groin
D. Grange
66. Deep ground water deposits where underground water are available for
water supply and irrigation is known as:
A. Well
C. Water table
B. Aquifers
D. Phreatic table
67. In a fluid flow, if the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths
of individual particles do not cross, the flow is said to be.
A. Laminar
C. Semi
B. Turbulent
D. None of the above
68. A condition of flow characterized when fluid particles move in very irregular
paths, causing an exchange of momentum for portion of the liquid to another is.
A. Laminar
C. Semi
B. Turbulent
D. None of the above
69. A principle of flow measurement which states that the increase in kinetic
energy per unit weight is equal to the decrease in the potential energy per unit
weight, is known as:
A. Bernoulli Principle
B. Torricelli Law
C. Energy
D. Paul's Law
70. "The theoretical velocity of a jet of liquid issuing out of an orifice under a
head of h being equal to the velocity of a free-falling body dropping through a
height of h" is known as:
A. Bernoulli Principle
B. Torricelli Law
C. Energy
D. Paul's Law
71. The difference between the hydraulic grade line and energy grade line is.
A. Velocity Head
C. Energy head
B. Pressure head
D. Hydraulic head
72. A type of open channel flow where the Froude Number is equal to 1.
A. Critical flow
C. Supercritical flow
B. Subcritical flow
D. Normal Flow
73. It defined as a conduit in which the liquid flows with a free surface subjected
to atmosphere pressure. The flow is caused by the slope of the conduit and
the liquid surface:
A. Free flow
B. Open channel flow
C: Atmospheric flow
D. Close pipe flow
74. It is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of
measuring or controlling the flow.
A. Orifice
C. Wire
B. Weir
D. Orifierce
75. Is the test used to determine the grain size distribution of the soils
passing the No. 200 sieve.
A. Hydrometer Analysis
B. Sieve Analysis
C. Size Analysis
D. Soil Analysis
76. It is the grain size corresponding to 10 percent passing on a grain-size
distribution curve.
A. Hazen's Effective Size
B. Paul's Effective Size
C. Darcy's Effective Size
D. William's Effective Size
77. Is the ratio of the difference between the void ratios of a cohesionless soil in
its loosest state and existing natural state to the difference between its void
ratio in the loosest and densest states
A. Relative Strength
C. Suitability
B. Relative density
D. Voidibility
78. Provides a means of describing the degree and kind of cohesion and
adhesion between the soil particles as related to the resistance of the soil to
deform or rupture.
A. Relative Strength
B. Soil Suitability
C. Relative Density
D. Soil Consistency
79. It is a field measure of the ability of the soil to withstand an applied stress or
pressure as applied using the thumb and forefinger.
A. Fingering Resistance
C. Rupture Resistance
B. Thumb Resistance
D. None of the Above
80. Is the attraction of one water molecule to another resulting from hydrogen
bonding (water-water bond),
A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Interhesion
D. Intrahesion
81. It involves the attraction of a water molecule to a non-water molecule
(water-solid bond).
A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Interhesion
D. Intrahesion
82. The capacity of soil to adhere to other objects. It is estimated at moisture
content that displays maximum adherence between thumb and forefinger.
A. Adhesion
C. Stickiness
B. Cohesion
D. Bonding
83. Degree a soil can be molded or reworked causing permanent deformation
without rupturing.
A. Plastic limit
B. Shrinkage Limit
C. Plasticity
D. Liquid limit
84. Is defined as the moisture content at which soil begins to behave as a liquid
material and begins to flow.
A. Plastic limit
B. Shrinkage Limit
C. Plasticity
D. Liquid limit
85. Is defined as the moisture content at which soil begins to behave as a
plastic material: It is also defined as the moisture content at which the soil
crumbles when rolled into a thread of 3.18 mm in diameter.
A. Plastic limit
C. Plasticity.
B. Shrinkage Limit
D. Liquid limit
86. Is defined as the moisture content at which no further volume change
occurs with further reduction in moisture content.
A. Plastic limit
C: Plasticity
B. Shrinkage Limit
D. Liquid limit
87. Is the densification of soil by removal of air, which requires mechanical
A. Compaction
B. Shrinkage
C. Densification
D. Consolidation
88. The moisture content at which the maximum dry unit weight of soil is
A. Extreme Moisture Content
B. Mega Moisture Content
C. Maximum Moisture Content
D. Optimum Moisture Content
89. It is a technique for in situ densification of thick layers of loose granular soil
A. Compaction
B. Vibroflotation
C. Densification
D. Vibration
90. Is a line along which water particle will travel from upstream to the
downstream side in the permeable soil medium.
A. Level line
C. Particle line
B. Flow line
D. Travel line
91. A line along which the potential head at all points are equal.
A. Equipotential Line
C. Equinormal line
B. Potential line
92. They are constructed to calculate the groundwater flow in the media that combine
flow line and equipotential lines.
