INSTRUCTOR SOLUTIONS MANUAL Preface and Acknowledgments This book contains solutions to the problems presented in Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Fourth Edition by Thornton and Rex. It is intended for instructors only and is specifically not intended for general distribution to students. Instructors may wish to share solutions to specific problems with students, but the copying of whole sections or chapters of this book for distribution to students is strongly discouraged. A Student Solutions Manual, which contains solutions to approximately one-fourth of the problems, is available. If you want your students to have that manual, either as a required or an optional text, you can order it through your bookstore (through Cengage Learning). We would like to thank Stephen T. Thornton who offered suggestions for solutions to many of the problems. We also especially thank Paul Weber of the University of Puget Sound and Thushara Parera of Illinois Wesleyan University who checked these solutions and offered many corrections and suggestions for clarification. For most physics problems, alternate solutions are possible. We welcome suggestions of alternate solutions and especially identification of any errors in this text, which are ours alone. Allen P. Flora Department of Chemistry and Physics 401 Rosemont Avenue Hood College Frederick, MD 21701 Andrew Rex Physics Department CMB 1031 University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA 98416-1031 iii © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. iv © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Table of Contents CHAPTER 2 – Special Theory of Relativity 1 CHAPTER 3 – The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 28 CHAPTER 4 – Structure of the Atom 46 CHAPTER 5 – Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 62 CHAPTER 6 – Quantum Mechanics II 78 CHAPTER 7 – The Hydrogen Atom 100 CHAPTER 8 – Atomic Physics 114 CHAPTER 9 – Statistical Physics 123 CHAPTER 10 – Molecules, Laser, and Solids 142 CHAPTER 11 – Semiconductor Theory and Devices 160 CHAPTER 12 – The Atomic Nucleus 169 CHAPTER 13 – Nuclear Interactions and Applications 187 CHAPTER 14 – Particle Physics 201 CHAPTER 15 – General Relativity 212 CHAPTER 16 – Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End 221 v © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. vi © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 1 Chapter 2 d 2 x ˆ d 2 y ˆ d 2 z ˆ 1. For a particle Newton’s second law says F ma m 2 i 2 j 2 k . dt dt dt Take the second derivative of each of the expressions in Equation (2.1): d 2 x d 2 x d 2 y d 2 y d 2 z d 2 z 2 2 2 . Substitution into the previous equation gives dt 2 dt dt 2 dt dt 2 dt d 2 x d 2 y d 2 z F ma m 2 iˆ 2 ˆj 2 kˆ F . dt dt dt dx dy ˆ dz ˆ 2. From Equation (2.1) p m iˆ j k . dt dt dt dx dx dy dy dz dz v In a Galilean transformation . dt dt dt dt dt dt dx ˆ dy ˆ dz ˆ j k p . v i Substitution into Equation (2.1) gives p m dt dt dt dx dy ˆ dz ˆ j k the same form is clearly retained, given However, because p m iˆ dt dt dt dx dx the velocity transformation v. dt dt 3. Using the vector triangle shown, the speed of light coming toward the mirror is c 2 v 2 2 2 distance . and the same on the return trip. Therefore the total time is t2 speed c2 v2 Notice that sin v v , so sin 1 . c c © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 2 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 0.350 m/s 4. As in Problem 3, sin v1 / v2 , so sin 1 (v1 / v2 ) sin 1 16.3 and 1.25 m/s v v22 v12 (1.25 m/s)2 (0.35 m/s)2 1.20 m/s . 5. When the apparatus is rotated by 90°, the situation is equivalent, except that we have effectively interchanged 1 and 2 . Interchanging 1 and 2 in Equation (2.3) leads to Equation (2.4). 6. Let n = the number of fringes shifted; then n n c t t n 1 vc 7. Letting 1 2 v2 c 1 2 2 . . Because d c t t , we have Solving for v and noting that 0.005 589 109 m 3.00 108 m/s 1 d 22 m 1 + 2 = 22 m, 3.47 km/s. 1 2 (where v / c ) the text equation (not currently numbered) for t1 becomes t1 2 1 2 2 1 c 1 c 1 2 1 which is identical to t2 when 1 2 so t 0 as required. 8. Since the Lorentz transformations depend on c (and the fact that c is the same constant for all inertial frames), different values of c would necessarily lead two observers to different conclusions about the order or positions of two spacetime events, in violation of postulate 1. 9. Let an observer in K send a light signal along the + x-axis with speed c. According to the Galilean transformations, an observer in K measures the speed of the signal to be dx dx v c v . Therefore the speed of light cannot be constant under the Galilean dt dt transformations. 10. From the Principle of Relativity, we know the correct transformation must be of the form (assuming y y and z z ): x ax bt ; x ax bt . The spherical wave front equations (2.9a) and (2.9b) give us: ct (ac b)t ; ct (ac b)t . Solve the second wave front equation for t and substitute into the first: © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity (ac b)(ac b)t or c2 (ac b)(ac b) a 2c 2 b2 . ct c Now v is the speed of the origin of the x -axis. We can find that speed by setting x 0 which gives 0 ax bt , or v x / t b / a , or equivalently b = av. Substituting this into the equation above for c 2 yields c 2 a 2c 2 a 2v 2 a 2 c 2 v 2 . Solving for a: . / c2 This expression, along with b = av, can be substituted into the original expressions for x and x to obtain: x x vt ; x x vt a 1 1 v 2 which in turn can be solved for t and t to complete the transformation. 11. When v c we find 1 2 1 , so: x t x t x ct x ct x vt ; 1 2 t x/c 1 2 x ct 1 2 t x/c t ; x ct x vt ; t x / c 1 2 t x / c t . v / c (26.39 m/s) / 3.00 108 m/s 8.8 108 12. (a) First we convert to SI units: 95 km/h = 26.39 m/s, so (b) v / c (240 m/s) / 3.00 108 m/s 8.0 107 (c) v 2.3 vsound 2.3 330 m/s so v / c 2.3 330 m/s / 3.00 108 m/s 2.5 106 v / c (7500 m/s) / 3.00 108 m/s 2.5 105 (d) Converting to SI units, 27,000 km/h = 7500 m/s, so (e) (25 cm)/(2 ns) = 1.25 108 m/s so v / c (1.25 108 m/s) / 3.00 108 m/s 0.42 (f) 11014 m / 0.35 10 22 s 2.857 10 8 m/s , so v / c (2.857 108 m/s) / 3.00 108 m/s 0.95 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 3 4 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 13. From the Lorentz transformations t t vx / c 2 . But t 0 in this case, so solving for v we find v c2 t / x . Inserting the values t t2 t1 a / 2c and c 2 a / 2c c / 2 . We conclude that the frame K travels a at a speed c/2 in the x -direction. Note that there is no motion in the transverse direction. 14. Try setting x 0 x vt . Thus 0 x vt a va / 2c . Solving for v we find x x2 x1 a , we find v v 2c , which is impossible. There is no such frame K . 15. For the smaller values of β we use the binomial expansion 1 2 (a) 1 2 / 2 1 3.87 1015 1/2 1 2 / 2 . (b) 1 2 / 2 1 3.2 1013 (c) 1 2 / 2 1 3.11012 (d) 1 2 / 2 1 3.11010 (e) 1 2 (f) 1 2 1/2 1/2 1 0.422 1 0.952 1/2 1/2 1.10 3.20 16. There is no motion in the transverse direction, so y z 3.5 m. 1 1 2 x x vt 1 1 0.82 5/3 5 2m 0.8c 0 10 / 3 m 3 t t vx / c 2 5 0 0.8c 2 m / c 2 8.9 109 s 3 3 m (5 m)2 (10 m)2 x2 y 2 z 2 3.86 108 s 17. (a) t 8 3.00 10 m/s c (b) With 0.8 we find 5 / 3 . Then y y 5 m, z z 10 m, 2 5 x x vt 3m 2.40 108 m/s (3.86 10-8 s) 10.4 m 3 2 5 t t vx / c 2 3.86 108 s 2.40 108 m/s 3 m / 3.00 108 m/s 51.0 ns 3 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 5 10.4 m 5 m 10 m x2 y2 z2 2.994 108 m/s which equals c (c) 9 t 51.0 10 s to within rounding errors. 2 2 2 18. At the point of reflection the light has traveled a distance L vt1 ct1 . On the return trip it travels L vt2 ct2 . Then the total time is t t1 t2 2 Lc 2L / c . 2 c v 1 v2 / c2 But from time dilation we know (with t proper time 2L0 / c ) that t t 2 L0 / c 1 v2 / c2 . Comparing these two results for t we get which reduces to L L0 1 v 2 / c 2 L0 2 2 L0 / c 2L / c 2 v 1 v2 / c2 1 2 c . This is Equation (2.21). 19. (a) With a contraction of 1%, L / L0 0.99 1 v 2 / c 2 . Thus 1 2 (0.99)2 0.9801. Solving for , we find 0.14 or v 0.14c. (b) The time for the trip in the Earth-based frame is d 5.00 106 m 1.19 101 s . With the relativistic factor 1.01 v 0.14 3.00 108 m/s (corresponding to a 1% shortening of the ship’s length), the elapsed time on the rocket ship is 1% less than the Earth-based time, or a difference of t 0.011.2 101s = 1.2 103 s. 20. The round-trip distance is d = 40 ly. Assume the same constant speed v c for the entire round trip. In the rocket’s reference frame the distance is only d d 1 2 . Then 40ly 1 2 d distance c 1 2 . in the rocket’s frame of reference v time 40 y 40 y v 1 2 . Solving for we find 0.5 , or v 0.5 c 0.71c . c 1 To find the elapsed time t on Earth, we know t 40 y, so t t 40y 56.6 y. 1 2 Rearranging 21. In the muon’s frame T0 2.2 μs. In the lab frame the time is longer; see Equation (2.19): T T0 . In the lab the distance traveled is 9.5cm vT v T0 c T0 , since v c . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6 Therefore 9.5 cm 1 2 cT0 , so v 9.5 cm c Chapter 2 1 2 c 2.2μs Special Theory of Relativity . Now all quantities are known except β. Solving for β we find 1.4 104 or v 1.4 104 c . 22. Converting the speed to m/s we find 25,000 mi/h = 11,176 m/s. From tables the distance is 3.84 108 m . In the earth’s frame of reference the time is the distance divided by speed, or t d 3.84 108 m 34,359 s . In the astronauts’ frame the time elapsed is v 11,176 m/s t t / t 1 2 . The time difference is t t t t t 1 2 t 1 1 2 . 2 11,176 m/s 5 Evaluating numerically t 34,359 s 1 1 2.4 10 s. 8 3.00 10 m/s 1 23. T T0 , so we know that 5 / 3 . Solving for v we find v 4c / 5. 1 v2 / c2 1 and solving for v we find 24. L L0 / so clearly 2 in this case. Thus 2 1 v2 / c2 v 3c . 2 25. The clocks’ rates differ by a factor of 1/ 1 v 2 / c 2 . Because is very small we will use the binomial theorem approximation 1 2 / 2 . Then the time difference is t t t t t t 1 . Using 1 2 / 2 and the fact that the time for the trip equals distance divided by speed, 375 m/s 6 8 8 10 m 3.00 10 m/s t t 2 / 2 375 m/s 2 2 t 1.67 108 s 16.7 ns. 26. (a) L L / L 1 v 2 / c 2 3.58 104 km 1 0.942 1.22 104 km (b) Earth’s frame: t L / v 3.58 107 m 0.127 s 0.94 3.00 108 m/s Golf ball’s frame: t t / 0.127 s 1 0.942 0.0433 s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 7 27. Spacetime invariant (see Section 2.9): c2 t 2 x2 c2 t 2 x2 . We know x 4 km, x2 x 2 5000 m 4000 m t 0 , and x 5 km. Thus t 1.0 1010 s 2 2 8 c2 3.00 10 m/s 2 2 2 and t 1.0 105 s. 28. (a) Converting v = 120 km/h = 33.3 m/s. Now with c = 100 m/s, we have 1 1 v / c 0.333 and 1.061 . We conclude that the moving 2 1 1 0.3332 person ages 6.1% slower. (b) L L / (1 m) /(1.061) 0.942 m. 29. Converting v = 300 km/h = 83.3 m/s. Now with c =100 m/s, we have v / c 0.833 and 1 1 2 1 1 0.8332 1.81. So the length is L L0 / 40 /1.81 22.1 m. 30. Let subscript 1 refer to firing and subscript 2 to striking the target. Therefore we can see that x1 1 m, x2 121 m, and t1 3 ns. t2 t1 distance 120 m 3 ns + 3 ns + 408 ns = 411 ns. speed 0.98c To find the four primed quantities we can use the Lorentz transformations with the known values of x1 , x2 , t1 , and t2 . Note that with v 0.8c , 1 v 2 / c2 5 / 3 . t1 t1 vx1 / c 2 0.56 ns t2 t2 vx2 / c 2 147 ns x1 x1 vt1 0.47 m x2 x2 vt2 37.3 m 31. Start from the formula for velocity addition, Equation (2.23a): ux 0.62c 0.84c 1.46c 0.96 c 2 1 (0.62c)(0.84c) / c 1.52 0.62c 0.84c 0.22c (b) ux 0.46 c 2 1 (0.62c)(0.84c) / c 0.48 (a) ux 32. Velocity addition, Equation (2.24): ux ux ux v . 1 vux / c 2 ux v with v 0.8 c and ux 0.8 c. 1 vux / c 2 0.8c (0.8c) 1.6c 0.976 c 2 1 (0.8c)(0.8c) / c 1.64 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 8 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 33. Conversion: 110 km/h = 30.556 m/s and 140 km/h = 38.889 m/s. Let ux 30.556 m/s and v 38.889 m/s. Our premise is that c 100 m/s. Then by velocity addition, 30.556 m/s 38.889 m/s ux v ux 62.1 m/s. By symmetry 2 1 vux / c 1 38.889 m/s 30.556 m/s / 100 m/s 2 each observer sees the other one traveling at the same speed. 34. From Example 2.5 we have u u c 1 nv / c . For light traveling in opposite directions n 1 v / nc c 1 nv / c 1 nv / c . Because v / c is very small, use the binomial expansion: n 1 v / nc 1 v / nc 1 nv / c 1 1 nv / c 1 v / nc 1 nv / c 1 v / nc 1 nv / c v / nc , where we 1 v / nc 1 nv / c 1 nv / c v / nc. Thus have dropped terms of order v 2 / c 2 . Similarly 1 v / nc c 2v u 1 nv / c v / nc 1 nv / c v / nc 1 1/ n 2v 1 1/ n2 . Evaluating n n 1 numerically we find u 2(5 m/s) 1 4.35 m/s. 2 1.33 35. Clearly the speed of B is just 0.60c . To find the speed of C use ux 0.60 c and v 0.60 c : ux ux v 0.60c (0.60c) 0.88 c. 2 1 vux / c 1 (0.60c)(0.60c) / c 2 36. We can ignore the 400 km, which is small compared with the Earth-to-moon distance 3.84 108 m. The rotation rate is 2 rad 100 s1 2 102 rad/s. Then the speed across the moon’s surface is v R 2 102 rad/s 3.84 108 m 2.411011 m/s. 37. Classical: t ln 2 t 4205 m 1.43 105 s . Then N N0 exp 14.6 t 0.98c 1/2 or about 15 muons. Relativistic: t t / 1.43 105 s 2.86 106 s so 5 ln 2 t N N0 exp 2710 muons. Because of the exponential nature of the decay t1/ 2 curve, a factor of five (shorter) in time results in many more muons surviving. 38. The circumference of the fixed point’s rotational path is 2 RE cos(39 ) , where RE Earth’s radius = 6378 km. Thus the circumference of the path is 31,143 km. The © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 9 rotational speed of that point is v 31,143 km / 24 h 1298 km/h 360.5 m/s . The observatory clock runs slow by a factor of 1 1 1 2 / 2 1 7.22 1013 . In 41.2 h the observatory clock is slow by 41.2 h 7.22 1013 2.9746 1011 h = 107 ns. 2 In 48.6 h it is slow by 48.6 h 7.22 1013 3.5089 1011 h = 126 ns. The Eastward- moving clock has a ground speed of 31,143 km/41.2 h = 755.9 km/h = 210.0 m/s and thus has a net speed of 210.0 m/s + 360.5 m/s = 570.5 m/s. For this clock 1 1 2 / 2 1 1.811012 and in 41.2 hours it runs slow by 2 1 41.2 h 1.811012 7.4572 1011 h = 268 ns. The Westward-moving clock has a ground speed of 31,143 km/48.6 h = 640.8 km/h = 178.0 m/s and thus has a net speed of 360.5 m/s − 178.0 m/s = 182.5 m/s. For this clock 1 1 2 / 2 1 1.85 1013 and in 48.6 hours it runs slow by 2 1 48.6 h 1.85 1013 8.9911012 h = 32 ns. So our prediction is that the Eastward- moving clock is off by 107 ns – 269 ns 162 ns, while the Westward-moving clock is off by 126 ns − 32 ns = 94 ns. These results are correct for special relativity but do not reconcile with those in the table in the text, because general relativistic effects are of the same order of magnitude. 39. The derivations of Equations (2.31) and (2.32) in the beginning of Section 2.10 will suffice. Mary receives signals at a rate f for t1 and a rate f for t2 . Frank receives signals at a rate f for t1 and a rate f for t2 . 40. T t1 t2 L L L L 2L ; Frank sends signals at rate f, so Mary receives v c v c v f T 2 f L / v signals. T t1 t2 2L ; Mary sends signals at rate f , so Frank receives fT 2 f L / v signals. v 41. s 2 x2 y 2 z 2 c2t 2 ; Using the Lorentz transformation s 2 2 ( x vt ) 2 y2 z2 c 2 2 (t vx / c 2 )2 x2 2 1 v 2 / c 2 y2 z2 c 2t 2 2 1 v 2 / c 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 c 2 t 2 s 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 10 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 42. For a timelike interval s 2 0 so x2 c 2 t 2 . We will prove by contradiction. Suppose that there is a frame K is which the two events were simultaneous, so that t 0 . Then by the spacetime invariant x2 c2 t 2 x2 c2t 2 x2 . But because x2 c 2t 2 , this implies x2 0 which is impossible because x is real. 43. As in Problem 42, we know that for a spacelike interval s 2 0 so x2 c2 t 2 . Then in a frame K in which the two events occur in the same place, x 0 and x2 c2 t 2 x2 c2t 2 c2t 2 . But because x 2 c 2 t 2 we have c 2 t 2 0 , which is impossible because t is real. 44. In order for two events to be simultaneous in K , the two events must lie along the x axis, or along a line parallel to the x axis. The slope of the x axis is v / c , so ct . Solving for v, we find v c2 t / x . Since the slope of the x axis x must be less than one, we see that x ct so s 2 x2 c2 t 2 0 is required. v / c slope = 45. parts (a) and (b) To find the equation of the line use the Lorentz transformation. With t 0 we have t 0 t vx / c 2 or, rearranging, ct vx / c c . Thus the graph of ct vs. x is a straight line with a slope . (c) Now with t constant, the Lorentz transformation gives t t vx / c 2 . Again we solve for ct : ct x ct / x constant . This line is parallel to the t 0 line we found earlier but shifted by the constant. (d) Here both the x and ct axes are shifted from their normal (x, ct) orientation and they are not perpendicular. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 11 46. The diagram is shown here. Note that there is only one worldline for light, and it bisects both the x, ct axes and the x, ct axes. The x and ct axes are not perpendicular. This can be seen as a result of the Lorentz transformations, since x 0 defines the ct axis and t 0 defines the x axis. 47. The diagram shows that the events A and B that occur at the same time in K occur at different times in K . 48. The Doppler shift gives 0 1 . With numerical values 0 650 nm and 1 540 nm, solving this equation for gives 0.183 . The astronaut’s speed is v c 5.50 107 m/s. In addition to a red light violation, the astronaut gets a speeding ticket. 49. According to the fixed source (K) the signal and receiver move at speeds c and v, respectively, in opposite directions, so their relative speed is c v . The time interval t . between receipt of signals is t / (c v) 1/ f0 . By time dilation t (c v ) Using c / v0 and f 1 1 v2 / c2 f (1 ) 1 1 . 0 f0 2 1 t 1 we find t 1 2 c 1 v2 / c2 and f 0 (c v ) f 0 (1 ) © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 12 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 50. For a fixed source and moving receiver, the length of the wave train is cT vT . Since n cn cT vT waves are emitted during time T, and the frequency f c / is f . cT vT n As in the text n f 0T0 and T0 T / . Therefore f 51. f f 0 1 1 0.95 1400 kHz 224 kHz 1 1 0.95 52. The Doppler shift function f f 0 f 1 2 cf 0T / 1 . 0 f0 cT vT 1 1 1 1 is the rate at which #1 and #2 receive signals from each other and the rate at which #2 and #3 receive signals from each other. But for signals between #1 and #3 the rate is f f 1 1 . f0 1 1 53. The Doppler shift function f f 0 1 1 is the rate at which #1 and #2 receive signals from each other and the rate at which #2 and #3 receive signals from each other. As for #1 and #3 we will assume that these plumbing vans are non-relativistic v c . Otherwise it would be necessary to use the velocity addition law and apply the transverse Doppler shift. From the figure we see 1 that f . Now f 0 1/ t0 and t0 (t2 t1 ) 2 x 2vt0 cos . With an angle of 45 , cos(45) 1/ 2 and c c f0 f0 1 f . 1/ f0 (2v cos ) / cf 0 1 2v cos / c 1 2 v / c t2 t1 54. The Doppler shift to higher wavelengths is (with 0 589 nm) 700 nm 0 1 . 1 8 v 0.171 3.00 10 m/s 1.75 106 s Solving for we find 0.171 . Then t a 29.4 m/s 2 which is 20.25 days. One problem with this analysis is that we have only computed the © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 13 time as measured by Earth. We are not prepared to handle the non-inertial frame of the spaceship. 55. Let the instantaneous momentum be in the x-direction and the force be in the y-direction. dv Then dp F dt mdv and dv is also in the y-direction. So we have F m ma . dt v2 56. The magnitude of the centripetal force is ma m for circular motion. For a charged r v2 particle F qvB , so qvB m or, rearranging qBr mv p . Therefore r p r . qB When the speed increases the momentum increases, and thus for a given value of B the radius must increase. dp mv and F . The momentum is the product of two factors that 57. p mv 2 2 dt 1 v / c contain the velocity, so we apply the product rule for derivatives: F m d mv dt 1 v 2 / c 2 dv / dt 1 d m v dt 1 v 2 / c 2 1 v 2 / c 2 1 2v dv ma mv 2 3 2 c dt v2 ma 3 ma 2 c v2 v2 3 ma 1 2 2 c c 3 ma 58. From the preceding problem F 3ma . We have a 1019 m/s2 and m 1.67 1027 kg. (a) 1 1 v2 / c2 1 1 0.012 1.00005 F 1.00005 1.67 1027 kg 1019 m/s 2 1.67 108 N 3 (b) As in (a) 1.005 and F 1.70 108 N © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 14 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity (c) As in (a) 2.294 and F 2.02 107 N (d) As in (a) 7.0888 and F 5.95 106 N 59. p mv with 1 1 v2 / c2 1 1 0.922 2.5516 ; p 1016 kg·m / s m 1.42 1025 kg 8 v 2.5516 0.92 3.00 10 m/s 60. The initial momentum is p0 mv (a) p / p0 1.01 1.01 1 0.5 1 2 m 0.5c 0.57735mc . mv v 1.01 0.57735c 0.58312c 0.57735mc 1 1 Substituting for and solving for v, v 2 2 .58312c c 1 1 (b) Similarly v 2 2 .63509c c 1/2 1/ 2 0.504c. 0.536c 1 1 (c) Similarly v 2 0.756c 2 1.1547c c 61. 6.3 GeV protons have K 6.3 103 MeV and E K E0 7238 MeV. Then 1/2 p E 2 E02 c 7177 MeV/c . Converting to SI units 1.60 1013 p 7177 MeV/c MeV J c 18 3.83 10 kg·m/s 8 3.00 10 m/s From Problem 56 we have B p 3.83 1018 kg m/s 1.57 T . qr 1.60 1019 C 15.2 m 62. Initially Mary throws her ball with velocity (primes showing the measurements are in Mary’s frame): uM x 0 uM y u0 . After the elastic collision, the signs on the above expressions are reversed, so the change in momentum as measured by Mary is mu0 mu0 2mu0 . pM 2 2 2 2 1 u0 / c 1 u0 / c 1 u02 / c 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 15 Now for Frank’s ball, we know uFx 0 and uFy u0 . The velocity transformations give for Frank’s ball as measured by Mary: uF x v u To find for Frank’s ball, note that uF x 1 1 u / c 2 F 2 2 Fy 1 v 2 / c 2 u02 1 v 2 / c 2 / c 2 1 uF y u0 1 v 2 / c 2 . 2 v 2 u02 1 v 2 / c 2 . Then 1 u / c 2 1 v 2 / c 2 1 2 0 . Using p mu along with the reversal of velocities in an elastic collision, we find pF m u0 1 v 2 / c 2 mu0 1 v 2 / c 2 2 mu0 1 v 2 / c 2 2mu0 1 v 2 / c 2 1 u 2 0 / c 2 1 v 2 / c 2 Finally p pF pM 2mu0 1 u 2 0 2mu0 2mu0 1 u02 / c2 / c2 0 as required. 1 63. To prove by contradiction, suppose that K mv 2 . Then 2 1 K E E0 mc 2 mc 2 1 mc 2 mv 2 . This implies 1 v2 / 2c2 , or 2 2 2 1 v / 2c , which is clearly false. 64. The source of the energy is the internal energy associated with the change of state, commonly called that latent heat of fusion L f . Let m be the mass equivalent of 2 grams and M be the mass of ice required. m E Lf M 2 Rearranging c2 c 8 mc 2 0.002 kg 3.00 10 m/s M 5.39 108 kg 3 Lf 334 10 J/kg 2 65. In general K 1 mc 2 , so 1 1 K . For 9 GeV electrons: mc 2 9000 MeV 1.76 104 Then from the definition of we have 0.511 MeV 1 1 2 1 1.76 10 1 4 2 1 1.6 109 . Thus v 1 1.6 109 c 0.9999999984c . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 16 Chapter 2 For 3.1 GeV positrons: 1 Special Theory of Relativity 3100 MeV 1 6068 and 1 1 1.4 108 . 2 0.511 MeV 6068 Thus v 1 1.4 108 c 0.999999986c . 66. Note that the proton’s mass is 938 MeV/c2. In general K 1 mc 2 , so 1 Then from the definition of we have 1 MeV, and 1 2 1 K . mc 2 . For the first section K 0.750 0.750 MeV 1 1 1.00080 with 1 2 1 0.040 . 2 938 MeV 1.00080 Thus v = 0.04c at the end of the first stage. For the other stages the computations are similar, and we tabulate the results: K (GeV) 0.400 1.43 0.71 8 9.53 0.994 150 160.9 0.99998 1000 1067 0.9999996 67. (a) p mu E mc 511 keV/c 0.020c 10.22 keV/c ; 2 1 0.0202 511 keV/c (c ) 511.102 keV ; 2 2 1 0.022 K E E0 511.102 keV 511.00 keV 102 eV 2 The results for (b) and (c) follow with similar computations and are tabulated: p (keV/c) E (keV) K (keV) 0.20 104.3 521.5 10.5 0.90 1055 1172 661 68. E 2E0 E0 so 2 . Then 1 1 2 3c 3 and v . 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 17 69. For a constant force, work = change in kinetic energy = Fd mc2 / 4, because 25% 1/ 4 . 8 mc 2 80 kg 3.00 10 m/s d 2.25 1017 m = 23.8 ly. 4F 4 8 N 2 70. E K E0 2E0 E0 3E0 E0 so 3 . Then 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 0.943 . Thus v = 0.943c. 32 3 1 1 0.417 and v = 0.417c. 1.12 71. (a) E K E0 0.1E0 E0 1.1E0 E0 , so 1.1 . Then 1 1 (b) As in (a) 2 and v 3 c / 2 . (c) As in (a) 11 and v = 0.996c. E0 72. K E E0 . Rearranging 1 E0 so K E0 which 1 2 1 2 K E0 E0 2 E0 2 E0 E0 can be written as 1 . or 1 K E0 K E0 2 2 2 73. Using E mc 2 along with p mv we see that E / mc 2 p / mv . Solving for v/c we find v / c pc / E . 74. The speed is the same for protons, electrons, or any particle. 1 1 K 1 mc 2 1.01 mv 2 0.505mc 2 2 so 1 1 0.505 2 . 2 2 1 Rearranging and solving for , we find 0.114 or v = 0.114c. 75. Converting 0.1 ounce = 2.835 103 kg. E mc 2 2.835 103 kg 3.00 108 m/s 2.55 1014 J . 2 Eating 10 ounces results in a factor of 100 greater mass-energy increase, or 2.55 1016 J. This is a small increase compared with your original mass-energy, but it will tend to increase your weight; depending on how they are prepared, peanuts generally contain about 100 kcal of food energy per ounce. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 18 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 76. The energy needed equals the kinetic energy of the spaceship. 1 1 mc 2 K 1 mc 2 1 2 2 1 1 104 kg 3.00 108 m/s 4.35 1019 J 2 1 0.3 or 4.35% of 1021 J. xdy xy ydx and noting that in this case have ud ( u) u udu . Thus 77. Up to Equation (2.57) the derivation in the text is complete. Then using the integration by parts formula, x u and y u , we 2 K m ud ( u ) mu 2 m udu u mu 2 m 0 u 1 u 2 / c2 du Using integral tables or simple substitution: K mu 2 mc 2 1 u 2 / c 2 u mu 2 mc 2 1 u 2 / c 2 mc 2 mc 2 mc 2 1 u 2 / c 2 0 mc 2 1 u / c mc mc 2 mc 2 ( 1) 2 2 2 78. Converting 0.11 cal · g 1 ∙ C 1 = 460 J · kg 1 ∙ C 1 cV (specific heat at constant volume). From thermodynamics the energy E used to change the temperature by T is mcV T . Thus E 1000 kg 460 J/(kg C 0.5 C 2.30 105 J and m E 2.30 105 J 2.56 1012 kg . The source of this energy is the internal 2 2 8 c 3.00 10 m/s energy of the arrangement of atoms and molecules prior to the collision. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 19 79. Eb 2m p 2mn m He c 2 931.494 MeV 2 1.007276 u 2(1.008665 u) 4.001505 u c 2 28.3 MeV c 2·u 80. E mn m p me c 2 931.494 MeV 1.008665 u 1.007276 u 0.000549 u c 2 0.782 MeV c 2·u 81. E K E0 1 TeV 938 MeV 1 TeV ; 1 TeV 938MeV 938 MeV E 2 E02 1.000938 TeV/c p c c E E0 1.000938 TeV 1 1067 ; 2 1 2 1 8.78 107 E0 0.000938 TeV 2 2 1 8.78 107 1 4.39 107 ; and v c 0.999999561c 82. (a) E p 2c 2 E02 40GeV 511 keV 2 2 40.0 GeV K E E0 40.0 GeV (b) E p 2c 2 E02 40 GeV 0.938 GeV 2 2 40.011GeV K E E0 40.011 GeV 0.938 GeV 39.07 GeV 83. E K E0 200MeV 106MeV 306 MeV 306 MeV 106 MeV E 2 E02 287.05 MeV/c p c c E 306 MeV 2.887 E0 106 MeV 2 1 2 1 2 0.938 so v 0.938c © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 20 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 84. (a) The mass-energy imbalance occurs because the helium-3 (3 He) nucleus is more E [2m( 2 H)] [mn m(3 He)] c 2 tightly bound than the two separate deuterium nuclei (2 H) . (Masses from Appendix 8.) 931.494 MeV 2(2.014102 u) (1.008665 u 3.016029 u) c 2 3.27 MeV c2 u 931.494 MeV (b) The initial rest energy is 2m(2 H) = 2(2.014102 u) = 3752 MeV. c2 u Thus the answer in (a) is about 0.09% of the initial rest energy. 85. (a) The mass-energy imbalance occurs because the helium-4 (4 He) is more tightly bound E [m( 2 H)+m(3 H)] [mn m( 4 He)] c 2 than the deuterium (2 H) and tritium nuclei (3 H) . 931.494 MeV (2.014102 u 3.016029 u) (1.008665 u 4.002603 u) c 2 c2 u 17.6 MeV 931.494 MeV (b) The initial rest energy is m(2 H)+ m(3 H) c 2 (5.030131 u) c 2 = c2 u 4686 MeV. Thus the answer in (a) is about 0.37% of the initial rest energy. 86. (a) In the inertial frame moving with the negative charges in wire 1, the negative charges in wire 2 are stationary, but the positive charges are moving. The density of the positive charges in wire 2 is thus greater than the density of negative charges, and there is a net attraction between the wires. (b) By the same reasoning as in (a), note that the positive charges in wire 2 will be stationary and have a normal density, but the negative charges are moving and have an increased density, causing a net attraction between the wires. (c) There are two facts to be considered. First, (a) and (b) are consistent with the physical result being independent of inertial frame. Second, we know from classical physics that two parallel wires carrying current in the same direction attract each other. That is, the same result is achieved in the “lab” frame. v d 1 2 where d is the length of the c ct 87. particle track and t the particle’s lifetime in its rest frame. In this problem t 8.2 1011 s As in the solution to Problem 21 we have © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 21 and d = 24 mm. Solving the above equation we find 0.698 . Then E0 1672 MeV 2330 MeV E 1 2 1 0.6982 88. 1/2 dp d d v2 mv mv 1 2 F dt dt dt c dv mv 3 2v dv 2 m 2 dt c dt dv v 2 2 dv v2 / c2 1 1 m dt c 2 dt 1 v 2 / c 2 1 1 dv dv dv m m 3 m 2 2 dt 1 v / c dt dt 1 v 2 / c 2 3/2 m 89. (a) The number n received by Frank at f is half the number sent by Mary at that rate, or fL / v . The detected time of turnaround is t n f fL / v L 1 1 / 1 v 1 L 1 L L . v v c (b) Similarly, the number n received by Mary at f is f L 1 T 1 L . Her turnaround time is T / 2 L / v . f 2 1 v v (c) For Frank, the time t2 for the remainder of the trip is t2 = T − t1 = L/v − L/c. n f fL 1 L / v L / c . 1 v fL fL 2 fL Total number received = . v v v Total number received 2L . Mary’s age = f v (d) For Mary, t2 T t1 L / v . Number of signals = f t2 f fL 1 L 1 . 1 v v fL 2 fL . Total number received = 1 1 v v Number of signals = f t2 f © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 22 Chapter 2 Frank’s age = Special Theory of Relativity Total number received 2L . f v 90. In the fixed frame, the distance is Δx = 8 ly and the elapsed time is Δt = 10 y, so the interval is s 2 x2 c2 t 2 64 ly2 100 ly2 = 36 ly2 . In the moving frame, Mary’s clock is at rest, so x 0 , and the time interval is t 6 y. Thus the interval is s2 x2 c2 t 2 0 ly2 36 ly2 = 36 ly2 . The results are the same, as they should 52y 4.3 ly 1 0.8 55.9 56 fL 91. (a) From Table 2.1 number 1 v 0.8c be, because the spacetime interval is the same for all inertial frames. 1 (b) t1 fL L L 4.3 ly 4.3 ly 1 2 167.7 168 9.68 y ; number f t1 v v c c 0.8c fL 1 2 168 so the total is 168 + 168 = 336. v Mary: number 2 f L / v 559 (c) Frank: f t2 (d) Frank: T 2L / v 10.75 y Mary : T 2L / v 6.45 y (e) From part (c), 559 weeks = 10.75 years and 336 weeks = 6.46 years, which agrees with part (d). 92. Notice that the radar is shifted twice, once upon receipt by the speeding car and again upon reemission (reflection) of the beam. For this double shift, the received frequency f is f 1 1 1 f0 1 1 1 For speeds much less than c, a Taylor series approximation gives an excellent result: f 1 1 1 1 1 2 . f0 1 Converting 80 mph to 35.8 m/s gives β = 1.19 × 10−7, so the received frequency is approximately f f0 1 2 10.4999975 GHz , which is 2.5 kHz less than the original frequency. 93. For this transformation v = 0.8c (so = 5/3), ux 0 and uy 0.8c. Applying the transformations, © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity ux 23 ux v 0 0.8c 0.8c ; vux 1 0 1 2 c uy uy 0.8c 0.48c vux 5 1 0 1 2 c 3 The speed is u ux2 u y2 0.93c , safely under the speed of light. 94. (a) K E E0 250E0 . Thus K 249E0 249 511keV 127.2 MeV (b) 250 1 2 1 0.999992 v 0.999992c E 2 E02 c (c) p 250 511 keV 511 keV 2 95. (a) For the proton: p mu For the electron: E 1 1 1 1 0.9 p 2c 2 E02 E 1940 MeV 3797 E0 0.511 MeV 1 c 128 MeV/c 2 938 MeV / c 0.9c 1940 MeV / c . 2 2 1940 MeV 0.511 MeV 2 2 1940 MeV . 1 1 6.94 108 1 3.97 108 37972 v 1 3.97 108 c 2 1 1 938 MeV 1214 MeV . (b) For the proton: K 1 E0 2 1 0.9 K E0 1214 MeV 0.511 MeV For the electron: 2377 . E0 0.511 MeV 1 1 1 1 1 1.77 107 1 8.85 108 2 2377 v 1 8.85 108 c 2 96. In the frame of the decaying K 0 meson, the pi mesons must recoil with equal speeds in opposite directions in order to conserve momentum. In that reference frame the available kinetic energy is 498MeV 2 140 MeV 218MeV . The pi mesons share this equally, © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 24 Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity so each one has a kinetic energy of 109 MeV in that frame. The speed of each pi meson can be found: K E0 109 MeV 140 MeV 1 1.779 so u 1 2 c 0.827c . E0 140 MeV The greatest and least speeds in the lab frame are obtained when the pi mesons are released in the forward and backward directions. Then by the velocity addition laws: 0.9c 0.827c vmax 0.990c 1 0.9 0.827 vmin 0.9c 0.827c 0.285c 1 0.9 0.827 97. (a) The round-trip distance is L0 8.60 ly . Assume the same constant speed v c for the entire trip. In the rocket’s frame, the distance is only L L0 1 L0 1 2 . Mary will age in the rocket’s reference frame a total of 22 y, and in that frame 8.60 ly 1 2 L distance v 0.39c 1 2 . Therefore, 0.39 1 2 . v time 22y 22y c 0.392 Solving for we find , or 0.36 so Mary’s speed is v 0.36c . 1.00 0.392 (b) To find the elapsed time on Earth, we know that T0 22y , so T T0 1 1 2 22y 23.6 y . Frank will be 53.6 years old when Mary returns at the age of 52 y. 98. With v 0.995c then 0.995 and 10.01 . The distance out to the star is L0 5.98 ly . In the rocket’s reference frame, the distance is only L L0 1 5.98 ly 0.597 ly . 10.01 (a) The time out to the star in Mary’s frame is time distance 0.597 ly 0.6 y. The speed 0.995c time for the return journey will be the same. When you include the 3 years she spends at the star, her total journey will take 4.2 y. (b) To find the elapsed time on Earth for the outbound journey, we know that T0 0.6y so T T0 (10.01)0.6 y 6.006 y. The return journey will take an equal time. The 3 years the spaceship orbits the star will be equivalent for both observers. Therefore Frank will measure a total elapsed time of 15.012 y, which makes him 10.8 years older than her. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 25 99. (a) The Earth to moon distance is 3.84 108 m. The rotation rate is 2 rad 0.030 s1 1.885 101 rad/s. Then the speed across the moon’s surface is v R 1.885 101 rad/s 3.82 108 m 7.24 107 m/s . (b) The required speed can be found using c R 2 f R which requires the frequency 3.00 108 m/s 0.124 Hz . to be f 2 R 2 3.84 108 m/s c 100. With the data given, 3.28 106 , which is very small. We will use the binomial approximation theorem. From Equation (2.21), we know that L L0 1. 1 1 2 1 2 / 2 . L0 L0 1 L0 L % change 100% 100% (a) The percentage of length contraction would be: L0 L0 1 1 100% 1 (1 2 / 2) 100% 2 2 100% 5.37 1010 (b) The clocks’ rates differ by a factor 1/ 1 2 . The clock on the SR-71 measures the proper time and Equation 2.19 tells us that T T0 so the time difference is t T T0 T0 T0 T0 ( 1) . Using 1 2 / 2 and the fact that the time for the trip in the SR-71 equals the distance divided by the speed 983 m/s 6 3.2 10 m 3.00 108 m/s t t 2 / 2 983 m/s 2 2 1.75 108 s 17.5 ns 101. As the spaceship is approaching the observer, we will make use of Equation (2.32), f 1 1 f 0 with the prime indicating the Doppler shifted frequency (or wavelength). This equation indicates that the Doppler shifted frequency will be larger than the frequency measured in a frame where the observer is at rest with respect to the source. Since c f , this means the Doppler shifted wavelengths will be lower. As given in the problem, we see that the difference in wavelengths for an observer at rest with respect to the source is 0 0.5974nm . We want to find a speed so that the Doppler shifted difference is reduced to 0.55nm . We have © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 26 Chapter 2 2 1 f f c c c 1 2 f 2 f1 f1f 2 1 1 f 0,1 1 1 c 1 f 0,1 f 0,2 1 1 1 1 1 Special Theory of Relativity f 0,2 1 c 1 c c 1 f f 0,2 0,1 1 0 f 0,1 f 0,2 f 0,1 f 0,2 0,2 0,1 We can complete the algebra to show that 02 02 2 2 0.0825 so that v 2.47 107 m/s . 102. As we know that the quasars are moving away at high speeds, we make use of Equation (2.33) and the equation c f . Using a prime to indicate the Doppler shifted frequency (or wavelength), Equation (2.33) indicates that frequency is given by f 1 f0 so f 1 z 1 1 f 0 ,or 0 1 c / f 1 0 0 c / f0 f 1 0 1 1 f 1 1 2 Therefore z 1 . We can complete the algebra to show that 1 2 z 12 1 z 1 1 and thus v c. For the values of z given, v 0.787c for 2 2 z 1 1 z 1 1 z 1.9 and v 0.944c for z 4.9 . 103. (a) In the frame of the decaying K 0 meson, the pi mesons must recoil with equal momenta in opposite directions in order to conserve momentum. In that reference frame the available kinetic energy is 498 MeV 2 135 MeV 228 MeV . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 2 Special Theory of Relativity 27 (b) The pi mesons share this equally, so each one has a kinetic energy of 114 MeV in that frame. The energy of each pi meson is E K E0 114 MeV 135 MeV 249 MeV . The momentum of each pi meson can be found: 249 MeV 135 MeV E 2 E02 209.2 MeV/c p c c 104. (a) For each second, the energy used is 3.9 × 1026 J. The mass used in each second is 3.9 1026 J E 4.3 109 kg m 2 2 8 c 3.0 10 m/s 2 2 (b) The time to use this mass is t msun 2.0 1030 kg efficiency 0.007 3.3 1018 s 1.0 1011 y. 4.3 109 kg/s m / t That is 20 times longer than the expected lifetime of the sun. 2 r 1.30 104 m/s . If the system’s center of mass T is at rest, conservation of momentum gives the star’s speed: mp vp 1.90 1027 1.30 104 m/s = 12.4 m/s mp vp ms vs , so vs 30 ms 1.99 10 105. a) The planet’s orbital speed is vp (b) The redshifted wavelength is 0 1 550 nm + 2.3 105 nm 1 Similarly, the blueshifted wavelength is 0 1 550 nm 2.3 105 nm 1 These small differences can be detected using modern spectroscopic tools. 106. To a good approximation, the shift is the same in each direction, so the redshift for the approaching light is half the difference, or 0.0045 nm. Using this in the equation 1 leads to a speed parameter β = 6.9 × 10−6, or v = βc = 2070 m/s. The speed 0 1 is equal to the circumference 2πR divided by the period, so the period is 8 2 R 2 6.96 10 m T 2.11106 s = 24.5 days. v 2070 m/s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 28 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory Chapter 3 1. The required field is homogeneous within the desired region and decreases in magnitude to zero as rapidly as possible outside that region. The magnitude of the field is B E / v0 . The best design is an electromagnet with flat, parallel pole faces that are large compared with the distance between them. But no matter what the design, it is impossible to eliminate edge effects. 2. eE evB B E (2.5 105 V/m) 0.11T v (2.2 106 m/s) 3. Assume the speed is exact. Non-relativistically use the energy obtained by accelerating through a potential difference causes an increase in kinetic energy: eV 12 mv 2 31 7 mv 2 9.1094 10 kg 1.80 10 m/s V 921.06 V 2e 2 1.6022 1019 C 2 Relativistically eV K ( 1)mc2 : 511keV/c 2 2 1 1 V c 923.59 V . 2 e 7 1.80 10 m/s 1 8 2.9979 10 m/s The results differ by about 2.5 volts, or about 0.27%. Relativity is required only if that level of precision is needed. 4. eE evB so E vB 4.0 106 m/s 1.2 102 T 4.8 104 V/m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 29 1 2 1 F 1 eE eE 2 y at 2 2 m v0 2 m v0 2mv02 2 2 1.602 10 C 4.8 10 V/m 0.02 m 2 9.109 10 kg 4.0 10 m/s 19 4 31 6 2 2 1.0552 101 m 10.6 cm 5. The forces are shown below. 6. At terminal velocity the net force is zero, so Ff fvt mg and vt mg / f . 7. vt mg mg 6 r f 4 m volume r 3 3 2 vt 4 g 2g r vt r 3 Solving for r: r 3 9 2g 3 6 r 1.82 105 kg·m1 s 1 1.3 103 m/s vt 3 3.47μm 8. (a) r 3 2g 2 9.80 m/s 2 900 kg/m3 3 4 4 (b) m V r 3 900 kg/m3 3.47 106 m 1.58 1013 kg 3 3 13 2 mg 1.58 10 kg 9.80 m/s 1.19 109 kg/s (c) f vt 1.3 103 m/s 1 1 9. Lyman: RH 1 2 RH1 1.096776 107 m1 91.2 nm 1 1 1 1 Balmer: RH 2 2 4 RH1 4 1.096776 107 m1 364.7 nm 2 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 30 Chapter 3 10. d 400 mm1 1 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory 2.5μm 2500 nm and d sin in first order. Also tan y / x so y x tan 3.0 m tan sin 1 ( / d ) . 656.5nm Red: y 3.0 m tan sin 1 81.6 cm 2500 nm 486.3nm Blue-green: y 3.0 m tan sin 1 59.5 cm 2500 nm 434.2nm Violet: y 3.0 m tan sin 1 52.9 cm 2500 nm 11. d 420 mm1 1 2.381 μm ; 656.5nm for red. We know n d sin so n . For n = 1 (first order) we find d 656.5 nm y x tan 2.8 m tan sin 1 80.3 cm . 2381 nm Similarly for n = 2 we find y =185.1 cm, and for n = 3 we find y = 412.2 cm. sin 1 Therefore the separations are: between n =1 and n = 2, y 185.1cm 80.3cm 104.8cm ; between n = 2 and n = 3, y 412.2cm 185.1cm 227.1cm . 12. Use Equation (3.13) with n = 4 for the Brackett series and n = 5 for the Pfund series. The largest wavelengths occur for the smallest values of k. 1 1 1 1 Brackett: RH 2 2 1.096776 107 m-1 2 2 . 4 k 4 k For k = 5, 4.052 μm ; for k = 6, 2.626 μm ; for k =7, 2.166 μm ; for k = 8, 1.945 μm . 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pfund: RH 2 2 1.096776 107 m-1 2 2 . 5 k 5 k For k = 6, 7.460 μm ; for k = 7, 4.654 μm ; for k = 8, 3.741 μm ; for k = 9, 3.297 μm . 1 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 31 13. Beginning with Equation (3.10) with n = 1, we have d sin with d 0.20mm . d d cos . Assuming the spectrum was viewed in the forward direction, Therefore d d d . An angle of 0.50 minutes of arc corresponds then 0 and cos 1 so d to 1.45 104 rad so d 0.20 103 m 1.45 104 rad 29 nm. 1 1 RH 2 2 with RH 1.096776 107 m1 and n = 2 for n k 1 1 1 the Balmer series. With k = 3 we find 1.096776 107 m1 2 2 656.47nm. 2 3 This wavelength, found with the smallest value of k, is referred to as the hydrogen alpha or H line. Using the equation above with k = 4 we find the hydrogen beta or H 14. (a) Use Equation (3.13) 1 wavelength equals 486.27 nm. Similarly with k = 5 the hydrogen gamma or H wavelength equals 434.17 nm, and finally with k = 6 the hydrogen delta or H wavelength equals 410.29 nm. (b) Because only three wavelengths are observed, the source must moving relative to the detector. The wavelengths have increased, so the source must be moving away from the detector. [See Equation (2.34) for example.] The H line at 656.47 nm is redshifted out of the visible. (c) Because the wavelengths are known and c f , we will use the reciprocal of Equation (2.33). We select this equation since the wavelengths are larger and thus the 1 source is receding from the observer. observed . Using algebra to solve the source 1 equation for and substituting the smallest wavelength gives observed source observed source 453.4nm 1 1 410.29nm 0.0995 . 2 2 453.4nm 1 410.29nm 1 2 2 Therefore the speed is v 0.10c or v 3.0 107 m/s . Using other pairs of wavelengths gives a similar result. If the object is rotating, then one side would be moving toward and another side away from the detector so a range of wavelengths would be observed. This effect can be used to determine the rotation speeds. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 32 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory 1 1 RH 2 2 with RH 1.096776 107 m1 and n = 3 for the n k 1 1 1 Paschen series. With k = 4 we find 1.096776 107 m1 2 2 ; 1875.63 nm . 3 4 With k = 5, 1282.17 nm ; with k = 6, 1094.12 nm ; with k = 7, 1005.22 nm; with k = 8, 954.86 nm. 15. (a) Use Equation (3.13) 1 (b) The observed spectral lines have been Doppler shifted. It might appear as if the wavelengths have been blueshifted since the largest observed wavelength is smaller than the largest expected wavelength using the Paschen series. However it is more likely that the wavelengths have been redshifted and the calculated wavelength just below 1000 nm in part (a) corresponds to the observed wavelength of 1046.1 nm. (c) Using the formula from Problem 14 and noting from part (b) that the star is receding observed 1334.5nm 1 1 1282.17nm source 0.040 or v 1.20 107 m/s . from the detector 2 2 observed 1334.5nm 1 1282.17nm 1 source 2 2 16. (a) To obtain a charge of +1 with three quarks requires two charges of +2e/3 and one of charge e / 3 . Three quarks with charge + e/3 would violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle for spin 1/2 particles. (b)\ To obtain a charge of zero we could have either two e / 3 and one 2e / 3 or one 2e / 3 and two e / 3 . At this point in the text there is no reason to prefer either choice. (The latter turns out to be correct.) 2.898 103 m K 0.69 mm 17. (a) max 4.2 K 2.898 103 m K 9.89 μm (b) max 293 K 2.898 103 m K 1.16 μm (c) max 2500 K 2.898 103 m K 0.322 μm (d) max 9000 K 2.898 103 m K 1.932 1011 K 18. (a) T 14 1.50 10 m 2.898 103 m K 1.932 106 K (b) T 1.50 109 m 2.898 103 m K 4528 K (c) T 640 109 m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 33 2.898 103 m K 2.898 103 K 1m 2.898 103 m K 1.42 105 K (e) T 204 m 4 P1 T14 T14 2300 K 19. (a) ; so P1 P0 4 P0 42.7 P0 ; The power increases by a factor P0 T04 T0 900 K of 42.7. (d) T (b) To double the power output, the ratio of temperatures to the fourth power must equal T 2. 1 2 . Solving we find T1 1070 K . 900 K 4 2.898 103 m·K 9.35 μm 310K (b) At this temperature the power per unit area is 20. (a) max R T 4 5.67 108 W·m2 K 4 310K 524W/m2 . The total surface area of a 4 cylinder is 2 r r h 2 0.13 m 1.75 m 0.13 m 1.54 m2 so the total power is P 524 W/m2 1.54 m2 807 W. (c) The total energy radiated in one day is the power multiplied by the time; E P t 807 W 86400 s 6.97 107 J. 2000 kcal 2 106 cal 4.186 J/cal 8.37 106 J . There are several assumptions. First, a cylinder may overestimate the total surface area; second, radiation is minimized by hair covering and clothing. 21. max 2.898 103 m K 1.447 108 m 200, 273 K 22. We know from Example 3.8 that in the long-wavelength limit, the two expressions are the same. By comparing the expressions, we can also note that the Rayleigh-Jeans spectral distribution will be larger than the Planck expression for a given and T. [Compare graphs or calculations using Equations (3.22) and (3.23) one can obtain using Excel, Mathcad, or similar program.] So we want 2 c 2 h 2 ckT 1 . Simplifying we find 0.95 4 5 hc / kT 1 e kT kT 1 1 x and this simplifies to 0.95 x 1/ x . Let . We 0.95 hc / kT hc e 1 1 hc e © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 34 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory can solve this transcendental equation to find x = 9.83 so 9.83 kT numerical values for the constants we find 9.83 1.986 1025 J m 9.83hc 2.44 105 m 24.4 μm. 23 1 kT 1.38 10 J K 5800K hc . Substituting 2.898 103 m K 966 nm which is in the near infrared. 3000 K 24. The graph is a characteristic Planck law curve with a maximum at 966 nm (see Problem 23). (a) Numerical integration of the ( , T ) function shows that approximately 8.1% of the radiated power is between 400 nm and 700 nm. Details of the calculation are: 710 710 4.798 106 5 hc 5 16 2 c 2 h exp d 3.74 10 exp 410 d That is 410 kT 23. max 7 7 7 7 3.71105 W/m2 the power per unit area emitted over visible wavelengths. Over all wavelengths we know the power per unit area is R T 4 4.59 106 W/m2 . Therefore the fraction 3.7128 105 W/m2 0.081 . emitted in the visible is 4.593 106 W/m2 (400 nm, T ) 0.073 ; (966nm, T) (b) Using computed numerical intensity values (700 nm, T ) 0.754 . (966nm, T) 2 c 2 h hc exp . The exponential goes kT to zero faster than 5 , so the intensity approaches zero in this limit. 25. In this limit exp hc / kT 1 , so ( , T ) 5 R T 4 5.67 108 W m2 K 4 293 K 419 W/m2 . For the basketball, a sphere 26. (a) At this temperature the power per unit area is of radius r = 12.5 cm, we obtain P R 4 r 2 419 W/m2 4 0.125 m 82.3 W . 4 2 R T 4 5.67 108 W m2 K 4 310 K 524 W/m2 . Assume the body is roughly (b) At this temperature the power per unit area is 4 cylindrical with a radius of 13 cm and a height of 1.65 m. The total surface area of a cylinder is 2 r r h 2 0.13 m 1.78 m 1.45 m2 so the total power is P 524 W/m2 1.45 m2 760 W. Numerical values will vary depending on estimates of the human body size. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 35 2.898 103 m K 9.35 μm 310 K 2 n2 2 2 2 a n x n x 28. Taking derivatives ; sin a sin . Substituting these 2 2 2 2 L t t L x L 27. max values into the wave equation produces 1 2 a n x n2 2 n x sin a 2 sin 0 2 2 c t L L L n c 2L 2a n2 2c 2 2 a where a . Since for this 2 2 L n t L system and c f , then 2 f . which simplifies to 29. Let r nx2 ny2 nz2 be the radius of a three-dimensional number space with the ni the three components of that space. Then let dN be the number of allowed states between r and r dr . This corresponds to the number of points in a spherical shell of number 1 space, which is dN 4 r 2 dr where we have used the fact that 4 r 2 dr is the 8 “volume” of the shell (area 4 r 2 by thickness dr ), and the 1/8 is due to the fact that only positive numbers ni are allowed, so only 1/8 of the space is available. Also r 2 nx2 ny2 nz2 2Lf 2 L2 4 L2 f 2 2L or r . Then from this dr df . Putting 2 2 2 c c c c 1 2 Lf 2 L 4 L3 2 everything together: dN 4 r 2 dr r 2 dr df f df 8 2 2 c c c3 2 30. From the diagram at right we see that the average x-component of the velocity c of electromagnetic radiation within the cavity is ccos 2 r sin d . 2 r sin d /2 cx 2 0 /2 2 0 Letting u cos we have cx c udu 1 du 0 1 c . 2 0 On average only one-half of the photons are traveling to the right. Thus the mean velocity of photons traveling to the right is c/4. c Therefore power = intensity area dU A . 4 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 36 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory 31. For classical oscillators the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution gives n( E ) A exp E / kT A exp E where E nhf and 1/ kT . The mean energy En( E ) is E n 0 n( E ) nhf exp nhf n 0 exp nhf . Notice that E letting x exp hf we see that by Taylor series n 0 n 0 exp nhf 1 x x n 0 E E 2 ln exp nhf . Now n0 ... 1 x for x 2 1. 1 hf exp hf 1 ln 1 x ln 1 x 1 exp hf hf . Using the result of Problem 29 (along with a factor of 2 for two exp hf / kT 1 photon polarizations) we can see that 4 2 8 hf 3 / c3 hf U ( f ,T ) 2 3 f . exp hf / kT 1 exp hf / kT 1 c To change from U to requires the factor c/4 (Problem 30), and changing from a frequency distribution requires a factor c / 2 , because with f c / we have df c / 2 d . Putting these together ( , T ) 2 8 h / 3 1 c c 2 c h . 2 5 exp hc / kT 1 exp hf / kT 1 4 32. Energy per photon hf 6.626 1034 J s 98.1106 s1 6.50 1026 J 5.0 10 4 J/s 1 photon 7.69 1029 photons/s 26 6.50 10 J 33. (a) Energy per photon hf 6.626 1034 J s 1100 103 s1 7.29 1028 J 180 J/s 1 photon 2.47 1029 photons/s 7.29 1028 J (b) energy per photon h 180 J/s 3.00 108 m/s 17 6.626 1034 J s 2.48 10 J 9 8 10 m c 1 photon 7.26 1018 photons/s 17 2.48 10 J 1 photon 1 MeV 2.811014 photons/s (c) 180 J/s 13 4 MeV 1.60 10 J © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 37 2.93 eV hc 1 hc 7.08 1014 Hz : eV0 so V0 = ; 15 h 4.136 10 eV s e 1 1240 eV nm 2.93 eV 0.333 V V0 e 380 nm 34. ft 35. t hc 1240 eV nm 267.2 nm . 4.64 eV If the wavelength is halved (to 133.6 nm), then K hc 36. Notice that 1240 eV nm 4.64 eV 4.64 eV 133.6 nm hc 1240eV nm 2.33eV , so photoelectrons will be produced. 532 nm 19 105 electrons 1 photon 1 eV 1.60 10 C 3 2 10 J/s 1 photon 2.33eV 1.60 1019 J electron 8.58 nA hc 1240 eV nm 37. 4.59 eV ; K 2.0 eV hf ; 270 nm t K 2.0 eV 4.59eV f 1.59 1015 Hz 15 h 4.136 10 eV s 1240 eV nm hc 38. E 100 100 203 eV 610 nm 39. eV01 hc / 1 and eV02 hc / 2 . Subtracting these equations and rearranging we find h e V02 V01 1 1 c 2 1 e 2.3 V 1.0 V 3.00 10 8 1 1 m/s 207 nm 260 nm 4.40 1015 eV s . This is about 6% from the accepted value. For the work function we use the first set of data (the second set should give the same result): 4.40 1015 eV s 3.00 108 m/s 1.0 eV 4.1 eV hc eV01 260 109 m 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 38 Chapter 3 40. hf K or hc The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory 2 K 12 mvmax ; Using 4.63 eV as the work function for tungsten (see table 3.3) and 9.111031 kg as the mass of the electron, one can solve for . 1240 eV nm hc 2 12 mvmax 4.63eV 12 9.111031 kg 1.4 106 m/s 2 1eV19 1.6 10 J 2 1.2110 nm 121nm 41. min 1.24 106 V m 1.24 106 V m 0.0413 nm V 30 kV hc 1240 eV nm 2.48 1017 m. A photon produced by bremsstrahlung is still an K 5 1010 eV x ray, even though this falls outside the normal range for x rays. 42. 43. 1240 eV nm 0.0496 nm 2.5 104 eV 44. Because the electron is accelerated through a potential difference, it has kinetic energy equal to K eV0 . As described in the text, Equation (3.37) gives the minimum wavelength (assuming the work function is small). So 6 hc 1 1.240 10 V·m min 3.54 1011 m 3.54 102 nm . 4 e V 3.5 10 V 0 The work function for tungsten from Table 3.3 is 4.63 eV. If we include the work function, the energy available for the photon and the wavelength of the photon will change by 4.63 parts out of 35000 or about 0.013% which is very small. 45. From Figure (3.19) we observe that the two characteristic spectral lines occur at wavelengths of 6.4 1011 m and 7.2 1011 m . Rearrange Equation (3.37) to solve for hc 1 1.24 106 V m 17.2 kV and we have used the larger of e min 7.2 1011 m the two wavelengths in order to determine the minimum potential difference. the potential V0 ; V0 h 1 cos so at maximum cos 1 and mc 2 1240 eV nm 2h 2hc 1.01105 . This corresponds to 2 mc mc 511.0 keV 480 nm 46. 4.85 1012 m and therefore is not easily observed. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 39 47. The maximum change in the photon’s energy is obtained in backscattering ( 180 ), so 2h 4.853 1012 m. The photon's original wavelength was 1 cos 2 and mc hc 1240 eV nm 0.0310 nm 3.10 1011 m and the new wavelength is E 40000 eV 3.585 1011 m. The electron's recoil energy equals the change in the photon's energy, or K hc hc 1240 eV nm 1240 eV nm 5411 eV 5.41 keV 2 3.10 10 nm 3.585 102 nm 48. Use the Compton scattering formula but with the proton's mass and 90 : h h hc 1240 eV nm 1.32fm . 1 cos 2 mc mc mc 938.27 MeV 49. We find the Compton wavelength using c photon energy is E c requirements are high. 50. 0.004 hc h hc 1240 eV nm 2 1.32 fm. The mc mc 938.27 MeV 938 MeV . In principle this could be observed, but the energy c 1 cos 250c 1 cos ; (a) 250 2.43 1012 m 1 cos30 8.14 1011 m so (b) 250 2.43 1012 m 1 cos90 6.08 1010 m (c) 250 2.43 1012 m 1 cos170 1.21109 m 51. By conservation of energy we know the electron’s recoil energy equals the energy lost by hc hc hc hc the photon: K . / hf hc hf hf . Using we have K 1 / 1 h h Conservation of px : pe cos cos ; h h pe cos cos . (1) Conservation of p y : pe sin h sin 0 ; © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 40 Chapter 3 pe sin h sin The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory (2) h sin . Dividing equation (2) by equation (1), tan h h cos h sin 1 cos h mc tan 1 cos Using we have: . h h cos mc h 1 cos h h Multiplying numerator and denominator by 1 cos , we have: mc h sin sin tan . h2 h 1 cos h 1 cos h cos mc mc sin Using the trig identity: cot , we find: 1 cos 2 1 1 tan cot cot cot . h 2 1 h 2 1 hf 2 mc mc mc 2 hf Inverting the equation gives cot 1 2 tan . mc 2 mc 52. c 1 cos hc c 1 cos ; E 1240 eV nm 2.43 103 nm 1 cos110 5.17 pm 3 650 10 eV hc 1240 eV nm 2.40 105 eV 240 keV E 3 5.17 10 nm By conservation of energy we find: Ke E E 650keV 240keV 410keV which agrees with the K formula in the previous problem. Also from the previous 110 hf 650 keV cot 1 2 tan 1 tan problem we have: 3.245 so mc 2 511 keV 2 17.1 . 53. For 90 we know c 2.00243nm ; c 2.43 103 nm 1.22 103 2 nm © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 41 54. E 2mc2 2 938.3 MeV 1877 MeV . This energy could come from a particle accelerator. 55. a) To find the minimum energy consider the zero-momentum frame. Let Ee be the energy of the electron in that frame, and E0 is the rest energy of the electron. From conservation of energy and momentum: Ee2 E02 hf pe or hf Ee2 E02 . c c energy: hf Ee 3E0 or hf 3E0 Ee . momentum: Squaring and subtracting these two equations gives: 0 10E02 6Ee E0 which simplifies 5 to Ee E0 . This tells us that for the transformation from the lab frame to the zero3 momentum frame, 5 / 3 and v 0.8c . Then from the momentum equation we have in the zero-momentum frame: hf 25E02 4 E02 E0 . 9 3 In the lab the photon’s energy is obtained using a Doppler shift: 1 4 1 0.8 hf lab hf E0 4 E0 2.04 MeV 1 3 1 0.8 b) The proton’s rest energy is Mc 2 . Now as in (a) we let the proton’s energy in the lab frame be Ep and conservation of momentum and energy give momentum: hf E p2 Mc 2 ; 2 energy: hf E p 2E0 Mc2 . Mc 2 2 Squaring and subtracting, we find E p 2 E02 2 E0 Mc 2 2 E0 Mc 2 . This is very close to E p Mc 2 . Therefore the zero-momentum and lab frames are equivalent, and we conclude hflab 2E0 1.02 MeV . 56. The maximum energy transfer occurs when 180 so that (h / mc)(1 cos ) 2h / mc . By conservation of energy the kinetic energy of the hc hc hc hc electron is K E E . Multiplying through by ( ) we find ( ) K hc( ) hc hc or 2 K K hc 0 . This is a quadratic equation that with numerical values can be solved for to find hc 1.24 keV nm 104 keV . 1.20 1011 m . Then E 1.20 102 nm © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 42 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory 57. The power of the light received is intensity times area, or 2 P IA 4.0 1011 W/m2 4.5 103 m 2.5 1015 W . The energy of each photon is E 6.626 10 34 J s 3.00 108 m/s 3.6 1019 J . Thus, the number 5.50 107 m 1 photon 6900 photons . of photons per second is 2.5 1015 J/s 3.6 1019 J 58. (a) max hc 2.898 103 m K 2.13 106 m 1358 K (b) The peak is well into the infrared part of the spectrum. However, the shape of the “tail” of the distribution implies that more red photons are emitted than from any other part of the visible spectrum, and so we see red. 59. To find the asteroid mass m, note that Earth (matter) would supply an equal mass m to the GM E2 process, so 2mc 2 . Solving for m we find: 2 RE 3 24 11 1 2 GM E2 6.67 10 m kg s 5.98 10 kg m 1.04 1015 kg . 2 3 8 4 RE c 2 4 6378 10 m 3.00 10 m/s 2 3 1.04 1015 kg 4 5000 kg/m3 Evaluating the energy: 3m Then r 4 1/3 1/3 GM E2 6.67 10 E 2 Re 11 3.68 km which is relatively small. m3 kg 1 s 2 5.98 1024 kg 2 6378 10 m 3 2 1.87 1032 J ; E 1.87 1032 J 8.9 1012 . There is a lot of energy in the nuclear arsenals 5000 4.2 1015 J annihilation process! 60. For maximum recoil energy the scattering angle is 180 and 0 . Then as usual 2h . Using the result of Problem 56, mc 2h / mc 2hf / mc 2 / K hf hf hf . 1 / 1 2h / mc 1 2hf / mc 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 43 2hf 2 hf We can rearrange this equation: K 1 2 or mc 2 mc 2 2 2K 2 hf 2 hf K 0 . This constitutes a quadratic equation in hf which mc mc can be solved with the given value of K 100 keV numerically to yield hf 217 keV. 2 61. See graph below. 62. (a) For 180 we have 2h / mc . Therefore E (b) With hc we find E hc hc 2h . mc 1 2 E 71.9 keV . 5 1 2 hc 2h 110 eV 511000 eV 2 hc 1 1 63. (a) The energy per second detection capability of the detector in the Hubble Space Telescope would be 2.0 1020 W/m2 0.30 m2 6.0 1021 J/s . Each photon at 486 nm E mc E mc would have energy E hf 6.626 10 34 J s 3.0 108 m/s 486 10 m Therefore the average number of photons per second would be 6.0 1021 J/s 0.015 photons/s n 4.09 1019 J/photon and long exposure times would be required. hc 9 4.09 1019 J . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 44 Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory (b) If 30th magnitude corresponds to 2 1020 W/m2 and each change in magnitude by one represents a change in brightness of 1001/ 5 2.5119 then we must increase by a factor of 100 1/ 5 24 (2.5119)24 3.98 109 . So 6 th magnitude corresponds to 7.96 1011 W/m2 . If the diameter of the pupil is 6.5 mm, then the power reaching the retina is 2 P 7.96 1011 W/m2 3.25 103 m 2.64 1015 J/s. With each photon carrying photons energy 4.09 1019 J , then 2.64 1015 J/s 4.09 1019 J n and s 3 n 6.45 10 photons each second. 64. The laser’s power is 25 kW = 2.5 × 104 J/s. The energy of a single photon is 34 8 hc 6.626 10 J s 3.00 10 m/s E 1.88 1019 J . Thus, 1.06 106 m 1 photon 1.3 1023 photons/s . 2.5 104 J/s 1.88 1019 J 65. The laser’s power is 25 kW = 2.5 × 104 J/s. The energy of a single photon is 34 8 hc 6.626 10 J s 3.00 10 m/s E 1.88 1019 J . Thus, 6 1.06 10 m 1 photon 1.3 1023 photons/s 2.5 104 J/s 19 1.88 10 J 66. From Example 3.5, the sun uses 3.91 × 1026 J/s. At that rate, the sun’s lifetime is 5 106 J/kg 2.0 1030 kg = 2.6 1010 s or about 820 years! This estimate is off, because 3.911026 J/s the sun uses nuclear energy, not chemical. 67. (a) max 2.898 103 m K 3.01107 m = 301 nm 9600 K This is actually in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, but the shape of the distribution function guarantees that most of the visible photons will be in the violet-blue region, which explains the star’s blue appearance. 2 4 P T 4 A 5.67 108 W/ m2 K 4 9600 K 4 1.6 6.96 108 m 27 7.5110 W (b) Assuming a perfect blackbody, This is about 19 times the value for the sun, reported in Example 3.5. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 3 The Experimental Basis of Quantum Physics 45 68. Kinetic energy is related to momentum (nonrelativistically) by K p 2 / 2m , so an electron of mass m and kinetic energy K has momentum p 2mK . Thus the magnitude of the electron’s change in momentum is p 2mKf 2mKi 7.5 1024 (SI units) By conservation, this is the momentum of the recoiling nucleus. The nucleus then has kinetic energy p K 2 9.2 1023 J = 5.8 104 eV This is negligible, compared with 2m the energy (5 keV) of the x ray produced in the process. 69. For the 10-keV gamma ray, the electron absorbs half this amount, so its kinetic energy is 5 keV. That is less than 1 percent of its rest energy, so we’ll use a non-relativistic 1 so calculation K mv 2 2 v 2K / m 2 5000 eV 1.60 1019 J/eV / 9.111031 kg 4.2 107 m/s . Half of the 300-MeV gamma ray’s energy is 150 MeV, which is highly relativistic. In K 150 MeV this case K 1 E0 so 1 294 and 295 . Solving for E0 0.511 MeV 1 speed v, 295 , which yields β = 0.999994 . Thus v = 0.999994 c. 1 2 70. If n gamma rays strike the target, the energy deposited is Q = nE0, where E0 = 100 MeV is the energy of each gamma ray. Converting to SI units, 1.60 1013 J E0 100 MeV 1.60 1011 J . The relationship between thermal energy 1 MeV and temperature is Q mcV T , where cV is the specific heat. Solving for n: Q nE0 mcV T ; n mcV T 2.5 kg 430 J/(kg K) 0.010 K 6.7 1011 11 1.60 10 J E0 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 46 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom Chapter 4 1. With more than one electron we are almost forced into some kind of Bohr-like orbits. This was the dilemma faced by physicists in the early 20th Century. 2 7.7 MeV 1 2 2K mv and v 6.4281102 c . 2 3727 MeV/c 2 m 7.7 MeV 1.002066 Relativistically K 1mc 2 so 1 K / mc 2 and 1 3727 MeV 1 which gives 1 2 6.4181102 c . The difference is about 10-4 c or about 0.16% of the velocity. 2. Non-relativistically K 3. Conserving momentum and energy: M v M v me ve (1) (2) M v2 M v 2 meve 2 m From (1) we see v v e ve which, when substituted into (2) gives M m M v M v e ve meve 2 . M m This can be solved to find ve 1 e 2v . M 2 2 But with me M we have ve 2v . 802 4. P( ) exp 2 3 102780 1 Therefore multiple scattering does not provide an adequate explanation. 5. (a) With Z1 2 , Z 2 79 , and 1 we have 9 Z1Z 2e2 2 79 1.44 10 eV m cot cot 0.5 1.69 1012 m b 6 8 0 K 2 2 7.7 10 eV 9 Z1Z 2e2 2 79 1.44 10 eV m cot cot 45 1.48 1014 m (b) For 90 b 6 8 0 K 2 7.7 10 eV 2 Z1Z 2e2 2 6. f nt cot . For the two different angles everything is the same except 2 8 0 K f (1 ) cot 2 (0.5 ) 4.00. the angles, so the ratio is f (2 ) cot 2 1.0 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 47 7. The fraction f is proportional to nt and to Z 2 from Equation (4.12). However, the question states that the number of scattering nuclei per unit area (equal to nt) is the same N (Au) n(Au)t (79) 2 792 for either target. Therefore 36.93 . N (Al) n(Al)t (13) 2 132 8. From Example 4.2 we know n 5.90 1028 m3 . Thus Z Z e2 f nt 1 2 cot 2 2 8 0 K 2 5.90 1028 m 3 108 1.96 104 2 79 1.44 109 eV m cot 2 (4 ) m 6 2 5 10 eV 2 9. (a) With all other parameters equal the number depends only on the scattering angles, so 2 f (90 ) cot 45 0.217 so the number scattered through angles greater than 90 is f (50 ) cot 2 25 (10000) ( 0.217) = 2170. 2 2 f (70 ) cot 35 f (80 ) cot 40 0.4435 and 0.3088 . The (b) Similarly: f (50 ) cot 2 25 f (50 ) cot 2 25 numbers for the two angles are thus 4435 and 3088 and the number scattered between 70 and 80 is 4435 3088 1347 . 10. From the Rutherford scattering result, the number detected through a small angle is n(50 ) sin 4 (3 ) 2.35 104 and if they inversely proportional to sin 4 . Thus 4 (6 ) n 2 sin 25 count 2000 at 6 the number counted at 50 will be 2000 2.35 104 0.47 which is insufficient. 11. In each case all the kinetic energy is changed to potential energy: Z1Z 2e2 where r1 and r2 are the radii of the particular particles (as K V V 4 0 r1 r2 the problem indicates the particles just touch). (a) Z1 2 and Z 2 13 for Al, Z 2 79 for Au; Al: K Au: K (2)(13) 1.44 109 eV m 2.6 1015 m 3.6 1015 m (2)(79) 1.44 109 eV m 2.6 1015 m 7.0 1015 m 6.04 MeV 23.7 MeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 48 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom (b) Now Z1 1 and for the two different values of Z 2 : (1)(13) 1.44 109 eV m Al: K 3.82 MeV 1.3 1015 m 3.6 1015 m (1)(79) 1.44 109 eV m Au: K 13.7 MeV 1.3 1015 m 7.0 1015 m 12. (a) The maximum Coulomb force is at the surface and equal to 2Z 2e2 / 4 0 R 2 . Then 2Z 2 e 2 2 R 4Z 2 e 2 p F t . For maximum deflection 4 0 R 2 v 4 0 Rv 2Z 2 e2 p 1 4Z 2e2 tan , for small angles. p mv 4 0 Rv 4 0 KR 2 79 1.44 eV nm 2.11104 rad 8 MeV 0.135 nm 2 79 1.44 eV nm 2.28 104 rad 13. (a) 10 MeV 0.1 nm (b) 0.012 0.013 (b) These results are comparable in magnitude with those obtained by electron scattering (Example 4.1). 14. (a) v 4 0 mr e ec 4 0 mc r 2 1.44 eV nm 511000 eV 1.2 106 nm c 1.53 c which is not an allowed speed. e2 1.44 eV nm 600 keV (b) E 8 0 r 2 1.2 106 nm (c) Clearly (a) is not allowed and (b) is too much energy. 15. (a) v 4 0 mr e ec 4 0 mc r or v 5.25 104 m/s . 2 1.44 eV nm 938 10 6 eV 0.05 nm c 1.75 104 c 1.44 eV nm 14.4 eV 8 0 r 2 0.05 nm (c) The “nucleus”' is too light to be fixed, and there is no way to reconcile this model with the results of Rutherford scattering. (b) E e2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 49 16. For hydrogen: e ec v 4 0 mr 4 0 mc 2 r 1.44 eV nm 51110 3 2.19 106 m/s eV 0.0529 nm c 7.30 103 c 6 v 2 2.19 10 m/s a 9.07 1022 m/s 2 11 r 5.29 10 m 2 For the hydrogen-like Li we know: F Z e2 Ze2 mv 2 2 v or . We also 4 0 r m r 4 0 r 2 4 0 2 a0 . Zme2 Z 2 2 32 1.44 eV nm Z e v2 4.79 104 c 2 or 3 2 11 4 0 a0 m 5.29 10 m 51110 eV/c know r v 2.19 102 c 6.57 106 m/s . This is a factor of 3 greater than the speed for 6.57 106 m/s v2 2.45 1024 m/s 2 hydrogen. The acceleration is: a r 5.29 1011 m / 3 2 6.67 1011 Nkgm2 9.111031 kg 1.67 1027 kg Gm1m2 Fg 3.6 1047 N 2 2 11 r 5.3 10 m 17. Both forces are attractive. The magnitude of the gravitational force: 2 The magnitude of the electrical force: 28 e2 1 2.3110 J m 1 q1q2 Fe 8.2 108 N 2 2 2 1 1 4 0 r 4 0 r 5.3 10 m The electrical force is much larger. The ratio is Fe / Fg 8.2 108 N 2.28 1039 3.6 1047 N 18. The total energy of the atom is e2 / 8 0 r . Differentiating with respect to time: dE e2 dr . Equating this result with the given equation from electromagnetic dt 8 0 r 2 dt e2 dr 2e2 d 2 r dr 1 2e2 d 2 r . This simplifies to theory gives: . 2r 2 dt 3c3 dt 2 8 0 r 2 dt 4 0 3c3 dt 2 e2 In a circular orbit a 2 d 2r is just the centripetal acceleration, which is also given by dt 2 F e2 . m 4 0 mr 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 2 50 Chapter 4 dr e2 dr 2e2 e2 Substituting: 2 or 3 2 2r dt 3c 4 0 mr dt 4 2 Solving by separation of variables: dt 4 t 4 3m2c3 0 4e4 t 1.55 1011 s. 2 0 a0 r 2 dr 4 0 2 0 2 0 4e4 2 3m2c3r 2 Structure of the Atom . 3m2c3 2 r dr which can be integrated: 4e4 m2 c3 3 a0 . Inserting numerical values we find 4e4 1 1 1 1 Z 2 Rc 2 2 ; f ( K ) Z 2 Rc 1 and f ( K ) Z 2 Rc 1 and 4 9 nl nu 1 1 f ( L ) Z 2 Rc . With 1 1/ 4 (1/ 4 1/ 9) 1 1/ 9 we see 4 9 f ( K ) f ( L ) f ( K ) . 19. f c 20. (a) As in Problem 16, v 2.19 106 m/s and L mvr 9.111031 kg 2.19 106 m/s 5.29 1011 m 1.0554 1034 kg m 2/s Notice that L . 1 2 L mv2 r2 m n a0 n 2 as expected. n ma 0 15 21. hc 4.135669 10 eV s 299792458 m/s 1239.8 eV nm ; (b) Using Equation (4.31) for v and Equation (4.24) for rn we find 9 1.6021733 1019 C 1 eV e2 10 nm 1.4400 eV nm 4 0 4 8.8541878 1012 F/m 1.6021733 1019 N m m 2 mc2 510.99906 keV/c 2 c2 511.00 keV ; 12 34 4 0 2 4 8.8541878 10 F/m1.05457 10 J s a0 2 me2 9.1093897 1031 kg1.6021733 1019 C 5.2918 1011 m 5.2918 102 nm E0 e2 8 0 a0 1.6021733 10 C 8 8.8541878 10 F/m 5.2917725 10 H: E E0 13.6 eV 2 12 2.179874 1018 J 13.606 eV 22. For a hydrogen-like atom E 19 11 2 m Z 2 E0 Z 2 E0 for n = 1. 2 n © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 51 He : E 4E0 54.4 eV Li : E 9E0 122.5 eV The binding energy is larger for atoms with larger Z values due to the greater attractive force between the nucleus and electron. 1240 eV nm 3.02 eV . This is the energy difference 410 nm between the two states in hydrogen. From Figure 4.16, we see E3 1.51 eV so the initial state must be n = 2 in order to have a large enough difference. This energy difference exists between n = 2 (with E2 3.40 eV) and n = 6 (with E6 0.38 eV). 23. The photon energy is E hc 1240 eV nm 13.05 eV . This can only be a transition to 95 nm n = 1 ( E1 13.6 eV ) and because of the energy difference it comes from n = 5 with E5 0.54 eV . 24. The photon energy is E hc 25. In general the ground state energy is Z 2 E0 . (a) E 12 E0 13.6 eV . Using the reduced mass does not change this result to three significant digits. (b) E 22 E0 54.4 eV (c) E 42 E0 218 eV 26. Following the strategy of Example 4.8, we use Equation (4.37) to determine appropriate Rydberg constants for atomic hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium. The Balmer series has n lower equal to 2. The refers to nu 3 ; refers to nu 4 , etc. Then we use Equation 1 1 R 2 2 n nu The example with n upper equal to 3 is completed in Example 4.8; the results are repeated here: H ,hydrogen 656.47 nm ; H ,deuterium 656.29 nm ; (4.30) to calculate the “isotope shifted” wavelengths. 1 H ,tritium 656.23 nm H ,hydrogen 486.27 nm ; H ,deuterium 486.14 nm ; H ,tritium 486.10 nm H ,hydrogen 434.17 nm ; H ,deuterium 434.05 nm H ,tritium 434.02 nm H ,hydrogen 410.29 nm ; H ,hydrogen 410.18 nm H ,hydrogen 410.15 nm © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 52 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 27. We know from Equations (4.25) and (4.29) that E1 hcR . We must adjust the Rydberg constant to account for the finite mass of the nucleus. Use the calculations of example 4.8 that provide the constants for deuterium RD 0.99973R and tritium RT 0.99982 R . Then we see E1, D hc 0.99973 R 1239.8 eV nm 0.99973 1.097373 10 2 nm 1 13.602 eV E1,T hc 0.99982 R 1239.8 eV nm 0.99982 1.097373 10 2 nm 1 13.603 eV In Problem 21 we found that E1,H 13.606 eV . 28. (a) It is only the first four lines of the Balmer series, with wavelengths 656.5 nm, 486.3 nm, 434.2 nm, and 410.2 nm. (b)To determine the energy levels in ionized helium, perform the same analysis as in the text but with e 2 replaced by Ze2 2e2 . This results in an extra factor of Z 2 4 in the energy, so the revised Rydberg-Ritz equation is 1 4 E0 1 1 1 7 1 1 2 2 4.377 10 m 2 2 . We need the wavelength to be hc nl nu nl nu between 400 and 700 nm. The combinations of nl and nu that work are tabulated below: comments nl nu (nm) 3 4 470 4 6 658 4 4 7 8 543 487 4 13 5 12 5 13 5 404 691 670 571 etc. with nl 4 to nu 13 but nl 4 and nu 13 gives 400 nm etc. with nl 5 all the way to... a series limit 29. From Equation (4.31), vn (1/ n) / ma0 which gives the speed in the n = 3 state as v 7.30 105 m/s. The radius of the orbit is n2 a0 9a0 . Then from kinematics: 7.30 105 m/s 108 s vt number of revolutions 2.44 106. 11 2 r 2 9 5.29 10 m 1239.8 eV nm 30. The energy of each photon is hc / 3.12 eV . Looking at the 397 nm energy difference between levels in hydrogen (with En E0 / n2 ) we see that E7 E2 3.12 eV, which matches the photon energy to three significant figures. Therefore this laser can promote the atom to the n = 7 level. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 53 31. We must use the reduced mass for the muon: 106 MeV/c 2 938 MeV/c2 mM 95.2 MeV/c2 m M 106 MeV/c 2 938 MeV / c 2 (a) a0 (b) E 4 e 2 0 2 e2 8 0 a0 6.58 10 eV s 3.00 10 c 1.44 10 eV m 95.2 10 eV/c 1.44 10 eV m 2535 eV 2 2.84 10 m 16 9 2 8 6 2 2 m/s 2 2.84 1013 m 9 13 hc 1240 eV nm 0.49 nm E 2535 eV 4hc 4 1240 eV nm Second series: 1.96 nm E 2535 eV 9hc 9 1240 eV nm Third series: 4.40 nm E 2535 eV (c) First series: 32. The reduced mass for this system is particle. Then r 4 e 0 2 2 mm m / 2 where m is the mass of each mm E e2 e2 2a0 and E 0 6.8 eV . 8 0 r 8 0 2a0 2 33. (a) As shown in Problem 32, the radius of the orbit is 2a0 . (b) With E0 6.8 eV (see Problem 32) we have E0 E0 3E0 hc 1240 eV nm 243 nm . 1 5.1 eV . Then 2 E 5.1 eV 2 1 4 34. (a) r2 r1 4a0 a0 3a0 1.59 1010 m E E2 E1 (b) r6 r5 36a0 25a0 11a0 5.83 1010 m (c) r11 r10 121a0 100a0 21a0 1.11109 m (d) Successive radii (different by 1) would have a difference given by: 2 rm rn n 1 n2 a0 n2 2n 1 n2 a0 2n 1 a0 . For large values of n this is approximately rm rn 2n 1a0 2na0 . 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 RH 2 ; helium: Z 2 RHe 2 2 RHe 2 4 nu 4 nu 4 nu We see that the lines match very well when nu is even for helium but not when it is odd. For example, when nu 6 , for the ionized helium, then the nu 3 state for hydrogen will be very similar. In the same fashion, the nu 8 level for the ionized helium will be very similar to the nu 4 level for hydrogen. Also, all the “matched'” lines differ slightly 35. hydrogen: 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 54 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom because of the different Rydberg constant (which is due to the different reduced masses). They differ by a factor of RHe / RH 0.99986 / 0.99946 1.0004 . 36. As mentioned in the text below Equation (4.38), if each atom can be treated as singleelectron atoms (and the problem states we can make this assumption), then 1 R R where R 1.0973731534 107 m1 and m 0.0005485799 u. m 1 He (M = 4.0026 u), R 0.999863 R 1.097223 107 m1 (off by 0.14%). M 4 39 K (M = 38.963708 u), R 0.9999859 R 1.097358 107 m1 (off by 0.0014%) 238 U (M = 238.05078 u), R 0.9999977 R 1.097371107 m1 (off by 0.00023%) 37. The derivation of the Rydberg equation follows as in the text. Because He is hydrogenlike it works with R Z 2 RHe and RHe 1.097223 107 m1 as in Problem 36. Then R 4 1.097223 107 m1 4.38889 107 m1 . 38. For L we have Z 43 : Z 61: Z 75 : c 36 . f 5R Z 7.4 2 5R 43 - 7.4 36 2 5R 61 7.4 36 2 5R 75 7.4 36 2 0.52 nm ; 0.23 nm ; 0.14 nm 39. For Pb Z 82 and for Bi Z 83 . For the K lines 3R Z 1 4 2 . 4 4 Bi : 18.52 pm ; 18.07 pm 2 3R(81) 3R(82)2 Therefore 0.45 pm, which is less than the specified resolution, so it will not work. Pb: c 1 1 8cR cR( Z 1)2 2 2 ( Z 1) 2 This is higher than the K (K ) 1 3 9 frequency by a factor of (8 / 9)(3 / 4) 32 / 27 , which seems to be in agreement with Figure 4.19. 40. f (K ) © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 55 41. Helium: (K ) 3R Z 1 Lithium: (K ) 3R Z 1 4 2 4 2 122 nm ; (K ) 9 103 nm 8R( Z 1)2 30.4 nm ; (K ) 9 25.6 nm 8R( Z 1)2 42. Refer to Figure 4.19 and Equation (4.41). is inversely proportional to ( Z 1)2 for the K series and to ( Z 7.4)2 for the L series. (U) (6 1)2 0.0030 (a) (C) (92 1)2 (Pt) (20 7.4)2 (b) 0.032 (Ca) (78 7.4)2 43. The longest wavelengths are produced for an electron vacancy in the K-shell. We begin with Equation (4.43) and notice that the longest wavelengths will occur when the expression on the right of the equal sign is as small as possible; thus we choose n equal to 2, 3, and 4. The series limit occurs for n . Molybdenum (Mo) has Z = 42. Then 1 1 1 2 2 R Z 1 1 2 1.09737 107 m1 41 1 2 72.28 pm . K n 2 In a similar fashion, we find K 60.99 pm ; K 57.82 pm and the K series limit is 54.21 pm . 44. The longest wavelengths occur for an electron vacancy in K shell. The two longest wavelengths correspond to the K and the K . Use Equation (4.41) and rearrange it to solve for Z 1 . Then 2 Z 1 2 4 1 4 783.89 . This gives 7 3 R K 3 1.09737 10 m1 0.155 109 m Z 1 28 or Z = 29. Using the expression for K Z 1 Z 1 2 2 from problem 40, we have 9 1 . Using the second wavelength given, 0.131 nm, we find 8 R K 9 1 9 1 782.58 . This yields 1 7 8 R K 8 1.09737 10 m 0.131109 m Z 1 27.97 or Z = 29. Therefore we can conclude the target must be copper. 45. Non-relativistically 45eV 2 45 eV 1 2 mv1 so v1 0.0133c 3.98 106 m/s . 2 2 511 keV / c From elementary physics © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 56 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 2 0.0005486 u 2m1 v1 3.98 106 m/s 21.8 m/s where we have m1 m2 0.0005486 u 200.59 u used the molar mass of mercury. Then 1 1 c2 2 21.7 m/s K 2 m2v22 200.59 u 931.49MeV/u·c2 16 2 2 2 2 9 10 m / s v2 4.89 104 eV 46. Without the negative potential an electron with any energy, no matter how small, could drift into the collector plate. As a result the electron could give up its kinetic energy to a Hg atom and still contribute to the plate current. The Franck-Hertz curve would not show the distinguishing periodic drops, but rather would rise monotonically. 47. Using E hc / we find h E 254 nm 4.88 eV 4.13 1015 eV s . c 3.00 108 m/s 48. 3.6 eV, 4.6 eV, 2(3.6 eV) = 7.2 eV, 3.6 eV + 4.6 eV = 8.2 eV, etc. with other combinations giving 10.8 eV, 11.8 eV, 12.6 eV, 14.4 eV, 15.4 eV, 16.2 eV, 16.4 eV, 17.2 eV, 18.0 eV. 49. Magnesium: (K ) Iron: (K ) 3R Z 1 3R Z 1 4 4 2 2 1.00 nm ; (L ) 0.194 nm ; (L ) 5R Z 7.4 36 2 5R Z 7.4 36 2 31.0 nm 1.90 nm 50. K is a transition from n = 2 to n = 1 and K is from n = 3 to n = 1. We know those wavelengths in the Lyman series are 121.6 nm and 102.6 nm, respectively. The redshift 1 1 1/ 6 factor / 0 is (with 1/ 6 ) 1.183 . Then the redshifted 1 1 1/ 6 wavelengths are higher by 18.3% in each case. The observed wavelengths are: K : 1.183121.6 nm 143.9 nm and K : 1.183102.6 nm 121.4 nm . Z Z e2 51. f nt 1 2 cot 2 2 8 0 K 2 (a) f (1 ) 5.90 1028 m 3 0.32 106 0.157 f (2 ) 5.90 1028 m 3 0.32 106 0.0394 2 79 1.44 109 eV m cot 2 0.5 m 6 2 8 10 eV 2 2 79 1.44 109 eV m cot 2 1 m 6 2 8 10 eV 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 57 The fraction scattered between 1 and 2 is 0.157 0.0394 0.118 . 2 2 f (1 ) cot 0.5 f (1 ) cot 0.5 (b) 1.31104 100.5 ; f (10 ) f (90 ) cot 2 45 cot 2 5 52. From classical mechanics we know that L is conserved for central forces. L L r p rp0 sin . But r sin b so L p0b mv0b . 