A. Fish Net
B. Flow Nets
C. Ground Flow Net
D. Velocity net
93. The sum of the vertical components of the forces developed at the points of
contact of the solid particles per unit cross sectional area of the soil mass.
A. Total Stress
C. Partial Stress
B. Effective Stress
D. Maximum Stress
94. Caused by the elastic deformation of dry soil and of moist and saturated
soils without any change in the moisture content.
A. Immediate settlement
B. Primary consolidation settlement
C. Secondary consolidation settlement
D. Tertiary Consolidation settlement
95. The result of volume change in saturated cohesive soils because of the
expulsion of water that occupies the void spaces.
A. Immediate settlement
B Primary consolidation settlement
C. Secondary consolidation settlement
D. Tertiary Consolidation settlement
96. The result of the plastic adjustment of soil fabrics.
A. Immediate. settlement
B. Primary consolidation settlement
C. Secondary consolidation settlement
D. Tertiary Consolidation settlement
97. The internal resistance per unit area of the soil mass to resist failure and
sliding along any plane.
A. Shear strength
B. Effective strength
G. Bearing strength
D. Normal strength
98. Ratio of preconsolidation pressure to present effective overburden
A. Overconsoldation ratio (OCR)
B. Oversettlement ratio
C. Overburden ratio
D. Overstress ratio
99. An exposed ground surface that stands at an angle with the horizontal. It is
slope that can either be natural or constructed.
A. Restrained Slope
C. Slope Failure
B. Unrestrained Slope
D. Infinite Slope
100. The process of identifying the layers of deposits that underlie a proposed
structure and their physical characteristics:
A. Geological exploration
C. Geotechnical Exploration
B. Surface Exploration
D. Subsurface Exploration
101. It is a method for analyzing the stability of a slope in two dimensions. The
sliding mass above the failure surface is divided into a number of slices. The
forces acting on each slice are obtained by considering the mechanical
equilibrium for the slice surface is divided into a number of slices. The forces
acting on each slice are obtained by considering the mechanical equilibrium for
the slices.
A. Method of Slices
B. Bishop's Simplified Method of Slices
C. Sarma Method
D. Lorimer's Method
102. It is a type of failure occurs in a such a way that the surface of sliding
passes at a distance below the toe of the slope.
A. Slope failure
C. Base Failure
B. Circular Failure
D. critical Failure
103. it is a type of failure occurs in a such a way that the surface of sliding
intersects the slope or above its toe.
A. Slope failure
C. Circular Failure
B. Base Failure
D. Critical Failure
104. It is the failure circle in the case of slope and occurred when it passes
through the toe of the slope.
A. Toe Circle
B. Slope Circle
C. Mid-point Circle
D. Concentric Circle
105. It is the failure circle in the case of slope circle and occurred when it
passes above the toe of the slope
A. Toe Circle
C. Mid-point Circle
B. Slope Circle
D. Concentric Circle
106. It is the failure circle in the case of base failure.
A. Toe Circle
C. Mid-point Circle
B. Slope Circle
D. Concentric Circle
107. It refers to the condition in which every point in a soil mass is on the verge
of failure,
A. Plastic Equilibrium
B. Elastic Equilibrium
C. Dynamic Equilibrium
D. Static Equilibrium
108. It is the pressure that soil exerts against a structure in a sideways, mainly
horizontal direction. The common applications of its theory are for the design of
ground engineering structures such as retaining walls, basements, tunnels, and
to determine the friction on the sides of deep foundations.
A. Allowable pressure
C. Effective Pressure
B. Lateral Earth Pressure
D. Ultimate Pressure
109. The state occurs when a soil mass is allowed to relax or move outward to
the point of reaching the limiting strength of the soil; that is, the soil is at the
failure condition in extension. Thus it is the minimum lateral soil pressure that
may be exerted.
A. Active State
B. Passive State
C. Equilibrium State
110. It is simply an enlargement of a load bearing wall or column that makes it
possible to spread the load of the structure over the large area of the soil.
A. Spread Footing
C. Pile and Drilled Shaft Foundation
B. Mat Foundation
D: Deep Foundation
111. It is a structural member made of concrete, timber, or steel that transmit
the load of the superstructure to the lower layers of the soil.
A. Footing
C. Pile
B. Anchorage
D. Column
112: It is a type of foundation which is referred to as a raft foundation: It is a
combined footing that may cover entire area under structure supporting several
columns and walls,
A. Spread Footing
B Mat Foundation
C. Pile and Drilled Shaft Foundation
D. Deep Foundation
113. He was the first to present a comprehensive theory for evaluating the
ultimate bearing capacity of rough shallow foundation. According to his theory
the depth of the foundation is shallow if the depth of the foundation is less than
or equal to the width of the foundation.
A. Rankine
B. Terzaghi
C. Coulomb
D. Meyorhof
114. He proposed a correlation for the net allowable bearing pressure for
foundation with the standard penetration resistance.