53. If the positions of the electron and proton are respectively (along a line) re and rM then mr MrM putting the center of mass at R 0 we have R 0 e mM M m m m r. or rM re . r re rM re re re 1 which gives re M m M M M m Similarly we can show that rM r . From these two expressions we can see M m r m that M . Now the centripetal force on the electron and the nucleus must be equal (in re M magnitude) by Newton's third law so we have mve2 MvM2 v 2 mr v m2 m or M2 M 2 so M . The total angular momentum of the re rM ve Mre M ve M atom is the sum of the electron and nuclear orbital angular momenta, so m m m L mve re MvM rM mve re M ve re mve re 1 mve r where the last M M M substitution comes from using the expression for re from above. Because the total L must n equal n we find ve . This is the equivalent of Equation (4.22b). Now the mr centripetal force depends on the distance of the electron from the center of mass while the Coulomb force depends on r, the distance between the electron and the nucleus. So 2 1 e2 mve2 e2 1 re n 2 or ve Equation (4.18) becomes: 2 2 . re 4 0 r 4 0 r m mr This can be solved to give mre 4 0 n2 e2 2 4 0 n2 M r or m e2 M m 2 . Finally this can © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 58 Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom be solved for r and the subscript added to account for allowed orbits. We find mM m 4 0 n 2 2 4 0 n2 2 with . rn 2 mM 2 M m 1 m / M e e M m This is the modification to Equation (4.24). 9.111031 kg 1.60 1019 C me4 54. (a) f 2 3 6.55 1015 Hz 2 3 12 34 40h 4 8.85 10 F/m 6.626 10 J s 4 (b) As determined in previous problems v 2.19 106 m/s and r a0 5.29 1011 m. f 2 r v 2.19 106 m/s 6.59 1015 Hz 11 2 5.29 10 m (c) We know E E. and K 8 0 a0 8 0 a0 (d) Because K nhf orb / 2 hf orb / 2 for n = 1 we have 2K 2(13.6 eV) 6.58 1015 Hz which agrees with (a) and (b) to within f orb 15 h 4.136 10 eV s rounding errors. e2 e2 55. We start with K nhf orb / 2 . From classical mechanics we have for a circular orbit v mv 2 1 1 2 L mvr mv f v / 2 r , or r v / 2 f : . Using K mv , 2 2 f 2 f K n h f nh L n f 2 f 2 56. From problem 32 we know that the reduced mass of the system m / 2 where m is the mass of either particle. Then from Equation (4.37), we see that the effective Rydberg constant would be Reff R / 2 . We know that En 1239.8 eV nm 12 1.09737 102 nm1 6.803 eV hc Reff . Therefore n2 n2 n2 E1 6.803 eV , E2 1.701 eV , E3 0.756 eV , and E4 0.425 eV . As in other problems, we know the K wavelength occurs for an nu 2 to an n 1 and the L wavelength occurs for an nu 3 to an n 2 transition, etc. Further, we know that 1239.8 eV nm hc 243.0 nm . In . For example, we have K 1.701 eV 6.803 eV Eu E a similar fashion we can show that K 205.0nm , L 1312nm , and L 971.6nm . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 59 57. The longest wavelength in the Lyman series is 121.57 nm, using the value of RH. Then 137.15nm 1 . We can solve to find from the Doppler-shift formula, 1 0 121.57 nm 0.12 or v = 3.6 × 107 m/s. 58. (a) The assumptions identified in the statement of the problem lead to the following 1 Ze2 1 e2 expression for the force on each electron: Fnet , 2 2 4 0 r 4 0 2r where the terms are of opposite sign since the force of the nucleus is attractive whereas the force of the other electron is repulsive. The above expression simplifies to: e2 Z 14 Fnet . 2 4 r 0 e2 e2 mv 2 2 1 1 (b) or Z F Z 4 v . net 4 2 m 4 r 4 r r 0 0 (c) Bohr’s rule for angular moment: L mvr n 1 in the ground state. Rearrange this equation to solve for v and square that expression. v / mr which gives 2 v 2 / mr . This is substituted into the expression from part (b). Then solve for r to 2 4 0 2 0h find r 2 . me Z 14 me2 Z 14 (d) The total energy of the atom is the sum of the kinetic energy term for each of the electrons (easily found using the answer to part (b) and the sum of the potential energy of each electron, with respect to the nucleus, and the potential energy of the electron pair. Each can be found using the expression for r found in part (c). The general form of the 1 Ze2 , using the appropriate r and Z and the potential energy is given by V 4 0 r appropriate sign. 1 Ze 2 1 e 2 2 1 E K V 2 2 mv 2 4 0 r 4 0 2r e2 e2 1 1 m Z 4 2Z 2 4 0 mr 4 0 r e2 1 1 Z 4 2Z 2 r 4 0 e2 1 Z 4 4 0 r © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 60 Chapter 4 Now substitute the expression for r and simplify: 2 e2 e2 0h 1 1 E Z Z 4 4 2 me Z 1 4 0 r 4 0 4 Structure of the Atom 1 me4 2 2 2Z 12 Z 14 8 0h You may notice the first parenthesis in the answer is E0 . See Equation (4.26). (d) The calculation for helium, Z = 2, is shown. me 4 EHe 2 2 2 Z 12 Z 14 8 0h E0 4 12 2 14 13.6 eV 3.5 1.75 83.3 eV The calculation for lithium (Z = 3) follows in a similar fashion and gives ELi 205.7 eV . These are fairly close to the measured values but not precise enough to rank with the Bohr model. Thus, our statement that the Bohr model cannot be applied to multi-electron atoms is fair. 59. The result from dimensional analysis is the same as the exact result [Equation (4.24)] gives for the ground state. In general, dimensional analysis might be expected to give the correct answer to within a multiplicative constant. 60. (a) Performing a binomial expansion on the expression in parentheses for a transition from the n + 1 level to the n level gives: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 ... 2 2 n n 1 n n n n n n 2 or 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 . Therefore using Equation (4.30) n3 / 2R . (b) 2 2 n n 1 n n n n Performing the derivative gives the same result. E E0 dE 2E0 3 . With so 2 n dn n dE E 2E0 3 and E hc / , E0 / hc R , and n 1 , we have n3 / 2R . dn n n (c) 100 / 2 1.097373 107 m1 4.556 cm using the approximation and 3 1 1 1.097373 107 m1 21.6226 m1 which gives 4.625cm using the 2 2 100 101 exact formula. 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom 61 3cR 2 42 1 4.15 1018 Hz , so the 4 wavelength is λ = c/f = 7.2 × 10−11 m. Using Equation (4.43) with n = 3 for the Kβ x ray, the wavelength is λ = 6.1 × 10−11 m. 61. Using Equation (4.40) for the Kα x ray, f Both of these results compare favorably with the graph. We can compute the frequency of the Lα x ray using Equation (4.44) and then use that frequency to find the wavelength, which is about 5.5 × 10−10 m. This value does not place the wavelength on the graph. You would want to use a less energetic electron beam to generate the x rays in order to observe the L series. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 62 Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I Chapter 5 1. Starting with Equation (5.1), with n = 1 and 1 12.5 , sin 1 0.216 . 2 2sin 1 ; 2 sin 1 2sin 1 sin 1 2(0.216) 25.6 ; 2d 1 3 sin 3sin 1 40.4 Second order: sin 2 2d 2. Use 0.207 nm and we know from the text (Example 5.1) that d = 0.282 nm for NaCl. n 0.367 ; 21.3 n 1: sin 2d 2d n 0.734 ; 47.2 n 2 : sin 2d d 47.2 21.3 25.9 3. For n = 1 we have 2d sin 2 0.314nm sin12.8 0.139 nm. 1240 eV nm 8.92 keV. The largest order n is the largest integer for which 0.139 nm n 2d 1 or n 4.52 so we can observe up through n = 4. 2d E hc 4. As in Davisson-Germer scattering n D sin , so 1240 eV nm 1 hc 1 3.0 sin sin 5 D ED 10 eV 0.24 nm sin 1 6.626 1034 J·s h 9.2 1035 m . No, the wavelength of the water waves 5. p 1.2 kg 6.0 m/s depends on the medium; they are strictly mechanical waves. 6. Using the mean speed from kinetic theory (also in Chapter 9) 4 v 2 4 kT m 2 1.38 10 J/K 310.15 K 484.2 m/s ; 28 1.66 10 kg 23 27 6.626 1034 J s h 2.94 1011 m which is roughly 3% of the size 27 p 28 1.66 10 kg 484.2 m/s of the molecule. 7. Using the approach of Example 5.2, and with K eV we have, assuming relativistic h h hc effects are small, . If we do not assume that relativistic p 2mK 2 mc 2 K effects are small, then h p K 2 2 mc 2 K hc . See problem 11 for details. When © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 63 K 40keV , if we use the non-relativistic formula then 1240eV nm 6.13 103 nm 6.13 pm. Using the relativistic 6 3 2 0.51110 eV 40 10 eV formula, we find 40 10 eV 3 1240eV nm 2 2 0.51110 eV 40 10 eV 6 3 6.02 pm. This represents a 2% difference. Clearly when K 100keV , we must use the relativistic approach and we find 3.70 103 nm 3.70 pm. 8. The resolution will be comparable to the de Broglie wavelength. The energy of the microscope requires a relativistic treatment, so h hc p K 2 2 mc 2 K 3.0 10 eV 6 1240eV nm 2 2 0.511106 eV 3.0 106 eV 3.57 104 nm 0.357 pm 9. 50 eV 1.602 1019 J/eV 8.011018 J ; h 6.626 1034 J s 1.73 1010 m. 31 18 2mK 2 9.109 10 kg 8.0110 J This is the same result as in the textbook’s example. 10. When E E0 then E pc for the particle; E pc for a photon. Therefore the electron's energy is approximately equal to the photon energy. If E 2 E0 then we cannot use E pc . The exact expression is p for the electron's momentum. Then the de Broglie wavelength is photon has the same wavelength, its energy is E 11. (a) Relativistically p h p E 2 E02 c hc 3E0 . K mc mc 2 2 c 2 2 E 2 E02 c 3E0 c h hc . If the p 3E0 K 2 2 Kmc 2 ; c hc K 2 Kmc 2 2 (b) Non-relativistically, as in the text h hc . 2mK 2mc 2 K © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 64 Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 12. The rest energy of the electron is very small compared to the total energy. p E 2 E02 c 50 GeV/c ; h 1240 eV nm 2.48 1017 m ; p 50 GeV 2.48 1017 m 0.012. 2 1015 m 13. (a) For photons, kinetic energy equals total energy and de Broglie wavelength is hc 1240 eV nm 9.54 keV. wavelength: K E 0.13 nm (b) The energy is low enough that we can use the non-relativistic formula: fraction K hc 1240 eV nm h2 89.0 eV 2 2 2 2 2m 2mc 2 511103 eV 0.13 nm 2 2 hc 1240 eV nm h2 (c) K 0.048 eV 2 2 2 2 2m 2mc 2 939 106 eV 0.13 nm 2 2 hc 1240 eV nm h2 (d) K 1.22 102 eV 2 2 2 2 6 2m 2mc 2 3727 10 eV 0.13 nm 2 2 1.38 10 J/K 5 K 324 m/s ; 1.675 10 kg 14. (a) As in Problem 6, we use the mean speed formula from kinetic theory: v 4 2 4 kT m 2 23 27 h 6.626 1034 J s 1.22 nm . p 1.675 1027 kg 324 m/s 4 (b) v 2 4 kT m 2 1.38 10 J/K 0.01 K 14.5 m/s ; 1.675 10 kg 23 27 6.626 1034 J s h 27.3 nm p 1.675 1027 kg 14.5 m/s 15. From the accelerating potential we know K eV 3.00keV so E K E0 514 keV . 514 keV 511 keV E 2 E02 p 55.4 keV/c ; c c h hc 1240 eV nm 22.4 pm p pc 55.4 103 eV 2 2 16. We use the relativistic formula derived in Problem 11: (a) 0.194nm (b) 6.13 102 nm h p hc . K 2 2 Kmc 2 (c) 1.94 102 nm © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I (d) 6.02 103 nm 65 (f) 2.77 104 nm (e) 1.64 103 nm From Example 5.1 in the text, we know the spacing of the NaCl lattice is 0.282 nm. Thus even the lowest energy electrons here could be used to probe the crystal structure. h 6.626 1034 J s 2.60 1011 m 17. (a) 27 p 32 1.66110 kg 480 m/s (b) h 6.626 1034 J s 1.02 1016 m 13 5 p 6.5 10 kg 10 m/s 18. (a) Using the relativistic formula from Problem 11, h hc 1240 eV nm 1.24 1018 m 2 2 2 p 12 12 6 K 2 Kmc 10 eV 2 10 eV 938 10 eV (b) h p hc K 2 Kmc 2 2 7.0 10 12 1240 eV nm eV 2 7.0 1012 eV 938 106 eV 2 1.77 1019 m Note: For both parts (a) and (b), the same answers (to three significant figures) may be obtained using the relativistic approximation K = pc. 19. d D sin( / 2) 0.23 nm sin16 0.063nm ; D sin 0.23 nm sin 32 0.122 nm ; p E p 2c 2 E02 10.2 keV 511 keV 2 2 h hc 1240 eV nm 10.2 keV/c ; c 0.122 nm c 511.102 keV ; K E E0 102 eV 20. Beginning with Equation (5.7) and with V0 48 V and D 0.215nm for nickel, we have 1.226 nm V 1/ 2 0.177 nm 0.177nm ; and sin 1 sin 1 55.4 . 48 V D 0.215 nm 1/ 2 1.226 nm V 0.153nm At 64 eV: 0.153nm ; and sin 1 sin 1 45.4 . 64 V D 0.215 nm 21. First we compute the wavelength of the electrons: 1240 eV nm h hc 2.74 102 nm. 2 2 2 2 p E E0 513 keV 511keV From Figure 5.7(a) we see that 21 tan 1 2.1cm/35cm 3.434 or 1 1.717 . Now 2.74 102 nm 0.457 nm ; because 2d sin we have: d1 2sin 1 2sin 1.717 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 66 Chapter 5 2 tan 1 2.3 cm/35 cm 1.880 ; d2 1 2 3 tan 1 3.2 cm/35 cm 2.612 ; d3 1 2 22. 2sin 2 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 2.74 102 nm 0.412 nm . 2sin 1.880 2.74 102 nm 0.301 nm 2sin 3 2sin 2.612 h hc 1240 eV nm 0.181 nm ; 2mK 2mc 2 K 2 939 106 eV 0.025 eV D sin ; sin 1 1 0.181 nm sin 23.7 D 0.45 nm 23. We begin with Equation (5.23) t 2 . Since 2 f the first equation is 1 1 equivalent to f t 1 . Then t 3.33s . If we want the time to be onef 0.3Hz half of that found from the bandwidth relation, then we must monitor the frequency of the system every 1.67 s. 24. Refer to Problem 11. The 6-eV electrons are nonrelativistic. We must treat the 600 keV electrons relativistically. For the 6 eV electrons, hc 2mc 2 K 1240 eV nm 2 0.511106 eV 6eV electron speed can be found using p mv h 0.501 nm . The . Therefore v 6.626 1034 J s v 1.45 106 m/s and 4.83 103 . 31 9 c 9.1110 kg 0.50110 m Alternatively for this nonrelativistic case you could use K 6eV 1 2 mv to find v. 2 The phase velocity is found using a modification of Equation (5.32). We must note that E represents the total energy of the particle, so 6 19 E/ E 0.51110 eV 1.602 10 J/eV 6.20 1010 m/s. vph 31 6 k p/ p 9.11 10 kg 1.45 10 m/s This speed exceeds the speed of light but is not associated with the transmission of information. In Problem 28 we will show that a simpler approach to find the phase c velocity is to use vph but either approach yields the same answer. We find the group velocity from Equation (5.31), namely, ugr pc 2 . In problem 73 from chapter 2, we E © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 67 showed that pc so ugr c 1.45 106 m/s which is the same as the particle speed. E For the 600 keV electrons, hc 1240 eV nm so 2 2 2 3 6 3 K 2 mc K 600 10 eV 2 0.511 10 eV 600 10 eV 1.26 103 nm . Using the same approach as before p h 5.26 1022 kg m/s . However, this is a relativistic momentum so p mv . We find therefore v 2.66 108 m/s 0.885c . The phase velocity is vph c the group velocity is the same as the particle velocity, ugr 0.885 c . 25. (a) f v K E0 2.174 and E0 1.13c and again 5.0cm/s 0.714 Hz 7.0cm (b) From the initial conditions given, the phase in Equation (5.18) is / 2 rad 90 . This is equivalent to representing the wave with a cosine function and zero phase: 2 2 A cos 10 cm 5.0 cm/s 13s 2.49 cm x vt 4.0 cm cos 7.0cm 26. (a) f 4.2 cm/s 1.05 Hz 4.0 cm b) T 1/ f 0.95 s v c) k 2 / / 2cm1 d) 2 / T 2.1 rad/s 27. (a) 1 2 0.003 sin(6.0 x 300t ) sin 7.0 x 250t We can use a trig identity A B A B sin A sin B 2sin cos so 0.006sin(6.5x 275t )cos(0.5x 25t ) 2 2 or because cosine is an even function 0.006sin(6.5x 275t )cos(0.5x 25t ). 50 rad/s 2 550 rad/s 50 m/s (b) v ph 1 42.3 m/s and ugr 1 k 1 m1 k1 k2 13m (c) As in Equation (5.22) x 2 / k 2 m is the separation between zeros. (d) k x 1 m1 2 m 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 68 Chapter 5 28. ugr 1/2 d dE d p 2c 2 E02 dk dp dp pc 2 p 2c 2 E02 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I pc 2 c ; E h E pc 2 / v c 2 c . The particle and its “signal”' are associated v ph v p 2 p p v with the group velocity, not the phase velocity. 29. As in Example 5.6 we start with v ph c n where c is a constant. We also know from dv ph d . Since dk dk d dk 2 dv ph 2 d 2 2 2 dv ph then . Therefore ug v ph . v 2 ph d k dk k 2 d 2 Equation (5.33) that ug v ph k dv ph . We note further that dv ph Setting ug v ph c n , we find c n c n cn n . This can be satisfied only if n = 0, so v ph is independent of . This is consistent with the idea that when a medium is nondispersive, the phase and group velocities are equal and the speed independent of wavelength. K E0 948.27 MeV 1 0.145 ; 30. Protons: 1.01066 ; 1 1.010662 E0 938.27 MeV c ugr c 0.145 c and vph 6.90c . K E0 10.511 MeV 1 0.9988 ; 20.57 ; 1 20.572 E0 0.511 MeV c ugr c 0.9988c and vph 1.001c Electrons: 31. ( x, 0) A(k ) cos(kx) dk A0 k0 k /2 k0 k /2 cos(kx) dk A sin(kx) 0 A0 0 sin k0 k / 2 x sin k0 k / 2 x x k0 k /2 x k k /2 2 A0 kx sin cos k0 x x 2 2 kx 1 See the diagrams below. At the half-width of ( x, 0) , we have sin 2 , so 2 2 k x and x . Then x 2 x , and k x . 2 4 k 2k © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 32. Relativistically: u Classically: u 1/2 dE d p 2c 2 E02 dp dp 69 pc 2 p 2c 2 E02 pc 2 ; E dE d p 2 p dp dp 2m m 33. For a double slit, the amplitude of E is doubled, and hence the intensity (proportional to E 2 ) is higher by a factor of four for the double slit. h/ p hc 1240 eV nm 34. d 2.22 nm 2 2 sin sin E 2 E 2 sin 512 keV 511 keV sin1 0 35. We make use of the small angle approximations: sin tan and sin . 0.3 mm sin tan 3.75 104 ; 0.8m d sin d 2000 nm 3.75 104 0.75 nm ; p h hc 1240 eV·nm 1.653 keV/c ; c 0.75 nm c K E E0 p 2c 2 E02 E0 1.653 keV 511 keV 2 2 511 keV 2.67eV . Such low energies will present problems, because low-energy electrons take longer to move through the region of the field and thus the deflection by stray electric fields is greater. 36. By the uncertainty principle px Emin p at a minimum. Non-relativistically (with x d ) 197.3 eV nm ( c) 2 25.0 keV 2 2 2 2 2m 8md 8mc d 8 938.27 106 eV 1.44 105 nm 2 2 2 2 1240 eV nm h2 h2c 2 21.3MeV . E 2 2 2 2 8md 8mc d 8 939.57 106 eV 3.1106 nm 37. For the n = 1 energy level: 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 70 Chapter 5 By the uncertainty principle px p at a minimum. Non-relativistically (with x d ) 0.539 MeV . 2m 8md 2 The two answers differ by the factor of (2 ) 2 in using Emin 2 2 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 2 or h in the energy formula. 38. The uncertainty ratio is the same for any mass and independent of the box length. px m v x 2 or v 2m x 2mL h2 h 1 2 h2 v or mv 2 2 2 4m L 2mL 2 8mL v / 2mL 1 v h / 2mL 2 E 39. For circular motion L rp and so L r p . Along the circle x r and x r . L Thus px r L . For complete uncertainty 2 and 2 r /2 L . 2 4 40. E t 2 so E 2t 1.054 1034 J s 1.67 1078 J 36 7 2 110 y 3.16 10 s/y 41. If we use Equation (5.44), t 42. px m vx v 2m x 43. (a) E t 2 1 1 1 2.1105 Hz . we find 2t 2 2.4μs 2 so at minimum uncertainty 1.054 1034 J s 1.76 1014 m/s 15 6 2 3.0 10 kg 1.0 10 m 2 so E 2t 6.582 1016 eV s 3.29 103 eV 13 2 1.0 10 s (b) Using the photon relation E hc and taking a derivative dE Then letting d and E dE we have E 3.29 103 eV hc 2 1240 eV nm 0.185nm . 2 E 4.7 eV d 2 hc E2 d hc © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 71 44. The wavelength of the electrons should be 0.14 nm or less. For this wavelength h hc 1240 eV nm 8.86 keV/c ; p c 0.14 nm c K E E0 p 2c2 E02 E0 8.86 keV 45. For the angle R we find R tan R 2 (511 keV)2 511 keV 77 eV. 4000 nm 2 105. The wavelength is 20 cm 5 d R 0.05m 2 10 820 nm . 1.22 1.22 hc 1240 eV nm 1.51 eV (a) E 820 nm (b) For non-relativistic electrons 1240 eV nm p2 h2 h2c 2 2.24 106 eV . K 2 2 2 2 3 2m 2m 2mc 2 51110 eV 820 nm 2 Check with the uncertainty principle: 1.055 1034 J s p 1.32 1029 kg m/s. The actual momentum is 9 2x 2 4000 10 m 6.626 1034 J s p 8.08 1028 kg m/s . This is allowed because p p . 9 820 10 m h 46. h h 1240 eV nm 6.12 fm. The minimum kinetic energy p 2mK 2 3727 MeV 5.5 MeV p K c 2 8mc 2 x 197.33 eV nm 2 8 3727 MeV 16 106 nm according to the uncertainty principle is 2 2m 2 2 5.10 keV . Because the kinetic energy exceeds the minimum, it is allowed. 47. The proof is completed in Example 6.11. With k / m we have a minimum energy k 1.055 1034 J s 8.2 N/m 9.03 1034 J 2 2 m 2 0.028 kg 48. We can determine the value using the normalization condition: L 2 2 2 x 2 L 0 A sin L dx 1 A 2 or A L . E No answers are provided for Problems 49 through 51 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 72 Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I x 2 x 3 x 52. 1 A sin 2 A sin ; ; 3 A sin ; L L L where A 2 / L . Refer to problem 48. nh 2L 53. As before so pn . At high energies we must use relativistic formulas, so 2L n E p 2c 2 E02 E0 p 2c 2 1 . The ratios follow: E02 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 E3 1 9h c / 4 L E0 E2 1 h c / L E0 ; ; and E1 1 h 2 c 2 / 4 L2 E02 E1 1 h 2 c 2 / 4 L2 E02 1/2 1/2 2 2 2 2 E4 1 4h c / L E0 . E1 1 h 2 c 2 / 4 L2 E02 These are quite different from the non-relativistic results, as one might expect. They do reduce to the non-relativistic results in the low-energy limit. p 54. At time t = 0 the velocity is uncertain by at least v0 . After a time m 2mx 1/2 m x x m x we have x v0 t which means the uncertainty 2 2mx equals half the distance of travel. t 2 2 55. Both the spatial distribution ( x) and the wavenumber distribution (k ) should have the x2 k2 ( ) exp k and . For same Gaussian form: ( x) exp 2 2 2x 2k conjugate variables ( x, k ) it is possible to obtain one distribution by taking a Fourier transform of the other. Letting A be a normalization constant for (k ) we have k2 exp exp ikx . dk 2 2k The integral is evaluated by completing the square: k2 A ( x) exp ikx x 2 k 2 x 2 k 2 dk 2 2 4k ( x) ( x) A 2 1 A 2 2 exp x 2 k 2 dk exp 2 k ix k 2 2 4k © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I k 2ixk we have ( x) A Letting u 2 73 k exp x 2 k 2 exp u 2 du . The 2k integral has a value so ( x) 2 Ak exp x 2 k 2 . Now comparing with the 2 1 x2 1 2 Gaussian form ( x) exp we see that k or k x . 2 2 2 2x 2x 56. (a) These electrons have a kinetic energy that is a significant fraction of the rest energy, so they must be considered relativistically. These electrons have a total energy E K E0 390 keV + 511 keV = 901 keV. h hc hc 1.240 keV nm 0.00167 nm 1.67 pm. 2 2 2 2 p pc E E0 901 keV 511 keV (b) Using the Davisson-Germer result Equation (5.5), n 1 0.00167 nm 0.00777 which gives an angle 0.45 . This small sin D 0.215 nm angle is quite difficult to measure, which is why less energetic electrons are better for this type of scattering experiment. 57. For such highly relativistic electrons p E / c, so the wavelength is h h hc 1240 eV nm 2.1107 nm 2.11016 m. Typically only gamma 9 p E/c E 6.0 10 eV ray photons have such high energies. 58. (a) This is a fairly low energy, but to be safe we should use relativistic calculations. The electron’s total energy is E K E0 5.7 keV + 511.0 keV = 516.7 keV. 1.24 keV nm h hc hc 0.0162 nm 16.2 pm. 2 2 2 2 p pc E E0 516.7 keV 511.0 keV (b) For this analysis we will find the minimum energy of an electron confined in a onedimensional box of length 3.4 fm. We can use either the uncertainty principle result Equation (5.43) or the exact particle-in-a-box result Equation (5.51). The two results are the same order of magnitude. Using the latter, 1240 eV nm h2 h2c 2 3.3 1010 eV = 33 GeV. E1 2 2 2 2 5 6 8m 8mc 8 5.1110 eV 3.4 10 nm 2 This is much larger than the energy of the emitted electron, which implies that it did not exist in the nucleus prior to emission. Further, note that the electron’s wavelength in part (a) is much larger than the nucleus, also implying that it could not have been confined there. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 74 Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 59. From Chapter 4, r n2 a0 where a0 5.29 1011 m is the Bohr radius. In this case we have n = 10, so r 100a0 5.29 109 m . Using Equation (5.51), the electron’s energy is 1240 eV nm h2 h2c 2 E1 3.36 103 eV. 2 2 2 2 5 8m 8mc 8 5.1110 eV 2 5.29 nm 2 This is a very small energy compared with the electron’s actual kinetic energy, even in such a high orbital state. 60. Using Equation (5.23), the range of angular frequencies is 2 2 / t 2.51 s 1. Because 2 f , the range of frequencies is 2.5 s 2.51 s 1 f / 2 0.40 Hz. Thus if the central frequency is 440 Hz, the range is 2 from about 439.8 Hz to 440.2 Hz. 61. (a) Because of conversation of energy and momentum, each photon gets an energy equal to the electron’s rest energy, so its wavelength is given by E = hc/λ, or hc 1240 eV nm 2.43 103 nm = 2.43 pm. 5 E 5.1110 eV (b) Now the total energy of each electron is (Equation 2.65): mc 2 5.11105 eV 5.357 105 eV. This is the new energy of each photon, so E 2 2 1 1 0.30 hc 1240 eV nm 2.31103 nm = 2.31 pm. E 5.357 105 eV Because of the additional kinetic energy in the initial configuration, the photons generated in the process have more energy and hence shorter wavelength. the photon’s wavelength is: 62. (a) The uncertainty principle (Equation 5.45) provides the relationship between uncertainly in energy and time as, Et / 2 or E / 2(t ) 6.58211016 eV s / 2 8.4 1017 s 3.92eV. (b) The uncertainty in mass is given by the energy-mass relation as m E / c2 . With a mass of 135 MeV/c2, the relative uncertainty is m E 3.92 eV 2 2.9 108 . 6 m mc 135 10 eV d 1.2 1015 m 6.58211016 eV s 24 82 MeV . E 4.0 10 s and 63. t c 3.0 108 m/s 2t 2 4.0 1024 s This “lower bound” estimate of the rest mass is E / c 2 which is within a factor of two of the rest energy. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 64. (a) In general n 2d sin so sin 75 0.5 nm n n 0.3125n . It is required that 2d 2 0.8 nm sin 1 so the allowed values of n are 1, 2, 3. Substituting we find 18.2 for n = 1, 38.7 for n = 2, and 69.6 for n =3. h hc 1240 eV nm 2480 eV/c and (b) For electrons p c 0.5 nm c K E E0 p 2c 2 E02 E0 2.480 keV 2 (511 keV) 2 511 keV 6.0 eV. 65. The uncertainty of the strike zone width is x 0.38 m. There is a second uncertainty, in the x-component of the ball’s velocity, given by px mvx . Due to the 2x uncertainty in velocity the ball’s x position will be uncertain by the time it reaches home t plate in an amount vxt 0.38 m where we have added the inequality because 2mx this is the condition for a strike. Since this inequality must be satisfied simultaneously with the first one x 0.38 m, we multiply the two inequalities together to find t 2 0.38 m 0.144 m2 . Rearranging we find 2m 2m 0.144 m2 2 0.145 kg 0.144 m2 0.081 J s. t 18 m / 35 m/s 66. Assume that the given angle corresponds to the first order reflection. We have: 2d sin 2 0.156nm sin 26 0.1368nm. Next we find the energy: p h hc 1240 eV nm 9.06 103 eV/c . c 0.1368 nm c K E E0 p 2c 2 E02 E0 9.06keV 2 (939.57MeV)2 939.57MeV 4.36 102 eV. The Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator Pulsed Neutron Source (ORELA) produces intense, nanosecond bursts of neutrons, each burst containing neutrons with energies from 103 to108 eV. 67. (a) Using the given information, the wave packet will equal: 15 1 1 1 1 n cos(18 x) cos(20 x) cos(22 x) cos(24 x) cos(26 x) 4 3 2 2 n 9 1 1 cos(28 x) cos(30 x). 3 4 A graph of the first two terms and a graph of the entire packet are shown below. 9 has a frequency of 9 and an amplitude of 0.25. 10 has a frequency of 10 and an amplitude of 0.33. Other terms would have a frequency of 11 and amplitude of 0.5, etc. The peak value of the packet is approximately 3.16. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 76 Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I (b) The packet is centered about x = 0 but extends to . The packet repeats every unit along the x axis. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 5 Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I 68. (a) Starting from Equation (5.45), E t 77 and substituting, we have . 2 2 2 Therefore . (b) We can find the minimum value for from the equation above. Using the data for the 6.58211016 eV s neutron, for example, neutron 7.42 1019 eV. The other values 887s follow in a similar fashion. pion 2.53 108 eV and upsilon 65.8keV. 69. (a) With E = hf, the uncertainty in energy is ΔE = hΔf. With this the uncertainty relation Et / 2 becomes h f t / 2 . This simplifies to f t 1/ 4 , so the minimum uncertainty in frequency can be computed: 1 1 f 7.96 1012 Hz. 15 4t 4 10 10 s The original frequency is f = c/λ, so the relative uncertainty is 9 12 f f 532 10 m 7.96 10 Hz 0.014. That’s a fairly large uncertainty, f c 3.00 108 m/s over 1%! (b) With f = c/λ, f / c / 2 , so the absolute value of the wavelength range is 2 f 532 10 9 m 7.96 1012 Hz 2 7.5 109 m = 7.5 nm. c 3.00 10 m/s (c) This is an appreciable fraction of the wavelength (also 0.014) and of the original pulse, which has a length L ct 3.00 108 m/s 10 1015 s 3.0 106 m = 3000 nm. 8 The wavelength spread is 0.0025 of the pulse length. 70. As in the preceding problem, the uncertainty principle leads to a frequency spread f 1/ 4 t . In this case the wavelengths (and frequencies) differ by enough that it would be risky to use the approximation f / c / 2 . Instead we will compute the value of Δf directly: c c 3.00 108 m/s 3.00 108 m/s f f 2 f1 3.211014 Hz. 2 1 400 109 m 700 109 m Solving for the pulse duration Δt: 1 1 t 2.5 1016 s = 0.25 fs. 4 f 4 3.211014 Hz This is just possible with today’s technology. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 78 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II Chapter 6 1. The function’s output does not approach zero in the limits and , so it cannot be normalized over these limits. 2. (a) Given the placement of the sign, the wave moves in the +x-direction. (One always assumes t increases starting from 0. For the argument of the sine function to remain constant x must increase as t increases. Therefore a value of constant phase with have increasing x as t increases.) (b) By the same reasoning as in (a), it moves in the x -direction. (c) It is a complex number. Euler’s formula eix cos x i sin x shows that an expression written as ei ( kx t ) will have a real and complex part. Therefore the expression is complex. (d) It moves in the +x-direction. Looking at a particular phase kx t , x must increase as t increases in order to keep the phase constant. 3. The derivatives are / t i and 2 / x2 k 2 . Substituting in the timedependent Schrödinger equation, we find: i i k V . 2m 2 the left reduces to E and the first term on the right is 2 The term on k2 p2 K 2m 2m where K is the kinetic energy. The result is E K V , which is a statement of conservation of mechanical energy. 4. * A2 exp i(kx t ) i(kx t ) A2 . The condition for normalization becomes a 0 5. 2 *dx A2 dx A2 a 1 so A a 0 1 1 and exp i(kx t ) . a a 2r * A2 r 2 exp . The condition for normalization becomes 2 A2 3 2r * 2 2 2 exp dr A r dr A 1 . Therefore 3 0 0 4 2 / 4 2 3/2 . A 3 6. In order for a particle to have a greater probability of being at a given point than at an adjacent point, it would need to have infinite speed. This is seen as p i at a x discontinuity. Another problem is that the second derivative must exist in order to satisfy the Schrödinger equation. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 79 7. (a) The wave function does not satisfy condition 3. The derivative of the wave function is not continuous at x = 0. (b) Based on (a) the wave function cannot be realized physically. (c) Very close to x = 0 we could modify the function so that its derivative is continuous. If we do so just in the neighborhood of x = 0, we need not change the function elsewhere. 8. 3.4 3.9 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.8 3.9 4.7 4.1 4.5 3.8 4.5 4.8 3.9 4.4 15 4.247 x2 x 3.42 3.92 5.22 4.7 2 4.12 3.82 3.92 4.7 2 4.12 4.52 3.82 4.52 4.82 3.92 4.42 x 18.254 2 15 x x x The standard deviation is 2 i 2 i 2 xi x x 2 x 2x 2 i x x 2 i . Look at the three N N N N N terms in the sum. The first is just x 2 . The second is 2 x x 2 x 2 . The third term is x N 2 Nx 2 x 2 . Putting the results together N the data given we have x2 2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 . For x 2 x 2 18.254 4.247 0.466 . 2 9. If V is independent of time, then we can use the time-independent Schrödinger equation. Then by Equation (6.15) * * ( x) ( x)eit eit * ( x) ( x) . Then xdx * * ( x) ( x) xdx which is independent of time. 10. Using the Euler relations between exponential and trig functions, we find A eix eix 2 A cos x . Normalization: dx 4 A cos x dx 4 A 1 . * 2 2 2 (a) The probability of being in the interval [0, / 8] is P dx /8 0 * 1 /8 0 Thus A 1 2 . 1x 1 cos x dx sin(2 x) 2 4 0 /8 2 1 1 0.119 . 16 4 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 80 Chapter 6 (b) The probability of being in the interval [0, / 4] is P * dx /4 0 11. 1 cos 2 x dx /4 0 1 1 0.205 . 8 4 * dx A2 sin 2 x dx A2 1x 1 sin(2 x) 2 4 0 1 so A . 2 (a) The probability of being in the interval [0, / 4] is 0 0 P dx P /4 * 0 2 /4 0 dx /2 0 * 2 2x 1 sin x dx sin(2 x) 2 4 0 /4 2 /2 0 /4 2 2 1 1 1 0.091 8 4 4 2 (b) The probability of being in the interval [0, / 2] is Quantum Mechanics II 2x 1 sin x dx sin(2 x) 2 4 0 /2 2 2 1 0 0.50. 4 2 n 2 2 2 ; 12. En 2mL2 En 1 2 n 1 2 2 ; 2mL2 2 2 n 12 n 2 2n 1 . 2mL2 2mL2 Computing specific values: En En1 En E1 2 3 ; 2 2 2mL 2 E8 2 2 17 ; 2 E800 2 2mL 13. The wave function for the nth level is n ( x) dx 1 dx 2 L dx L square of the wave function is ( x) 2 n L * L 0 L 0 0 * 2 L 0 2 2 2mL2 1601 2 n x sin so the average value of the L L 2 L 1 n x sin 2 dx 2 . This result for the L 2 L L average value of the square of the wave function is independent of n and is the same as the classical probability. The classical probability is uniform throughout the box, but this 2 is not so in the quantum mechanical case which is sin 2 kn x . L 14. (a) We know the energy values from Equation (6.35). The energy value En is proportional to n 2 where n is the quantum number. If the ground state energy is 4.3 eV , © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 81 then the next three levels correspond to: 4E1 17.2 eV for n = 2; 9E1 38.7 eV for n = 3; and 16E1 68.8 eV for n = 4. (c) The wave functions and energy levels will be like those shown in Figure 6.3. 15. (a) Starting with Equation (6.35) and using the electron mass and the length given, we have: 2 2 2 2 2 2 197.3 eV nm 2 2 c 2 En n n n 2 2mL2 2 mc 2 L2 2 5.11105 eV 2000 nm n 2 9.40 108 eV Then the three lowest energy levels are: E1 9.40 108 eV ; E2 1.88 107 eV ; and E3 2.82 107 eV . 3 3 1 eV kT 1.3811023 J/K 13K 19 2 2 1.602 10 J 3 which equals 1.68 10 eV . Substitute this value into the equation above as En and solve for n. We find n = 134. (b) Average kinetic energy equals 16. For this non-relativistic speed we have 2 1 1 1 E mv 2 mc 2 2 511000eV/c 2 1.25 104 c 0.003992eV . 2 2 2 2 2 nh Using E , we find 8mL2 2 3 8mL2 E 8mc 2 L2 E 8 51110 eV 48.5 nm 0.003992 eV 2 n 24.97 and 2 h2 h2c 2 1240 eV nm therefore n = 5. 2 x 17. The ground-state wave function is 1 sin . L L 2 L /3 2x L x 2 x dx sin 2 dx sin 0 L L 2 4 L L 0 P1 L /3 P2 2 L /3 L /3 0 2 1 1 3 2 0.1955 6 8 2x L 2 x dx sin L 2 4 L L /3 2 L /3 L /3 2 1 1 3 2 0.6090 6 4 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 82 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 2x L 2 x P3 dx sin 2 L /3 L 2 4 L 2 L /3 L L 2 1 1 3 2 0.1955 6 8 Notice that P1 P2 P3 1 as required. 2 2 sin kx with k . L L 1 3 2 0.402 6 16 18. The first excited state has a wave function 2 P1 2x 1 dx sin 2kx L 2 4k 0 L /3 L /3 0 2 2 1 3 Similarly P2 2 0.196 and P3 P1 0.402 . Notice that P1 P2 P3 1 . 6 8 1240 eV nm h2 h2c 2 19. E1 3.76 GeV. 2 2 2 8mL 8mc L 8 511103 eV 105 nm 2 2 Then E2 4E1 15.05 GeV and E E2 E1 11.3 GeV. This is much larger than any energy observed in nuclear process; the electron is not in the nucleus. 1240 eV nm h2c 2 935 keV E1 2 2 8mc L 8 938.27 106 eV 1.48 105 nm 2 20. (a) As in the previous problem 2 1240 eV nm h2c 2 235 keV (b) E1 8mc 2 L2 8 3727 106 eV 1.48 105 nm 2 2 1240 eV nm h2 h2c 2 E1 0.7676 eV. The other energy levels 2 2 2 8mL 8mc L 8 511103 eV 0.70 nm 2 21. As in previous problems the ground state energy is 2 are En n2 E1 : E2 4E1 3.07eV ; E3 9E1 6.91eV ; E4 16E1 12.28 eV . The allowed photon energies are: E4 E3 5.37 eV E4 E2 9.21eV E4 E1 11.5 eV E3 E2 3.84eV E3 E1 6.14eV E2 E1 2.30 eV 22. Lacking an explicit equation for finite square well energies, we will approximate using the infinite square well formula. In order to contain three energy levels the depth of the © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II well must be at least E 83 n2 h2 9h 2 . Evaluating numerically with the given mass 8mL2 8mL2 9 1240 eV nm 9h 2 9h 2 c 2 102 MeV. E 2 2 2 8mL 8mc L 8 1.88 109 eV 3.00 106 nm 2 2 23. (a) The wavelengths are longer for the finite well, because the wave functions can leak outside the box. (b) Generally shorter wavelengths correspond to higher energies, so we expect energies to the lower for the finite well. (c) Generally the number of bound states is limited by the depth of the well. We expect no bound states for E V0 . 24. Using the same notation as the text, from the boundary condition I ( x 0) II ( x 0) we have Ae0 Ce0 De0 or A C D . From the condition I( x 0) II ( x 0) we have A ikC ikD . Solving this last expression for A and combining with the first ik ik C ik . boundary condition gives C D C D or after rearranging D ik 25. As in the previous problem matching the wave function at the boundary gives CeikL DeikL Be L and matching the first derivative gives ikCeikL ikDeikL Be L . Eliminating B from these two equations gives 1 C ik 2ikL . CeikL DeikL ikDeikL ikCeikL . Thus e D ik 26. E 2 2 n 2 1 n22 n32 E0 n12 n22 n32 where E0 2mL2 fourth, and fifth levels are: E2 22 12 12 E0 6E0 E3 22 22 12 E0 9E0 E4 32 12 12 E0 11E0 E5 22 22 22 E0 12E0 2 2 2mL2 . Then the second, third, (degenerate) (degenerate) (degenerate) (not degenerate) nx n y n z 27. In general we have ( x) A sin 1 sin 2 sin 3 . L L L For 2 ( x) we can have n1 , n2 , n3 1,1, 2 or 1, 2,1 or 2,1,1 . For 3 ( x) we can have n1 , n2 , n3 1, 2, 2 or 2, 2,1 or 2,1, 2 . For 4 ( x) we can have n1 , n2 , n3 1,1,3 or 1,3,1 or 3,1,1 . For 5 ( x) we can have n1 , n2 , n3 2, 2, 2 . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 84 Chapter 6 28. We must normalize by evaluating the triple integral of * : Quantum Mechanics II dxdydz 1with * ( x, y, z) given by Equation (6.47) in the text. We can evaluate the iterated triple integral 2 A L 0 L L x 2 y 2 z 2 L sin dx 0 sin dy 0 sin dz A 1 . Solving for A we find L L L 2 3 2 2 A . L 29. Taking the derivatives we find 2 k12 k22 k32 so the Schrödinger equation 3/ 2 becomes 2 2m 2 2 n12 k 2m 2 2 1 k22 k32 E . From the boundary conditions ki ni Li n22 n32 . The three quantum numbers come directly from the three 2m L12 L22 L23 boundary conditions. so E 2 30. One possible solution is n1 = 2, n2 = 1, n3 = 1. Letting either of the other two quantum numbers be equal to 2 (with the remaining two equal to 1) gives the same result for A. For the choice given here, the wave function becomes 2 x y z 2 A sin sin sin . To normalize, integrate * over the entire L L L L L L 2 x y z L box A2 sin 2 dx sin 2 dy sin 2 dz A2 1 Solving for A, we 0 0 L 0 L L 2 3 2 find A . It is interesting that this is the same result as for the ground state L (Problem 28). n32 2 2 n12 n22 31. From Equation (6.49), E . For the ground state: 2m L2 4 L2 16 L2 3/ 2 2 2 1 1 21 . The least amount of energy 1 2mL2 4 16 32mL2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 . This we can add is accomplished by making n3 = 2. Then E1 1 2mL2 4 4 4mL2 state is not degenerate. For the next energy level, make n3 = 3: 2 2 1 9 29 2 2 , also non-degenerate. For the next level, take n1 = 1, E2 1 2mL2 4 16 32mL2 1 33 2 2 2 2 1 1 n2 = 2, and n3 = 1: E3 . This state is also non-degenerate. 2mL2 16 32mL2 Notice that this energy is less than we would obtain with n1 = 1, n2 = 1, and n3 = 4. n1 = n2 = n3 = 1. Thus Egs 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 85 32. 0 ( x) has these features: it is symmetric about x = 0; it has a maximum at x = 0 because the wave function must tend toward zero for x ; there is no node in the ground state; the wave function decreases exponentially where V E . 1 1 33. En En1 En n 1 n for all n. This is true for all n, and 2 2 there is no restriction on the number of levels. 2 2 1 . Solving 34. Normalization 1 * dx A2 x 2e x dx 2 A2 x 2e x dx 2 A2 0 4 for A we find A 2 1/4 3/4 . over symmetric limits. x x2 x 2 x A2 x3e x dx 0 because the integrand is odd x 2 A2 x 4e x dx 2 2 3 2 1/2 5/2 3 ; A 4 2 3 2 35. The energy is related to the frequency of oscillation by: 1 1 1 E n n hf 4.136 1015 eV·s 11013 s 1 n 2 2 2 1 4.136 102 eV n 2 k For the harmonic oscillator 2 so m k 2 m 4 2 f 2 m 4 2 11013 s 1 2.32 1026 kg 91.6 N/m. 2 36. Taking the second derivative of for the Schrödinger equation: 2 2 d 5 A xe x /2 2 2 Ax3e x /2 ; dx 2 d 2 5 5 2 x 2 6 2 x 2 2 3 x 4 Ae x /2 . 2 dx Starting with Equation (6.56), and with the wave function given in the problem, we have: 2 d 2 2 x 2 2 x 2 A 2 x 2 1 e x /2 2 dx 2 3 x 4 x 2 2 2 Ae x 2 /2 Matching our two values of d 2 / dx 2 we see that the Schrödinger equation can only be satisfied if 5 . Then 2mE 2 5 mk 2 or E 5 . This is the expected result, 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 86 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II because the wave function contains a second-order polynomial (in x), and with n = 2 we 1 5 expect E n . 2 2 37. By symmetry p 0 . Setting the ground state energy equal to p2 2m we find 1 which gives p 2 m . Note, however, that a detailed calculation gives 2m 2 1 m . The factor of one-half is evidently the difference between the kinetic p2 2 energy and the total energy, which if taken into account does give the correct result. p2 38. Taking the derivatives for the Schrödinger equation: d 2 d x2 /2 2 3 x2 /2 x 2 /2 2 x2 /2 ; 3 2 x 2 3 . A xe A xe Ae A x e 2 dx dx d 2 Combining Equation (6.56) with this, we see 2 x 2 2 x 2 3 . Thus 2 dx 2mE mk 3 2 . Solving for the energy, we find we see that 3 or 2 E 3 2 k 3 . m 2 k / k m1 m2 / m1m2 2k / m since the masses are equal in this case. The 39. The classical frequency for a two-particle oscillator is [see Chapter 10, Equation (10.4)] energies of the ground state ( E0 ) and the first three excited states are given by 1 En n so the possible transitions (from E3 to E2 , E3 to E1 , etc. are E , 2 2 , and 3 . Specifically these calculations give: 2 1.1103 N/m 2k 16 6.582 10 eV·s 0.755 eV with a wavelength, m 1.673 1027 kg hc 1240 eV nm 1640 nm . E 0.755 eV 2 2 6.582 10 16 eV s 2 1.1103 N/m 1.673 1027 kg hc 1240 eV nm 821 nm E 1.51 eV 1.51 eV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 3 3 6.582 10 16 87 2 1.1103 N/m eV s 1.673 1027 kg 2.26 eV hc 1240 eV nm 549 nm E 2.26 eV 40. The kinetic energy is (see Chapter 9) 3 3 K kT 8.617 105 eV/K 12000 K 1.551 eV . Assume a square-top potential of 2 2 6 1.440 eV nm q1q2 6e2 3.145 MeV where we have used the height V0 4 0 r 4 0 r 1.2 106 nm 12 1/ 3 fact that the radius of a nucleus is approximately 1.2 A1/3 fm (see Chapter 12). For the width of the potential barrier use twice the radius or L 2 1.2 106 nm 12 2mc 2 V0 E 5.49 106 nm . Then 2 938.27 106 eV 3.145 106 eV 1.551 eV 197.3 eV nm 1/3 c 3.89 105 nm 1 L 3.89 105 nm1 5.49 106 nm 2.135 2 3.145 106 eV sinh 2 2.135 1.14 107 T 1 4 1.551 eV 3.145 106 eV 1.551 eV 41. (a) p 2m E V0 ; (b) p 2m E V0 ; 42. In each case L h h ; K E V0 p 2m E V0 h h ; K E V0 p 2m E V0 1so we can use T 16 2mc 2 V0 E 1 2 3727 10 E E 2 L where 1 e V0 V0 eV 10 106 eV 1/ 2 1.38 1015 m1 . c 197.4 eV nm (a) With L 1.3 1014 m, 5 MeV 5 MeV 21.381015 m1 1.31014 m 9.3 1016 . Ta 16 1 e 15 MeV 15 MeV 6 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 88 Chapter 6 (b) With V0 30 MeV, 2mc 2 V0 E 2 3727 10 6 eV 25 106 eV 1/ 2 Quantum Mechanics II 2.19 1015 m1 . c 197.4 eV nm 5 MeV 5 MeV 2 2.191015 m1 1.31014 m 4.2 1025 . Tb 16 1 e 30 MeV 30 MeV (c) With V0 15 MeV we return to the original value of , but now L 2.6 1014 m and 5 MeV 5 MeV 21.381015 m1 2.61014 m 2.4 1031 . 1 e 15 MeV 15 MeV By comparison Ta Tb Tc . Tc 16 43. When E V the wave function is oscillating, with a longer wavelength as E V decreases. Then when E V the wave function decays. V02 sin 2 k2 L 44. In general for E V0 we have R 1 T 1 1 . If E V0 then 4 E E V0 1 4E E V0 4E 2 . From the binomial theorem 1 x 1 x for small x and 1 V02 sin 2 k2 L V02 sin 2 k2 L V0 sin k2 L R R 1 1 which can be written as . 2E 4E 2 4E 2 2 V 2 sin 2 k2 L 45. T 1 0 4 E E V0 (a) To obtain T 1 we require sin(k2 L) 0 . Except for the trivial solution L = 0, this occurs whenever k2 L n with n an integer. Letting n = 1we find hc 1 1 1240 eV nm L 0.220 nm k2 2m E V0 2 2mc 2 E V0 2 2 511103 eV 7.8 eV 1 Any integer multiple of this value will work. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 89 n for any odd integer n. From the 2k 2 result of (a) we see that the first maximum is with L equal to half the value of L for the first minimum, or L = 0.110 nm. (b) For maximum reflection sin 2 k2 L 1or L 2 511103 eV 1.5 eV 6.27 nm1 46. c 197.4 eV nm With a probability of 2 104 we know L 1and we can use E E 1 1 2 L T 16 1 e2 L 16 3.84e2 L 2 104 . 1 e V0 V0 2.5 2.5 Solving for L: ln 1.92 104 L 7.86 1010 m. Now using the proton mass: 9 1 2 6.27 10 m 2mc 2 V0 E 1/ 2 2 938.27 106 eV 1.5 eV 268.8 nm1 . c 197.4 eV nm 9 1 2 268.8 10 m 7.861010 m 1.2 10183 . T 3.84e2 L 3.84e The proton's probability is much lower! 2mc 2 V0 E 1/ 2 47. The sketch of the potential will be like Figure 6.12. Since the question mentions tunneling, the assumption is that the total energy is less than the potential. Therefore the wave function will be sinusoidal on either side of the barrier with an exponential decay in the barrier region. Each sketch will be similar to Figure 6.15. From Equation (6.70) we can see that in part (b) with a barrier twice as wide, the exponential factor will be markedly smaller (a ratio of e2 0.135 while doubling the barrier height in c) will reduce the transmission coefficient as compared to (a) by less than 1/2. (a) © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 90 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II (b) (c) 48. Starting with T 2e (a) and 2m V0 E 2 511103 eV 6.4eV 1.4eV 197.33 eV nm Then T e2 L 2e (b) 2 L 2 11.5nm1 2.8nm 2mc 2 V0 E c , we find: 11.5 nm1 2e64.4 2.11028 2 3727 106 eV 19.2 106 eV 4.4 106 eV 197.33 eV nm 1.683 106 nm1 21.6831015 m1 7.41015 m Then T e2 L 2e 2e22.6 3.04 1011 . For values of L 1, Equation (6.70) is a good approximation for Equation (6.67) and Equation (6.73) gives at least an estimate of the transmission that is to within an order of magnitude. 49. The second derivative of the wave function with respect to x is d 2 k 2 A sin kx k 2 B sin kx k 2 . Then the time-independent Schrödinger 2 dx 2 2 k 2k 2 equation [Equation (6.13)] becomes E . We know that for a free 2m 2m particle E p 2 / 2m 2 k 2 / 2m, which verifies that this is a suitable wave function. 50. (a) We apply the time-dependent Schrödinger equation [Equation (6.1)] with V = 0. The left side is i i A cos kx t B sin kx t . The right side is t 2 2 2 2 k 2 2 2 sin cos k A kx t k B kx t . Because of the 2 2m x 2m 2m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 91 complex number i and the extra minus sign on the left side, there is no way the two expressions can be equal. This is not a valid wave function. (b) Using the Euler relation ei cos i sin , this wave function is equivalent to ( x, t ) A cos kx t iA sin kx t Aei kxt . Example 6.2 verified that this is a valid wave function. You can also substitute the original wave function (containing sine and cosine) into Equation (6.1) to prove that it is valid. 2 n12 n22 n32 2 2 2 and substituting the given values of L we 2m L1 L2 L3 2 2 n32 2 2 2 2 2 find E 2 n n . Letting E0 / 2mL we have: 2 2 1 2mL 4 51. As in the text we find E 2 22 32 21 1 13 E1 E0 1 2 E0 ; E2 E0 1 2 4 E0 ; E3 E0 1 2 E0 ; 4 4 4 4 4 42 22 1 25 E4 E0 22 2 E0 ; E5 E0 1 2 E0 22 2 7 E0 . 4 4 4 4 Of those listed, only E5 is degenerate. 3 and 52. Recognizing this as the infinite square well wave function we see that k p k 9 . 2m 2m 2m 2 53. (a) In general inside the box we have a superposition of sine and cosine functions, but only the sine function satisfies the boundary condition (0) 0 , and thus A sin(kx) . E 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 p2 k 2mE With V = 0 inside the well, E or k . Outside the well the decaying 2m 2m 2 2 k exponential is required as explained in section 6.4 of the text, with E V0 which 2m 2m V0 E . reduces to ik (b) Equating the wavefunctions and first derivatives at x = L: A sin(kL) Be L and kA cos(kL) Be L . tan(kL) 1 Dividing the first equation by the second gives or tan(kL) k . k 54. From the previous problem tan(kL) k or L tan(kL) kL . Let kL and L so that (1) tan . Now from the value of V0 given in the problem and the definitions of and we have: © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 92 Chapter 6 1 2mV0 L2 2mEL2 2m V0 E L2 k 2 L2 2 L2 2 2 . Quantum Mechanics II (2) Solving Equations (1) and (2) numerically we find 0.20 and 0.98 . Then E is 2 2 k2 given by E 2m 2 2 2 / L 2m 2 0.04 2 . 2mL2 55. Referring to the solution to the previous problem, we see that only a finite number of solutions to Equation (1) exist up to any particular (finite) value of V0 . Therefore for any finite V0 only a finite number of combinations of and will satisfy both equations, and the number of bound states is finite. 2m V0 E L 2 939 106 eV 2.2 106 eV 3.5 106 nm 56. Using the nomenclature of Problem 53 L 1.14 where we 197.4 eV nm have used the mass of one nucleon, because one nucleon is “bound” by the other. Now L / tan so 2.07 kL . Then k2 E 2m 2 2 / L 2 2m 2 2.07 / L 2m 2 2.07 197.4 eV nm 2 939 106 eV 3.5 106 nm 2 2 2 7.26 MeV This means that V0 2.2 MeV E 9.46 MeV . The next solution of the equation / tan is at 4.94 , a value that will put E V0 . Therefore there are no excited states. 2 c 2 197.3 eV nm 57. For the one-dimensional well [Equation (6.35)], E1 2 33.6 eV. 2 2 5.11105 eV 2 5.292 102 nm This is the same order of magnitude but larger than the electron’s ground-state kinetic energy. The one-dimensional model is a fair but inaccurate representation of the atom. 2 2mL2 2 2mc 2 L2 2 2 3 2 197.3 eV nm 3 2 2 3 c E 101 eV. 2 2mL2 2mc 2 L2 2 5.11105 eV 2 5.292 102 nm This is about an order of magnitude higher than the electron’s kinetic energy in the Bohr atom. The cubical well is not a good approximation. Also, the electron’s spatial distribution goes beyond the Bohr radius, as you will see in Chapter 7. A less-confined electron would correspond to a larger well, leading to a lower ground-state energy. 1 59. (a) From introductory physics, the oscillator’s energy is E kA2 where A is the 2 amplitude. Equating this to the quantum oscillator energy [Equation (6.58)], 58. For the cubical well, the ground-state energy is given by Equation (6.51): 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 93 1 1 2 n kA . The classical frequency is k / m . Solving for the quantum 2 2 1 kA2 kA2 m A2 km number, n 2 2 2 k 2 1 A2 km 0.10 m 12 N/m 0.15 kg n 6.4 1031 . 34 2 2 2 1.055 10 J s 2 Thus n 6.4 1031 . This is to be expected, because the classical system is exceedingly large as compared to a quantum oscillator. 1 1 1 (b) For the ground state n = 0, so n kA2 . Again using k / m 2 2 2 k kA2 , so and solving for amplitude A, m A 2 2 km 1.055 10 34 J s 2 12 N/m 0.15 kg 7.86 1035 m2 , so A 8.9 1018 m. The first quantum state is too small to be observed. (c) The difference between adjacent states is E k / m 1.055 1034 J s values, E k / m . Inserting numerical 12 N/m 9.4 1034 J. Again, this energy is 0.15 kg too small to be observed. 2 1.055 1034 J s 60. (a) For the one-dimensional potential well [Equation (6.35)], the ground-state energy is E1 2 2 2mL2 2 2.0 10 kg 1.0 10 m 6 2 3 2 2.75 1056 J. If this is the classical kinetic 2 2.75 1056 J 2K 1.7 1025 m/s, energy K = ½ mv , the resulting speed is v m 2.0 106 kg which is much too small to be measured. 2 (b) Now the kinetic energy is K = ½ mv2 = 6.25 × 10−11 J. Solving Equation (6.35) for the quantum number n: 2 2.0 106 kg 1.0 103 m 2 6.25 1011 J 2mL E 1.511021. n 2 2 2 34 2 1.055 10 J s This extremely large value of n is an indication of how small the quantum states are. 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 61. (a) This was calculated in Problem 36. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 94 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II (b) x x * dx 0 because the integrand is odd over symmetric limits. To find 2 1 2 x e dx 2 A2 1 2 x 2 e x dx 1 x we first need to normalize: A2 2 2 x 2 Thus A2 2 2 2 A2 1 4 x 2 4 2 x 4 e x dx 1 0 2 A2 1 and 2 0 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 x 2 x 2 * dx 2 A2 x 2 1 4 x 2 4 2 x 4 e x dx 2 62. Using the known functions for 1 and 2 we see: 1 1 2 0 3 1 2 3 x sin 2 2 2 L L 2 2 1 1 3 15 5 . 4 2 4 2 2 2 x sin L L 1 3 x 2 x sin sin 2L 2L L L For normalization: L L 1 3 3 x 2 x * 2 x 2 2 x 0 dx 0 2L sin L 2L sin L 2L sin L sin L dx . The third term vanishes because of the orthogonality of the trigonometric functions, leaving L L 1 3 * 2 x 2 2 x dx 0 0 2L sin L 2L sin L dx 1 L 2 x 3 L 2 2 x sin dx sin dx 2 L 0 2 L 0 L L 1 L 3 L 1 as required. 2L 2 2L 2 63. Using the Taylor approximation for the exponential e x 1 x for small x, we have V (r ) D 1 e a ( r re ) quadratic in r re . 2 D 1 1 a(r re ) D a(r re ) Da 2 r re which is 2 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 95 64. We will solve for numerical values of the factors in front of the quantum numbers: a 2D 2 D m1 m2 m1m2 a 6.582 1016 eV·s 7.8 109 m 1 2 4.42 eV 39.10 u 35.45 u 2.998 108 m/s 1u 931.5 106 eV/c 2 c 39.10 u 35.45 u 2 0.03477 eV and 2 0.03477 eV 4 4.42 eV 4D Evaluating for specific energy levels: 2 6.838 105 eV 1 1 E0 0 0.03477 eV 0 6.838 105 eV 0.017 eV 2 2 2 1 1 E1 1 0.03477 eV 1 6.838 105 eV 0.052 eV 2 2 2 1 1 E2 2 0.03477 eV 2 6.838 105 eV 0.086 eV 2 2 2 1 1 E3 3 0.03477 eV 3 6.838 105 eV 0.121 eV 2 2 Note that for these low quantum numbers the second-order correction is small. 2 65. The solution is identical to the presentation in the text for the three-dimensional box but without the z dimension. Briefly, we assume a trial function for the form ( x, y) A sin(k1 x)sin(k2 y) . Assuming that one corner is at the origin, applying the n n boundary conditions leads to k1 x and k2 y and substituting into the Schrödinger L L equation leads to E * dxdy A2 L L L 0 0 0 so A 2 2 2mL L 0 n 2 x ny2 . To normalize, solve the iterated double integral n y y n x 2 L L sin 2 x sin 2 dxdy A 1 2 2 L L 2 2 . Now to find the energy levels use the energy equation with different values of L the quantum numbers. Letting E0 n1 1, n2 1 ; 2 2 2 2mL we have: E1 E0 12 12 2E0 with E2 E0 22 12 5E0 with n1 2, n2 1 or vice versa ; © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 96 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II E3 E0 22 22 8E0 with n1 2, n2 2 ; E4 E0 32 12 10E0 with n1 3, n2 1 or vice versa ; E5 E0 32 22 13E0 with n1 3, n2 2 or vice versa ; E6 E0 42 12 17 E0 with n1 4, n2 1 or vice versa . 66. (a) For the infinite square well, the energies are given by Equation (6.35) and increase as n 2 . The energies for the finite square well are expressed in a transcendental equation of 2m V E L V E 0 0 where L is the width of the well. (See a the form tan E Quantum Mechanics text such as Griffiths.) This equation always has at least one solution, no matter how weak the well. (b) For the infinite square well, the wave functions are given by Equation (6.34) and the 2 can be determined easily. Note that for the finite well, the wave functions extend beyond the boundaries. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 97 (c) For the infinite square well, the wave functions equal zero exactly at the boundaries. This is not true for the finite square well. The determination of the exact energies is rather difficult and is often treated in quantum mechanics texts. The number of available energies depends on the value of the potential. We assume that four states exist in this problem. 67. This tunneling problem is similar to Example 6.14. Because of the information given in the problem we will use Equation (6.73) to approximate the transmission probability. We know 2m V0 E 2mc 2 V0 E c so Then from Equation (6.73), T 2e2 L 2e 2 5.11105 0.9 eV 197.33 eV nm 2 4.86nm1 1.3nm 4.86 nm1. 6.51106 . 68. (a) Note that this is an approximate procedure for one-dimensional problems with a gradually varying potential, V ( x) . We begin with Equation (6.62b) which was derived for a scenario where E V but with V constant. We found k 2m E V ( x ) 2m E V0 for a constant V0 . Because our potential varies slowly, we approximate the wave number by k . We also know that p k and h . Combining all of the p h above, we find a position-dependent wavelength ( x) . 2m E V ( x ) (b) If we neglect barrier penetration, then the wave function must be zero at the turning points. From the particle in a box example, we know that the number of wavelengths that © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 98 Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 1 3 , or 1, or , etc., which equals the distance divided by 2 2 the wavelength. By analogy, the number of wavelengths that can fit inside our potential dx n well with a slowly varying wavelength is where n is an integer. Substituting ( x) 2 fit between the turning points is from above and rearranging, we have 2 2m E V ( x) dx nh where n is an integer. the previous problem, we know 2 2m E V ( x) dx nh , where n is an integer. For 69. (a) Strictly speaking this approach is valid only when the potential varies slowly. From the potential energy V ( x) for x 0 and V ( x) Ax for x 0 , we know the classical turning points occur at x = 0 and where E V x 0 E Ax. Let us call this point b; then E Ab 0 so b E / A . Now we must evaluate 2 b E / A . We know that 2 2m b a qx E Ax) dx 2 1/2 dx 2 3q a qx b 0 3 2m E Ax) dx nh with . Therefore 2 3/2 b 2m E Ax nh . Simplifying, we find 0 3 A 3 Anh 3 Anh 4 2m E 3/2 nh so E 3/2 or E 5/3 1/3 . 2 m 3A 4 2m 0 2/3 (b) A sketch is shown below. The wave functions are oscillating with the lowest state being one-half a cycle, the second state a full cycle, etc. As mentioned in the answer for previous problem, part (b), these sketches ignore barrier penetration in the region where the potential is finite. No barrier penetration occurs where x = 0 where the potential is infinite. 70. Equation (6.70) gives the transmission coefficient for tunneling: T 16 E E 2 L . 1 e V0 V0 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 6 Quantum Mechanics II 99 The tunneling current is proportional to the transmission coefficient. Suppose there is initially a tunneling current I0 with a barrier width L0. Then the barrier width is increased by 0.4 nm to L, resulting in a current decrease to I. The ratio of currents is the ratio of the transmission coefficients. All the factors in the ratio cancel except the exponential, I e2 L leaving 2 L0 e2 L I0 e where ΔL = 0.4 nm. We wish to solve for V0 − E, the difference between the particle energy and barrier height. This is contained in the factor κ in the exponential. Taking the natural logarithm: I ln 2 L . Notice that in this case I < I0, so the logarithm is negative, and the I0 equation is correct with ΔL > 0. Thus E, V0 E V0 E 2 ln I / I 8m L 2 0 2 197.3 eV nm c ln I / I 0 2 8 mc 2 L 2 ln 10 4 8 5.11105 eV 0.4 nm 2 2 2 2m V0 E ln I / I 0 . Solving for V0 − 2L 2 5.0 eV. This is entirely reasonable, depending on the materials used for the sample and probe. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 100 Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom Chapter 7 1. Starting with Equation (7.7), let the electron move in a circle of radius a in the xy plane, so sin sin / 2 1. With both r and constant, R and f are also constant. Let R f 1 . Then g and the derivatives of R and f are zero. With this Equation (7.7) reduces to 2 2 a 2 E V 1 d 2 . In uniform circular motion with an inverse-square d 2 force, we know from the planetary model that E V / 2 , and E V V V V E . 2 2 1 d 2 1 d 2 2 or 2 E 0. 2 a 2 d 2 d 2 2. This is a simple harmonic oscillator equation. Assume a standard trial solution Thus 2 a2 E A exp iB . With this trial solution d 2 / d 2 B2 . Substituting this into the 1 2 B 2 2 E 0 . Solving for B, 2 a equation from the previous problem we find: B 2 E a . To find A, normalize 2 * d 1 A2 d 2 A2 so A 1/ 2 . 0 2 Note that B must be an integer (let B n ) so that will be single-valued 0 (0) (2 ). With B n we have n2 2 2 E a 2 and E n2 2 . For circular 2 a 2 L2 motion E where rotational inertia I a 2 for a particle of mass . Thus 2I n2 2 n2 L 2 I E 2 a 2 2 a 2 2 2 or L n , which is the Bohr condition. 3. Assuming a trial solution g Aeik (which is easily verified by direct substitution), and using the boundary condition g (0) g (2 ) , we find Ae0 Ae2 ik which is only true if k is an integer. 4. Using the transformations it can be shown that for any vector A 1 ˆ 1 rˆ and r r sin r 1 2 1 1 A . Because 2 · we can r Ar sin A 2 r r r sin r sin combine our results to find · A © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 101 1 2 1 r 2 sin 2 r r r r sin rearrangement gives the desired result. 2 1 2 and from this a simple 2 2 2 r sin r 5. Letting the constants in the front of R be called A we have R A 2 e r /2 a0 , a0 3 2 d 2R r dR r A 2 3 e r /2 a0 . Substituting these into A 2 e r /2 a0 and 2 dr dr 2a0 4a0 a0 2a0 Equation (7.13) we have 1 2 E 5 4 E 2 e2 4 4 e2 1 r 0 . To satisfy the 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 a a a a a r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 equation, each of the expressions in parentheses must equal zero. From the 1/ r term we find a0 4 e which is correct. From the r term we obtain E 2 0 2 2 8 a 2 0 E0 which is 4 consistent with the Bohr result. The other expression in parentheses also leads directly to E E0 / 4 , so the solution is verified. 6. As in the previous problem R Are r /2a0 , dR r r /2 a0 A 1 , e dr 2a0 dR r 3 r /2 a0 d 2 dR 2r 2 r 3 r /2 a0 e A r2 2 e r A r 2 , and . Substituting 2 dr a dr dr a a 4 0 0 0 these into Equation (7.10) with 1 and after substituting the Coulomb potential, we r2 1 2 E 1 2 e2 1 2 2 0 . The 1/ r term vanishes, and the r have 2 2 2 r 4a0 2a0 4 0 middle expression (without r) reduces to a0 we get E 7. R e r /2 a0 2 8 a 2 0 3 2a0 3/2 4 e 0 2 2 which is correct. From the r term E0 which is consistent with the Bohr result. 4 e r / a0 r r so R* R 3 a0 3 2a0 a0 2 To normalize, we integrate over all r space: 1 4 r / a0 1 4! 2 * 1 , so the wave function R21 was r R Rdr r e dr 5 0 5 0 24a0 24a0 1/ a0 5 normalized. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 102 Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 8. The wave function given is 100 r , , Ae r / a0 so * is given by 100* 100 A2e2 r / a0 . dV A To normalize the wave function, compute the triple integral over all space * 2 2 0 0 0 r 2 sin e2 r / a0 drd d . The integral yields 2 , and the integral yields 2. This leaves dV 4 A * 2 0 r 2 e2 r / a0 dr 4 A2 2 / a0 2 3 a03 A2 This integral must equal 1 due to normalization which leads to a03 A2 1 so A 5 and m . 9. It is required that 4: m 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 1: m 0, 1 2: m 0, 1, 2 10. n = 3 and 3: m 0, 1, 2, 3 ; 1 , so m 0 or 1 . Thus Lz 0 or . L 1 a03 0: m 0 1) 2 Ly and Lx are unrestricted except for the constraint L2x L2y L2 L2z . 11. For 3p state n = 3 and 310 R31Y10 1 and m 0, 1 . 1 2 3/2 r r a0 6 e r /3a0 cos 81 a0 a0 311 R31Y11 1 r r a03/2 6 e r /3a0 sin e i a0 a0 81 y x 12. The sum is of the form y 1 y y x which by symmetry is equivalent to 2 y 2 . Let us first x 2 y 1 3 y 2 3 y 1 y 1 consider (as a lemma) the sum: x y 1 3 x 3 23 13 33 23 ... x 1 x3 3 x 1 13 x3 3x 2 3x 3 Now let us write 3 y 2 1 y y 3 3 y 1 . The first of these sums is y 1 y 1 y 1 y 1 x x x 3 y x given by our lemma above. The others are y 1 x 1 x x 1 and 2 1 x . x y 1 Combining x 3 1 these results 3 y 2 x3 3x 2 3x x x 1 x x 2 x 1x 1 . Therefore 2 2 y 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. . Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 103 1 y x 2 x 1x 1 and 6 y 1 x 2 L2 3 L2z 3 m2 2 1 m l 2 y x y x 2 1 x 2 x 1x 1 . Then 3 1 2 . 13. As in Example 7.4 the degeneracy is n2 36 . 14. There are five possible orientations, corresponding to the five different values of m 0, 1, 2 . For the m 1 component we have (with Lz m with L2x L2y L2 L2z 6 15. cos Lz L could have m 1 2 2 5 2. 1 6 and (See diagram in the preceding problem.) For this extreme case we m so cos 10 1 or cos 2 10 1 2 2 2 . Rearranging 1 32.16 and we have to round up in order to get within 10 , 1 2 cos 10 1 we find 2 ), L so 33 . 16. There is one possible m value for 0 , three values of m for 2 , and so on, so that the degeneracy of the nth level is 1 3 5 ...(2 1) 1 3 5 ...(2(n 1) 1) n2 . 1 , five values of m for 17. 211 R21Y11 r r /2 a0 1 sin ei ; e 3/2 8 a0 a0 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 104 Chapter 7 210 R21Y10 The Hydrogen Atom r r /2 a0 1 cos ; e 3/2 4 2 a0 a0 r 2 r /3a0 e sin cos ei 3/2 2 a 81 a0 0 18. We must calculate the triple integral over all space. The definite integrals can be evaluated from a handbook or from Appendix 3. 321 R32Y21 1 r r /a 2 200 dV 32 a03 0 0 0 2 a0 e 0 r sin drd d The integral yields 2 , and the integral yields 2. This leaves 1 * 200 2 2 4r 3 r 4 r / a0 0 0 4r a0 a02 e dr 1 4 1 3 4 2!a03 3!a04 2 4!a05 a0 a0 8a0 1 1 dV 8a03 * 2 r 2 r / a0 1 dr 3 2 r e a0 8a0 2 as required. Repeat the process with the second wave function: r 2 3 r /a 211 dV 64 a03 0 0 0 a0 r sin e 0 drd d . The integral yields 2 as before. The integral can be found in integral tables and * 211 1 2 2 1 r 2 r / a0 1 1 equals 4/3. This leaves dV dr 4!a05 1 r e 3 0 3 2 24a0 a0 24a0 a0 as required. 19. The value of n sets the maximum value of . However the letter p identifies the value of for this problem. With 1 we have m 0, 1 and Lz m 0, . 2 * 20. The maximum difference is between the m 2 and m 2 levels, so m 4 . Then V B m B 5.788 105 eV/T 4 3.5 T 8.10 104 eV . 21. Differentiating E hc we find: dE hc 2 d or E 2 hc . In the normal Zeeman hc 2 B effect, between adjacent m states E B B so B B 2 or 0 B . hc 0 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 105 22. See the solution to problem 14 for the sketch. To compute the angles with 2 : L m m . There are five different values of , corresponding to the cos z L 1 6 different m values 0, 1, 2 : 2 35.3 6 cos1 1 114.1 6 cos1 23. With 1 65.9 6 cos1 2 144.7 6 cos1 0 90 cos1 3 we have (as in the previous problem) cos Lz L m 3 3 1 minimum angle m 3 and cos 1 cos 2 30 . 12 24. From Problem 21, 1 m . For the 12 02 B B so the magnetic field is hc 1240 eV nm 0.04 nm 1.99 T. hc B 2 0 B 656.5 nm 2 5.788 105 eV/T 25. There are seven different states, corresponding to m 0, 1, 2, 3 . In the absence of a magnetic field E E0 13.606 eV 0.544 eV . The Zeeman splitting is given by 2 n 25 E B B m 5.788 105 eV/T 3.00 T m 1.7364 104 eV m . For m 0 we have E 0 . For the other m states: m 1: E 1.7364 104 eV 1 1.74 104 eV ; m 2: E 1.7364 104 eV 2 3.47 104 eV ; m 3: E 1.7364 104 eV3 5.21104 eV . 26. From the text the magnitude of the spin magnetic moment is s 2 B S 2 B 3 3B . 2 The z-component of the magnetic moment is (see Figure 7.9) 1/ 2 z s cos s s B . 3/2 3 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 106 Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom The potential energy is V B z Bz and so the vertical component of force is Fz dV / dz z dBz / dz . From mechanics the acceleration is az with constant acceleration the vertical deflection of each beam is z Fz z dBz and m m dz 1 2 az t . With the 2 time equal to the horizontal distance divided by incoming speed, or t x / vx , we have 1 2 1 z dBz x 1 9.27 1024 J/T 0.071 m 4 z az t 2000 T/m 3.017 10 m 25 2 2 m dz vx 2 1.8110 kg 925 m/s The separation between the two silver beams is twice this amount, 6.035 104 m. 2 2 27. The kinetic energy of the atoms is 3 3 K kT 1.38 1023 J/K 1273 K 2.64 1020 J . From the previous problem, 2 2 dBz x we see that the separation of the beams is (remember z B ) s 2 z B . m dz vx 2 20 dBz smv 2 2sK 2 0.01 m 2.64 10 J 57.0 T m . Rearranging we see that x B B 9.27 1024 J/T dz 2 The magnet should be designed so that the product of its length squared and its vertical magnetic field gradient is 57 T m. 28. As shown in Figure 7.9 the electron spin vector cannot point in the direction of B , because its magnitude is S s(s 1) 3 / 4 and its z-component is S z ms / 2 . If the z-component of a vector is less than the vector's magnitude, the vector does not lie along the z-axis. 29. For the 4f state n = 4 and 3 . The possible m values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 with ms 1/ 2 for each possible m value. The degeneracy of the 4f state is then (with 2 spin states per m ) equal to 2(7) = 14. 30. For the 5d state n = 5 and 2 . The possible m values are 0, 1, and 2, with ms 1/ 2 for each possible m value. The degeneracy of the 5d state is then (with 2 spin states per m ) equal to 2(5) = 10. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 107 31. If we determine the thermal energy that equals the energy required for the spin-flip 3 3 transition, we have 5.9 106 eV kT 8.617 105 eV/K T . This gives 2 2 T 0.0456 K . 32. The spin degeneracy is 2 and the n 2 is shown in Problem 16. 33. The selection rule m 0, 1 gives three lines in each case. 34. (a) 0 is forbidden (b) allowed but with n 0 there is no energy difference unless an external magnetic field is present (c) 2 is forbidden 1 1 (d) allowed with absorbed photon of energy E E0 2 2 2.55 eV 2 4 35. We must find the maxima and minima of the following function. 4r 3 r 4 r / a0 r 2 2 2 e P(r ) r R( r ) A e 2 r A 4r a0 a0 a02 dP To find the extremes set 0: dr 2 0 0 2 2 r / a0 2 1 2 4r 3 r 4 r / a0 12r 2 4r 3 r / a0 which simplifies to 4 r e 8 r 2 e a0 a0 a02 a0 a0 r 3 8r 2 16r 8 a03 a02 a0 Letting x r the equation above can be factored into x 2 x 2 6 x 4 0 . From the a0 first factor we obtain x = 2 (or r 2a0 ), which from Figure 7.12 we can see is a minimum. The second parenthesis gives a quadratic equation with solutions x 3 5 , so r 3 5 a0 . These are both maxima. 36. In the previous problem we found that the two maxima are at r 3 5 a0 . From Figure 7.12 it is clear that the peak at r 3 5 a0 is higher. This can be verified by substituting the two values for r and computing P(r ) . The most probable location is © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 108 Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom therefore at r 3 5 a0 5.24a0 , which is significantly further from the nucleus than the 2p peak at r 4a0 . 37. From the solution to Problem 35 we see that P(r ) 0 at r 2a0 . Note that P(0) 0 also. A sketch is found in Figure 7.12. 38. The radial probability distribution for the ground state is P(r ) r 2 R(r ) 2 With r 4 2 2 r / a0 r e . a03 a0 throughout this interval we can approximate the exponential term as e2 r / a0 1 . Therefore the probability of being inside a radius 1.2 1015 m is 1.21015 0 4 P(r ) dr 3 a0 1.21015 0 4r 3 r 2 dr 3 3a0 1.21015 1.55 1014 0 39. As in the previous problem, P(r ) r 2 R(r ) 2 4 2 2 r / a0 re . To find the desired a03 probability, integrate P(r ) over the appropriate limits: Letting x r / a0 which implies dx dr / a0 . Thus 1.05 a0 0.95 a0 1.05 a0 P(r ) dr P(r ) dr 4 0.95 a0 4 a03 1.05 0.95 40. In general r r P(r ) dr r 3 R(r ) dr . For the 2s state: 1.05 a0 0.95 a0 r 2e2 r / a0 dr. x 2e2 x dx 0.056 where the definite integral was evaluated using Mathcad. r 1 8a03 4r r r 3 4 2 e r / a0 dr. Using integral tables a0 a0 0 0 2 0 2 0 r n e r / a0 dr n !a0 n 1 a0 4 1 4 5 6 4 3!a0 4!a0 2 5!a0 24 96 120 6a0 a0 a0 8 For the 2p state: r 1 8a03 r r /a 1 0 r a0 e 0 dr 24a05 120a0 1 5a0 5! a 6 5 0 24a0 24 1 r 24a03 2 3 0 r 5e r / a0 dr © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 109 1 r 41. For the 2s state: P(r ) r R(r ) 3 r 2 2 e r / a0 . As in Problem 38 for r 8a0 a0 2 2 2 a0 we can say e r / a0 1 , so the probability is given by the integral 1.21015 0 1 P(r ) dr 3 8a0 1.21015 0 r 1 r 2 dr 3 a0 8a0 2 2 1 4 r3 r4 r5 8 3 a03 a04 5a05 0 1.21015 2 0 1 P(r ) dr 24a05 1.21015 0 r5 r 4 dr 120a05 0 2 4r 3 r 4 dr 4r a0 a02 1.9 1015 Similarly for the 2p state: P(r ) r 2 R(r ) 1.21015 1.21015 1 4 r / a0 re . 24a05 1.21015 5.0 1026 0 42. To find the most probable radial position in the 3d state: P(r ) r R( r ) A e 2 2 2 2 r /3a0 To find the extrema, set 6 r2 2 2 r 2 r /3 a0 r A 2 4 e a0 a0 2 1 6r 5 2r 6 dP 0 : 0 3 4 e2 r /3a0 which is equivalent to a0 a0 3a0 dr 6r 5 2r 6 0 3 4 . r 9a0 and r 0 are the two solutions. From Figure (7.12) you can see a0 3a0 that r 0 is a minimum where P(r ) 0 and r 9a0 is a maximum. 43. For the 3d state: r 2 2 2 r /3a r 6 2 r /3a 16 8 0 0 e e 812 30 a02 812 15 a07 To find that probability that the electron in the 3d state is location at a position greater r 6 2 r /3a 8 0 dr . 7 e than a0 , we must evaluate P(r ) dr 2 a0 a0 a 81 15 0 (Alternatively, we could evaluate the integral from 0 to a0 and subtract this answer from 1 1 P( r ) r R( r ) r a0 2 2 3 2 since we know that the wave functions are normalized.) From integral tables, we find © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 110 Chapter 7 m bx bx x e dx e 1 m integrals of the form i 0 i The Hydrogen Atom 2 m ! x m i where m = 6 and b for our i 1 3a0 m i !b example. Evaluation of the summation gives a probability of 0.9999935 that the 3d electron will be at a position greater than a0 . That means it is almost certain! 1.44 109 eV m e2 44. R 2.82 1015 m . From the angular momentum 2 3 4 0 mc 51110 eV equation v 3 197.33 eV nm 3 3 c c c 103 c . A speed of 2 4mR 4mc R 4 511103 eV 2.82 106 nm 103c is prohibited by the postulates of relativity. 45. The electron radius would be c 1.211012 m. As in the previous problem 2 3 197.33 eV nm 3 3 c v c c 0.24 c . This result is allowed 2 4mR 4mc R 4 511103 eV 1.21103 nm by relativity. However, in order to obtain this allowed result, we had to assume an unreasonably large size for the electron (one thousand times larger in radius than a proton!). Ze2 so 46. (a) The only change in Equation (7.3) is in the potential energy term, with V 4 0 r the Schrödinger equation becomes: 1 2 r r 2 r r 1 2 sin r sin 1 Ze2 2 2 E 0 . 2 2 2 2 4 0 r r sin (b) Because V occurs only in the radial part, there is no change in the separation of variables. (c) Yes, from Equation (7.10) is it clear that the radial wave functions will change. (d) No, there is no change in the or dependence. 47. Carrying Z through the derivation in the text [Equations (7.12) through (7.14)] we find 100 1 Z a0 3/2 e Zr / a0 . r r /3a0 where A is constant. Then 48. Use the wave function R31 Ar 1 e 6a0 r3 r 4 2 r /3a0 dP 2 P(r ) r 2 R(r ) A2 r 2 e . To find the extrema, set 0 . Doing 2 3a0 36a0 dr © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 111 so and factoring out A2 re2 r /3a0 gives 2 r2 r3 5r r 2 0 . Letting x and 3 a0 3a0 3a0 54a0 x3 18x 2 90 x 108 0 x 6 x 2 12 x 18. multiplying both sides by - 54 we obtain (a) The minimum is at x = 6, or r 6a0 , and we find P(6a0 ) 0 . Clearly P(0) 0 also. (b) The two maxima come from the quadratic equation in parentheses, with x 6 3 2 or r 6 3 2 a0 . (c) Y11 constant sin ei Then Y *Y is proportional to sin 2 , and the probability is zero at 0 and 180 . 49. The ground state energy can be obtained using the standard Rydberg formula with the reduced mass, , of the muonic atom. E0 e2 8 0 a0 e4 2 2 4 0 2 Computing the reduced mass: mm 1 938.27 MeV 105.66 MeV p 2 94.966 MeV/c 2 m p m c 938.27 MeV 105.66MeV Thus e4 E0 2 2 4 0 1.44 eV nm 94.966 106 eV e2 c 2 2.53 keV 2 2 2 4 c 2 2 197.33 eV nm 0 2 2 2 50. The interaction between the magnetic moment of the proton and magnetic moment of the electron causes hyperfine splitting. The transition between the two states causes emission hc 1240eV nm 5.9 106 eV. From the uncertainty of a photon with energy of E 7 2110 nm principle, we know E t . With a lifetime of t 1107 y then 2 E 6.58211016 eV 1.0411030 eV. 7 7 2 110 y 3.16 10 s/y 51. Break the vector r into its components r xi y j zk . Because the two factors R and Y in the hydrogen wave functions are given in spherical coordinates, it is best to express each of the Cartesian components in spherical coordinates using the standard transformations x r sin cos , y r sin sin , and z r cos as shown in Figure 7.1. We know that in spherical coordinates, the volume element d r 2 sin drd d . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 112 Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom In this case we have Y = Y00 = 1/ 2 for both the initial and final states, so Y f*Yi 1 . 4 For simplicity we will write each component of the integral separately. Ignoring constant factors, the x component is *f x i d r 3 R*f Ri dr sin 2 d cos d. 2 The integral over is zero, so the product is zero. Similarly, the y and z components of the integral are zero, and so the transition probability is zero. (For the z component, it is the integral over θ that vanishes.) 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 3cos2 1 3cos 2 1 4 8 2 Ignoring constant factors, the x component of the integral is 52. The solution is similar to the preceding problem, but now the spherical harmonics give Y f*Yi * 3 * 2 2 f x i d r R f Ri dr sin 3cos 1d cos d. 2 As in the preceding problem, the integral over is zero, so the product is zero. Similarly, the y and z components of the integral are zero, and so the transition probability is zero. (For the z component, it’s the integral over θ that vanishes.) 0 0 0 53. In this case we want to show that the transition integral is not zero. From Table 7.2, Y f*Yi 1 1 3 3 cos cos . Ignoring constant factors, the x component of the 4 2 2 integral is *f x i d r 3 R*f Ri dr sin cos d cos d which is still zero, as is 2 0 0 0 z i d r 3 R*f Ri dr sin cos2 d d . the y component. However, in this case the z component is * f 2 0 0 0 All three factors in this integral are nonzero, so the net result is nonzero, implying that the transition may occur. This is consistent with the selection rules described in Section 7.6. 54. The probability density is 1 4 6 2 r / 3a0 P r R32 (r ) 7 re a0 81 30 2 2 2 To find the peak, set the derivative of this function equal to zero: dP 1 4 dr a07 81 30 2 5 2 r / 3a0 2r 2 r / 3a0 r6 6r e 0 e 3 a 0 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 7 The Hydrogen Atom 113 2r Therefore 0 6 which leads to r 9a0 . This matches the Bohr result. 3a0 55. (a) As in Example 7.14, r3 p Table 7.1 R3 p r3 p 2 1 4 r r r / 3a0 , so 6 e 3/ 2 a0 81 6 a0 a0 1 4 3 a0 81 6 2 3 r 6 0 r 3 R3 p (r ) dr . Using the value from rP(r )dr 0 r a0 2 r2 e a02 2 r / 3 a0 0 dr 25a0 . 2 This is 12.5a0, which is substantially larger than the Bohr result 9a0. Our answer seems reasonable, given the shape of the graph of P(r) in Figure 7.12. (b) The probability is Integration using a computer program yields r3 p P 2 P(r )dr 9 a0 9 a0 2 r R3 p (r ) dr 1 4 3 a0 81 6 2 2 r 6 9 a0 r a0 2 r2 e a02 2 r / 3 a0 dr. Because the lower limit is no longer zero, we will use numerical integration on a computer. The result to three significant figures is P = 0.820. That may seem rather high, but again it is reasonable, considering the shape of the graph of P(r) in Figure 7.12. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 114 Chapter 8 Atomic Physics Chapter 8 1. The first two electrons are in the 1s subshell and have electron is in the 2s subshell and has 0 , with ms 1/ 2 . The third 0 , with either ms 1/ 2 or 1/ 2 . With four particles there are six possible interactions: the nucleus with electrons 1, 2, 3; electron 1 with electron 2; electron 1 with electron 3; or electron 2 with electron 3. In each case it is possible to have a Coulomb interaction and a magnetic moment interaction. 2. H: 1s1 , He: 1s 2 , Li: 1s 2 2s1 , Be: 1s 2 2s 2 , B: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p1 , C: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 2 , N: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p3 , O: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 4 , F: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p5 , Ne: 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3. L: n = 2, so there are two (2s and 2p) N: n = 4, so there are four (4s, 4p, 4d, and 4f) O: n = 5, so there are five (5s, 5p, 5d, 5f, and 5g) 4. In the first excited state, go to the next higher level. In neon one of the 2p electrons is promoted to 3s, so the configuration is 2 p5 3s1 . By the same reasoning the first excited state of xenon is 5 p5 6s1 . 