A. Rankine
B, Terzaghi
B. Coulomb
D. Meyorhof
115. It is type of retaining wall which are constructed with plain concrete or
stone masonry. They depend on their own weight and ay soil resting on the
masonry for stability and it is not economical for high walls.
A. Gravity Retaining Wall
C. Cantilever Retaining Wall
B. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall
D. Counterfort Retaining Wall
116. They are made up of reinforced concrete that consist of a thin stem and a
base slab. This type of wall is economical to a height about 8m.
A. Gravity Retaining Wall
C. Cantilever Retaining Wall
B. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall
D. Counterfort Retaining Wall
117. It is similar to Cantilever Retaining Wall; its purpose is to reduce the shear
and the bending moments.
A. Gravity Retaining Wall
B. Semi-Gravity retaining Wall
C. Cantilever Retaining Wall
D. Counterfort Retaining Wall
118. It is defined as the ratio of the unconfined compression strength in
undisturbed state to that in a remolded state.
A. Degree Of Saturation
B. Degree Of Freedom
C Degree Of Sensitivity
D. Degree Of Compressibility
119. It is another method of determining liquid limit that is popular in Europe
and in Asia. In this test the liquid limit is defined as the moisture content at
which a standard cone of apex angle 300 and weigh 0.78 N will penetrate a
distance d=20 mm in 5 seconds when allowed to drop from a position of point
contact with the soil surface
A Fall Cone Test
B Standard Cone Test
C. British Standard Test
D. Europe Cone Test
120. It is that unit tensile stress at which the stress-strain curve exhibits a welldefined increase in strain without an increase in stress.
A. Tensile Strength
C. Yield Stress
B. Elastic Stress
D. Rupture Strength
121. The largest unit stress that the material achieves in a tension test.
A. Tensile Strength
B. Elastic Stress
C. Yield Stress
D. Rupture Strength
122. The slope of the initial straight-line portion of the stress-strain diagram.
A. Shear Modulus
C. Poison's Ratio
B. Modulus of Elasticity
D. Weldability
123. The ratio of shearing stress to shearing strain during the initial elastic behavior.
A. Shear Modulus
B. Modulus of Elasticity
C. Poisson’s Ratio
D. Weldability
124. The ratio of the transverse strain to the longitudinal strain
A. Shear Modulus
B. Modulus of Elasticity
C. Poisson’s Ratio
D. Weldability
125. The ability of steel to be welded without changing its basic mechanical properties.
A. Shear Modulus
B. Modulus of Elasticity
C. Poisson’s Ratio
D. Weldability
126. The ability of the material to undergo large inelastic deformation without fracture.
A. Ductility
B. Resilience
C. Malleability
D. Toughness
127. It is the ability of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically, and release
that energy upon unloading. Its modulus can be calculated by integrating the stress-strain curve
from zero to the elastic limit.
A. Ductility
B. Resilience
C. Malleability
D. Toughness
128. It is the ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing.
One of its definition is the amount of energy per unit volume that a material can absorb before
rupturing. It is also defined as the material’s resistance to fracture when stressed. It requires a
balance of strength and ductility.
A. Ductility
B. Resilience
C. Malleability
D. Toughness
129. Property of a material which makes it return to its original dimension when the load is
A. Elasticity
B. Plasticity
C. Ductility
D. Malleability
130. The characteristics of a material by which it undergoes inelastic strains beyond the strain
at the elastic limit.
A. Elasticity
B. Plasticity
C. Ductility
D. Malleability
131. Happens when large deformations occur in a ductile material which is loaded into the
plastic region.
A. Elastic Flow
B. Plastic Flow
C. Strain Hardening
D. Malleability
132. Materials having the same composition at any point.
A. Isotropic
B. Composite
C. Prismatic
D. Homogeneous
133. Materials having the same properties in all directions.
A. Isotropic
B. Composite
C. Prismatic
D. Homogeneous
134. Materials that has its properties different in various directions.
A. Orthotropic
B. Aeolotropic
C. Homogeneous
D. Isotropic
135. The composite material exhibits elastic properties in one direction different from that in
the perpendicular direction.
A. Orthotropic
B. Anisotropic
C. Aeolotropic
D. Isotropic
136. It is the strengthening of a material by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs
because of dislocation movements and dislocation generation within the crystal structure of
the material.
A. Elastic Flow
B. Plastic Flow
C. Strain Hardening
D. Crystallization
137. Strains developed in addition when materials are loaded for a long period of time.
A. Creep
B. Relaxation
C. Deflection
D. Deformation
Strains developed when the material is loaded multiple times at a stress below its elastic limit.
138. The term for the value above which the stress is no longer proportional to the strain.
A. Proportional limit
B. Rupture Stress
C. Plastic Range
D. Elastic Range
139. It is the point through which the resultant of the resistance to the applied lateral force
A. Shear wall
B. Eccentricity
C. Center of mass
D. Center of rigidity
140. It is the point through which the applied lateral force acts.
A. Shear wall
B. Eccentricity
C. Center of mass
D. Center of rigidity
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