5. K: Ar 4s1 , As: Ar 4s 2 3d 10 4 p3 , Nb: Kr 5s1 4d 4 , Pd: Kr 4d 10 , Sm: Xe 6s 2 4 f 6 , Po: [Xe]6s 2 4 f 14 6s 2 5d 10 6 p4 U: Rn 7s 2 6d 1 5 f 3 where the bracket represents a closed inner shell. For example, Ar represents 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 . 6. (a) (b) (c) (d) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr F, Cl, Br, I, At Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra 7. From Figure 8.4 we see that the radius of Na is about 0.16 nm. We know that for singleelectron atoms E Ze2 . Therefore 8 0 r 2 0.16 nm 5.14 eV 8 0 rE 4 e 2 2 0 rEe e 1.14e . 2 1.44 eV nm e e 8. Using the n, , m , ms notation, the first four electrons (in the 1s and 2s orbitals) have Ze quantum numbers 1,0,0, 1/ 2 and 2,0,0, 1/ 2 . The remaining two electrons are in © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 115 the 2p orbital with n = 2 and 1 . By Hund's rules, we want the total spin angular momentum, S , to be maximized, so ms 1/ 2 or ms 1/ 2 , and the total angular momentum, L, should be maximized, so the possibilities are 2,1,1, 1/ 2 , 2,1,0, 1/ 2 or 2,1,1, 1/ 2 , 2,1, 0, 1/ 2 . 9. (a) count the number of electrons, 9; F, or use Table 8.2 (b) count the number of electrons, 12: Mg (c) filled 3p shell: Ar 10. Ag: Kr 4d 10 5s1 , Hf: Xe 4 f 14 5d 2 6s 2 , Sb: Kr 4d 10 5s 2 5 p3 where the bracket represents a closed inner shell. For example, Kr represents 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p6 . 11. (a) filled 3d: Se (b) filled 4p and 4d: Ag (c) The 4f shell fills in the lanthanides: Er 12. J ranges from L S to L S or 2,3, 4 . Then in spectroscopic notation 2 S 1 LJ , we have three possibilities: 3 F2 , 3 F3 , or 3 F4 . The ground state has the lowest J value, or 3 F2 . With n = 4 the full notation is 4 3 F2 . 13. For indium (In) there is a single electron in the 5p subshell. Therefore S 12 and 2S 1 2 . Because that electron is in the p subshell we have L 1 . The possible J values range from L S to L S , which in this case gives J = 1/2 or J = 3/2. Therefore the possible states are 2 P1/2 and 2 P3/2 , with 2 P1/2 being the ground state. The full notation is 5 2 P1/2 . 14. No spin-orbit interaction requires either a closed subshell (S = 0), which occur in He, Be, Ne, Mg, Ar, and Ca or L = 0 which we have in H, Li, Na, and K. (It is the 1st excited state of the alkali metals which accounts for the splitting in the alkali metal spectra with the visible transition begin from the 2nd excited state to the first in Na for example.) 15. In the 4d state 2 and s 1/ 2 , so j = 5/2 or 3/2. As usual m 0, 1, 2 . The value of m j ranges from j to j so its possible values are 1/ 2 , 3 / 2 , and 5 / 2 . As always ms 1/ 2 . The two possible term notations are 4D5/2 and 4D3/2 . 16. 1 S0 : S 0, L 0, J 0 5 F1 : S 2, L 3, J 1 2 3 D5/2 : S 1/ 2, L 2, J 5 / 2 F4 : S 1, L 3, J 4 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 116 Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 17. The quantum number mJ ranges from J to J , or 7 / 2 to+7/2. Then J z mJ / 2 , 3 / 2 , 5 / 2 , 7 / 2 . 18. (a) The quantum number mJ ranges from J to J , or 7 / 2 to 7 / 2 . Then J z mJ / 2 , 3 / 2 , 5 / 2 , 7 / 2 . (b) The minimum angle occurs when mJ is at its maximum value, which is 7 / 2 . Then J z 7 / 2 and cos Jz J J J 1 mJ 7 / 2 9 / 2 7/2 7 so 28.1 . 3 19. The 1s subshell is filled, and there is one 2s electron. Therefore L = 0 (which gives the S in the middle of the symbol). The single unpaired electron gives S = 1/2 or 2S 1 2 . With L = 0 and S = 1/2 the only possible value for J is J = 1/2. 20. Ga has a ground state configuration with a filled 3d shell and 4s 2 4 p1 . The single unpaired electron gives S = 1/2, so 2S 1 2 . The unpaired electron is in a p subshell, so L = 1, for which the symbol is P. Then J L S which is 1/ 2 or 3/2, but the 1/2 state has a slightly lower energy. Therefore the symbol is 4 2 P1/2 . 1 1 3 1240eV nm 7.334 10 eV. 1 2 766.41 nm 769.90 nm As in Example 8.8 the internal magnetic field is 21. E hc hc 9.109 1031 kg 7.334 103 eV mE B 63.4 T e 1.602 1019 C 6.582 1016 eV s 22. By the selection rules L 1 , S 0 , J 0, 1 , no transitions are allowed between the pictured levels. The selection rule S 0 prohibits singlet triplet transitions. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 117 23. The 2s to 1s transition is forbidden by the L 1 selection rule. The two lines result from the transitions from the two 2p levels to the 1s level. e B 1.602 10 m 24. As in Example 8.8 E 19 C 6.582 1016 eV s 2.55 T 9.109 10 31 kg 2.95 104 eV . 25. The ground state in He is a singlet, so an excited state may be a singlet or triplet, and the behavior of Ca ( 4s 2 ) and Sr ( 5s 2 ) must be the same. Al has a 3s 2 3 p1 configuration. The single unpaired electron gives S 1/ 2 and 2S 1 2 , which is a doublet. 26. The minimum angle corresponds to the maximum value of J z and hence the maximum value of m j , which is m j j . Then cos j we find j 27. 1 1 1 cos2 Jz J 2.50 5 / 2 . j j 1 mj j j 1 j . Solving for I Zev dq Ze Zev From the Biot-Savart Law, B 0 0 2 . With the dt 2 r / v 2 r 2r 4 r L assumption that the orbit is circular, the angular momentum is L mvr , so v and mr ZeL ZeL 1 where we have used the fact that 0 2 . The directions of B 0 3 2 3 4 mr 4 0 mc r c 0 I the vectors follow from the right-hand rule. 28. Using the fact that g = 2 we have s g Ze2 S L eS eS V B · and thus . s s 4 0 m2c 2 r 3 2m m 29. (a) In order to use the result of the previous problem, we need to know the directions of S and L . The electron has S 1/ 2 , so S 3 / 4 1/ 2 +z-axis is cos 1 54.7 or 125.3 . 3/ 4 and the angle S makes with the With L 1 we have L 2 and the vector L can have three possible orientations, corresponding to m 0, 1 . If we choose m 0 , then the orientation of the L vector is in the xy plane. Therefore for either spin state the angle between L and S is 35.3 and © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 118 Chapter 8 3 2 cos 35.3 4 Problem 40), we have S L 2 Atomic Physics . Then using r 5a0 for a 2p electron (see Chapter 7 1.44 eV nm 1240 eV nm e2 2 V 1.2 105 eV . The difference 2 2 2 3 3 4 0 m c r 4 2 5.11105 eV 5 0.0529 nm 2 between spin-up and spin-down states is twice this amount, or 2.4 105 eV, which is just over half the measured value. (b) The two possibilities are j = 1/2 and j = 3/2. The difference between these two is 2 2 Z 2 V mc 2n 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 4 4 1 2 2 137 5 4.53 105 eV 5.1110 eV 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 which gives a more accurate result. 4 30. In Example 8.10, it was shown that the normal Zeeman effect is expected when the total spin S = 0. The normal Zeeman effect is due to the interaction of the external magnetic field and the orbital angular momentum, which is true for all levels. If S is not zero, then the anomalous effect is expected. Thus the two effects are not expected in the same atom. 31. av B B L 2S and J L S L 2S L S J J2 Using the equation in the problem, we have Now L 2S L S L2 2S 2 3L S and using J L S we have J J L2 S 2 2L S so L·S Therefore av V av B J 2 L2 S 2 and 2 B 3J 2 S 2 L2 2J 2 B B 3J 2 S 2 L2 2J 2 L 2S L S 3J 2 S 2 L2 . 2 J . With B defined to be in the +z-direction, J z . As usual J z mJ , so V B BmJ Now the vector magnitudes are J 2 j ( j 1) 2 , S 2 s(s 1) 2 3J 2 S 2 L2 . 2J 2 , and L2 ( 1) 2 so we © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 119 obtain V B BmJ g where g 3 j ( j 1) s( s 1) ( 1) j ( j 1) s( s 1) ( 1) . 1 2 j ( j 1) 2 j ( j 1) 32. E 1240 eV nm 1240 eV nm 1.166 104 eV 422.7 nm 422.7168 nm 1 2 [Note: The same answer to four significant figures is obtained using the approximation E hc / 2 as in Example 8.3.] Also E B Bm e / 2m B with m 1 . hc hc 4 e 2E 2 1.166 10 eV 1.602 1019 J Thus 1.868 1023 J/T . The accepted m B 2.00 T eV e 2B 2 9.274 1024 J/T 1.855 1023 J/T which is less than 0.2% lower value is m than the experimental value. Using the experimental data with the known value of , e e 1 1.868 1023 J/T 1.77 1011 C/kg, which compares favorably to the known 34 m m 1.055 10 J s value of e 1.6022 1019 C 1.76 1011 C/kg . m 9.1094 1031 kg 1/ 2 3 / 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 1 1 2 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 3 / 2 5 / 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 1(2) 1 1 4 S 1/ 2 , and J 3 / 2 ; g 1 2 3 / 2 5 / 2 3 3 5 / 2 7 / 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 2(3) 1 1 6 S 1/ 2 , and J 5 / 2 ; g 1 2 5 / 2 7 / 2 5 5 33. (a) L 0 , S J 1/ 2 ; g 1 (b) L 1 , (c) L 2 , 34. Computing the g factors: 2 G9/2 : L 4 , S 1/ 2 , and J 9 / 2 ; g 1 2 9 / 2 11/ 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 4(5) 1 1 10 2 9 / 2 11/ 2 9 9 H11/2 : L 5 , S 1/ 2 , and J 11/ 2 ; g 1 11/ 213 / 2 1/ 2 3 / 2 5(6) 1 1 12 2 11/ 2 13 / 2 11 11 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 120 Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 1 2 1 2 1(2) 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2(3) 1 1 7 g 1 2 2 3 6 6 35. 3 P1 : L 1 , S 1 , and J 1 ; g 1 3 D2 : L 2 , S 1 , and J 2 ; © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 121 36. From Equation (8.22) we have an energy splitting of V B Bg mJ . For the 2 S1/2 state g 2 , so V 2B BmJ . Now mJ can vary from J to J , so mJ 1/ 2 and we find V B B . For the 2 P1/2 state g 2 / 3 , so V 32 B BmJ . Now mJ can vary from J to J , so mJ 1/ 2 and we find V 13 B B . 1 1 The maximum difference is from B B to B B or from B B to B B . In each 3 3 case the magnitude of the energy difference is 43 B B for a total difference of 83 B B . Calling this difference E , it will show up as the usual wavelength difference with E hc / 2 . Thus 7 24 8 5.8976 10 m 9.274 10 J/T 2.50 T B B hc hc 3 3 6.626 1034 J s 2.997 108 m/s 2 E 2 8 2 1.083 1010 m 37. As in the preceding problem we have g 4 / 3 for the 2 P3/2 state and V 43 B BmJ . The states are split by mJ 1 and so the energy difference between two adjacent states is E 43 B B . 4 4 B B 9.274 1024 J/T 1.20 T 6.18 1024 J 9.26 105 eV. 3 3 38. (a) Calcium has two 4s subshell electrons outside a closed 3 p 6 subshell. So the Then E electronic configuration is 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 . Aluminum has one 3p electron outside the closed 3s level of magnesium, so its electronic configuration is 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p1 . (b) The LS coupling for calcium can be determined since both outer shell electrons have 0 , then L 0 and S 0 since one electron will have spin up and one will have spin down. Then J L S will also be 0. Therefore in spectroscopic notation, n 2 S 1LJ , calcium will be 4 1S0 . The 3p electron for aluminum will have 1 . Therefore L 1 and S 1/ 2 . Now J L S , so J 3 / 2 or J 1/ 2 . The state with lower J has lower energy, so in spectroscopic notation, aluminum is 3 2 P1/2 . 39. (a) Yttrium (Y) has one 4d and two 5s electrons outside a closed 4 p 6 subshell. So Y would have one additional electron in the 4d subshell. So the electronic configuration is 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 10 4 p6 5s 2 4d 2 . Aluminum has one 3p electron outside the closed © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 122 Chapter 8 Atomic Physics 3s subshell. So Al would have one additional electron in the 3p subshell. So its electronic configuration is 1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p 2 . (b) We will use the LS coupling model and Hund's rules to find the lowest energy state. For Y we must consider the two 4d electrons. According to Hund's rules, the triplet state S 1 will be lowest in energy. Additionally, we attempt to maximize L as long as we do not violate the exclusion principle. Both 4d electrons have 2 , so we can have L 0,1, 2,3,or 4 . As discussed in Example 8.9 of the text, the antisymmetrization of the wave function requires that the m values for the electrons forming the S 1 state must be unequal. The largest allowed L is thus 3. Finally, J should be minimized, so we have J = 2. Therefore in spectroscopic notation, n 2 S 1LJ , we have 5 3 F2 . For Al we consider the two 3p electrons outside the closed subshell. As above, the triplet state S 1 will have lowest energy. The 3p electrons have 1 so we can have L 0,1,or 2 . Again using the antisymmetrization of the wave function requires the m values for the electrons forming the S 1 state to be unequal. The largest allowed L is therefore 1. Finally the smallest J will be 0. So in spectroscopic notation we have 33 P0 . 40. (a) 2 S 1 LJ is standard spectroscopic notation. For 2 L 3/2 , reading from the notation, J = 3/2 and 2S + 1 = 2, so S = 1/2. The “D” implies that L = 2. This is permitted, because in this case J = L − S. With J = 3/2, the possible values of Jz are / 2 and 3 / 2. (b) With J = 3/2, the quantum number mJ ranges from −3/2 to +3/2. The minimum angle is achieved when mJ = 3/2. In this case cos Jz J J J 1 mJ 3/ 2 5 / 2 3/ 2 3/ 5 Thus θ = 39.2°. 41. Co has a ground state configuration 3d74s2. By Hund’s rules there are two pairs of delectrons and three unpaired ones, so S = 3/2 and 2S + 1 = 4. The unpaired electrons have m 0, 1, 2, so the total angular momentum is L = 3, indicating the symbol F. The maximum value of J is L + S = 3 + 3/2 = 9/2. Therefore the full term symbol is 4F9/2. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 123 Chapter 9 1. (a) m v v g (vx ) dvx 2 2 x 1/ 2 2 x m 2 2 1/ 2 Therefore vx rms v 2 x 1/2 0 1 vx2 exp mvx2 dvx 2 1 m v exp mvx2 dvx 2 2 2 1/ 2 2 x 1 m 1/2 2 4 m 3/ 2 1 m kT m 1/2 m 1 2 g (v x ) exp mvx 2 2 1/2 (b) and from (a) we see that m 1/2 g (vx ) dvx 1 , so vxrms 1 v2 1 1 vx rms exp 2 x dvx 2 vx rms 2 1 v2 2. (a) With vx = 0.01vx rms we have exp 2 x 1 . 2 vx rms 1 vx2 1 1 1 1 g (vx ) dvx vx rms exp 2 dvx vx rms 1 0.002vx rms 7.98 104 2 2 2 vx rms This is the probability that a given molecule will be in this range, so in one mole the number is N 7.98 104 N A 7.98 104 6.022 1023 4.811020 1 0.20vx rms 2 (b) With vx = 0.20vx rms we have exp 0.980 . Continuing as in (a) we find 2 2 vx rms 1 1 g (vx ) dvx vx rms 0.98 0.002vx rms 7.82 104 and therefore N 4.711020. 2 (c) N = 2.91 × 1020 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 124 Chapter 9 Statistical Physics (d) N = 1.79 × 1015 (e) In this case g (vx )dvx 7.98 104 exp 5 103 which is on the order of 10−2175 . Therefore we conclude that no molecules travel at that speed. v v 3. (a) f f 0 1 f 0 1 x f 0 1 0 f 0 c c (b) f f 2 f v 2 0 x c 1/2 1/2 0 2 vx2 f0 2 c 1/2 f 02 kT But we know that v kT / m , so 2 c m 1/2 2 x (c) From (b) we have H 2 at T 293 K: f0 f0 c kT . m 1 kT . c m 1.3811023 J/K 293 K 1 3.66 106 8 27 3.00 10 m/s 2 1.674 10 kg f0 1.3811023 J/K 5500 K 1 H at T 5500 K: 2.25 105 8 27 f 0 3.00 10 m/s 1.674 10 kg This is how we could deduce the surface temperature of a star. 4. (a) Letting d be the distance between the two atoms, we have 2 2 16 1.66 1027 kg 1.211010 m d md I x 2 mr 2m 2 2 2 1.94 1046 kg m2 2 2 (b) 2 2 4 I z 2 mR 2 mR 2 0.8 16 1.66 1027 kg 3.0 1015 m 5 5 55 1.9110 kg m2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 125 1.055 10 J s 1 2 5.74 10 2 1.94 10 kg m (c) The rigid rotor is quantized (see Chapter 10) with an energy E 2 1 2I 34 2 46 2 23 J = 3.58 104 eV value, (d) Rearranging the energy equation in (c) and using the value of Iz to find the we find ( 1) 2 IE 2 2 1.911055 kg m 2 5.74 1023 J 1.055 10 34 J s 2 1.97 109 This shows that a much larger energy (larger Erot) is required to have =1 for the rotation about the z axis. Therefore the diatomic molecule acts as if there were only two degrees of rotational freedom. 5. (a) c F (v) dv 4 C c m 1 v exp mv 2 dv with T = 293 K and C 2 2 2 3/2 . 1 2 938 106 eV 1 2 3.7 1010 . mc 5 2 2 8.62 10 eV/K 293 K (b) For example H 2 gas at T = 293 K we have The exponential of the negative of this value, exp 3.7 1010 , is almost 0. 6. Computations depend on the software but should yield numbers very close to zero. 4 7. (a) v 2 2kT v m * (b) v v* 4 2 2kT m 1.38110 J/K 300 K 2510 m/s 1.675 10 kg 2 1.38110 J/K 300 K 2220 m/s 1.675 10 kg 1.38110 J/K 630 K 3640 m/s kT 4 m 2 1.675 10 kg 2 1.38110 J/K 630 K 3220 m/s 1.675 10 kg 23 kT 4 m 2 27 23 27 23 27 23 27 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 126 Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 1 8. F (v) 4 C exp mv 2 v 2 . In the limit as v 0 the exponential is approximately 2 2 0 e 1 and v approaches 0, so lim F (v) 0 . v 0 The other limit is lim F (v) 4 C lim v v v2 . 1 2 exp mv 2 Applying L’Hopital’s rule, 2v 2 1 lim F (v) lim exp mv 2 0 . lim v v 1 v m 2 mv exp mv 2 2 2 1.3811023 J/K 258 K 2kT 9. (a) v 391 m/s m 28 1.6605 1027 kg * 2 1.3811023 J/K 308 K 2kT (b) v 428 m/s m 28 1.6605 1027 kg * 1 1 2kT 1 10. The equation to be satisfied is 2v 2 exp mv 2 v*2 exp mv*2 e m 2 2 2kT 1 kT 1 . Thus v 2 exp mv 2 e 28000 m 2 m which can be solved graphically to yield v = 188 m/s and v = 639 m/s. The lower of these is closer to v* 390 m/s , which follows from the shape of the distribution curve. where we have used the fact that v* 11. Various software packages should all give results very close to 1. 12. The calculations start from Equation (9.14) and are of the form: m I 4 2 3/2 b a 1 v 2 exp mv 2 dv 2 The limits a and b are given in each part. Values are, as a fraction of the total number of molecules, (a) 2.0 × 10−7 (b) 2.0 × 10−4 (c) 0.156 (d) 0.494 (e) 0.350 (f) 0.99987 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 127 13. (a) From Equation (9.20) we have vrms and the mass of N2 2 14.003 u 28.0 u. H2 : N2 : vrms vrms 3kT . The mass of H2 2 1.008 u 2.02 u m 3 1.38 1023 J/K 293K 1902 m/s 2.02 u 1.66 1027 kg/u 3 1.38 1023 J/K 293K 511 m/s 28.0 u 1.66 1027 kg/u (b) From classical physics we know the escape velocity vesc 2GM . Using the mass R and radius of the earth we find vesc 1.12 104 m/s if the object starts at the surface. Neither H 2 nor N 2 has vrms vesc ; however, a very small percentage of molecules in the exponential tail of the distribution may have speeds greater than vesc and will escape. Since H 2 has a larger vrms , a larger fraction will eventually escape. 14. (a) Use Equation (9.8) for the translational kinetic energy of one atom and multiply by Avogadro’s number for one mole. 3 3 K N A kT 6.022 1023 1.3811023 J/K 273K 3406 J. 2 2 (b) Since the translational kinetic energy depends only on temperature and one mole of anything contains the same number of objects, the answer is the same for argon or oxygen. 15. (a) E EF ( E ) dE 0 8 C 2m3/2 0 E 3/2 exp E dE 8 C (5 / 2) 5/2 2m3/2 3 3 3/2 Using (5 / 2) (3 / 2) and C m / 2 we find 2 4 E 8 m 2m3/ 2 2 3/ 2 3 3 3 kT . 5/ 2 4 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 128 Chapter 9 (b) As we know from the text E which is a bit less than 1 2 1 4 mv and by Equation (9.17) mv 2 kT 1.27kT 2 2 3 kT . 2 16. Starting with the distribution F ( E ) 0 Statistical Physics 8 C 1/2 dF E exp E and setting 0 , we obtain 3/2 dE 2m 1 d E1/2 exp E E 1/2 exp E E1/2 exp E . 2 dE Therefore 0 E 1/2 2 E1/2 and solving for E gives the desired result E * kT . 2 17. The ratio of the numbers on the two levels is n2 ( E ) 8exp E2 4exp E2 E1 105 n1 ( E ) 2exp E1 Therefore exp E2 E1 2.5 106 . Taking the logarithm of each side gives: E E1 E2 E1 2 ln 2.5 106 12.90 . For atomic hydrogen kT 3 E2 E1 E0 10.20eV . Finally 4 E2 E1 10.20 eV 9175 K. T k 12.90 8.618 105 eV/K 12.90 18. (a) With E (b) We have h 3mkT p2 h h h 3 and the mean energy E kT we obtain . 2m 2 p 2mK 3mkT d . Using λ from part (a) and d V / N we obtain 1/3 N h3 V If we cube both sides and rearrange V 3mkT 3/2 N 1/3 (c) For any ideal gas 1. N 6.022 1023 2.69 1025 m3 . 3 3 V 22.4 10 m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 129 6.626 1034 J s N h3 25 3 2.69 10 m V 3mkT 3/ 2 3 40 1.66 1027 kg 1.38 1023 J/K 293 K For argon gas (a monatomic gas) at room temperature 3 3 107 so Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics are fine. However, for electrons in silver, N / V 5.86 1028 m3 and 6.626 10 J s N h3 28 3 5.86 10 m V 3mkT 3/ 2 3 9.111031 kg 1.38 1023 J/K 293 K 34 3 3/ 2 3/ 2 1.5 104 so in this case Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics fail. 1 19. F (v) dv 4 Cv 2 exp mv 2 dv F ( E ) dE 2 dE dE 1 With E mv 2 we differentiate to obtain dE mvdv or dv . Then mv 2 2mE dE E1/ 2 2E 8 C F ( E ) dE 4 C exp E exp E dE m 2mE 2m3/ 2 8 C 1/ 2 E exp E dE. 2m3/ 2 20. (a) We assume that the magnetic moment is due to spin alone. In general n E g E FMB . There is no reason to prefer one spin state or the other, so the two n( E2 ) FMB ( E2 ) exp E2 exp E1 E2 . n( E1 ) FMB ( E1 ) exp E1 g ( E ) are the same. Thus the ratio of the numbers in the two spin states is governed by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: The energy of a magnetic moment in a magnetic field B is E B . We know from e e e S B Sz B B B B . m m 2m Then E1 B B is the energy of an electron aligned with the field, and E2 B B is the Chapter 7 that this is equal to E energy of the spin opposed to the field. Therefore n( E2 ) B B B 2B B exp E1 E2 exp B exp . n( E1 ) kT kT © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 130 Chapter 9 (b) At T = 77 K: Statistical Physics 2 9.274 1024 J/T 5.0 T n( E2 ) 2B B 0.916 exp exp 23 n( E1 ) 1.381 10 J/K 77 K kT 2 9.274 1024 J/T 5.0T n( E2 ) 2B B 0.976 At T = 273 K: exp exp 23 n( E1 ) 1.381 10 J/K 273 K kT 2 9.274 1024 J/T 5.0T n( E2 ) 2B B 0.993 At T = 600 K: exp exp 23 n( E1 ) 1.381 10 J/K 900 K kT As temperature is increased, the probabilities for spin aligned with the magnetic field (lower energy) and anti-aligned (higher energy) become essentially equal, as the energy difference between them becomes much less than kT. 21. Starting with Equation (9.30) and setting FFD 0.5 when E EF , we have . Solving for BFD we find BFD exp EF 1 2 so 0.5 BFD exp EF 1 FFD 1 1 1 . BFD exp E 1 exp EF exp E 1 exp E EF 1 1 BFD exp EF 1 and BFD exp EF . Therefore in general 22. At first one might think it should be 0.5, but this is not quite true due to the asymmetric shape of the distribution. Starting with Equation (9.43) for g ( E ) and using the fact that FFD 1 in this range, we have N E EF g ( E )(1)dE E 0 E 3 3 NEF3/2 E1/2 dE NEF3/2 E 3/2 . Recall that E EF , and 0 5 2 3 we see that N E EF N 5 3/ 2 0.465 N . 23. (a) From dimensional analysis 1 mol 6.022 1023 3 28 1.05 104 kg/m3 5.86 10 m . 0.10787 kg mol © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 131 (b) For electrons an extra factor of 2 is required due to the Pauli principle: N 2A 3/ 2 3 2 mkT V h so 2/3 2 5.86 1028 m 3 34 N 2 6.626 10 J s h 2(1) 2 AV 5.28 104 K . T 31 23 2 mk 2 9.109 10 kg 1.38110 J/K 2/3 3 28 2/3 N h 2 5.86 10 m 6.626 1034 J s 2 2(0.001) 2 AV (c) T 5.28 106 K. 31 23 2 mk 2 9.109 10 kg 1.38110 J/K 2/3 24. The number is given by EF 0.90 EF EF EF 3 NEF3/ 2 E1/ 2 dE NEF3/ 2 E 3/ 2 EF 0.90 E 0.90 F 2 N 1.003/ 2 0.903/ 2 0.146 N g ( E ) dE We see that about 14.6% of the electrons are in this range, which is about what one would expect from the shape of the distribution. 25. (a) As in Problem 23, N / V 5.86 1028 m3 . Then h2 3 N EF 8m V 2/3 6.626 10 8 9.109 10 2/3 J s 3 3 28 5.86 10 m 31 kg 34 8.811019 J 5.50 eV. 2 2 8.811019 J 2 EF 1.39 106 m/s. (b) uF m 9.109 1031 kg 26. (a) Note: the term kT / EF is a small fraction of one eV and can be ignored. Then 2 3 3 E EF 5.51 eV 3.31 eV 5 5 2 3.31 eV 2E 3 2.56 104 K (b) With E kT we have T 5 3k 3 8.617 10 eV/K 2 (c) As discussed in the text, thermal energies are small compared with the Fermi energy, except at high temperatures. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 132 Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 6.022 1023 1 mol 28 3 27. 8.92 103 kg/m3 8.45 10 m . 0.063546 kg mol This represents a difference of 0.2% from the experimental value so within rounding errors there is one conduction electron per atom. 1 mol 6.022 1023 28 3 28. (a) 2.70 103 kg/m3 6.03 10 m 0.02698 kg mol h2 3 N (b) EF 8m V 2/3 N 8mEF V 3 h2 3/ 2 31 19 8 9.109 10 kg 11.63% eV 1.602 10 J/eV 1.80 1029 m 3 6.626 10 3 34 J s 2 3/ 2 (c) Dividing the conduction electron density by the number density we obtain almost exactly 3; from this we conclude that the valence number is three. 29. In general EF 1 muF2 so uF 2EF / m . 2 2 4.69 eV 1.602 1019 J/eV 2 EF 1.28 106 m/s (a) uF m 9.109 1031 kg 2 14.3 eV 1.602 1019 J/eV 2 EF 2.24 106 m/s (b) uF 9.109 1031 kg m 30. Beginning with Equation (9.34) consider the following cases as T 0 : E EF so FFD 0 kT E EF E EF : so FFD 1 kT E EF 1 E EF : 0 so FFD 2 kT E EF : 31. In general n E g E FFD . Using Equation (9.43) for g ( E ) and the result of Problem 21 for FFD , we can substitute to find n( E ) E1/ 2 3N 3/ 2 EF . 2 exp E EF 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 133 32. The graphs will resemble those of Figure 9.11 (b). The T = 0 K line will match the dashed line and the T = 300 K line will match the solid line. The T = 1500 K line will deviate a bit more from the dashed line. 33. Numerical integration should yield accurate results with kT = 0.02586 eV. However, in Mathcad, for example, the upper limit cannot exceed 20 as the engine calculates e raised to the power before taking the reciprocal and thus rejects the problem. As you adjust the upper limit above 10, the integral equals 1 within rounding error. 1.5 7 3/2 0 E1/2 dE 1 exp E 7 / 0.02586 1 34. Setting up the numerical integration in Mathcad we have with kT = 0.02525 eV, 1.5 7 3/2 7 6 E1/2 dE 0.203 . exp E 7 / 0.02525 1 We see that about one-fifth of the electrons are within 1 eV of the Fermi energy, which makes sense given the shape of the distribution. h 2 3N 35. We can use Equation (9.42) EF 8m L3 dimensional analysis h 2 3N EF 8m L3 2/3 2/ 3 . We use the neutron mass and from N 4.50 1030 kg 1 (neutron) 6.411044 m3 . Then L3 4 104 m 3 1.675 1027 kg 3 6.626 10 8 1.675 10 2/3 J s 3 3 44 6.4110 m 27 kg 34 2 2.36 1011 J 147 MeV The close packing of the neutrons makes the Fermi energy large compared with Fermi energies in normal matter. 36. The probability that a state will be occupied can be determined from the Fermi-Dirac factor. With kT = 0.02525 eV: 1 1 0.981 98.1% (a) FFD E EF 0.1 exp 1 exp 1 0.02525 kT (b) When E EF , then FFD 1 50% . 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 134 Chapter 9 (c) FFD Statistical Physics 1 1 0.0187 1.9% E EF 0.1 exp 1 exp 1 kT 0.02525 Therefore a state with energy less than the Fermi energy is almost certainly occupied and one above the Fermi energy has a very small probability of being occupied. 37. We assume that the collection of fermions behaves like an ideal gas. Using MaxwellBoltzmann statistics, we know that E 32 kT or E 3 2 . We note that exp E exp 3 2 4.4817 . Now the MB factor is exp E and we want this to be within 1 % of the FD factor: FFD 1 . So we want E EF exp 1 kT exp E EF 1 1.01 4.4817 4.5265 or E EF ln 3.5265 . At room temperature 2.525 102 eV so the expression above can be solved to give 1 E EF 3.2 102 eV. This small value is possible at room temperature. 38. (a) Computing carefully: N /V 1.93 × 104 kg/m3 5.90 × 1028 /m3 197.0 1.66× 1027 kg h2 3N EF 5.53 eV. This is an exact match with Table 9.4. 8m L3 (b) Thermal energy is 1.5kT = 0.04 eV. The result shows that electrons aren’t classical and the energy levels stack up in the Fermi distribution, forcing the electrons into higher energy states. 2/3 39. (a) Use the same method as in the text for helium. The liquid density of 1200 kg/m3 translates to a number density of about 3.6 × 1028/m3. Plugging this into the usual formula (9.65) gives T > 0.87 K. (b) Neon is not a liquid at that temperature, so it cannot be a superfluid. 40. (a) To find N / V integrate n( E )dE over the whole range of energies: 8 N n( E ) dE 3 3 0 V hc 0 E2 dE . From integral tables we have the following: exp( E / kT ) 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 0 135 x n1 1 , (3) 2! 2 , and from numerical dx m n (n) (n) . For our integral m mx e 1 kT tables (3) 1.20 . Therefore N 8 8 k 3T 3 3 3 3 kT 2 1.20 3 3 (2.40) . V hc hc 1.3811023 J/K 500 K N 8 k 3T 3 3 3 (2.40) 8 (2.40) 6.626 1034 J s 2.998 108 m/s V hc 15 3 2.53 10 m . (c) With T = 5500 K : (b) With T = 500 K: 3 1.3811023 J/K 5500 K N 8 k 3T 3 3 3 (2.40) 8 (2.40) 6.626 1034 J s 2.998 108 m/s V hc 18 3 3.37 10 m . 3 u1/2 41. Evaluating the following integral in Mathcad we find u du 2.315 . 0 e 1 42. Take the expressions in Equation (9.67) to be in the “normal” order (1,2). That is, 1 S 1, 2 a (1)b (2) a (2)b (1) . Reversing the order for the symmetric wave 2 1 function yields S (2,1) a (2)b (1) a (1)b (2), which is the same as 2 S 1, 2 with the order of terms reversed. Thus, S 1, 2 S 2,1 . Following the same procedure for the antisymmertic wave function, 1 A (1, 2) a (1)b (2) a (2)b (1) and 2 1 A (2,1) a (2)b (1) a (1)b (2) . 2 Comparison of these two expressions verifies that A (1, 2) A (2,1). p2 43. E K V mgz : 2m p2 p2 mgz exp exp( E ) exp exp mgz 2m 2m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 136 Chapter 9 Statistical Physics Absorbing the (assumed constant) first exponential factor into the normalization constant C z , f ( z )dz Cz exp mgz dz . To find C z normalize the integral: f ( z )dz Cz exp mgz dz Cz mg and therefore Cz 1 kT . mg mg 44. For air we will use an average m = 29 u = 4.82 × 10−26 kg and T = 273 K. In general (h) exp mgh exp mgh . (0) exp mg 0 0 0 4.82 1026 kg 9.80 m/s 2 176 m (0) 0.978 (0) For Chicago: (h) exp 1.3811023 J/K 273 K 4.82 1026 kg 9.80 m/s 2 1610 m (0) 0.817 (0) For Denver: (h) exp 23 1.381 10 J/K 273 K 4.82 1026 kg 9.80 m/s 2 4390 m (0) 0.577 (0) For Mt. Rainier: (h) exp 23 1.381 10 J/K 273 K 45. In equilibrium a fluid layer of density , mass M, thickness h, and surface area A has a force F2 P2 A acting downward on its upper surface and a force F1 P1 A acting upward on its lower surface. The difference between these forces equals the weight of the fluid layer. F2 F1 P1 P2 A Mg gAh . With dP P P2 P1 and h z dz , we have dP gdz . With N particles of mass m, the mass density is Nm / V . Putting these together: dP gdz dP Nmg dz . From the ideal gas law N / V P / kT , so V mgP dz . Using separation of variables we can solve this differential equation for P kT dP mg mgz as a function of z: dz ln P constant mgz constant . P kT kT P constant exp mgz P0 exp mgz 46. (a) dN nv NvA ; Rearranging this expression we find the following A dt 4 4V vA dN vA dt or ln N t constant . This can be rewritten as 4V N 4V N 1 vA vA N constant exp t N 0 exp t . Setting at t t1/2 , we find N0 2 4V 4V differential equation: 4V 1 vA ln 2 . exp t1/2 or t1/2 vA 2 4V © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics (b) V D3 6 137 0.4 m 3 0.0335 m ; A 3 d2 0.001 m 2 7.85 107 m2 ; 1.38110 J/K 293 K 462.6 m/s 29 1.66 10 kg 4 0.0335 m 4V ln 2 ln 2 256 s vA 462.6 m/s 7.85 10 m 6 4 v 2 4 kT 4 m 2 4 23 27 3 t1/2 7 2 47. The number of molecules with speed v that hit the wall per unit time is proportional to v and F(v), so that the distribution W(v) of the escaping molecules is by proportion 1 W (v) ~ vF (v) ~ v3 exp mv 2 . Let the normalization constant for W(v) be C , so 2 1 1 m 2 2 C v exp mv 2 dv 1 C or C m / 2 . The mean kinetic 0 2 2 2 energy of the escaping molecules is 2 3 1 1 1 2 m2 m 2 1 E mv 2 mC v5 exp mv 2 dv m 2kT 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3kT mv 2 so T rms 19,500 K m 3k (b) With the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, there are always some atoms that are moving fast enough to escape. Whenever equilibrium is reestablished, more helium atoms fill that part of the distribution, so more will continue to escape. 48. (a) vrms = 3kT = 1.20 × 104 m/s. This is much less than escape speed, so we do not expect m many hydrogen atoms to escape from the sun. N A 3/2 50. From Example 9.9 we have 3 2 mkT . V h (a) Letting m be the electron mass and inserting a factor of 2 for the Pauli principle, N 2A 3/2 3 2 mkT V h 3/2 2(1) 31 23 2 9.109 10 kg 1.381 10 J/K 293 K 3 6.626 1034 J·s 49. vrms = 2.42 1025 m 3 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 138 Chapter 9 Statistical Physics This is quite a bit less than the density of conduction electrons in a metal (such as copper), which indicates that Fermi-Dirac statistics should be used. (b) For He gas the Pauli principle does not apply, so 6.626 10 1 J s 34 3 N A 3/ 2 3 2 mkT V h 2 (4) 1.66 1027 kg 1.3811023 J/K 293 K 3/ 2 7.54 1030 m3 . This is much larger than the density of He gas, which explains why MB statistics work for helium. N 2A 3/ 2 (c) For the neutron star 3 2 mkT V h 3/ 2 N 2(1) 2 1.6749 1027 kg 1.3811023 J/K 106 K 1.90 1035 m 3 3 V 6.626 1034 J s (d) With mass density on the order of 1017 kg/m3, the number density of the neutron star is on the order of 1043/m3, which is why Fermi-Dirac statistics are required there. 51. EF h 2 3N 8m L3 2/3 Rearrange to solve for N/L3: h 2 3N N 3/ 2 3 8mEF 1.811029 EF 3 3 8m L L 3h where the numerical value comes from the Fermi energy in the table. We need to compare this with the number density for aluminum atoms, which is 2/3 N /V 2.70 × 103 kg/m3 6.0 × 1028 /m3 27 27.0 1.66× 10 kg Note that the conduction electron density is exactly three times the number density, so there are three conduction electrons per atom. This makes sense, because aluminum has two 3s electrons and one 3p electron. 52. Expressions for I1 and I 2 are known from Appendix 6: I3 dI1 1 1 2 2 da 2a 2a dI 2 3 5/2 3 5/2 a a 4 2 8 da dI 1 I 5 3 2a 3 a 3 2 da 53. For the harmonic oscillator the position and velocity are x x0 cos( t ) and I4 v dx 1 1 x0 sin( t ) respectively. V kx 2 k x02 cos 2 ( t ) ; dt 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 139 1 1 1 K mv 2 m 2 x02 sin 2 ( t ) k x02 sin 2 ( t ) where we have used the fact that 2 2 2 2 m k . Over one cycle the average of the square of the sine or cosine function is one1 1 1 E half. Also the total energy is E k x02 . Therefore K V k x02 . 2 2 2 2 54. (a) For these elements the number of electrons is half the number of nucleons. The number of nucleons is m(sun) 1.1916 1057 m(nucleon) The number of electrons is half this, or 5.96 × 1056. 5.96 1056 (b) Number density = number/volume = 4.22 1035 m 3 . 3 4 6.96 106 m 3 h2 3N 14 (c) From text EF 3.28 10 J = 205 keV 8m L3 This is huge! The high density of electrons gives them an enormous Fermi energy. 2/3 55. (a) They have different wave functions, so when you stack up the energies the protons and neutrons go in separate categories. Because they are fundamentally different particles, which must have different wave functions, it’s not a violation of Pauli to have two of them in the same energy state. (b) i) For protons m = 1.673 × 10−27 kg, and the number density is N N 92 4 3 5.42 1043 m3 3 4 15 V 3r 7.4 10 m 3 Then the Fermi energy is h 2 3N EF 8m L3 2/ 3 6.626 10 8 1.673 10 2/ 3 J s 3 43 3 5.42 10 m 27 kg 34 2 or EF = 4.53 × 10−12 J = 28.3 MeV. ii) For neutrons m = 1.675 × 10−27 kg, and the number density is N N 146 4 3 8.60 1043 m3 3 4 V 3r 7.4 1015 m 3 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 140 Chapter 9 h 2 3N The Fermi energy is EF 8m L3 2/ 3 6.626 10 8 1.675 10 Statistical Physics 2/ 3 J s 3 43 3 8.60 10 m 27 kg 34 2 or EF = 6.19 × 10−12 J = 38.7 MeV. These energies are enormous, but still small compared with the binding energy of the uranium nucleus. 56. The mass of gas molecules would differ slightly depending on the isotope of uranium. 235 UF6 would have a molecular mass of 235 + 6(19) = 349 while 238 UF6 would have a molecular mass of $352$. Find the rms velocity for each molecule. 235 238 UF6 : vrms UF6 vrms 3 1.3807 1023 J/K 293K 3kT 1.447 102 m/s 27 m 349 1.6605 10 kg 3 1.3807 1023 J/K 293K 3kT 1.441102 m/s 27 m 352 1.6605 10 kg The difference is about 0.6 m/s which represents a 0.4% change from one isotope to the other. 57. Rearranging Equation (9.64) and with m = 4 u, we have N 2 2.315 3/ 2 2mkT 3 V h 3/ 2 2 2.315 2(4) 1.6605 1027 kg 1.3811023 J/K (293) 3 6.626 1034 J·s 1.97 1031 m 3 . The number density of an ideal gas at STP is N P 1.0135 105 Pa . V kT 1.3811023 J/K 293 K N 2.50 1025 m 3 . As you would expect, the condensate has a number V density nearly one million times greater than the ideal gas. Therefore 3 1.38 1023 J/K 20 109 K 3kT 2.42 103 m/s 27 m 84.9 1.66 10 kg 58. From Appendix 8, the 85Rb isotope has atomic mass of 84.9 u: vrms 3 1.38 1023 J/K 450 1012 K 3kT 6.99 104 m/s m 23.0 1.66 1027 kg For sodium, the mass is 23.0 u, so vrms © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 9 Statistical Physics 141 which is even slower! 59. (a) Beginning with Equation (9.65) and with h2 1 T 2mk 2 2.315 2/3 N V 6.626 10 N 2.5 1028 m3 we have V 2/3 J/K 1 2 40 1.6605 1027 kg 1.38110 23 J/K 2 ) 2.315 34 2 3.43 101 K 0.343 K. 2/3 2.5 10 28 m 3 2/3 (b) The temperature found in (a) is far below the freezing point of 84 K so no condensate is possible. 60. Beginning with Equation (9.65) h2 N T 2mk 2 V 2.315 2/3 6.626 10 J/K 2000 2 87 1.6605 1027 kg 1.3811023 J/K 2 11015 m3 2.315 2.93 108 K 29.3 nK. 34 2 2/3 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 142 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids Chapter 10 1. (a) For each state the energy is given by Erot E 2 2I 2(3) 1(2) (b) As in part (a), E 2 2 I 2 ( 1) , so the transition energy is 2I 2 1.055 1034 J s 10 46 kg m 2 2 2.2 1022 J 1.4 103 eV. 10(11) 9(10) 31 2 1.73 1021 J 1.08 102 eV. 2I 2I This is still in the infrared part of the spectrum. 2 2. From Table 10.1 1860 N/m and f 6.42 1013 Hz. (a) E hf 4.136 1015 eV s 6.42 1013 Hz 0.266 eV (b) Set E kT with two degrees of freedom in the vibrational mode. Then E 0.266 eV 3090 K T 8.617 105 eV/K k 1 1 1 1 3. In the ground state E n k A2 2 A2 . Solving for A: 2 2 2 2 A . Using the 35 Cl m1m2 35 u 1.614 1027 kg . m1 m2 36 From Table 10.1 f 8.66 1013 Hz. With 2 f we have A 4. 1.055 1034 J s 1.10 1011 m. 27 13 1 1.614 10 kg 2 8.66 10 s I R2 1.614 1027 kg 1.28 1010 m 2.64 1047 kg·m2 . (a) Using the result of Problem 8 for the rotational inertia, we have 2 For 1 we have Erot 2 2 I2 ( 1) 2I 2 2 1.055 1034 J s 2.64 10 47 kg m 2 2 2 2 I 1 2 I . Therefore 2 5.65 1012 rad/s . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 5 we have Erot For 110 I2 2 143 ( 1) 2I 2 30 1.055 1034 J s 2.64 10 47 kg m 15 I 2 2 2 2 1 2 I . Therefore 2 2.19 1013 rad/s . (b) The distance of the center of mass from the H atom is m x 35 xcm Cl Cl R 1.24 1010 m . Then from the rotational kinematics we have 36 M 1 : v xcm 5.65 1012 rad/s 1.24 1010 m 700 m/s and for v xcm 2.19 1013 rad/s 1.24 1010 m 2720 m/s. for 0.1c 2.998 107 m/s v (c) 2.42 1017 rad/s . Then 10 xcm xcm 1.24 10 m ( 1) I2 2 2.42 1017 rad/s 2.64 1047 kg m2 3.67 109 ( 1) 2 1.055 1034 J s 4 from which it follows that 6.110 . 2I 2 (d) Erot kT T 2 2 5: and 2 1 . Thus 1.055 1034 J s 3.67 109 5.611010 K. 1 2 Ik 2 2.64 1047 kg m2 1.38 1023 J/K 2I 2 L2 n2 2 5. With Bohr’s condition L n we find Erot . The Bohr version and the 2I 2I correct version become similar for large values of quantum number n or , but they are quite different for small . 6. E E1 E0 E1 2 hc 34 3 1.055 10 J s 2.60 10 m (a) I 1.46 1046 kg m2 8 hc 2 c 2 2.998 10 m/s 2 I . (b) The minimum energy in a vibrational transition E hf . From Table 10.1 f 6.42 1013 Hz, which corresponds to a photon of wavelength c / f 4.67 m . A photon of this wavelength or less is required to excite the vibrational mode, so the 2.60mm photon is too weak. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 144 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 7. E hf 6.626 1034 J·s 6.42 1013 Hz 4.25 1020 J . Using this energy for a rotational transition from the ground state to the th state we have E 2 I E 1 2 2 7.28 1047 kg m2 4.25 1020 J 1.055 10 34 J s 2 This is prohibited by the 1 selection rule. 556 so 8. Combining R r1 r2 with m1r1 m2 r2 we find that r1 2 1 2I so 24 . m2 m1 R and r2 R. m1 m2 m1 m2 Therefore m2 m1 I m r m r m1 R m2 R m1 m2 m1 m2 m m m m 1 2 1 2 2 R2 R2 m1 m2 2 2 1 1 9. (a) E 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 2I I 2 2 so 3 1.055 1034 J s 3 2 I 1.46 1046 kg m2 3 19 E 1.43 10 eV 1.602 10 J/eV 2 10. (b) 12 16 u 1.139 1026 kg . Then I R2 becomes m1m2 m1 m2 28 R I 1.46 1046 kg m2 1.13 1010 m , which is a reasonable answer. 26 1.139 10 kg d 0.0958nm sin 52.5 7.60 102 nm . (a) The distance of each H atom from the line is Then I 2mH d 2 2 1.67 1027 kg 7.60 1011 m 1.93 1047 kg m2 . 2 (b) E1 E2 2 3 I 2 I 1.055 10 1.93 10 34 47 J s kg m 3 1.055 1034 J s 1.93 10 47 kg m 2 2 2 2 5.77 1022 J 3.61 MeV 1.73 1021 J 10.81 MeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids (c) 145 34 8 hc 6.626 10 J s 2.998 10 m/s 344 μm E1 5.77 1022 J 11. First we need to compute the rotational inertia. Including both the nucleus and electrons: 2 2 2 I m rnuc 2me a02 5 5 2 2 2 6.64 1027 kg 1.9 1015 m 2 9.109 1031 kg 5.29 1011 m 5 2.04 1051 kg m 2 1.055 10 J s Notice that the nuclear contribution is negligible. (a) Erot 2 34 2 5.46 1018 J 34.1 eV. I 2.04 10 kg m (b) This is greater than the ionization energy for helium and note likely to be observed. 12. f f 51 2 I 2 2 3 with f c / 1.00 1013 Hz. Thus f 1.00 1013 Hz 1.055 1034 J s 2 3 or 2 1.30 1045 kg m2 f 1.00 1013 Hz 2.58 1010 Hz 3.87 1010 Hz where usual c . f 13. E hf 1 2 2I 2 is an integer and as 1 . Therefore we can say that for a particular transition f C / where C is a constant, because I R 2 . Then absolute values d f f f C / 2 . Thus as required. d f df C 2 ; taking d 14. (a) The Maxwell-Boltzmann factor is FMB A exp E / kT . The energies of the three rotational levels are E0 0 ; E1 are 0 : FMB A . 2 I ; E2 2 3 I . Thus the Maxwell-Boltzmann factors For 1: FMB 2 2 1.055 1034 J s A exp 0.981A . A exp 1.4 1046 kg m 2 1.3811023 J/K 293K IkT © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 146 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 2: For FMB 2 3 1.055 1034 J s 3 2 A exp 0.943 A . A exp 1.4 1046 kg m 2 1.3811023 J/K 293 K IkT (b) The degeneracy factor g E is 1 for 0 , 3 for 1 , and 5 for 2 . Therefore the level populations n( E ) 0: 1: 2: n( E) g ( E)FMB A n( E ) g ( E )FMB =3 0.981A 2.94A n( E) g ( E)FMB 5 0.943A 4.72 A (c) For the lower rotational states the degeneracy factor causes the state population to increase with increasing . However as increases and the rotational energy increases, the exponential factor begins to take over and decrease the state populations. 15. The gap between adjacent lines is h f (a) I h f 2 1.055 10 6.626 10 34 34 J s 2 /I. J s 7 10 Hz 2 11 2.4 1047 kg m2 (b) 2 f / with f 8.65 1013 Hz. The reduced mass is (using the isotope) m1m2 35 u 1.614 1027 kg . Solving for we find m1 m2 36 35 Cl 4 2 f 2 4 2 8.65 1013 Hz 1.614 1027 kg 478 N/m in good agreement 2 16. (a) P qx 1.602 1019 C 2.67 1010 m 4.28 1029 C m with Table 10.1. (b) The fractional ionic character is the ratio 17. E hf 4.28 1029 C m 0.79 5.411029 C m . Using the data from Table 10.1, the wavelength is c 2.998 108 m/s 4.48 μm which corresponds to an energy of 0.277eV . This f 6.69 1013 Hz photon is in the infrared. hc © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 147 18. (a) Using dimensional analysis and the fact that the energy of each photon is hc / 3.14 10 19 5 103 J/s N 1.59 1016 photon/s . J , then 19 t 3.14 10 J/photon (b) 0.02 mole is equivalent to 0.02 N A 1.20 1022 atoms . The fraction participating is 1.59 1016 1.33 106 . 22 1.20 10 (c) The transitions involved have a fairly low probability, even with stimulated emission. We are saved by the large number of atoms available. 1.15 eV 1.602 1019 J 19. (a) The energy of each photon is E2 E1 · 1.84 1019 J/photon . photon 1eV Since P E / t then we have P 1.84 1019 J/photon 5.50 1018 photons/s 1.00W . (b) hc 1.986 1025 J m 1.08 106 m 1.08 μm 19 E 1.84 10 J 20. (a) With the given wavelength, we know that each photon has an energy of E hc 1.986 1025 J m 5.658 1019 J . 9 35110 m Therefore the number of transitions required is 40 103 J N 7.07 1022 photons . 19 5.658 10 J/photon (b) Average power is energy divided by time: P or about 11 TW! 21. (a) From Chapter 9 we have f 40 103 J 1.14 1013 W 9 3.5 10 s kT . We also have, in general, f c / so, m f0 c calculating the differential we have f c / 2 . Combining the two expressions we have 2 f c 2 f 0 kT c 2 m 6.328 107 m calculate 2.998 108 m/s kT . Using the mass of neon as 3.32 1026 kg we 1.38110 c m 23 J/K 293 K 3.32 1026 kg 7.37 1013 m . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 148 Chapter 10 (b) E 2 hc 2 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 6.328 10 m 2 2 1.06 1019 m. 3 8 2hc 4 c 4 2.998 10 m/s 10 s 7 2 The Doppler broadening is much more significant than the Heisenberg broadening. 2 1 m 6.67 109 s 22. (a) t 8 2.998 10 m/s (b) For the 16-km round trip t 16 103 m 16 103 m 1.6 108 s . 8 4 8 2.998 10 m/s 1 3 10 2.998 10 m/s Because this result is larger than the desired uncertainty in timing, it is important to take atmospheric effects into account. 23. In the three-level system, the population of the upper-level must exceed the population of the ground state. This is not necessary in a four-level system. 24. Because the 3s state has two possible configurations and the n = 2 level has eight, let us assign a density of states g = 2 to the excited state and g = 8 to the ground state. f3 2 exp E3 E E2 0.25exp 3 f 2 8exp E2 kT (a) 16.6 eV 7.2 10287 0.25exp 8.617 105 eV/K 293 K (b) f3 16.6 eV 4.4 10559 0.25exp 5 8.617 10 eV/K 150 K f2 f3 16.6 eV 9.110141 0.25exp 5 f2 8.617 10 eV/K 600 K (d) Thermal excitations can be neglected. (c) 1 mol 2 6.022 10 0.07455 kg mol 3.20 10 25. Using dimensional analysis the number density is 1980 kg/m3 d 3.20 1028 m3 1/3 23 28 m3 . Therefore the distance is 3.15 1010 m 0.315 nm . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 149 26. Each charge has two unlike charges a distance r away, two like charges a distance 2r 2e2 1 1 1 away, and so on: V 1 ... . The bracketed expression is the Taylor 4 0 r 2 3 4 series expansion for ln 2, so V e2 2e2 and we see that 2ln 2 . ln 2 4 0 r 4 0 r 27. Using the central positive charge as a guide, we find: V 4 4 8 4 e2 4 ... 4 0 r r 2r 2r 5r 8r , so by definition of we have 4 4 8 4 2 ... 2 5 8 2 dV e2 r / r0 / e . 28. F e . From Equation 10.20a we have 1 e dr 4 0 r02 4 0 r 2 Multiplying this factor of 1 by the last term in the force equation, we obtain e2 r / r0 / e2 F e e 4 0 r 2 4 0 r02 e2 r02 r r0 / e 4 0 r02 r 2 29. Inserting r r0 r into the force equation from Problem 28: F r02 e2 r / e . Factoring the first term in parentheses leaves 4 0 r02 r0 r 2 1 e2 r / F e . Applying the binomial theorem 4 0 r02 r 2 1 r 0 r 2 3 2 1 1 r 2 r ... and we end the series at that point for small r . The r0 r0 r0 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 150 Chapter 10 Taylor series for the exponential term is e r / 1 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids r r ... Combining these 2 2 2 2 3 e2 r r 2 two series approximations gives: F r r 1 1 r0 r02 4 0 r02 2 2 Collecting terms we have: F e2 2 1 where K1 4 0 r02 r0 3 1 e2 2 1 2 r r 2 2 2 4 0 r0 r0 r0 2 K1 r K 2 r and 2 . 2 e2 3 1 2 2 K2 2 4 0 r0 r0 2 30. (a) Looking at the result of the preceding problem we see that the spring constant is K1 , and we know that for the harmonic oscillator / . For NaCl m1m2 2.32 1026 kg . Recall that for NaCl we know 1.7476 , m1 m2 r0 0.282 nm, and 0.0316 nm . Substituting these values gives K1 f e2 2 1 124.7 N/m . Then the oscillation frequency is 4 0 r02 r0 1 2 2 (b) 1 2 124.7 N/m 1.17 1013 Hz . 2.32 1026 kg c 2.998 108 m/s 25.6 μm which is about one-half the observed value. f 1.17 1013 Hz 31. (a) F 0 K1 r K 2 r and therefore r 2 K2 2 r . K1 (b) From the equipartition theorem K1 r kT so with a) r 2 K2 kT . The K12 coefficient of thermal expansion α comes from L L T , or our nomenclature 1 d r 1 k K2 . r0 dT r0 K12 1 L . Therefore in L T (c) Evaluating with K1 124.7 N / m and K2 2.35 1012 N/m2 , we find 7.4 106 K 1 , which is the right order of magnitude. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 151 32. We begin with Equation (10.32): L K 4k 2 . Solving for the thermal conductivity, T e2 7 1 1 23 1 4 k 2T 4 6.30 10 m 1.38 10 J K 293K K 175 W K 1 m 1 . 2 2 e 1.60 1019 C K, we find 2 As mentioned in the text, the Wiedemann-Franz Law was derived using classical expressions for the mean speed and the molar heat capacity. Quantum mechanical 3 2.58 . With this correction, our answer 12 would be 451 W K 1 m1 which is much closer to the measured value. corrections give an additional factor of 33. We begin with Equation (10.26) and compare that equation to the graph given in Figure 10.23. We notice that in the figure the mean displacement is plotted on the vertical axis and the absolute temperature is on the horizontal axis. Equation (10.26) is of the form y mx b where the mean displacement represents the vertical or y quantity and the absolute temperature is the horizontal or x quantity. Thus the slope, m is the constant 3bk multiplying the temperature, or in this case, m 2 . We can estimate the slope from 4a the graph. In the region between temperatures of about 40 K and 90 K, the graph is 0.546nm 0.534nm nearly linear. The slope is approximately m 2.67 104 nm K 1 . 85K 40K 4 1 b 4m 4 2.67 10 nm K From above we also know that 2 2.58 1010 N 1 . 3k 3 1.3807 1023 J K 1 a 34. (a) Substituting the results from Equations (10.24) and (10.25) into Equation (10.23), we 3 5/2 3/2 ba 3 3bkT 4 . have ba 2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 4 4a 2 a 3bk C0 . Then x C0T . 4a 2 x x 1.67 105 K 1 8.47 1028 m3 C0 T the number density of copper from Table 9.3. (b) Let 1/3 3.80 1015 m/K where we used © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 152 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 35. The potential energy of a harmonic oscillator would have only the quadratic term and be 1 of the form x 2 . Examine Equation (10.22) and notice that a is the multiplicative 2 constant for the x 2 term. Thus a 1/ 2 . From Table 10.1 we see that an average value might be 1000 N/m . Using one-half this value for α along with the definition 2 15 4a 2C0 4 5 10 N/m 3.80 10 m/K b 9.2 1013 N/m2 . 23 3k 3 1.38110 J/K of C0 from the preceding problem we find 2 2 E 2 NE 2E 3 and the ideal gas law becomes PV NkT Nk . kT so T 3k 3 3k 2 N 3 (b) From Chapter 9 we know 8.47 1028 m3 and we know E EF 6.76 1019 J . V 5 Thus in SI units we have 2 NE 2 P 8.47 1028 m3 6.76 1019 J 3.82 1010 N/m2 which is quite high. The 3V 3 ideal gas law may not be the best assumption for conduction electrons. 2 NEF 2 NE 2 N 3 EF 37. From the previous problem P . We must be careful because 3V 3V 5 5V 36. (a) E h 2 3N EF depends on the volume as: EF 8m V 2 N h 2 3N 3 P 5V 8 m V The Bulk modulus is: 2/3 B V P 3 V dV 5 3 3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 so N 5/3h2 5/3 V . 20 m N 5/3h 2 5 8/3 V 20 m 3 N 5/3 h 2 5/3 5P V 20 m 3 Using the fact from above that P 5 2 NEF 2 NEF 2 NEF we find B . 3 5V 3V 5V 38. For silver N / V 5.86 1028 m3 and EF 5.49eV . (a) B 2 NEF 2 5.86 1028 m-3 5.49 eV 1.602 1019 J/eV 3.44 1010 N/m2 . 3V 3 (b) The computed result is about one-third of the measured value. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 153 39. (a) Following the arguments in the text, regardless of the sense of rotation of the electron, as the magnetic field increases from zero, the flux upward through the loop increases. Then, as in the text, the tangential electric field is still directed clockwise. The torque does not depend on the sense of rotation either, so the torque is directed out of the e e2 r 2 B , page. Thus the vector L is out of the page which means that L 2m 4m and is directed into the page and thus opposite the direction of B as before. (If the reader is uncertain that the sense of rotation is irrelevant, recall that B B·da . You use the right-hand rule to determine the sense of da . While the direction of da will depend on the sense of rotation, the other side of the equation for Faraday's law contains the expression E·d . The sense of transit along the increment d will also change.) (b) With the field directed into the paper, now the magnetic flux increases downward through the loop. Thus Faraday's law will indicate that the electric field is tangent to the orbit but now directed counterclockwise. Thus the torque will directed into the page and e thus L will be directed into the page. Finally the negative sign in L will 2m e2 r 2 B , with directed out of the page. mean that 4m 40. We use the result of the previous problem and the semi-classical model that m represents a projection of the angular momentum vector on the z-axis and thus represents a sense of rotation. If we say that m 1 represents a clockwise rotation, then m 1 represents a counterclockwise rotation. Regardless of the sense of rotation, there is a diamagnetic effect for both. The electron with m 0 will not contribute to the change in the magnetic moment. The angular momentum of this electron is perpendicular to the magnetic field. There is not magnetic flux through the orbit so Faraday's law indicates there will be no tangential electric field. So the total induced magnetic moment is twice e2 r 2 B e2 r 2 B . the effect of the previous problem. That is 2 2m 4m 41. This is the same as the high-field limit. With B / kT . 1 we have tanh B / kT 1 so © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 154 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 42. (a) See graph: (b) tanh(5) 0.99991 and the approximate result of Problem 41 is off by only 0.009%. (c) tanh(0.10) 0.0997 . The approximate result is off by just 0.3%. 43. The magnetic dipole moment has units of A m2 , so M has units of A m2 m3 A/m . 0 has units of T m/A and B has units T, so 0 M B has units T m/A A / m T which reduces to no unit. 44. (a) If we assume that every atom’s magnetic moment is a Bohr magneton aligned in the same direction, M nB where n is the number density, we have n 7.87 103 kg 1 mol 6.022 1023 28 3 8.49 10 m . Thus m3 0.05585 kg 1mol M nB 8.49 1028 m3 9.274 1024 J/T 7.87 105 A/m . (b) The computed value is almost exactly one-half the measured value. (c) This implies that there are two unpaired spins per atom. T 2 2 45. Bc Bc (0) 1 0.25Bc (0) . Thus T / Tc 0.75 and T 0.75Tc 0.87Tc . Tc Similarly for a ratio of 0.50 we find T 0.50Tc 0.71Tc ; for a ratio of 0.75 we find T 0.25Tc 0.50Tc . 46. The energy gap at T = 2 K is Eg (2 K) hc 1240 eV nm 2.18 103 eV . Inserting 5.68 105 nm T Equation (10.46) into Equation (10.47) gives Eg (T ) 1.74 3.54 kTc 1 . Using Tc 1/2 Eg (2K) 2.18 103 eV and k 8.62 105 eV/K we obtain T 2 4.11 K Tc 1 Tc 1 . Solving this equation using MathCAD we obtain Tc Tc Tc 5.23K which is closest to vanadium. 1/2 1/2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 155 47. Using the value given in the text just below Equation (10.43), Tc 4.146 K for a mass of 203.4 u, we find M 0.5Tc constant 59.1296 u 0.5 K . For a mass of 201 u we find Tc 4.171K and for mass of 204 u we find Tc 4.140 K . 88.906 2 137.34 3 63.546 7 16.00 666.224 . Replacing all of the 48. With with 16 18 O the molar mass in grams is 16 O atoms O atoms adds 14 grams per mole, changing the mass to 680.224. Using the BCS formula for the isotope effect M10.5Tc1 M 20.5Tc 2 and assuming Tc 93K (exactly) for the M 666.224 first sample Tc 2 1 Tc1 93 K 92.0 K , a change of 1.0 K. 680.224 M2 49. Extrapolating on the graph in Figure 10.37, it could be at about 130 K. 1/2 1/2 50. B 0 I n 4 107 N/A2 4.5 A 2500 m1 14.1 mT 0.032 m B d 2 BA 14.1103 T 1.13 105 T m2 4 4 2 1.13 105 T m2 5.5 109 flux quanta . 0 2.068 1015 T m2 This large number shows how small the flux quantum is. 51. We know that for niobium Bc 0.206 T . Then the diameter (twice the radius) is D 2R 0 I 4 10 N/A 2.5 A 4.9106 m which is quite small. B 0.206 T 52. P I 2 R 7 2 I 2L where ρ is resistivity, L is length, and A is area. Since A r 2 we have A I 2L . The surface area is 2 rL so the power per unit area is r2 P I 2L I 2 2 2 3 80 W/m2 . Using r 3.75 104 m we find area r 2 rL 2 r P I2 2 2 3.75 104 m 80 W/m2 3 1.72 108 m 4.842 A 2 so I = 2.2 A. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 156 Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 53. (a) From the BCS theory we have T 2 4.2 2 0.1635 T . From the result of Bc (4.2 K) Bc (0) 1 0.206 T 1 9.25 Tc Bc D 0.1635 T 1.29 10 m Problem 51 we know that we know that I 527A. 4 107 T m/A 0 (b) This current is more than 200 times the current that the copper wire can carry. 54. Because f j is directly proportional to V, the frequency is known to within one part in 3 1010 or (1010 ) 483.6 109 Hz 48.36 Hz, which is pretty fine tuning. 55. By conversion 420 km/h = 119.44 m/s. Then from kinematics v 2 2ax , so v 2 119.44 m/s a 2.38 m/s 2 . This is about g/4 which would certainly be 2x 2 3000 m 2 noticeable. 56. (a) To compute the escape speed use conservation of energy with vesc 1 2 GMm : mvesc Re 2 2 6.673 1011 m3 kg1 s1 5.98 1024 kg 2GM 11.1km/s. 6.378 106 m Re 1.38110 J/K 293 K 1245 m/s. 4 1.66110 kg (b) From Chapter 9 we know 4 v 2 kT 4 m 2 23 27 (c) There are always enough helium atoms on the (high-speed) tail of the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution that a significant number can escape, given enough time. mv 2 qvB or 57. Equating the centripetal force with the Lorentz (magnetic) force we have R mv p qBR . The formula p qBR is also correct relativistically and note that for these extremely high energies E pc qBRc . Therefore the energy is 27000 m 8 E qBRc 1.602 1019 C 13.5T 2.998 10 m/s 2 6 2.786 10 J 17.4 TeV. 58. (a) Let the atoms’ distances from the molecule’s center of mass be r1 and r2, respectively, for the atoms with masses m1 and m2. Thus R = r1 + r2. The rotational inertia is I m1r12 m2 r22 , which can also be written © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 157 m1 m2 m1r12 m1 m2 m2 r22 I m1 m2 m12 r12 m22 r22 m1m2 r12 m1m2 r22 m1 m2 From the definition of center of mass, m1r1 = m2r2. Applying this to the last expression above, 2m m r r m1m2 r12 m1m2 r22 m1m2 r1 r2 I 1 212 m1 m2 m1 m2 2 which reduces to I = R2. (b) Looking up the masses in Appendix 8, m1 = 23.0 u and m1 = 35.0 u. Then I R2 23 u 35 u 1.66 1027 kg 23 u + 35 u u 2.36 10 10 m 1.28 1045 kg m2 2 This answer is in agreement with published values. 59. (a) Using the result of the preceding problem, the rotational inertias of the two isotopes are: I R2 I R2 1 u 35 u 1.66 1027 kg 1 u + 35 u u 1 u 37 u 1.66 1027 kg 1 u + 37 u u 1.27 10 1.27 10 10 10 m 2.603 1047 kg m2 2 m 2.607 1047 kg m2 2 Thus the change is only about 4 1050 kg m2 , a fractional difference of 1.5 × 10−3. (b) Using the two different rotational inertia values from (a), Erot Erot 2 I 2 I 1.0546 10 2.603 10 34 47 1.0546 10 2.607 10 2 kg m 34 47 J s J s 2 2 kg m 2 4.2727 1022 J 4.26611022 J The difference is 6.6 × 10−25 J = 4.1 × 10−6 eV, a very small difference. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 158 Chapter 10 60. (a) With Erot 2 1 2I , for this transition we have Erot Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 2 6 2 2 2I 2 1.055 1034 J s 2 2 I 1.46 1046 kg m2 4 19 Erot 9.55 10 eV 1.602 10 J/eV 2 I . Solving for I, 2 (b) From Problem 58 I = R2, The reduced mass is 12 u 16 u 6.86 u , m1m2 m1 m2 12 u + 16 u so the bond length is I R 1/ 2 1.46 1046 kg m2 27 6.86 u (1.66 10 kg/u) 1/ 2 1.13 1010 m E 1.8 106 J 4.5 1014 W or 150 times the average US power consumption. 61. (a) P 9 t 4.0 10 s (b) The energy of each photon is E = hc/λ = 5.68 × 10−18 J, so the number of photons is 1.8 106 J 3.2 1023 photons. 18 5.68 10 J/photon T B (T ) 1 , so 62. According to BCS theory, c Bc (0) Tc 2 5 105 T T Bc (T ) 1 1 0.9994 2 Tc Bc (0) 4.1110 T For mercury Tc = 4.15 K, so T ≈ 4.148 K, which is probably not noticeable. 1/ 2 1/ 2 63. From Table 10.5, Tc = 3.72 K. Take this to be the transition temperature associated with the weighted atomic mass from the periodic table, 118.7 u. The BCS theory gives the isotope effect for the two isotopes, relative to this average. 0.5 112 c112 For m = 112 u, M T M T 0.5 av c,av Similarly, for m = 124 u, Tc124 , so Tc112 M av0.5Tc,av 0.5 M124 M av0.5Tc,av 0.5 M112 118.7 124 0.5 118.7 112 0.5 3.72 K 3.83 K 3.72 K 3.64 K The transition temperatures differ by 0.19 K. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 10 Molecules, Lasers, and Solids 159 64. (a) In an RL circuit the current is I I 0e Rt / L . For small values of R let us approximate the exponential with the Taylor expansion 1 – Rt/L. Then 109 1 L 3.14 108 H 4.0 1025 . 109 2.5 y 3.16 107 s/y t 0.1 (b) For a 10% loss t 9 2.5 y 2.5 108 y . 10 T 2 65. From the BCS theory B Bc (0) 1 . Then Tc I Rt 1 e Rt / L ; I0 L R 109 3 S B 2 2 Bc2 (0) T T . For numerical values use T = 6 K, T 20 0Tc Tc Tc V Tc 9.25K , and Bc (0) 0.206T . Substituting, we have 2 3 6 2 0.206 T S 6 3 1 2743 J m K . 7 V 4 10 T m/A 9.25 K 9.25 9.25 The volume of one mole of niobium is V 92.91 g 10.84 cm3 1.084 105 m3 and 3 8.57 g/cm thus S 2743 J·m3 K 1 1.084 105 m3 2.97 102 J/K for one mole of niobium. The superconducting state has a lower entropy than the normal state. 66. Provided the supercomputing wire is in its superconducting state and remains in that state, the resistance is zero. Therefore, the resistance of the circuit is determined by the copper wire. V 12V (a) The current, from Ohm’s law is I 8.0A . R 1.5 (b) The potential difference across the copper is 12 V. The superconducting wire will carry the current but will have zero potential difference across it. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 160 Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices Chapter 11 1. The Clement-Quinnell equation, log R log R K B A , can be rearranged to find log R T B A log R K 0 which is a quadratic equation that can be solved T numerically at any given temperature. a) T 77 K : log R 2.372 so R 236 b) 2 T 20K : log R 2.786 so R 610 c) T 1K : log R 7.739 so R 5.48 107 2. log R K B A ; inserting each of the R and T values, we have three equations in log R T three unknowns A, B, K which can be solved to yield A = 2.09, B = 1.96, and K = 1.10. 3. Positive charges drift to the right, so the right side of the strip is at a higher potential and the voltmeter reads a positive value. 4. (a) Starting from Equation (11.6) and with A = yz, we have 0.10 A 0.050 T IB 1.811022 m3 n 19 3 4 eVH z 1.602 10 C 11.5 10 V 1.5 10 m (b) Graphing B versus VH we find a slope of approximately 4.56 T/V. Algebraically we see that B nez ne z . So VH . Thus the slope, m is equal to I I 4.56 T/V 0.10 A mI n 1.90 1022 m3 ez 1.602 1019 C 1.5 104 m 5. E V / L QdT / dx so Q V L dT dx 12.8 106 V 0.10 m 10 K 1.28 106 V/K. 0.1 m 6. From the table 3.03 mV corresponds to 58.4 C . 7. Over most of the table, 0.05 mV corresponds to a temperature change of 1 C. Therefore for 0.01 C there is a corresponding voltage difference of 0.01 0.05 mV 5 107 V. 8. (a) P is in Group V; Ge is in Group IV; so adding phosphorous will create an n-type semiconductor. (b) Ga is in Group III; Ge is in Group IV; so adding gallium will create a p-type semiconductor. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 161 9. The relation between energy and photon wavelength is E hc . The photon must provide enough energy to excite the electron across the gaps, so (a) (b) (c) (d) 1240 eV nm 1850 nm 0.67 eV hc . E 1240 eV nm 1130 nm 1.10 eV 1240 eV nm 3440 nm 0.36 eV 1240 eV nm 344 nm 3.6 eV 10. The relation between energy and photon wavelength is E wavelength 574 nm corresponds to E hc . A photon with 1240 eV nm 2.16 eV. 574 nm 11. Using Equation (11.9), the ratio of currents in forward and reverse is 19 23 eV / kT e f 1 exp 1.60 10 C 1.5 V / 1.38 10 J/K 293 K 1 I r eeVr / kT 1 exp 1.60 1019 C 1.5 V / 1.38 1023 J/K 293 K 1 If which simplifies to If Ir 6.0 1025 . 12. From Equation (11.9), the ratio of the two currents is If Ir e f 1 . eeVr / kT 1 eV / kT When the ratio of forward-bias to reverse-bias current is this high, the first term in the denominator is nearly zero, and the first term in the numerator is much greater than one, I eV / kT so to a good approximation f e f . Solving for Vf, Ir 23 kT I f 1.38 10 J/K 293 K ln ln 106 0.35 V. Vf 1.6 1019 C e Ir © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 162 Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 13. The angle between the solar rays and a vector normal to the surface A is λ. Therefore 0 cos . (a) On the equinox 26 so 0 cos 26 0.900 0 ; On the winter solstice 26 23 49 and 0 cos 49 0.656 0 ; On the summer solstice 26 23 3 and 0 cos 3 0.999 0 (b) On the equinox 50 so 0 cos 50 0.6430 ; On the winter solstice 50 23 73 and 0 cos 73 0.2920 ; On the summer solstice 50 23 27 and 0 cos 27 0.8910 (c) On the equinox 60 so 0 cos 60 0.5000 ; On the winter solstice 60 23 83 and 0 cos 83 0.122 0 ; On the summer solstice 60 23 37 and 0 cos 37 0.799 0 14. We require 109 W 0.3 200W/m2 A, so rearranging 109 W A 1.67 107 m2 2 0.3 200 W/m 15. In general I I 0 exp(eV / kT ) 1 and in Example 11.4 which corresponds to a square array 4.1 km on a side. I0 I 18.16 μA. exp(eV / kT ) 1 0.250 eV 1 1.99A (a) I 18.16 106 A exp 8.617 105 eV/K 250 K 0.250 eV 1 0.288 A 288 mA (b) I 18.16 106 A exp 8.617 105 eV/K 300 K 0.250 eV 1 0.006 A 6.00 mA (c) I 18.16 106 A exp 8.617 105 eV/K 500 K © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 163 16. Because the tube is single-walled, we can find the surface area density, σ in SI units. Each atom has mass 12 u, with u 1.6605 1027 kg . 2.3 1019 atoms/m2 12 u 1.6605 1027 kg/u 4.58 107 kg/m2 (a) To determine the density of the material, we need the mass per unit volume. The mass will equal the mass density, σ from above, times the area A of the cylindrical wall. If the tube’s length is L with radius R, them m 2 RL . Therefore the 7 2 m 2 RL 2 2 4.58 10 kg/m 1300 kg/m3 . density will be R2 L V R 0.7 109 m (b) The material is less dense than steel and has a greater tensile strength. 17. We know the density of the single-walled nanotube from the previous problem. Consider a tube that is 1 nm long. The tube will contain one buckyball. The total mass will be the mass of the tube plus the mass of the buckyball which is m V (60)(12u) 1.6605 1027 kg/u R2 L 1.20 1024 kg. We find the term V equal to 2.0 1024 kg , so the total mass equals 3.2 1024 kg. Therefore the density of the nanotube peapod is 3.2 1024 kg m 3.2 1024 kg 2080 kg/m3 . 2 2 9 9 V R L 0.7 10 m 110 m 18. (a) Using E Eg for the conduction band we have E EF Eg Eg / 2 Eg / 2. Then exp E EF / kT exp Eg / 2kT . With Eg 1 eV for a semiconductor (and larger for an insulator) and kT 1 eV at room temperature, we can see that Eg 2kT and the 40 exponential term will be much greater than 1, so we can neglect the +1 term in the Fermi1 Dirac factor. This leaves FFD exp Eg / 2kT . exp Eg / 2kT 8.0 eV 6.3 1068 (b) FFD exp Eg / 2kT exp 2 8.617 105 eV/K 300 K 1.11 eV 2.8 1010 (c) FFD exp Eg / 2kT exp 5 2 8.617 10 eV/K 293 K 23 (d) For one mole of silicon there are 6 10 atoms, so there are still many conduction electrons available. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 164 Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices with 0 we have for the new Bohr radius 4 0 2 11.7a0 11.7 5.29 102 nm 0.619 nm. 2 me (b) This value is about 2.6 times the lattice spacing. This is consistent with the fact that the electron is very weakly bound, and hence the doped silicon should have a higher electrical conductivity than pure silicon. 19. (a) Replacing 0 a0 20. From the Bohr theory E0 energy E0 4 me4 2 2 2 2 0 2 4 me4 2 2 2 2 0 E0 2 . Replacing 11.7 13.6 eV 2 0 with 0 we have a new Rydberg 0.099 eV . This is more than a factor of ten less than the band gap for pure silicon which is consistent with the idea that the doped version has a higher electrical conductivity. 21. Answers will vary depending on the algorithm used, but one should find that using a second-order method results in some improvement. 22. (a) I I 0 exp eV / kT 1 . To find the value of V for the diode, use the loop rule: V IR 6V so V 6V IR . We are given that I 0 1.05μA and I = 140 mA with T 293 K so I 140 103 1.33 105 exp eV / kT so I 0 1.05 106 ln 1.33 105 R eV e 6V IR . Solving for R we find kT kT 6 V kT ln 1.33 105 / e I (b) VR IR 0.140 A 40.7 5.70V kT ln 8 8.617 10 23. (a) 7 exp eV / kT 1 so V e (b) 0.7 exp eV / kT 1 so 6 V 8.617 10-5 eV/K 293K ln 1.33 105 /e 40.7 0.140A 5 eV/K 293 K ln 8 e 52.5 mV 5 kT ln 0.3 8.617 10 eV/K 293 K ln 0.3 30.4 mV e e hc 1240 eV nm 24. Eg 1.91 eV 650 nm V © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 165 25. The GaN laser’s wavelength is 405 nm, so Eg 26. (a) The total area is 580 10 6 45 10 9 hc 1240 eV nm 3.06 eV. 405 nm m 1.12 106 m2 so each side is the square 2 (b) The area of each transistor is now 32 109 m 1.024 1015 m2 so the number is root of this which equals 1.08 mm. 2 1.12 106 m2 1.09 109 or nearly a factor of 2 improvement. 15 2 1.024 10 m 27. From Problem 18(a) we have FFD exp Eg / 2kT . N Si at T 0 C : Si at T 75 C : Ge at T 0 C : Ge at T 75 C : 1.11 eV 5.67 1011 FFD exp 2 8.617 105 eV/K 273 K 1.11 eV =9.16 109 FFD exp 2 8.617 105 eV/K 348 K 0.67 eV =6.54 107 FFD exp 2 8.617 105 eV/K 273 K 0.67 eV =1.41105 FFD exp 2 8.617 105 eV/K 348 K The Fermi-Dirac factor is orders of magnitude higher in germanium, making the conduction electron density too high. The result is a reverse-bias current that is too large. See Physics Today December 1997 p. 38. E Pt 0.15 200 W 3.156 107 s 9.47 108 J. 28. (a) Energy is power multiplied by time: (b) Converting we find 2.8 1012 kW h 1.011019 J . Then the area is 1.011019 J 1.06 1010 m2 8 2 9.47 10 J/m c) Using 2.5 times the area found in (b) the fraction of the U.S. covered is 2.5 1.06 1010 m2 0.0028 or about one-fourth of one percent. See American Scientist 9.6 1012 m2 July-August 1993, p. 368. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 166 Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 29. From the diode equation the current is I I 0 exp eV / kT 1 . Then the ratio is If Ir I 0 exp eV f / kT 1 I 0 exp eVr / kT 1 (a) At T = 77 K: At T = 273 K: At T = 350 K: . 1.50 eV exp 1 5 If 8.617 10 eV/K 77 K 1.5 1098 Ir 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 77 K 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 273 K If 4.9 1027 Ir 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 273 K 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 350 K If 4.0 1021 Ir 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 350 K 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 600 K If 4.0 1012 At T = 600 K: Ir 1.50 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 600 K (b) The ratio changes significantly as a function of temperature which is something diode designers must keep in mind. 30. (a) An electron can be produced if the 1.11 eV band gap can be overcome. If we divide the total energy available by the band gap energy, the maximum number of electrons 1.04 106 eV 9.37 105 . 1.11 eV (b) If the silicon is cooled well below room temperature, very few electrons will be in the conduction band. At room temperature, however, enough electrons are in the conduction band so that additional current will be measured, tending to mask the gamma-ray signal. that can be produced is N 31. From the diode equation the current is I I 0 exp eV / kT 1 . Then the ratio is If Ir I 0 exp eV f / kT 1 I 0 exp eVr / kT 1 exp eV f / kT 1 exp eVr / kT 1 . Substituting the given values we find © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 167 0.25 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 293 K If 20000 . So the ratio of the currents in the Ir 0.25 eV exp 1 5 8.617 10 eV/K 293 K forward- and reverse-bias is 20,000. 32. Young’s Modulus relates the elongation of an object due to an applied force. The formula F L is Y . Rearranging this formula to solve for F and substituting, we find A L (1.6 109 m)2 L 9 8 F Y A 1050 10 Pa 0.01 2.110 N . L 4 33. The number of bits stored is (4.7 109 )(8) 3.76 1010 bits . To find the area we use A r22 r12 0.0582 0.0232 8.91103 m2 . The number of bits stored per 3.76 1010 bits square meter is then 4.22 1012 bits/m2 . 2 3 8.9110 m the effective useful area is 0.058 m 0.023 m 8.91103 m2 . The average area 34. 25 GB × 8 bits/byte = 200 Gbits With an inner radius of 2.3 cm and outer radius 5.8 cm, 2 2 8.91103 m2 4.46 1014 m2 . For an approximately rectangular bit, the area is 200 109 length times width, so the length is area divided by width, or per bit is 4.46 1014 m2 1.4 107 m = 0.14 μm. 7 3.2 10 m 35. 1 hectare = 104 m2, so 140 hectares = 1.40 × 106 m2. The facility’s power output per unit area is 64 106 W 45.7 W/m2 . 6 2 1.40 10 m 45.7 W/m2 0.073 7.3% . 630 W/m2 This seems low compared with solar cells. However, the NSO facility does not use every square meter of land surface, so the comparison is not an exact one. The efficiency is this output divided by the sun’s input: 36. 3 4 (a) The mass of the dot is m V 4820 kg/m3 2.50 109 m 3.15 1022 kg. 3 From the periodic table, the average mass of a CdS molecule is © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 168 Chapter 11 Semiconductor Theory and Devices 112.4 u + 32.1 u = 144.5 u 2.40 1025 kg. The number of molecules is 3.15 1022 kg 1312.5. The number of atoms is twice this or 2625. 2.40 1025 kg (b) From Chapter 6, the energy levels are given by E n2 h2 . For n = 1, we find 8mL2 6.626 1034 J s h2 E 1.511020 J = 0.094 eV. 8mL2 8 9.111031 kg 2.0 109 m 2 2 (c) The difference in energy levels is nu2 h 2 nl2 h 2 . With nu = 6 and nl = 5, 8mL2 8mL2 E 62 52 0.094 eV = 1.0 eV. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 169 Chapter 12 2h h 1 cos , so max . From Chapter 3 Problem mc mc 51 we know that the kinetic energy of the recoiling particle is 2h / hc from above and for convenience letting K 5.7 MeV. Using mc 1 / 1. From Compton scattering x 2h 2h / (mc ) hc x mc 2 mc 2 , we have K ; x ; K 1 x x 2 mc 2 1 2h / (mc ) 1 x 2 mc 2 2 x Kx K 0. This is a quadratic equation that can be solved numerically to find 2 2 1240 eV nm 2h 2.26 105 nm. The x 0.117 2h / mc , so mcx 938.27 106 eV 0.117 photon's energy is E 2. (a) integral: 6 Li , 18 hc 1240 eV nm 54.9 MeV. 2.26 105 nm F ; (b) half-integral: 3 7 He , Li , 19 F 3. In each case the atomic number equals the number of protons (Z), and the atomic charge is Ze. 4. 3 2 He : Z = 2, N = 1, A = 3, m = 3.02 u 4 2 He : Z = 2, N = 2, A = 4, m = 4.00 u 18 8 O : Z = 8, N =10, A = 18, m = 18.00 u 44 20 Ca : Z = 20, N = 24, A = 44, m = 43.96 u 209 83 Bi : Z = 83, N = 126, A = 209, m = 208.98 u 235 92 U : Z = 92, N = 143, A = 235, m = 235.04 u 6 Li : Z = 3, N = 3 C : Z = 6, N = 7 40 K : Z = 19, N = 21 102 Pd : Z = 46, N = 56 13 5. Ca through 52 Ca ; Isobars 35 P , 36 S , 37 Cl , 38 Ar , 39 K , 40 Ca 6. 14 Isotopes 38 40 S, 40 Cl , 40 Ar , 40 K, 40 Ca ; Isotones 32 Mg , 34 Si 50 N (99.63%), 15 N (0.37%); V (0.250%), 51 V (99.75%); 84 Sr (0.56%), 86 Sr (9.86%), 87 Sr (7.00%), 88 Sr (82.58%) © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 170 Chapter 12 7. 39 Ar (269 y), 46 Ar (8.4 s). 41 Ar (1.822h), 250 42 No (0.25 ms), 251 No (0.8 s), 258 No (1.2 ms), 259 No (58 m), Ar (32.9 y), 43 Ar (5.37 m), 252 44 No (2.30 s), 254 No (55 s), 260 No (106 ms). The Atomic Nucleus Ar (11.87 m), 256 45 Ar (21.48 s), No (2.91 s), 8. From the text nuclear density is 2.3 1017 kg / m3 , which is 2.3 1014 times the density of water. 9. p 2.79N m 0.51100 2.786 N 2.787 e 2.786 1.52 103 mp 938.27 e 1.00116B B 10. From Appendix 8 the mass of the nuclide is 55.935 u or 9.29 1026 kg. m m 9.29 1026 kg 2.29 1017 kg/m3 3 4 3 4 3 4 r r0 A 1.2 1015 m 56 3 3 3 11. The electron binding energy is virtually the same as in hydrogen, or 13.6 eV. The deuteron rest energy is mc2 1876 MeV. The ratio of these is 13.6 eV 7.25 109. 6 1876 10 eV “Nuclear calculations”' might also refer to nuclear binding energies. For the deuteron the binding energy is 2.2 MeV, so the ratio of the electronic to nuclear binding energy is on the order of 105. Therefore it is generally safe to ignore electronic binding energies. 12. Using Equation (12.14), the values of Bd from Equation (12.9) and the atomic deuterium mass in order to evaluate the second term inside the parenthesis, we find Bd 1.00059 Bd 2.22 MeV. Emin Bd 1 2M 2 H c 2 From this calculation we can see that the error is 0.00059 or 0.059%. 13. The incoming photon’s momentum is p. Its energy is hf = pc. By conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the two particles after the reaction is also p, and the total mass is mp + mn. (We will ignore electron masses here.) Conservation of relativistic energy gives pc M d c 2 p 2c 2 m p mn c 2 Squaring both sides of the equation: pc 2 2 . 2 pM d c3 M d2c 4 pc mp mn c 2 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 171 The first term on each side cancels. The resulting equation can be solved for 2pc : m 2 pc p mn c 2 2 M d2c 4 M d c2 m m 2 M 2 c 4 p n d 2 Mdc Now Bd mp mn M d c 2 , so we can substitute mp mn c 2 Bd M d c 2 , giving B M c 2 2 M 2 c 4 2 Bd M d2c 4 2 Bd M d c 2 M d c 4 d d d 2 pc M d c2 M d c2 Bd2 B Bd 2 d 2 2 pc 2 Bd 2 Mdc Mdc Now for the photon pc = hf, and so Bd2 hf Bd 1 2 2M d c which is equivalent to Equation (12.14). 14. (a) Think of the nucleus as the composite of deuteron and 1 n , so that B M 21 H mn M 31 H c 2 . Use the atomic masses from Appendix 8: B 2.014102 u 1.008665 u 3.016049 u c 2 931.49 MeV/ u c 2 6.26 MeV (b) With the nucleus as two neutrons and a proton, we have: B 2mn M 11 H M 31 H c 2 B 2 1.008665 u + 1.00728u 3.016049 u c 2 931.49 MeV/ u· c 2 8.48 MeV (c) The difference is just the binding energy of the deuteron, 2.22 MeV. This makes sense, because the first step (a) separates the triton into a neutron and deuteron, and a second step of separating the deuteron into a proton and neutron completes the disintegration of the original nucleus. 15. The distance equals the nuclear radius: r r0 A1/3 1.2 fm 31/3 1.73fm GMm 6.673 10 Fg 2 r 11 N m2 / kg 2 1.673 1027 kg 1.73 10 15 m 2 2 6.24 1035 N © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 172 Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 19 9 2 2 ke2 8.988 10 N m / C 1.602 10 C 77.1 N Fe 2 2 15 r 1.73 10 m 2 2 2 11 27 GMm 6.673 10 N·m / kg 1.673 10 kg Vg 6.7 1037 MeV 15 13 r 1.73 10 m 1.602 10 J/MeV To compare with the strong force, we need the potential energy: 2 9 2 2 19 ke2 8.988 10 N m / C 1.602 10 C 0.83MeV Ve r 1.73 1015 m 1.602 1013 J/MeV 2 The electrostatic force is about 50 times weaker than the strong force. The gravitational force is almost 1038 times weaker than the strong force. 19 9 2 2 ke2 8.988 10 N m / C 1.602 10 C 40.0 N. We can also compare the Fe 2 2 15 r 2.4 10 m 16. The required nuclear force must be at least of this magnitude: 2 19 9 2 2 ke2 8.988 10 N m / C 1.602 10 C 0.60 MeV potential energy: V r 2.4 1015 m 1.602 1013 J/MeV 2 A1 Z B M AZ1 X mn M ZA X c 2 (b) Details for 6 Li are shown. The other examples are similar. Use the atomic masses from Appendix 8: B M 5 Li mn M 6 Li c 2 17. (a) Think of the nucleus as the composite of X and 1 n , so that 5.012540 u 1.008665 u 6.015122 u c 2 931.49 MeV/ u· c 2 5.67 MeV 16 O : B M 15 O mn M 16 O c 2 15.7 MeV 207 Pb : B M 206 Pb mn M 207 Pb c 2 6.74 MeV that B M ZZ 11Y M 1 H M ZA X c 2 . (b) 8 Be : B M 7 Li M 1 H M 8 Be c 2 18. (a) As in the previous problem, consider the nucleus as the composite of A1 Z 1 Y and 1 H , so 7.016004 u 1.007825 u 8.005305 u c 2 931.49 MeV/ u·c 2 17.3 MeV 15 O : B M 14 N M 1 H M 15 O c 2 7.3 MeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 32 The Atomic Nucleus 173 S : B M 31 P M 1 H M 32 S c 2 8.9 MeV 19. The energy release comes from the mass difference: E mc 2 3 M 4 He M 12 C c 2 3 4.002603 u 12.000 u c 2 931.49 MeV/ u c 2 7.27 MeV 20. With an even number of nucleons the 4 He nucleus has integer spin. Because alignment is unlikely, the net spin should be zero. The 3 He nucleus has three nucleons, so its spin is half-integer. Because alignment is unlikely, the net spin should be one-half. 21. As in Problem 18, B M 106 Pd M 1 H M 107 Ag c2 5.8 MeV. The electron binding energy is less be a factor of 5.8 MeV / 25.6 keV 227. 22. For 4 He the radius is r r0 A1/ 3 1.2 fm 41/ 3 1.90fm. V For e2 1 1.44 109 eV m 0.76 MeV 4 0 r 1.90 1015 m 40 Ca: ECoul 2 3 Z Z 1 e 0.72 Z Z 1 A1/3 MeV 5 4 0 R 0.72 20 19 401/3 MeV 80 MeV For 208 Pb: ECoul 0.72 82 81 2081/3 MeV 807 MeV There is roughly a factor of ten between each of these three nuclides. 23. Refer to Equation (12.20), the vonWeizsäcker semi-empirical mass formula. Adding another neutron to 18 O reduces from to 0, makes the symmetry term more negative, and makes the surface term more negative. The net effect of these three terms more than offsets the increase in the volume term. 24. Refer to Equation (12.20), the von Weizsäcker semi-empirical mass formula. drops from in 42 Ca to 0 in 41 Ca . The volume term is substantially higher in 42 Ca , more than offsetting the difference in the surface effect. The symmetry term is only slightly higher for 42 Ca . Comparing 42 Ca and 42 Ti , we see that the coulomb term is higher in 42 Ti , because it has two more protons. Therefore, we have: B X aV A a A A N Z 25. We begin with Equation (12.20) and substitute Equation (12.19) for the Coulomb term. A Z 2/3 0.72 Z Z 1 A 1/3 aS A 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 174 Chapter 12 B Ca 14MeV 48 13MeV 48 20·19 0.72 Evaluating this expression for 48 Ca , we have: This gives B 48 20 48 20 48 Ca 401.492 MeV which equals 2/ 3 1/ 3 19MeV The Atomic Nucleus 28 20 48 2 33MeV . 483/ 4 c2 u 2 401.492 MeV 0.43102 u c . From Equation (12.10), we can calculate the 931.5MeV 48 48 Ca 28 mn 20 M 1 H B 20 Ca / c 2 . Substituting, we find mass: M 20 48 M 20 Ca 28 1.008665u 20 1.007825u 0.43102 u c 2 / c 2 47.9681u, or 931.5MeV 4 2 47.9681u 4.468 10 MeV / c . The atomic mass given in Appendix 8 is 2 c u 47.952534 u. Our calculation based on a semi-empirical formula is different by about 0.03%. 26. (a) We use Equation (12.20) to calculate the binding energy with Equation (12.19) for the Coulomb term. We find that (33MeV) 183/4 3.776 MeV for the pairing term, so 3.776MeV for 18 N but 3.776 MeV for the others, which are even-even nuclei. Once we determine the binding energy, we must divide by 18 to find the binding energy per nucleon. Evaluating this expression for 186 C , we have: B C 14 MeV 18 13MeV 18 18 6 120.2466 MeV 2/3 6 5 0.72 181/ 3 19 MeV 12 6 18 2 3.776 MeV which gives a binding energy per nucleon for 186 C of 6.68 MeV. The values for the other elements are 7.25 MeV, 8.16 MeV, and 7.64 MeV in the order given. (b) The nuclide 18 O is most stable, which is expected because it is the closest to having the same number of neutrons and protons and it is even-even. (c) Using the information in Appendix 8 and Equation (12.10), the binding energy of 18 O is: B 188 O 10 mn 8M 1 H M 188 O c 2 0.1501u c 2 139.8 MeV which gives a binding energy of 7.77 MeV per nucleon. 27. ln 2 ln 2 4.167 109 s 1 7 t1/2 5.271 y 3.156 10 s/y 4.4 107 s 1 1.06 1016 ; 9 1 4.167 10 s 1 mol 60 g m 1.06 1016 1.05 μg 6.022 1023 mol N R © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 175 R0 ln 5 at t T 3600 s ; 5 T ln 2 ln 2 ln 2 T 3600 s 1550 s 26 minutes ln 5 ln 5 28. R R0e t t1/2 29. In general (using the definition of the mean value of a function) t R(t ) dt 0 R(t ) dt 1 N0 0 t R(t ) dt because all nuclei must decay between t = 0 and t . Using R R0e t we have N R R 1 1 t 0 te t dt 0 % 2 2 0 1/2 . 0 N0 ln 2 N0 N0 0 U and 4% 235 U the number N of 238 U atoms is 1 mol 6.022 1023 0.96 26 N 10 kg 6.15 10 . [A careful reading of example 0.235 kg mol 0.04 12.11 indicates that the fuel rod has 10-kg of 235 U . The final ratio in the equation is to determine the amount of 238 U present in the sample.] The half-life for 238 U alpha emission is found in Appendix 8 as 4.47 109 y which equals 1.411017 s . Therefore, ln 2 ln 2 R N N 6.15 1026 3.02 109 Bq . 17 t1/2 1.4110 s 30. With 96% 31. 238 ln 2 ln 2 1.720 1017 s 1 using the t1/2 for 9 7 t1/2 1.277 10 y 3.156 10 s/y Appendix 8. N 60 kg 40 K from 1 mol 6.022 1023 0.00012 0.003 3.252 1020 0.040 kg mol R N 1.720 1017 s1 3.252 1020 5.6 103 Bq 32. ln 2 ln 2 1.052 104 s 1 t1/2 109.8 min 60 s/min R R0et 1.2 107 Bq exp 1.052 104 s1 48 3600s 0.153 Bq © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 176 Chapter 12 33. The Atomic Nucleus ln 2 ln 2 5.622 102 y1. The mass decreases by the same exponential t1/ 2 12.33 y factor as N, so m m0et 75 kg exp 5.622 102 y1 7 y 51 kg 34. For convenience assume a mass of 1 kg of each material. 1 mol 6.022 1023 For H: N 1 kg 2.011026 0.003 kg mol ln 2 ln 2 5.622 102 y1 t1/2 12.33 y 3 R N 5.622 102 y1 2.011026 1.13 1025 y1 1 mol 6.022 1023 2.711024 For Rn: N 1 kg 0.222 kg mol ln 2 ln 2 66.28 y1 t1/2 3.82 d 1 y/365.25 d 222 R N 66.28 y1 2.711024 1.80 1026 y1 Pu: N 1 kg 1 mol 6.022 1023 2.52 1024 0.239 kg mol For 239 ln 2 ln 2 2.875 105 y1 t1/2 24110 y R N 2.875 105 y1 2.52 1024 7.245 1019 y1 The order of activity is 222 Rn 3 H 35. The decays in question are 52 239 Pu . Fe n 51 Fe and 52 Fe p 51 Mn. neutron decay: Q 51.948117 50.956825 1.008665 u c2 16.2MeV which is not allowed because Q 0 . proton decay: Q 51.948117 50.948216 1.007825 u c2 7.4MeV which is not allowed because Q 0 . Because decay. 40 Fe has an excess of protons, it should 36. The separation energy is the energy required to “extract” a nucleon from the nucleus and is equal to the absolute value of the Q values found: 7.7 MeV for the neutron and 5.6 MeV for the proton. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 177 37. We need not consider decay, because there is no physical object with mass 1 and charge 2. The decay is p n , with Q mp mn me c 2 1.0072876 1.008665 0.00054858 u· c 2 1.8MeV, which is not allowed with Q 0 . For electron capture p n , with Q mp me mn c 2 1.0072876 1.008665 0.00054858 u· c 2 0.79 MeV, which is not allowed with Q 0 . 38. For 144 Sm: Q M 144 Sm M 140 Nd M 4 He c 2 143.911995 139.909310 4.002603 u c 2 0.076 MeV For 147 Sm: Q M 147 Sm M 143 Nd M 4 He c 2 146.914893 142.909810 4.002603 u· c 2 2.31 MeV With Q 0 both isotopes may decay, though the lighter one is barely stable. The 147 Sm 11 abundance is greater because its decay has an extremely long half-life of 10 years. 39. The decay is 241 Am 237 Np 4He . Q M 241 Am M 237 Np M 4 He c 2 241.056823 237.048167 4.002603 u· c 2 5.64 MeV By Equation (12.32) the emitted alpha particle's energy is A4 237 K Q 5.64 MeV 5.55 MeV . Then by conservation of energy the A 241 daughter's kinetic energy is 0.09 MeV. 40. Let M be the mass of the decaying nucleus, E1 and p1 the energy and momentum of the recoiling nucleus, and let E2 and p2 be the energy and momentum of the . Then by conservation of momentum p1 p2 0 , and by conservation of energy Mc 2 E1 E2 . Then using the energy-momentum invariant E 2 p 2c 2 E02 one can rewrite the energy conservation equation in terms of the two momenta. Then we would have two equations in two unknowns ( p1 and p2 ), and by the laws of algebra there are unique solutions for p1 and p2 . Hence there are unique solutions for E1 and E2 . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 178 Chapter 12 41. The Atomic Nucleus Br 76 As 4 He : Q 79.918530 75.922394 4.002603 u·c2 6.0 MeV (not allowed) 80 80 Br 80 Kr : Q 79.918530 79.916378 u· c2 2.0MeV (allowed) ; Br 80 Se : Q 79.918530 79.916522 2 0.000549 u· c2 0.85 MeV (allowed) 80 Br 80 Se : Q 79.918530 79.916522 u· c2 1.9MeV(allowed) 80 42. Ac 223 Fr 4 He : Q 227.027747 223.019731 4.002603 u c2 5.0 MeV (allowed) 227 Ac 227 Th : Q 227.027747 227.027699 u c2 0.045MeV (allowed, barely) 227 Ac 227 Ra : Q 227.027747 227.029171 2 0.000549 u c2 2.3 MeV (not allowed) 227 Ac 227 Ra : Q 227.027747 227.029171 u c2 1.3MeV (not allowed) 227 43. Pa 226 Ac 4 He : Q 230.034533 226.026090 4.002603 u c2 5.4 MeV (allowed) 230 Pa 230 U : Q 230.034533 230.033927 u c2 0.56MeV (allowed) 230 Pa 230 Th : Q 230.034533 230.033127 2 0.000549 u c2 0.29 MeV (allowed) 230 Pa 230 Th : Q 230.034533 227.033127 u c2 1.3MeV (allowed) 230 44. Looking at Figure 12.16 it appears the gamma ray energy can be 0.226 MeV or 0.230 MeV in a transition from Ex to the ground state. Clearly a 0.072 MeV transition is possible. There are also two possible transitions from Ex to the 0.072 MeV level. The energies of those gamma rays are 0.226 MeV 0.072 MeV 0.154 MeV and 0.230 MeV 0.072 MeV 0.158 MeV . 45. After six days the number of radon atoms remaining is ln 2 6 d N N 0 exp 0.3367 N 0 3.82 d © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 179 Therefore the partial pressure of radon is 0.337 atm after 6 days. At first glance one might assume that the partial pressure of the helium is therefore 0.663 atm. But the problem leads to an interesting example. Note that 222 Rn decays entirely by alpha decay. If we continue to follow the decay chain, however, the daughter 218 Po , can decay either by alpha or with a half-life of 3.10 minutes; however, 99.98% of the time, 218 Po decays by emitting an alpha to 214 Pb . 214 Pb is also unstable and decays via to 214 Bi with a half-life of 26.8 minutes. 214 Bi decays 99.9% of the time via decay to 214 214 Po with a half-life of 19.9 minutes. Finally 210 Po decays by alpha decay to Pb which has a half-life of 22.3 year which is quite long with respect to the 6 days of the problem. Notice that all of the other half-lives are short with respect to 6 days. Therefore the decay chain has produces 3alphas, not 1. Using standard chemistry, the ratio of the partial pressures is the same as the ratio of the molecules. The partial pressure of the helium is therefore 3 0.663 atm 1.99 atm. 46. Co decays by to gamma ray. 60 60 Ni . The daughter nucleus is in an excited state and emits a 47. There are three explanations. Looking at the Q formulas, we see that two extra electron masses are required for decay, and this energy may not be available in “close calls.” Second, the product of decay should be more stable with a greater N/A ratio. Finally, successive alpha decays place daughters farther and farther below the line of stability. Only decays can move back in the direction of the stability line. O 14 N we have Q 14.008595 14.003074 2 0.000549 u c2 4.1 MeV which is allowed. 48. For the reaction 14 For the other reaction p n we have Q 1.007825 1.008665 2 0.000549 u c2 1.8 MeV which is not allowed. 49. From Equation (12.50) R N 206 Pb N 238 U et 1 . Rearranging we have t 4.47 109 y ln 1.76 3.65 109 y ln 2 4.47 109 y For R 3.1: t ln 4.1 9.10 109 y ln 2 The large time difference implies different origins. For R 0.76 : t 50. t1/2 ln R 1 . ln 2 K , 87 Rb , 138 La , and 147 Sm have half-lives that are close to the age of the earth. However, of these only 87 Rb and 147 Sm have reasonable abundances. 40 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 180 Chapter 12 51. As in Problem 40 t 52. R N 206 Pb N 238 U The Atomic Nucleus 4.47 109 y ln 1.01 6.4 107 y. ln 2 et 1 eln 2 1 1 where the substitution for occurs since the time given in the problem almost exactly matches the half-life of U-238. Thus t ln(2) / t1/2 t ln(2) . A more exact answer would be t ln(2) / 4.47 109 4.6 109 1.03ln(2) and thus the ratio would be R N 206 Pb N 238 U e t 1 e 1.03 ln 2 1 1.04 revealing a slightly higher amount of lead. 53. From the A values it is clear that there are 28 / 4 7 alpha decays. Seven alpha decays reduces Z from 92 to 78, so there must be four decays in order to bring Z up to 82. There are other possible combinations of beta decays (including and electron capture), but the net result must be a change of four charge units. We would have to look at a table of nuclides to determine the exact chain(s). 54. 0.0072 N 0 235 U N0 238 U N 235 U N 238 U 0.0072 N 0 235 U exp 235t N 0 238 U exp 238t exp 238t exp 235t so ln 2 ln 2 9 0.0072 exp 0.301 4.5 10 y 9 9 0.7038 10 y 4.468 10 y or 30.1%. ln 2 24 h 55. (a) After one day N N 0 exp 0.519 N 0 so 51.9 g is still 25.39 h remainder (41.1 g) is almost all 248 Cf , because its half-life is 334 days. 252 Fm . The (b) After one month the amount of fermium is ln 2 30 24 h 9 N N 0 exp N 0 2.9 10 0 . Almost none of the fermium is 25.39 h left. It is more difficult to determine the remaining amount of 248 Cf. Of the amount created on the first day of the month the remaining amount is about ln 2 29 d N0 exp 0.942 N0 333.5 d © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 181 Of the amount created on the fourth day of the month the remaining amount is about ln 2 25 d N0 exp 0.949 N0 . Because most of the fermium decayed within the 333.5 d first four days, we can see that the sample should be between 94% and 95% remaining as 248 Cf by the end of the month. (c) Five years is more than five half-lives of californium, so there is very little of it left. However, the half-life of curium is 18.1years, so there is at least ln 2 5 y 244 N0 exp 0.826 N0 of Cm after five years. 18.1 y (d) After 100 years more than five half-lives of 244 Cm have elapsed. The half life of its decay product 240 Pu is quite long, 6593 years, so most of the sample is 240 Pu after 100 years. 240 236 U with a half-life of 6563 years, the next decay is to 232 Th, with a half-life of 2.34 107 y. It takes this amount of time for “most”' of the sample to be thorium. (e) After Pu decays to 56. (a) t1/2 7.7 1024 y 2.4 1032 s; R N (b) ln 2 N A ln 2 6.022 1023 1.36 108 s1 kg 1 32 t1/ 2 0.128 kg 2.4 10 s 0.128 kg 10 s 1 7.36 108 kg. This is not a realistic sample size. 8 1 1 1.36 10 s kg 57. (a) The magnesium isotope has Z > N, which is generally not favorable to stability. On the other hand, the sodium isotope has N − Z = 1, which is favorable in this range of A. Therefore we expect 23Mg to be less stable. (b) Emitting an alpha particle would still leave Z > N, and emitting an electron would raise the Z value even further. Thus the only candidates are positron emission 23Mg→ 23 Na + β+ and electron capture 23Mg + β− → 23Na. We find the Q values for both reactions: Positron emission: Q M 23 Mg M 23 Na 2me c 2 Q 22.994125 u 22.989770 u 2(0.000549 u) c2 0.003257 u c2 3.03 MeV Electron capture: Q M 23 Mg M 23 Na c 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 182 Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus Q 22.994125 u 22.989770 u c2 0.004355 u c2 4.06 MeV As expected, both processes are allowed. 58. For 36Ar: B 18mn 18M 1 H M 36 Ar c 2 ; B = 0.329274 u∙c2 = 306.7 MeV so B/A = 8.52 MeV/nucleon. For 76Se: B 42mn 34M 1 H M 76 Se c 2 ; B = 0.710766 u∙c2 = 662.1 MeV so B/A = 8.71 MeV/nucleon. This is the expected result, and matches the asymmetric shape of the curve in Figure 12.6. 59. The resulting nucleus is 16O. If it experienced alpha decay, the resulting nucleus would be 12 C. The Q for this reaction is given by Equation (12.31): Q M 16 O M 12 C M 4 He c 2 Q 15.994914 u 12.0 u 4.002603 u c2 0.007689 u c2 7.16 MeV For β− decay, 16O → 16F + β−, and Q is given by Q M 16 O M 16 F c 2 Q 15.994914 u 16.011466 u c2 0.016552 u c2 15.4 MeV For β+ decay, 16O → 16N + β+, and Q is given by Q M 16 O M 16 N 2me c 2 Q 15.994914 u 16.006101 u 2(0.000549 u) c2 0.012285 u c2 11.4 MeV For electron capture, 16O + β− → 16N, and Q is given by Q M 16 O M 16 N c 2 Q 15.994914 u 16.006101 u c2 0.011187 u c2 10.4 MeV Q for each reaction is negative, proving that 16O is stable. 60. The resulting nucleus is 13N. If it experienced alpha decay, the resulting nucleus would be 9 B. The Q for this reaction is given by Equation (12.31): Q M 13 N M 9 B M 4 He c 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 183 Q 13.005739 u 9.013329 u 4.002603 u c2 0.010193 u c2 9.49 MeV For β− decay, 13N → 13O + β−, and Q is given by Q M 13 N M 13 O c 2 Q 13.005739 u 13.024810 u c2 0.019071 u c2 17.8 MeV For β+ decay, 13N→ 13C + β+, and Q is given by Q M 13 N M 13 C 2me c 2 Q 13.005739 u 13.003355 u 2(0.000549 u) c2 0.001286 u c2 1.20 MeV For electron capture, 13N + β− → 13C, and Q is given by Q M 13 N M 13 C c 2 Q 13.005739 u 13.003355 u c2 0.002484 u c2 2.22 MeV Positron decay and electron capture are allowed, and this nucleus is unstable. 61. Adding charge dq to a solid sphere of radius r we have an energy change dE Q dq 4 0 r 4 r 3 is the charge already there and is the charge density. Also we know 3 16 2 2 r 4 dr . dq dV 4 r 2 dr . Making those substitutions gives dE 3 4 0 where Q Integrating from 0 to R we find E R 3 Ze 16 2 R5 3Q 3Q 2 . 3 15 4 0 4 R 5 4 0 R 5 4 0 R 0 Q / V 3Q / 4 R3 , so E 16 2 2 r 4 16 2 2 R5 . The charge density is dr 3 4 0 15 4 0 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 184 Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 62. For x use the diameter 2r 2r0 A1/3 2 1.2 fm 21/3 3.02 fm. Then pmin / 2x and 2 2 197.3 109 eV m pmin 569 keV 2m 8m x 2 8 938 106 eV 3.02 1015 m 2 2 K min h 2hx 4 x 4 3.02 fm 38 fm. p These results are reasonable, because the energy is smaller than the deuteron's binding energy, and the wavelength computed is the maximum wavelength, so the actual wavelength may be less. Shorter wavelengths, corresponding to the size of the nucleus, are allowed by the uncertainty principle. 63. The parity term in the semi-empirical formula, along with the more negative coulomb and symmetry terms, keep larger odd-odd nuclei from being stable. The spins are significant in this case, because transitions with very large J are very forbidden. 64. With an even number of neutrons this isotope is apparently the most stable judging from the semi-empirical formula. The alpha decay would be 165 Ho 161 Tb 4 He with Q 164.930319 160.927566 4.002603 u c2 0.14 MeV . With a very low Q value, this process is allowed, but barely. With such a small Q value, it is difficult to overcome the nuclear attraction. 65. (a) Radon is created at a rate 1 N1 and lost at a rate 2 N 2 , so the net change is dN2 / dt 1 N1 2 N2 . dN 2 (b) Using separation of variables dt. Let u 1 N1 2 N2 so du 2 dN2 1 N1 2 N 2 du 2 dt and ln u 2t ln(const.). (because we assume N1 is constant). Then u u (const.)e2t 1 N1 2 N2 . To determine the constant, set N 2 0 at t = 0, so the N constant is 1 N1. 1 N1e2t 1 N1 2 N2 or rearranging N 2 1 1 1 e 2t . 2 (c) For large t we have e 2t 0 , and so N2 1 N1 / 2 (which is constant). 66. (a) From the uncertainty principle Et / 2 , so 6.582 1016 eV s E 1.73 106 eV. 10 2t 2 1.9 10 s (b) We have 5E / E v / c , which we can solve for v: 5 1.73 106 eV 5E v c 2.998 108 m/s 2.01 cm/s. E 129 103 eV 67. (a) Examining the mass numbers it must come from four alpha decays of 238 U. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus 185 (b) From the table of nuclides the decays are: 218 Po 214Pb + 4He ; 214 Pb 214 Bi + ; 214 Po 210 Rn 218Po 4He ; 214 Bi 214 Po ; 222 Pb + 4He (c) The only half-life longer than an hour is the first decay, with t1/2 3.8 days. Therefore more than half the decays will occur in four days. 68. (a) Both 4 He and 16 O are “doubly magic”; that is both Z and N are magic numbers. These elements are more tightly bound than nuclei around them. (b) Because 208 Pb has Z = 82 and N = 126 it is doubly magic. It is particularly stable and its binding energy is high. Other nuclei around it are unstable because of the large Coulomb energy. (c) 40 Ca is doubly magic and is the most stable of the calcium isotopes. It is the heaviest nuclide with Z = N. 48 Ca is also stable and has Z = 20 and N = 28 which are both magic numbers. Six isotopes of calcium are stable with Z = 20 and various values of N. 69. 4 2 He ; 16 8 O; 40 20 Ca ; 48 20 Ca ; 208 82 Pb 70. (a) We use the atomic masses in Appendix 8 to find Q and then Equation (12.32) to find Kα for each isotope. For the decay of 218Ra, the reaction is 218Ra → 214Rn + 4He and Q M 218 Ra M 214 Rn M 4 He c2 Q 218.007124 u 213.995346 u 4.002603 u c2 0.009175 u c2 8.55 MeV A4 K Q 8.39 MeV A Similarly we find K 7.46 MeV for 220Ra and K 6.56 MeV for 222Ra. (b) Notice that the graph in Figure 12.12 is logarithmic, suggesting that we try an exponential function of the form t1/ 2 Ae BK . (The model of alpha decay in Section 6.7 also suggests an exponential function.) To fit the straight line between the 218 and 222 isotopes as suggested, take the natural logarithm: ln t1/ 2 ln A BK © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 186 Chapter 12 The Atomic Nucleus Thus we can find the slope B: B ln t1/ 2 11.068 3.638 8.04 K 8.39 6.56 where we used the half-lives given in Appendix 8. Now using the 222Ra data point in the original equation we find A 3.06 1024. The parameters A and B complete the model. (c) Using K 7.46 MeV for 220Ra, our function in part (b) estimates t1/2 = 27 ms. This is within a factor of two of the actual value 17 ms. It is to be expected that the estimate will be high, given the concave nature of the graph. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 187 Chapter 13 1. (a) 4 2 He (b) 11 H (c) 18 9 F 76 34 (d) Se (e) 108 48 (b) 7 Li( p, ) 4 He (c) 15 N( , p)18 O O(d , n)17 F (e) 107 Ag(3 He,4 He) 106 Ag (f) 162 Dy(3 He, p) 164Ho 2. (a) 16 (f) 23 He Cd (d) 76 Se(d , n)77 Br 6.022 1023 19 g 3. Probability is equal to nt , or nt 3.2 cm 0.68 1024 cm2 0.10 3 238 g cm 21 3 19 6 16 4. p Ne , He F , and Li O 6.022 1023 10.5 g 0.2 cm 17 1024 cm2 0.20 108 g cm3 6. We can find the probability of landing in a solid angle : 2 6.022 1023 100 106 g d 27 cm 3 nt 0.25 10 3 10 sr 12 g cm2 d sr 5. The probability is nt : nt 3.76 1012 1 6.24 1011 s 1 The rate of incident particles is 0.20 106 C/s 2 1.602 1019 C 11 1 12 so the rate of detected particles is 6.24 10 s 3.76 10 2.35 s1 and the number detected in one hour is 2.35 s1 3600 s 8460 . O(n, ) 13C (d) 16 O( , p) 19 F 7. (a) 16 O(d , n) 17 F (e) 16 O(d ,3 He) 15 N (b) 16 (c) 16 (f) 16 O( , p) 15 N O(7 Li, p) 22 Ne All the products listed above are stable except the one in part (b). 8. (a) Q M (16 O) M (2 H) M (4 He) M (14 N) u c 2 3.11 MeV (exothermic) (b) Q M (12 C) M (12 C) M (2 H) M (22 Na) u c 2 7.95 MeV (endothermic) (c) Q M (23 Na) M (1 H) M (12 C) M (12 C) u c2 2.24 MeV (endothermic) 24 9. (b) K th 7.95 MeV 15.9 MeV 12 24 (c) K th 2.24 MeV 2.34 MeV 23 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 188 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 10. In the center of mass system we require 9.63 MeV M 16 O c2 9.63 MeV 14899.10 MeV 14908.73 MeV We also have M 4 He c2 M 12 C c 2 3728.38 MeV 11177.93 MeV 14906.31 MeV Therefore we need 14908.73 MeV 14906.31 MeV 2.42 MeV in bombarding energy. 16 In the lab frame 2.42 MeV 3.23 MeV. The lifetime of the state can be 12 computed using the uncertainty principle: / 2 so 6.582 1016 eV s 6.45 1022 s. 3 2 2 510 10 eV 11. (a) Q K y KY K x 1.1 MeV 8.4 MeV 5.5 MeV 4.0 MeV (b) The Q value does not change for a particular reaction. 12. Q M (20 Ne) M (4 He) M (12 C) M (12 C) u c2 4.62 MeV 24 4.62 MeV 5.54 MeV 20 The sum of the carbon kinetic energies is K y KY Q K x 4.62 MeV 45 MeV 40.4 MeV. K th 13. Letting M mb mB , 1 v 2 / c 2 1/2 2 , and 1 vcm / c2 conservation of energy and conservation of momentum: mAc 2 ma c 2 Mc 2 ma v Mvcm 2 ma2 1 2 2 M 2 1 2 ; 2 ma2 ma2 2 M 2 M 2 2 Squaring the second expression and dividing by c , we have: 1/ 2 , we have from 2 ma2v 2 c2 2 2 M 2vcm c2 From the energy equation M mA ma , so 2 ma2 ma2 mA ma M 2 . 2 After multiplying the binomial and rearranging we have 2 ma mA M 2 ma2 mA2 . 2 1 ma mA M 2 ma2 2mAma mA2 M 2 ma mA K th 1 ma c 2 M 2 ma mA c 2 2 2mA 2 M ma mA M ma mA c 2 2mA mA ma mB mb 2mA 14. The energy available for the gamma ray is Q M (10 B) M (n) M (11 B) u c 2 11.5 MeV. Q © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 189 15. The kinetic energy is Q 5.0 MeV , or K M (9 Be) M (4 He) M (n) M (12 C) u c 2 4.61 MeV 5.70 MeV 4.61 MeV 10.3 MeV 16. (a) Q M (16 O) M (4 He) M (1 H) M (19 F) u c 2 8.11 MeV 20 8.11 MeV 10.14 MeV 16 (b) Q M (12 C) M (2 H) M (3 He) M (11 B) u c 2 10.46 MeV K th 14 10.46 MeV 12.21 MeV 12 6.022 1023 17. (a) N 40 103 g 4.0831020 59 g K th Activation rate n 4.083 1020 20 1028 m2 1.0 1018 m2 s 1 8.166 1011 s1 Then in one week the number of 60 Co produced is 8.166 1011 s1 7 86400 s 4.94 1017. (b) Because the half-life of 60 Co is much longer than one week, we can assume almost all the nuclei produced are still present. The activity is ln 2 ln 2 R N N 4.94 1017 2.06 109 Bq 8 t1/2 1.66 10 s 40 103 g 1942 g 2.06 109 Bq We would put 1.94 kg of 59 Co into the reactor for one week. (c) 1.0 1014 Bq 18. The equation for K cm is correct because we know from classical mechanics that the system is equivalent to a mass M x M X moving with a speed vcm , so the center 1 2 of mass kinetic energy is Kcm M x M X vcm . Letting M M x M X we have by 2 conservation of momentum Mvcm M x vx , or vcm M x vx / M . Therefore Kcm 1 1 M2 1 M x2 2 2 Mvcm M x2 vx2 vx 2 2 M 2 M M v 2 1 M x2 2 M x vx2 M x M x vx2 M M x Klab K cm x x Kcm vx 1 M 2 2 M 2 2 M MX K lab K cm Mx MX © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 190 Chapter 13 19. Kcm Nuclear Interactions and Applications MX 14 Klab 6.7 MeV 5.21 MeV Mx MX 18 E* M (14 N) M (4 He) M (18 F) u c2 4.41 MeV 9.62 MeV Ex E* Kcm 20. A small amount of the neutron’s energy must be used in recoil, so the amount of energy that can go into excitation is 208 14 MeV 13.93 MeV 209 The net excitation energy is this plus the available mass-energy, so E* 13.93 MeV + M (208 Pb) M (n) M ( 209 Pb) u c 2 13.93 MeV +3.94 MeV or E* 17.9 MeV. Because of the excited nucleus, we expect gamma decay. 21. From Chapter 12 the radius of the nucleus is r 14 N 1.2 fm 141/ 3 2.89 fm. At that radius the potential energy is V 2 7 1.44 109 eV m q1q2 6.98 MeV. 4 0 r 2.89 1015 m Q M (14 N) M (4 He) M (1 H) M (17 O) u c2 1.19 MeV Kexit Q K 1.19 MeV 7.7 MeV 6.51 MeV K ( p) K (17 O). Most of the energy at the forward angle will be in the proton, so there could be sufficient energy to overcome the 6.98 MeV barrier in a tunneling process (though it appears to be forbidden classically). 22. From Chapter 12 Problem 29 we see that the mean lifetime is t 109 ms 1/2 157 ms ln 2 ln 2 6.582 1016 eV s 2.10 1015 eV. Then from Equation (13.13) 2 2 0.157 s 17 Ne can decay by positron decay or electron capture. 23. E* M (1 H) M (16 O) M (17 F) u c 2 0.60 MeV. No, this energy is greater than 0.495 MeV. 24. (a) E* M (239 Pu) M (n) M (240 Pu) u c 2 6.53 MeV 239 1.00 MeV 1.00 MeV ; E 6.53 MeV 1.00 MeV 7.53 MeV 240 d 22 Ne 22 Ne d d 23 Na 22 Ne 3He 25. d 21Ne 22 Ne p (b) Kcm © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 18O 22 Ne 22 Ne 22 Ne + 4He 191 19 F 22 d 25Mg 22 Ne 5 Li d 26 Mg d 27 Al 22 Ne 7 Be (and so on) 23 27 Na Al 22 22 Ne 5Li Ne p 22 21 Ne 22 Ne 3He Ne 6 Li 24 Mg 22 Ne + 6 Be Ne 9 B (and so on) 26. E M (239 Pu) M (n) M (95 Zr) M (142 Xe) 3M (n) u c 2 183.6 MeV 27. (a) m 5.5 104 106 kg 550 kg 550 kg 6.022 1023 1.4 1027 atoms 0.238 kg (c) R 6.7 kg 1 s1 550 kg 3700 Bq (b) s 3.2 10 3700 s 86400 d N U 7.2 N U e N U 993 N U e 1 (d) 8 235 28. 235 1t 238 2t 0 238 d 1 where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the 235 and 238 isotopes, respectively. N 0 235 U 7.2 exp 1 2 t N 0 238 U 993 0 1 1 t t1/2 (235) t1/2 (238) 1 2 t ln 2 1 1 9 ln 2 2.0 10 y 1.659 8 9 7.04 10 y 4.47 10 y N0 235 U 7.2 7.2 exp 1 2 t exp 1.659 0.0381 Then 238 993 N0 U 993 which is more than five times higher than today. Note that with the ratio of abundances equal to 0.0381, the percentage abundances needed to give that ratio are about 3.7% and 96.3%. Natural fission reactors cannot operate because of the relatively low abundance of 235 U today. The exception is a type of reactor known as the Canadian Deuterium Reactor (CANDU) which uses heavy water rather than regular or light water as the moderator. 29. Here are three possibilities, out of many: 236 U 95 Y 138 I 3n ; 236 U 94 Y 140 I 2n ; 236 U 97 Y 136 I 3n © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 192 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications Note that the fragments (two nuclei plus some free neutrons) have to add up to mass number A = 236 and atomic number Z = 92. 30. 1250 MWe 1.25 109 J/s 86400 s/d 6.74 1026 MeV/d 13 1.602 10 J/MeV 1 (fission) 0.235 kg 1.32 kg/d 6.74 1026 MeV/d 200 MeV 6.022 1023 31. For uranium we assume as in the preceding problem that each fission produces 200 MeV of energy. 6.022 1023 atoms 200 MeV 5.13 1026 MeV 1.0 kg 0.235 kg atom Converting to kWh, we find 2.30 107 kWh . For 1.0 kg of coal, Table 13.1 gives energy output 3 × 107 J, which is equivalent to 8.33 kWh. Therefore we see that fission produces over one million times more energy per kilogram of fuel. 32. The USA consumes about 1 × 1020 J per year, according to most sources. With a population of 310 million, that’s 3.3 × 1011 J per year per person, or roughly 9 × 108 J per day per person. The Rules of Golf specify the golf ball’s maximum mass of 45.93 g (0.04593 kg). Multiplying this by c2 gives 4.13 × 1015 J of energy. If each person consumes 9 × 108 J, that’s enough energy for 4.6 million people, a large city. The estimate is reasonable. 6 109 J 7.5 1021 J 33. (a) 2.0 1011 m3 0.16 m3 1y (b) 7.5 1021 J 15 y 5 1020 J At this rate, it would not last long! Fortunately, other sources of energy are available, although oil is still the primary source of energy for transportation. (c) According to Table 13.1, 1 kg of uranium fuel produces 1014 J of energy, so the amount of uranium required is 1 kg 7.5 1021 J 14 7.5 107 kg 10 J 3 3 34. (a) kT 8.617 105 eV/K 300 K 3.88 102 eV 2 2 3 3 kT 8.617 105 eV/K 15 106 K 1.94 keV 2 2 1 12 13 35. H C N 13 C ; (b) Q M (1 H) M (12 C) M (13 C) u c2 4.16 MeV 1 H 13C 14 N ; © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 193 Q M (1 H) M (13 C) M (14 N) u c2 7.55 MeV 1 H 14 N 15 O 15 N ; 1 H 15 N 12 C 4 He ; Q M (1 H) M (14 N) M (15 N) u c2 10.05 MeV Q M (1 H) M (15 N) M (12 C) M (4 He) u c 2 4.97 MeV The total Q is Q 4.16 MeV 7.55 MeV 10.05 MeV 4.97 MeV 26.73 MeV. 36. (a) The temperature must be very high to overcome the Coulomb barrier so the two alpha particles can interact through the nuclear force. A high density is necessary so that the probability is high enough for a third alpha particle to interact with 8 Be before it decays. (b) We use Equation (13.7) to find the Q value for the reaction: Q 3M (4 He) M (12 C) u c2 3 4.002603 12.0 u c2 7.27 MeV. 37. (a) The temperature must be very high to overcome the Coulomb barrier so that the two oxygen nuclei can interact through the nuclear force. As the value of Z increases, higher and higher temperatures are required. (b) We use Equation (13.7) to find the Q value for the reaction: Q 2M (16 O) M (32 S) u c2 2 15.994915 31.972071 u c2 16.5MeV. This includes the energy of the ray in the released energy. 38. (a) This problem is similar to Example 13.9. First we will determine the Coulomb potential energy that must be overcome, using Equation (12.2) to determine the radius. r r0 A1/3 1.2 1015 m 28 3.6 1015 m Therefore the Coulomb barrier is: 1/3 9 109 N m2 / C2 14 1.6 1019 C q1q2 1.3 1011 J V 15 4 0 r 3.6 10 m We need at least this much kinetic energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier. We set this 3 value equal to the thermal energy, namely kT . 2 11 2 1.3 10 J 2V 6.3 1011 K T 23 3k 3 1.38 10 J/K 2 2 (b) We use Equation (13.7) to find the Q value for the reaction: Q 2M (28 Si) M (56 Ni) u c 2 2 27.976927 55.942136 u c 2 10.9 MeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 194 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications This includes the energy of the ray in the released energy. 39. (a) This problem is similar to Example 13.9. First we will determine the Coulomb potential energy that must be overcome, using Equation (12.2) to determine the radius. r r0 A1/3 1.2 1015 m 12 1/3 2.7 1015 m 9 109 N m2 / C2 6 1.6 1019 C q1q2 3.11012 J V 15 4 0 r 2.7 10 m We need at least this much kinetic energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier. We set this 3 value equal to the thermal energy, namely kT . 2 12 2 3.110 J 2V 1.5 1011 K T 23 3k 3 1.38 10 J/K Therefore the Coulomb barrier is: 2 2 (b) We use Equation (13.7) to find the Q value for the reaction: Q 2M (12 C) M (24 Mg) u c2 2 12.0 23.985042 u c2 13.9 MeV This includes the energy of the ray in the released energy. 40. If the depth is d and the radius of the earth is r and 2/3 of the surface is covered with water, then the volume of the oceans is 2 2 8 V 4 r 2 d 6.37 106 m 3000 m 1.02 1018 m3 3 3 With a density of 1000 kg / m3 , the mass is 1.02 1021 kg , so the number of water molecules is N 1.02 1021 kg 6.022 1023 3.411046. 0.018 kg With a 0.015% abundance, the number of deuterium atoms (in D2O molecules) is 2 3.411046 0.00015 1.02 1043. There will be at most half this number of fusions, or 5.11042. The energy released is 5.11042 4.0 MeV 1.602 1013 J/MeV 3.27 1030 J. 41. (a) We use temperatures because that is what we strive for experimentally. Kinetic energy is useful for comparison with the Coulomb barrier or Q values. (b) K 3 kT 2 2 6000 eV 2K (c) T 4.64 107 K 5 3k 3 8.617 10 eV/K © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 195 42. 4 He 3He 7 Be ; Q M (4 He) M (3 He) M (7 Be) u c2 1.59 MeV 2 1 1 H 2 H 3 H 1H ; Q M (2 H) M (2 H) M (3 H) M (1 H) u c2 4.03 MeV H 2 H 3 He ; Q M (1 H) M (2 H) M (3 He) u c2 5.49 MeV H 12C 13 N ; Q M (1 H) M (12 C) M (13 N) u c2 1.94 MeV 3 He 3 He 4 He 2 p ; 7 Li 1H 4 He 4 He ; Q M (1 H) M (7 Li) 2M (4 He) u c 2 17.3 MeV Q M (3 He) M (3 He) M (4 He) 2M (1 H) u c 2 12.9 MeV 3 3 H 2 H 4 He n ; Q M (3 H) M (2 H) M (4 He) M (n) u c2 =17.6 MeV He 2 H 4 He 1 H ; Q M (3 He) M (2 H) M (4 He) M (1 H) u c 2 18.4 MeV 43. The reaction is 1 H 12 C 13 N . Q M (12 C) M (1 H) M (13 N) u c2 1.94 MeV M (1 H) M (12 C) Then K th Q M (12 C) which will be negative, so the threshold energy is not a concern. 6 1.44 109 eV m q1q2 6e2 V 2.19 MeV. 4 0 r 4 0 rp r0 A1/ 3 1.2 1015 m 1.2 1015 m 12 1/ 3 However, the Coulomb barrier is 2 2.19 106 eV 2K 1.69 1010 K. T 3k 3 8.617 105 eV/K Setting this coulomb barrier energy equal to the thermal energy 3 kT , we have 2 44. Q 3M (4 He) M (12 C) u c 2 7.27 MeV 3 3 45. (a) K kT 8.617 105 eV/K 300 K 3.88 102 eV 2 2 2 3.88 102 eV 1.602 1019 J/eV 2K 2720 m/s (b) v 1.675 1027 kg m (c) 6.626 1034 J s h 1.45 1010 m 27 p 1.675 10 kg 2720 m/s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 196 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 46. R 512 Bq 8.533 Bq. The initial rate was R0 4 105 Bq . Over 60 days the activity 60 ln 2 has decreased to R0 R0e t 4 105 Bq exp 60 d 1.571105 Bq. 44.5 d Therefore the fraction f of the ring that has worn off into the oil is R 8.533 Bq 5.43 105 f 5 R0 1.57110 Bq ln 2 (b) R R0e t 1011 Bq exp 216 h 1.46 Bq 6h 47. (a) With a half-life of 6.01 h, not much of the original material remains after one week. ln 2 (c) R R0e t 0.9 1011 Bq exp 96 h 1.37 106 Bq 6h 48. (a) We need 1000 Bq at t = 30 minutes with t1/2 83.1 minutes. ln 2 R R0e t R0 exp 30 min 1000 Bq 83.1 min ln 2 R0 1000 Bq exp 30 min 1284 Bq 83.1 min Because only 27% go to the first excited state, we need activity R0 Then R0 N N R0 4756 Bq. 0.27 ln 2 , so solving for N: t1/2 4756 s Rt N 0 1/2 ln 2 1 83.1 min 60 s/min 3.42 10 7 ln 2 139 g 7.89 1015 g. The fraction f activated is (b) m 3.42 107 23 6.022 10 15 7.89 10 g f 1.10 106. 8 0.717 10 g 49. (a) I 0.15 5.0 105 s1 2 1.602 1019 C 2.40 1014 A (b) One-tenth of the above value is 2.40 1015 A . 1 MeV 1 particle 15 50. (a) R 5000 J/s 5.89 10 Bq 13 1.602 10 J 5.3 MeV N R 5.89 10 15 s 1 138 d 86400 s/d ln 2 1.013 1023 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 197 0.210 kg 3.53 102 kg m 1.013 1023 23 6.022 10 (b) For 7 kW we need a mass of (7 / 5) 3.53 102 kg 0.0494 kg. Letting the initial mass be m0 , we have the usual exponential decay and so m m0 exp(t ) , or ln 2 730 d m0 m exp(t ) 0.0494 kg exp 1.93 kg. 138 d 51. The fraction absorbed is the patient’s cross-sectional area divided by 4 distance . Note that there are two gammas per decay: R 2 3 1014 Bq 2 4 4 m 0.3 m2 2 8.95 1011 Bq d 2r 238 U 2 1.2 fm 2381/ 3 14.87 fm. The momentum of the neutron is 52. From Chapter 12 the diameter of the uranium nucleus is p h 6.626 1034 J s 4.456 1020 kg m/s and the kinetic energy is 14.87 1015 m 20 p 2 4.456 10 kg m/s K 5.927 1013 J 3.70 MeV. 27 2m 2 1.675 10 kg 2 2 5.927 1013 J 2K 2.86 1010 K. treatment. Then in thermal equilibrium T 23 3k 3 1.38110 J/K This is still much less than the neutron's rest energy, which justifies the non-relativistic Clearly this is not a realistic temperature in a reactor, so the proposed experiment is not possible. 53. The alpha decay reaction is 239 Pu 235 U 4 He , and the energy released in each decay is Q M (239 Pu) M (235 U) M (4 He) u c2 5.25 MeV. The activity of a 10 kg sample is 6.022 1023 ln 2 13 R N 10 kg 2.30 10 Bq. Then 7 0.239 kg 24110 y 3.156 10 s/y the power is P 0.6 5.25 MeV 1.602 1013 J/MeV 2.30 1013 s1 11.6 W . 54. Perhaps the best source of information for this question is the Internet site for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) at As of early summer 2011, elements with Z = 113, 114, 115, 116, and 118 had been observed experimentally but not officially named by IUPAC. The current names for 114 and 116 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 198 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications are ununquadium and ununhexium, for example. Element 112 was recently named Copernicum. 55. An Internet search will yield current information. In addition the April 2000 issue of Physics Today magazine describes the relevance of radioisotopes for this procedure. There is still considerable debate about the efficacy of beta as compared to gamma emitters. Although the first study by Bottcher (1994) et al. used a gamma emitter, 192 Ir , recent studies have included beta emitters such as 32 P, 90 Sr , 90 Y, 188 Re , 99 Tc , and 137 Xe . Almost all of the trials have shown low-dose radiation to be effective in preventing keloids and benign vascular malformations. 56. (a) The weighted average is 580 barns × 0.0072 + 0 barns × 0.993 = 4.2 barns. (b) At the higher concentration, the weighted average becomes 580 barns × 0.020 + 0 barns × 0.98 = 11.6 barns. 101 132 57. The reaction is n 235 92 U 42 Mo 50 Sn 3n . Looking up the masses, mass n 235 92 U 1.008665 u 235.043924 u 236.052589 u 132 mass 101 42 Mo 50 Sn 3n 100.910347 u 131.917744 u 3 1.008665 u 235.854086 u The mass difference is Δm = 0.198503 u. 931.49 Mev/c 2 2 Energy released = m c 0. 198503 u c 185 MeV. u 2 58. (a) 1 kg (b) 1 kg (c) 1 kg 6.022 1023 1mol 13.6 eV 8.19 1027 eV mol 0.001 kg 1 atom 6.022 1023 1 mol 2.224 106 eV 6.70 1032 eV mol 0.002 kg 1 atom 1u 931.49 106 MeV 5.611035 eV 27 1.66 10 kg u (d) The results are as expected. The annihilation process in part (c) is the complete conversion of matter into energy, which maximizes energy yield. The energy in (b) is much greater than the energy in (a), because nuclear binding energies are so much larger than atomic binding energies. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 199 59. (a) Q Kout Kin 86.63 MeV 100 MeV 13.37 MeV This agrees very nearly with the Q computed using atomic masses (assuming all the masses are known). Q M (18 O) M (30 Si) M (14 O) M (34 Si) u c2 13.27 MeV (b) M Q M (18 O) M (30 Si) M (14 O) 33.979 u 2 c which agrees very nearly with the value for the mass of 34 Si in Appendix 8. 1 mol 6.022 1023 60. (a) The number of atoms is 1000 100 kg 0.04 1.03 1028 0.235 kg mol (b) 1.03 1028 4 6 10 m 6 2 2.28 1013 m2 Then the activity for each square meter is ln 2 R N 2.28 1013 1.74 104 Bq. 7 28.8 y 3.156 10 s/y 61. (a) Starting with F ( E ) (const.)e E / kT E1/2 and setting dF / dE 0 , we find that the most probable energy is E * 1 1 1 kT . E* kT 8.621105 eV/K 2 108 K 8620 eV 2 2 2 n(2 E ) 1 exp 2 E E exp E exp 0.607 n( E ) 2 n(5E ) exp 5E E exp 4 E exp 2 0.135 n( E ) n(10 E ) 9 exp 10 E E exp 9 E exp 0.0111 . n( E ) 2 (b) 1 mol 62. (a) P nt 90 1027 cm2 1.85g/cm3 3.2 cm 6.022 1023 mol -1 0.0357 9g (b) With this probability the number of incident alpha particles is 1.6 105 s 1 4.48 106 s 1. 0.0357 2.41104 y 3.156 107 s R 18 (c) N 4.48 106 s 1 4.92 10 and ln 2 y m 4.92 1018 0.239 kg 1.95 106 kg, which is reasonable. 23 6.022 10 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 200 Chapter 13 Nuclear Interactions and Applications 63. m(40 K) 65 kg 0.0035 0.00012 2.73 105 kg N 2.73 105 kg R N 6.022 1023 4.111020 0.040 kg ln 2 1y 4.111020 7050 Bq 9 7 1.28 10 y 3.156 10 s The beta activity is 7050 Bq 0.893 6300 Bq. 1 MeV E 15 kilotons 4.2 1012 J/kiloton 6.3 1013 J 3.94 10 26 MeV. 13 1.6 10 J 64. We can determine the minimum mass as follows: If each fission yields 200 MeV, then we have: 3.94 1026 MeV Number of fissions = = 1.97 1024 fissions which is the minimum 200 MeV/fission number of fissions. This requires a mass of: 27 235 u 1.66 10 kg M 1.97 1024 0.77 kg. u atom The actual mass was larger since not every nucleus fissioned. 65. Using the mass of the 238 isotope, the rate of spontaneous fission per atom is 6.7 decays 238 u 1.66 1027 kg decays 2.65 1024 kg s atom 1u atom s The overall decay rate for the 238 isotope is computed using the half-life of 4.47 109 y : R ln 2 ln 2 decays 4.92 1018 9 7 N t1/2 4.47 10 y 3.15 10 s/y atom s Therefore the probability of spontaneous fission is 2.65 1024 4.92 1018 decays atom s 5.4 107. This result agrees with published values. decays atom s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 201 Chapter 14 1. By conservation of momentum the photons must have the same energy. For each one mc 2 938.27 106 eV 2.27 1023 Hz. E hf mc 2 and f 15 h 4.136 10 eV s 2. As in the text (see Example 14.1), let mc2 c / R , so c 197.3 eV nm R 2 1.41106 nm 1.41 fm. 6 mc 140 10 eV 3. We will use a small nucleus (helium, diameter 3.8 fm) and a large nucleus (uranium, diameter 14.9 fm) to obtain a range of values. 3.8 1015 m For helium: t 1.27 1023 s 8 2.998 10 m/s 14.9 1015 m For uranium: t 4.97 1023 s 2.998 108 m/s 4. We know that D and the problem says specifically to choose 0.10D with the diameter D 0.15 fm . Therefore 0.1(1.5 fm) 0.15 fm . We know from de Broglie's relationship that p h / and we can determine the kinetic energy from this momentum as follows: E 2 K mc 2 pc mc 2 2 K pc 2 mc 2 2 2 2 hc 2 2 2 mc mc mc 0.15fm 2 2 Electron: 2 1239.8 eV nm 0.511106 eV 0.511106 eV 8.26 GeV K 6 0.15 fm 10 nm/1 fm Proton: 2 2 1239.8 eV nm 938.27 106 eV 938.27 106 eV 7.38 GeV K 6 0.15 fm 10 nm/1 fm 2 5. As in the preceding problem, we know that p h / and K pc 2 mc 2 2 hc 2 2 2 mc mc mc 18 1 10 m 2 2 2 1239.8 eV nm 6 6 Electron: K 0.51110 eV 0.51110 eV 1.24 TeV 9 1 10 nm 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 202 Chapter 14 Elementary Particles 2 1239.8 eV nm 6 6 Proton: K 938.27 10 eV 938.27 10 eV 1.24 TeV 9 110 nm 2 The kinetic energies are so large that the rest energies do not affect our answer. 6. We use Equation (14.4) to estimate the range of the force. 197.33 eV nm c 1.26 107 nm 1.26 1016 m R 2 6 2mc 2 782 10 eV 7. We use Equation (14.4) to estimate the range of the force. 197.33 eV nm c R 6.58 1010 nm 6.58 1019 m 2 9 2mc 2 150 10 eV 8. (a) and e (b) e (c) (d) (e) 9. Assuming roughly an equal number of protons and neutrons, we can use the average of their masses per baryon, or 1.674 1027 kg. The mass of Earth is 5.98 1024 kg, so the 5.98 1024 kg baryon number is 3.57 1051 . 27 1.674 10 kg 10. (a) We use Equation (14.6) to determine the width from the mean lifetime. 6.58211016 eV s 8.02 106 eV 0.8211010 s (b) This value of is much smaller than the experimental uncertainty of the measurement. 11. We use Equation (14.6) to determine the width from the mean lifetime. 6.58211016 eV s 9.3 104 eV ; J/Psi: 7.11021 s Upsilon: 6.58211016 eV s 5.5 104 eV 1.2 1020 s The full-width of the charged pion is 6.58211016 eV s 2.5 108 eV . This 2.6 108 s value is more than 1012 times smaller than either of the previous two. 12. In the first reaction strangeness is violated ( 1 1 ). The second reaction is allowed. The fact that the K 0 has strangeness +1 and K has strangeness 1 is consistent with the idea that it is not its own antiparticle. However, M. Gell-Mann and A. Pais found that 0 K0 K (and the reverse operation K K0 ) can occur by the laws of quantum mechanics (see Feynman Lectures in Physics vol. 3 p. 11-16). So in this case the K 0 does act as its own antiparticle. 0 0 13. In both (a) and (b) the baryon number is not conserved. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 203 14. (a) and e lepton numbers are not conserved (b) charge is not conserved (c) momentum-energy is not conserved 15. Let subscript 1 refer to the , subscript 2 to the , and no subscript to the photon. From conservation of momentum ∣ p∣∣ p2 ∣ E / c . From conservation of energy p22c 2 m2c 2 E E 2 m2c 2 E , so m1c 2 2 2 m c m c 1193 MeV 1116 MeV E 2 2 1 2 2 2 2m1c 2 2 1193 MeV 2 2 74.5 MeV. 16. The 0 begins with energy E K E0 855 MeV. Because the photon energies are equal, we know by conservation of momentum that the two photons make equal angles above and below the original line of motion for the 0 . Let each photon energy be E . E 855 MeV 427.5 MeV. The conservation of energy and momentum give: E 2 2 855 MeV 135 MeV E 2 E02 2E 844.3 MeV/c. p cos c c c pc 844.3 MeV 0.9875 from which we find 9.1. cos 2 E 2 427.5 MeV 2 2 (a) is needed to conserve lepton number. (b) A kaon is needed to conserve strangeness, and to conserve charge too the kaon must be a K . 2e e e 1 S 3 0 0 q 0; 18. n (udd): B 3 1; 3 3 3 3 2e 2e e 1 q e ; B 3 1; S 0 0 1 1 (uus): 3 3 3 3 2e e 2e 1 q e ; B 3 1; C (udc): S 000 0 3 3 3 3 2e e 1 1 q e; B 0; 19. ( ud ): S 00 0 3 3 3 3 2e e 1 1 q e; B 0; S 0 1 1 K ( us ): 3 3 3 3 2e 2e 1 1 q e; B 0; S 00 0 D0 ( cu ): 3 3 3 3 D : cd D : cd 20. D0 : cu 17. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 204 Chapter 14 Elementary Particles 21. The B and B have zero strangeness and zero charm, but they have masses greater than 5000 MeV / c2 and charge +1 and 1 respectively. This leads one to conclude that the quark configuration should be bu for the B and bu for the B . The B0 has zero charge, so it should be either bd or bd . The only way to distinguish between these two possibilities is by looking at the conservation laws in the appropriate decay reactions. it 0 turns out that the B0 is bd and the antiparticle B is bd . 22. Charge, baryon number, strangeness, topness, and bottomness are zero. Charm 1 . 0 From table 14.6 D0 in the text has configuration cu , so cu must be D . 23. (a) The , 0 , and the K have mean lifetimes on the order of 1010 s, which indicates the decays are due to the weak interaction. Remember that there can be quark transformations in weak interactions. (b) 0 K , sss uds us ; an s quark transformed into a d quark and a uu quark-antiquark pair was created. 0 p , uds uud ud ; the s quark transformed into a d quark and a uu quark-antiquark pair was created. K , us no quarks; the s quark transformed into a u quark and the uu quark-antiquark pair annihilates. There are no quarks in the final decay products. 24. We use Table 14.5 for quark properties and Table 14.4 or Table 14.6 to identify the hadrons. The spin is 1/2 for all quarks and antiquarks. (a) cd ; spin is 0 or 1; charge is 1; baryon number is 0; C = 1; S, B, T = 0. This is a D meson. (b) uds; spin is 1/2 or 3/2; charge is 0; baryon number is 1; S 1 ; C, B, T 0 . This could be a 0 or a baryon. (c) sss ; spin is 1/2 or 3/2; baryon number is 1 ; charge is 1; S = 3; C, B, T 0 . This is a baryon. (d) cd ; spin is 0 or 1; charge is 1 ; baryon number is 0; C 1 ; S , B, T 0 . This is a D meson. 25. Assuming an average nucleon mass of 1.674 1027 kg and noting that 10 out of 18 nucleons in water are protons, we have 3 3 kg 1 10 1.16 1032 protons 3.5 105 L 10 Lm 1000 3 27 m 1.673 10 kg 18 Then by the laws of radioactive decay ln 2 decays 1.16 1032 protons 0.080 decays/y 1033 y © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 205 26. Baryon number is not conserved in any of the three. This is a common problem in proton decay schemes, because there are no lighter baryons. In addition, (a) violates electron lepton number, (b) violates muon lepton number, and (c) violates strangeness. 27. 31 kg ln 2 decays 1 y 3.5 108 decays/d 27 1.673 10 kg 1033 y 365.25 d 28. The lifetime of the is 8.0 1011 s. Due to relativity it travels farther than one might expect. K E0 3.6 GeV 1.189 GeV 1 4.028 1.189 GeV E0 1 v2 / c2 v c 1 1/ 2 c 1 1/ (4.028) 2 0.969 c d vt vt 4.028 0.969 2.998 108 m/s 8.0 1011 s 9.4cm. 29. We begin with Equation (14.10). Since K mc 2 , this simplifies to Ecm 2mc 2 Klab . From the problem statement, we know that Ecm 2K so Ecm 2K 2mc 2 Klab . This can be rearranged to find 4K 2 2mc 2 Klab or K lab 2K 2 . mc 2 2 K 2 2 31 GeV 2050 GeV. mc 2 0.938 GeV 2 30. From the preceding problem, we know that Klab 31. K E0 7000 GeV 0.938 GeV 1 ; 7464 0.938 GeV E0 1 v2 / c2 v c 1 1/ 2 c 1 1/ 74642 0.999999991c 32. The maximum energies result from a head-on collision. Before the collision the proton has energy E K E0 1008.27 MeV. After the collision the proton has energy and momentum E1 , p1 and the recoiling particle has E2 , p2 . From conservation of momentum and energy 1008.27 MeV 938.27 MeV E 2 E02 p 369.13 MeV/c p1 p2 ; with c c E E0 d 1008.27 MeV 1875.61 MeV 2883.9 MeV E1 E2 . 2 2 Using the energy-momentum invariant E02 E 2 p 2c 2 for both the proton and deuteron, these four equations can be solved to yield p1 119 MeV / c , p2 488MeV / c , E1 946 MeV , E2 1938MeV , so the deuteron's kinetic energy is K 1938 MeV 1876 MeV 62 MeV . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 206 Chapter 14 Elementary Particles Similarly for the triton (t) with E0 2809 MeV , we can follow the same procedure: 1008.27 MeV 938.27 MeV E 2 E02 p 369.13 MeV/c p1 p2 ; with c c E E0 t 1008.27 MeV 2809 MeV 3817 MeV E1 E2 . 2 2 Using the energy-momentum invariant E02 E 2 p 2c 2 for both the proton and triton, these two equations can be solved to yield p1 177MeV / c , p2 546 MeV / c , E1 955 MeV , E2 2862 MeV , so the triton’s kinetic energy is K 2862 MeV 2809 MeV 53 MeV . Note: At this kinetic energy (70 MeV) you will get the same results to two significant figures using a non-relativistic calculation. 33. To conserve baryon number we must produce both a proton and antiproton, so in the cm system we need Ecm 4E0 . We can use Equation (14.10) and solve for K to find K 2 m1c 2 m2c 2 Ecm 2 4 mc 2 Ecm 4mc we have K 2m2c 2 Ecm 4mc 2 2mc E 2 E02 34. (a) p c where we have used m1 m2 m . With 4 mc 2 2mc 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6mc 2 6 938.27 MeV 5630 MeV. 948.27 MeV 938.27 MeV 2 2 J 137.35 106 eV 1.602 1019 p eV R 0.327 m . qB 2.998 108 m/s e 1.4 T c (b) From Equation (14.9) we have f f E 948.27 MeV 1.0107 so E0 938.27 MeV e 1.4 T 2 938.27 10 eV 1.0107 6 35. With p mv we have f f 2 R v 137.35 MeV/c eB eB with 1 v2 / c2 2 m 2 m 2.998 10 8 m/s 2.11107 Hz . 2 p . With p qBR we find 2 mR qBR qB qB 1 v2 / c2 . 2 mR 2 m 2 m © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 207 36. Elab K m1c 2 m2c 2 ; plab c K m c m c 2 2 Using the fact that E 2 p 2c 2 is invariant, so 1 2 2 1 2 2 Ecm Elab plab c K m1c 2 m2c 2 K m1c 2 m1c 2 2 2 2 2 K 2 m1c 2 m2c 2 2 K m1c 2 m2c 2 K 2 2Km1c 2 m1c 2 m1c 2 2 2 m1c 2 m2c 2 2 Km2c 2 2 2 m1c2 m2c2 2Km2c2 m1c2 m2c 2 1 For the nonrelativistic limit we have Ecm 2 m1c2 m2c2 2 Km2c 2 2 . With K mc 2 we can look at the binomial expansion of the square root: Km2c 2 2 2 ; Ecm m1c m2c 1 m c 2 m c 2 2 1 2 Kcm Km2c 2 m2 Ecm m1c m2c K. 2 2 m1c m2c m1 m2 2 2 37. As in the preceding problem Ecm m c 2 m2c 2 2Km2c 2 2 (a) If K mc 2 we neglect K, so Ecm 2mc 2 . 1 2mc 2 2 2Km2c 2 . (b) If K mc 2 we neglect the first term and Ecm 2Km2c 2 2Kmc 2 . In (a) we interpret the result to mean that at very low energies there is no extra energy available (beyond the masses of the two original particles). In (b) we see that the available center of mass energy increases only in proportion to K , thus illustrating the great advantage of colliding beam experiments over fixed target experiments. 38. K E0 50000 MeV 0.511 MeV 1 ; 97848 0.511 MeV E0 1 v2 / c2 v c 1 1/ 2 c 1 1/ 978482 c 1 5.2 1011 0.999999999948c 39. In each case the desired ratio is simply equal to the relativistic factor . (a) K E0 12 MeV 938.27 MeV 1.01 E0 938.27 MeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 208 Chapter 14 Elementary Particles K E0 120 MeV 938.27 MeV 1.13 E0 938.27 MeV K E0 1200 MeV 938.27 MeV (c) 2.28 E0 938.27 MeV (b) K E0 33000 MeV 938.27 MeV 36.17 E0 938.27 MeV Therefore in the lab frame v c and the time for 160,000 revolutions is 2 R 800 m 160000 0.427 s. The statement is accurate. tN v 2.998 108 m/s 40. 41. The spaceship of mass m = 15,000 kg has to escape the gravity of the sun, mass M 2.0 1030 kg , starting from a distance of Earth’s orbit, r 1.5 1011 m . The gravitational potential energy goes from U = −GMm/r to zero, a gain of GMm/r, so that is the amount of energy required. That amount of energy equals the annihilation energy mac2, where ma is the total amount of matter and antimatter involved. Thus GMm/r = mac2, or 11 2 2 30 4 GMm 6.67 10 N m /kg 2.0 10 kg 1.5 10 kg 1.48 104 kg ma 2 11 8 rc 2 1.5 10 m 3.0 10 m/s The amount (each) of matter and antimatter is half of this, or 7.4 105 kg. That means only 74 mg of each! The matter-antimatter reaction is very efficient. 42. (a) At that kinetic energy the protons are traveling at nearly the speed of light, so to the stated precision the time required is the circumference divided by the speed of light: 2 r 6300 m 2.1105 s or 21 μs. t 8 c 3.0 10 m/s (b) In a colliding-beam experiment, the full energy of both beams is available: 1.0 TeV 1.0 TeV 2.0 TeV. (c) To obtain the desired energy, 2.0 TeV, Equation 14.10 gives the energy required for a fixed-target experiment. We use 2.0 TeV = 2000 GeV, so that we can use 0.938 GeV for the proton’s mass. Solving Equation 14.10 for the required energy K, K 2 m1c 2 m2c 2 Ecm 2m2c 2 2 2000 GeV 2 0.938 GeV 2 0.938 GeV 2 2 2.1106 GeV or 2.11015 eV . That is 300 times the beam energy and 150 times the cm energy of the LHC. It is unlikely that an accelerator this large could ever be built. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 43. (a) 209 (b) 44. Here is the diagram: The neutrino is a muon neutrino. The diagram for the first part has the pion as a single solid horizontal line, and the second part is as shown, with the quark structure included. 45. (a) With 100 GeV per nucleon, the total energy is 197 100 GeV 19.7 TeV per gold ion with A = 197. For a colliding-beam experiment, the center of mass energy is twice this amount, or 39.4 TeV. (b) We can consider each nucleon or the entire nucleus and get the same result. For each nucleon K = 100 GeV and mc2 = 938 MeV, so K mc 2 100.938 GeV 107.6 mc 2 0.938 GeV Then from relativity 1 2 1 0.99996 or v = 0.99996c. 46. (a) The quark configuration changes from uud to udd, which means that an up quark has changed into a down quark. (b) In this case uds has changed to uud ud . Note that strangeness is not conserved. The strange quark transforms via the weak interaction into an up quark and the anti-up down pair (the pion). (c) In this case ds has changed to du ud . Note that as in part (b) strangeness is not conserved. The strange quark transforms via the weak interaction into an anti-up quark and the up anti-down pair (the positive pion). © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 210 Chapter 14 Elementary Particles 47. (a) Charge = 0; baryon number = 0; charm = 0; strangeness = 0; Le = 1 ; spin = 1/2 (b) The unknown can be a single particle. The e satisfies the requirements. 48. None of the decays are allowed. (a) There is not enough mass-energy in 0 to produce and and strangeness is not conserved. (b) Strangeness is not conserved. (c) There is not enough mass-energy in 0 to produce K and p. 49. (a) For a stationary target the sum of the rest energies of the products equals the total center of mass energy, so Ecm 2 E0 2 E0 K m p m mK c 2 938 MeV 1116 MeV 494 MeV 2548 MeV E2 Rearranging we have cm 2 E0 K ; 2 E0 2548 MeV 2 938 MeV 1585 MeV. E2 K cm 2 E0 2 E0 2 938 MeV (b) In a colliding beam experiment the total momentum is zero, and we have by conservation of energy 2E0 2K E0 m mK c 2 ; 2 E0 m mK c 2 938 MeV+1116 MeV + 494 MeV 336 MeV. K 2 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) baryon number and lepton number are not conserved, as well as mass-energy allowed if neutrinos are added to conserve lepton number strangeness is not conserved baryon number is not conserved (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) allowed e should be e to conserve electron lepton number strangeness is not conserved strangeness is not conserved in a strong interaction allowed 50. 51. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 14 Particle Physics 211 52. (a) (b) (c) (d) baryon number and electron lepton number not conserved not allowed; charge is not conserved allowed allowed (a) (b) (c) (d) strangeness is not conserved charge is not conserved baryon number is not conserved strangeness is not conserved 53. 54. (a) h / p and p 2mK , so (b) p E / c K / c , so 55. h 2mK hc K (a) From Equation (14.10) we have Ecm m1 m2 m and K mc 2 , we have m c 1 2 m2c 2 2Km2c 2 and with 2 Ecm 2Kmc 2 2 0.938GeV 7000 GeV 114.5 GeV. (b) For colliding beams the available energy is the sum of the two beam energies, or 14.0 TeV . This is an improvement over the fixed-target result by a factor of 14000 GeV 122. 114.5 GeV © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 212 Chapter 15 General Relativity Chapter 15 1. From Newton's second law we have for a pendulum of length L: m g d 2 d 2 m g F mG g sin mI a mI L 2 ; 2 G sin G , where we have made the dt mI L mI L dt small angle approximation sin . This is a simple harmonic oscillator equation with solution 0 cos(t ) where 0 is the amplitude and the angular frequency is mG g mI L 2 . The period of oscillation is T . Therefore two masses 2 mG g mI L with different ratios mI / mG will have different small-amplitude periods. 2. Beginning with Equation (15.3) 2 5 8 1 gHf 9.80 m/s 4.80 10 m 10 s f 2 5.2 103 Hz. 2 8 c 2.998 10 m/s 3. Beginning with Equation (15.4) GM 1 1 GM GM f r r1 2 r1 r2 . Use r1 r2 H and let r1 r2 r . 2 2 f c r1 r2 r1r2c r1r2c 2 f gH From classical mechanics g GM / r 2 , so 2 . f c 4. 1 1 We use r2 6378 km and r1 6378 10 km . r1 r2 6.673 1011 m3 kg 1 s 2 5.98 1024 kg T 1 1 2 3 3 T 6388 10 m 6378 10 m 2.998 108 m/s GM T 2 T c 1.09 1012 which is the same as in the example, to three significant digits. 5. The distance d is the sum of the radii of the earth's orbit and Venus's orbit (assuming circular orbits). d 149.6 109 m 108.2 109 m 257.8 109 m 9 2d 2 257.8 10 m 1719.8 s. The round-trip time is t c 2.998 108 m/s Using Shapiro's measurement of 200μs, the percent change is therefore 200 106 s 100% 1.16 105 % . 1719.8 s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 15 General Relativity 213 6. Using the mass and the radius of the neutron star and given that the detection is at a very large distance, 11 1 2 3 30 f GM 1 1 GM 6.673 10 m kg s 5.8 10 kg 2 2 4.31101 2 4 8 f c r1 r2 rc 1.0 10 m 2.998 10 m/s The wavelength is affected by the same factor, so the redshift at the given wavelength is 4.31101 550 nm 240 nm, where we have rounded to the two significant figures given in the problem. Thus the new wavelength is 550 nm + 240 nm = 790 nm, which is above the visible range in the infrared. 7. Using the mass and radius of the sun 11 1 2 3 30 f GM 6.673 10 m kg s 1.99 10 kg 2 2.123 106 2 f rc 6.96 108 m 2.998 108 m/s The redshift of the wavelength is affected by the same factor, so the redshift at the two wavelengths equals: 2.123 106 400 nm 8.49 104 nm and 2.123 106 700 nm 1.49 103 nm. 8. We can assume that g is constant over this distance. We find the frequency of the gamma E 14.4 103 eV 3.48 1018 Hz ray: f 15 h 4.136 10 eV s We can use Equation (15.3) to find: 2 f gH 9.80 m/s 381 m 2 4.15 1014 which equals a 4.15 10-12 % 2 f c 2.998 108 m/s change. The change in frequency is f 4.15 1014 3.48 1018 Hz 145 kHz . 9. We assume that g is constant over this distance. Using E hf we find: 9.80 m/s 2 22.5 m 14.4 103 eV gHf gHE f 2 2 8541 Hz c c h 2.998 108 m/s 2 4.136 1015 eV s From the previous problem we know the frequency of the gamma ray is 3.48 1018 Hz so 8541 Hz the percentage change is 100% 2.45 1013% . 18 3.48 10 Hz 10. We can ignore any blueshift due to each planet’s gravity, which is small compared with the sun’s gravity. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 214 Chapter 15 General Relativity (a) Mercury’s orbit is highly eccentric, but for this problem it will be good enough to use the mean orbital radius (semi-major axis) 5.79 × 1010 m. Then by Equation 15.4, GM f 2 f c 1 1 r1 r2 6.67 10 N m 2 /kg 2 1.99 1030 kg 1 1 2 8 10 6.96 10 m 5.79 10 m 3.00 108 m/s 11 f 2.09 106 f (b) Now the distance at which the signal is received is Earth’s mean orbital radius 1.50 1011 m. f f 6.67 1011 N m2/kg2 1.99 1030 kg 1 1 2 6.96 108 m 1.50 1011 m 3.00 108 m/s f 2.11106 f As we might expect, the added distance from Mercury to Earth contributes little to the redshift. 11. We need to rewrite the frequency shift in Equation 15.4 into a wavelength shift. f = c/λ, so df / d c / 2 . For small changes df f and d , so f c f f GM 2 f c or f . Thus the laser’s wavelength shift is f 1 1 . In this case r1 is large, so we may use 1/ r1 = 0, and so r1 r2 6.67 1011 N m2 /kg2 4.5 1030 kg 0.278 GM 2 c 2 r2 3.00 108 m/s 1.2 104 m Therefore 0.278 632.8 nm 175.9 nm and the new wavelength is 632.8 nm 175.9 nm = 456.9 nm or 460 nm to two significant figures. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 15 General Relativity 215 11 3 1 2 22 2GM 2 6.673 10 m kg s 7.35 10 kg 12. rs 2 1.09 104 m 2 8 c 2.998 10 m/s 11 3 1 2 27 2GM 2 6.673 10 m kg s 1.90 10 kg 13. rs 2 2.82 m 2 8 c 2.998 10 m/s 14. 1.0546 1034 J s 2.998 108 m/s c3 T 8 kGM 8 1.3811023 J/K 6.673 1011 m3 kg 1 s 2 1.99 1030 kg (a) From Equation (15.7) we have 3 6.17 108 K 1.05 1034 J s 3.0 108 m/s c3 T 8 kGM 8 1.38 1023 J/K 6.67 1011 N m 2 /kg 2 6 109 2.0 1030 kg (b) Using Equation (15.7) 3 1.0 1017 K Such low temperatures, especially for part (b) would make the object extremely difficult to observe. 1.0546 1034 J s 2.998 108 m/s c3 4.19 1020 kg M 23 11 1 2 3 8 kGT 8 1.38110 J/K 6.673 10 m kg s 293 K 15. Rearranging Equation (15.7), we have 3 4.19 1020 kg 2.111010 solar masses. 30 1.99 10 kg 11 1 2 3 20 2GM 2 6.673 10 m kg s 4.19 10 kg 6.22 107 m rs 2 2 8 c 2.998 10 m/s which is about 16. (a) The mass is 1109 M Sun 1109 1.99 1030 kg 1.99 1039 kg . We use Equation (15.5) to determine the Schwarzschild radius. 11 3 -1 -2 30 2GM 2 6.673 10 m kg s 1.99 10 kg rs 2 2.95 1012 m 2 c 2.998 108 m/s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 216 Chapter 15 General Relativity Neptune’s orbit has a semi-major axis of 4.50 1012 m , so this black hole would be smaller than our solar system. (b) We use the result of Example 15.3, with the value of from the example (or from problem 16 below). 1.99 1039 M 03 6.63 10101 s t 15 3 3 3 3.965 10 kg /s 3 This is much, much greater than the age of our universe! 17. (a) We use the results of Example 15.3 that give the time in terms of the mass. Rearranging the equation, using the age of the universe as 13.7 billion years, and using the value of from Problem 16, we have 7 15 3 9 3.156 10 s 11 M 0 3 t 3 3.965 10 kg /s 13.7 10 y 1.73 10 kg. 1y (b) Current evidence for the smallest black holes require a mass of about 5 to 20 times the mass of the Sun. The mass from part (a) is only M 0 1019 M Sun which is too small to form a black hole. 1/ 3 1/ 3 2 5.6705 108 W m 2 K 4 1.0546 10 34 J s 2.9979 108 m/s 18. From Equation (15.10) we see 2 4c 6 8 3 k 4G 2 8 3 1.3807 10 J/K 6.6726 10 11 N m 2 kg 2 4 23 4 6 2 3.965 1015 kg 3 / s 19. We could use Equation 15.9, but it is simpler to start at Equation 15.10 and use the fact the energy E released by the loss of mass M is E = Mc2. Then by Equation 15.10 dE dM c 2 c2 2 dt dt M where α = 3.96 × 1015 kg3/s was given in Example 15.3. With energy being lost at a rate (negative, for a loss) 4.2 1015 J / s , we solve for M to find c M dE / dt 2 1/ 2 3.0 108 m/s 2 3.96 1015 kg3 /s 4.2 1015 J/s 1/ 2 2.9 108 kg. This is a fairly modest mass—much smaller than a planet. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 15 General Relativity 20. (a) rS 217 11 2 2 22 2GM 2 6.67 10 N m /kg 7.3 10 kg 1.1104 m 0.11 mm 2 2 8 c 3.0 10 m/s 1.05 1034 J s 3.0 108 m/s c3 (b) T 1.7 K 8 kGM 8 1.38 1023 J/K 6.67 1011 N m 2 /kg 2 7.3 10 22 kg 3 GMm 6.67 10 (c) U R 11 N m2 /kg 2 7.3 1022 kg 6.0 1024 kg 6.4 106 m 4.6 1030 J This is a huge amount of gravitational energy. 21. We use Equation (15.4) and find GM 1 1 f 2 f c r1 r2 6.6726 10 N m 2 kg 2 5.976 1024 kg 1 1 2 r1 r2 2.998 108 m/s 11 1 1 4.439 103 m 6 7 6 2.02 10 6.37 10 m 6.37 10 m 5.30 1010. The frequency change is then f 5.30 1010 1575.42 MHz 0.834 Hz. This is a small, but significant change with the precision required of the GPS system. 22. Set the change in the photon's energy equal to the change in gravitational potential 1 1 GMm GMm energy: E h f GMm where M is the mass of the r1 r2 r1 r2 earth and m is the equivalent mass of the photon. Now m E / c 2 hf / c 2 , so h f GMhf c2 1 1 f GM 2 and f c r1 r2 1 1 . r1 r2 23. The problem statement advises us to assume that g is constant. Therefore we can use f gH Equation (15.3) to determine the change in frequency. We have 2 so f c 9.80 m/s 3.52 105 m gH 259.7 106 Hz 9.97 103 Hz . f 2 f 2 8 c 2.998 10 m/s © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 218 Chapter 15 General Relativity We can obtain a more precise answer using the formula from the previous problem and recalling that the earth's radius is 6378 km, f GM 1 1 2 f c r1 r2 6.673 10 m3 kg 1 s 2 5.976 1024 kg 1 1 2 8 r1 r2 2.998 10 m/s 11 1 1 4.437 103 m 6 6 6.730 10 m 6.378 10 m 3.639 1011. Therefore f 3.639 1011 259.7 106 Hz 9.45 103 Hz, which is about a 5% difference. 24. g GM / r 2 which can be differentiated to give dg 2GM dr. For a small change let r3 dg dg and dr r 3 m. Also notice that the distance from the center of the earth is 6.378 106 m 3.50 105 m 6.728 106 m. Then 2 6.673 1011 m3 kg 1 s 2 5.98 1024 kg g 3 m 8 106 m/s 2 . 3 6 6.728 10 m This is about 106 g , so it is a very small effect. 25. If we use h / mc for a relativistic particle of mass m, we have 6.626 10 J s 2.998 10 m/s 2.18 10 2 6.673 10 m kg s Solving for m we have hc m 2 G 34 8 11 3 1 2 8 h 2 Gm rs . mc c2 kg. EPl mc 2 2.18 108 kg 2.998 108 m/s 1.96 109 J 1.22 1028 eV. The Planck energy is 2 26. 6.673 10 m3 kg 1 s 2 6.626 1034 J s (a) The combination of G, h, and c that has the right units is Gh Pl c3 11 2.998 10 8 m/s 3 4.05 1035 m. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 15 General Relativity 219 h hc 1240 109 eV m 1.02 1034 m which is the same order of 2 28 mc mc 1.22 10 eV magnitude as (a) and close to the known value 1.62 1035 m. (b) 6.673 10 m3 kg 1 s 2 6.626 1034 J s 27. The combination of constants that gives units of time is tPl Gh c5 11 2.998 10 8 m/s 5 The time for light to travel the Planck length is t Pl c 1.35 1043 s. Gh 1.35 1043 s, as we 5 c found above. 28. As in Problem 23, GM 1 1 f 2 f c r1 r2 6.673 10 11 m3 kg 1 s 2 5.976 1024 kg 1 1 2 r1 r2 2.998 108 m/s 1 1 4.439 103 m 7 6 6 3.587 10 m 6.378 10 m 6.378 10 m 5.911010. Therefore f 5.911010 2.0 109 Hz 1.18 Hz. 29. Rewrite the entropy in terms of U using M U / c 2 : S Then 1 S 16 2GUk ; solving for T and using T U hc5 8 2GU 2 k hc5 h / 2 , we find hc5 c5 c3 , where in the last step we again used U = Mc2. This T 2 16 GUk 8 GUk 8 GMk is the desired result shown in Equation (15.7). 30. We assume a constant downward acceleration g. From classical mechanics, the magnitude of the fall assuming only an initial horizontal velocity is Δy = ½ gt2, where the time of flight is t = L/c. Making this substitution: 1 2 1 L gL2 y gt g 2 . 2 2 c 2c 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 220 Chapter 15 9.8 m/s 4.0 10 m Inserting numerical values: y 2 3 10 m/s General Relativity The distance L between New York and Los Angeles is roughly 4000 km = 4 × 106 m. 2 6 8 2 2 8.7 104 m = 0.87 mm. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 16 Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End 221 Chapter 16 1 au 1.496 1011 m/au 3.086 1016 m tan1 1 ly 2.9979 108 m/s 365.25d/y 86400 s/d 9.4611015 m 1. 1 pc 1 pc 3.086 1016 m 3.26 ly 9.4611015 m/ly 2. As in Example 16.3 we have 7.0 exp mc 2 / kT so ln 7.0 mc2 / kT . Then T mc 2 939.56563 MeV 938.27231 MeV 7.71109 K. 11 k ln 7.0 8.617 10 MeV/K ln 7.0 3. Using mc2 135 MeV kT : T 135 MeV 1.57 1012 K. 11 8.617 10 MeV/K From Figure 16.6 the time associated with this temperature is about 104 s. number of d 10 MeV 6 MeV 1.00 ; exp 4. 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of u number of u 1300 MeV 10 MeV 1.16 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of c number of u 115 MeV 10 MeV 1.01 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of s number of d 115 MeV 6 MeV 1.01 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of s number of u or d 1300 MeV 6 MeV 1.16 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of c number of u or d 174000 MeV 6 MeV 5.9 108 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of t number of u or d 4250 MeV 6 MeV 1.64 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of b number of s 1300 MeV 115 MeV 1.15 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of c Similarly, © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 222 Chapter 16 Cosmology – The Beginning and the End 174000 MeV 115 MeV number of s 5.8 108 ; exp 11 14 8.617 10 MeV/K 10 K number of t number of s 4250 MeV 115 MeV 1.62 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of b 174000 MeV 1300 MeV number of c 5.1108 ; exp 11 14 8.617 10 MeV/K 10 K number of t number of c 4250 MeV 1300 MeV 1.41 ; exp 8.617 1011 MeV/K 1014 K number of b 174000 MeV 4250 MeV number of b 3.6 108 . exp 11 14 8.617 10 MeV/K 10 K number of t 5. mc2 kT so we have: 0.5110 MeV mc 2 5.93 109 K ; electron: T 11 8.617 10 MeV/K k 2 105.66 MeV mc muon: T 1.23 1012 K 11 8.617 10 MeV/K k 6. As in the preceding problem we have for the 2.2 eV / c2 mass, 2.2 eV mc 2 T 2.55 104 K. 5 8.617 10 eV/K k Using Figure 16.6, this temperature corresponds to a time of approximately 108 seconds. If the mass of the neutrino is 1.0 104 eV / c2 then 104 eV mc 2 1.16 K. T 8.617 105 eV/K k Note this answer is lower than the present cosmic background temperature! 7. The ( E0 140 MeV ) is more massive than the 0 ( E0 135 MeV ), so the would have been formed for a longer time. With mc2 k T we have mc 2 5 MeV T 5.80 1010 K. 11 8.617 10 MeV/K k 8. Set the deuteron binding energy 2.22 MeV equal to kT : 2.22 MeV 2.22 MeV 2.58 1010 K. T 11 k 8.617 10 MeV/K © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 16 Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End 223 9. Set the hydrogen binding energy 13.6 eV equal to kT : 13.6 eV 13.6 eV 1.58 105 K. T 5 k 8.617 10 eV/K 0.3GN 2 m2 3.9 2 N 5/3 , one can solve for V and find: 10. Beginning with Equation (16.15), V 4/3 2mV 5/3 3.9 2 6.5 2 V 1/ 3 . 0.6m3 N 1/ 3G N 1/ 3m3G 11. Notice that Example 16.5 indicates a neutron star with a mass of two solar masses. mass 2M 3M where M 1.99 1030 kg (mass of sun) and R 11 km . 3 4 volume R3 2 R 3 3 1.99 1030 kg 3M 7.14 1017 kg/m3 3 3 3 2 R 2 1110 m 3 1.67 1027 kg mp 2.311017 kg/m3 and the 4 3 4 1.2 1015 m 3 r0 3 neutron star is about three times as dense. For the nucleon we have 12. We see from Equation (16.16) that V 1/3 is proportional to N 1/ 3 . However, V 1/3 is proportional to R, so R is proportional to N 1/ 3 . The reason this makes sense is that the gravitational pressure increases in proportion to N 2 [see Equation (16.12)] while the neutron pressure increase in proportion to N 5/3 [see Equation (16.14)]. The gravitational pressure increases more rapidly than the neutron pressure so that the radius of the neutron star decreases as the number of neutrons increases. 13. (a) Beginning with Equation (16.12): 2 Nm M2 P 0.3G 4 / 3 0.3G 4/3 V 4 3 R 3 0.3 6.67 10 11 m kg ·s 3 1 2 1.99 10 30 kg 2 3 4 8 6.96 10 m 3 4/3 5.00 1013 N/m 2 . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 224 Chapter 16 (b) P 0.3G M2 4 3 R 3 33 3.2110 N/m 2 . 4/3 0.3 6.67 1011 m3 kg 1 s 2 Cosmology – The Beginning and the End 4 1.99 1030 kg 2 3 4 4 1.110 m 3 4/3 14. We begin with Equation (16.1). 1 Mpc 71 km/s 4 v HR 4.0 109 ly 8.7110 km/s 0.29c. 6 Mpc 3.26 10 ly v 15000 km/s 15. R 211 Mpc or about 689 Mly . H 71 km/s/Mpc 16. (a) From Equation (16.18) we see that for a redshift of 3.8 we have / 0 3.8 , so 3.8 R 1 1 which can be solved to find 0.917. Then 1 v 0.917 299790 km/s 3872 Mpc. 71 km/s/Mpc H 3.26 Mly (b) 3872 Mpc 12.6Gly. 1 Mpc 17. The redshift is z = Δλ/λ0 = 3.8, so z0 3.8 21 cm 80 cm and the new wavelength is 21 cm + 80 cm = 101 cm. There could be another spectral line at this wavelength, but it is unlikely to lead to confusion. As Figure 16.1 shows, the pattern of spectral lines shifts as a group, with each line experiencing the same redshift factor z. This makes it possible to identify the 21-cm line within the pattern of the entire spectrum. 1 18. Beginning with Equation (16.18), the speed is given by z 6.42 1 which can 1 be solved to find 0.964 or v 0.964c. The distance is then given by Hubble’s law v 0.964 299790 km/s R 4070 Mpc . Expressed in ly, 71 km/s/Mpc H 3.26 ly R 4070 Mpc 13.3 Gly. Mpc 19. (a) From Equation (16.18), for a redshift of 8.6 we have / 0 8.6, so 8.6 1 1 which can be solved to find 0.979 or v 0.979c. 1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 16 Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End (b) R 225 v 0.979 299790 km/s 4130 Mpc ; 71 km/s/Mpc H 3.26 Mly 4130 Mpc 13.5 Gly. 1 Mpc 20. (a) Type I supernova have no hydrogen spectral lines. Type Ia has strong silicon spectral lines but no helium lines. Type Ib has very weak or no silicon lines and has neutral helium lines. Type Ic has weak or no helium lines and weak or no silicon lines. (b) All supernovas other than Type Ia are caused by gravitational contraction of stars much more massive than our Sun. 21. 1 nucleon 3 (a) 3 1028 kg/m3 0.18 nucleons/m 27 1.67 10 kg (b) R 16.6 ly 9.46 1015 m/ly 1.57 1017 m 60 1.99 1030 kg 1 nucleon 7.15 1058 nucleons 27 1.67 10 kg The nucleon density is the number of nucleons divided by the volume, or 7.15 1058 4.41106 nucleons/m3 . The nucleon density in our neighborhood 3 4 1.57 1017 m 3 is much larger than it is for the universe as a whole. 22. (a) The solid blue curve represents the current, best idea of the expansion of the universe. The expansion of the universe is accelerating. Current models suggest that about 5% of the mass-energy is ordinary matter, about 23% is dark matter, and about 72% is dark energy. Most of the mass is represented by dark energy. The solid black curve represents the known mass of the universe. It is an open, low density universe, and the expansion of the universe is slowing down. The blue dashed curve represents a flat, critical density universe. The expansion rate slows down until the curve becomes more horizontal. The black dashed curve represents a closed, high density universe which will expand for a few more billion years, but eventually will turn around and collapse. There is not enough mass in the universe for this to happen. (b) Yes, the black dashed curve represents a closed universe. See the explanation in part (a). © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 226 Chapter 16 23. H 22 km/s/Mly Cosmology – The Beginning and the End 1 Mly 2.32 1018 s 1 12 10 9.46110 km 3 2.32 1018 s 1 3H 2 c 9.63 1027 kg/m3 9.63 1030 g/cm3 . 11 1 2 3 8 G 8 6.67 10 m kg s 6 2 24. From Wien’s law maxT 2.898 10 m K. max 3 2.898 103 m K 1.06 mm. 2.725 K 25. For H 64 km / s / Mpc we have 1 Mpc 18 1 H 64000 m/s/Mpc 2.07 10 s ; 22 3.086 10 m 3 2.07 1018 s 1 3H 2 c 7.7 1027 kg/m3 . 3 11 1 2 8 G 8 6.67 10 m kg s 2 For H 78 km / s / Mpc we have 1 Mpc 18 1 H 78000 m/s/Mpc 2.53 10 s ; 22 3.086 10 m 3 2.53 1018 s 1 3H 2 c 1.2 1026 kg/m3 . 11 1 2 3 8 G 8 6.67 10 m kg s 2 26. (a) The only combination of the constants that gives time is m (b) t p Gh c5 6.67 10 11 m kg s 1 2 2.998 10 3 8 6.626 10 m/s 5 34 J s 1 2 , n , and l . 1 5 2 2 1.35 1043 s 27. A complete derivation can be found in Section 2.10. 28. Let dm be the mass of a spherical shell of thickness dr, so dm d (vol) 4 r 2 dr . GM dm 4 where M r 3 is the mass inside radius r. Thus dV r 3 2 R 16 4 16 2 2 R5G dV G 2 r dr and therefore V dV . 0 3 15 16 2 2 R5G 9M 2 3GM 2 . Now 3M / 4 R3 , so V 2 6 15 5R 16 R 29. From the slopes it appears that t0 / 2 . © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 16 Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End 227 2 d mc 30. In general, as in Example 16.7, we have t . For a distance of 50 kpc , 2c E 50 kpc 3.086 1019 m 2.57 1012 s. Note that d 2c 2 3.00 108 m/s kpc 2 2.57 1012 s 2.57 s 10 MeV/10 eV , so for any distance (in kpc) 2 distance m c 2 10 MeV t 2.57 s . E 50 kpc 10 eV 2 2 31. We know from Section 9.7 [see the comment after Equation (9.56)] that the energy flux rate T 4 is related to the energy density e by a factor of c / 4 , such that c c (c / 4) e . But using E mc 2 we have e rad c 2 , so T 4 e rad c 2 or, 4 4 4 4 T rearranging rad 3 . c 32. rad 8 2 4 4 T 4 4 5.67 10 W m K 2.725 K 3 4.63 1031 kg/m3 3 8 c 3.00 10 m/s 4 This is substantially less than the matter density of about 3 1028 kg/m3 , so the universe is matter dominated. 2 8 2 4 4 T 4 4 5.67 10 W m K 10 K 3 8.4 1025 kg/m3 . 3 8 c 3.00 10 m/s 33. At 380,000 years the temperature is about 102 K. Then rad 4 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 228 Chapter 16 Cosmology – The Beginning and the End 34. The 300 day mark is almost exactly 200 days after the peak, so use t 200 d in the exponential decay formula exp (ln 2)t / t1/2 . Ni: exp (ln 2)t / t1/2 exp (ln 2) 200 d / 6.1 d 1.35 1010 Co: exp (ln 2)t / t1/2 exp (ln 2) 200 d / 77.1 d 0.166 The cobalt must be primarily responsible, with almost no contribution from the 56 56 35. Redshift 0 1 580.0 nm 121.6 nm 1 3.77 ; 3.77 1 121.6 nm Therefore 0.916 and v 0.916c. 36. By definition equivalent to 0 0 nickel. z . From Equation (16.18) we know 1 z 1 1 . 1 0 1 1 ; this is 1 37. Using the binomial expansion with the result of the preceding problem 1 z 1 ... 1 ... 1 so we see that to first order z . 2 2 1 38. 5.34 1 so 0.951 and v 0.951c ; 1 R v 0.951 299790 km/s 4016 Mpc. 71 km/s/Mpc H 39. Q 2mp md me u·c 2 0.43 MeV. There are three particles in the final state, but it is possible for the deuteron and positron to have negligible energy, in which case the neutrino energy is 0.43 MeV. We begin with Equation (16.21): 3H 2 H in (km/s)/Mpc 3 104 c 3 11 1 2 8 G 100 8 6.6726 10 m kg s 2 40. Mpc H 13 2 2 2 2 3 1 1.789 10 km s Mpc m kg s 22 100 3.086 10 m 2 H H 3 3 26 29 1.88 10 kg/m 1.88 10 g/m 100 100 2 2 3 m 10 km 2 2 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 16 41. Cosmology and Modern Astrophysics – The Beginning and the End (a) a Ct n ; q a d 2 a / dt 2 n(n 1)Ct n2 ; da / dt nCt n1 ; d 2 a / dt 2 229 an(n 1)Ct n 2 an(n 1) n(n 1) 2 n 2 2 2 n2 nCt n Ct n2 da dt where in the last step we used the definition a Ct n . From this we see that there is deceleration q 0 only if 0 n 1 . (b) H 42. (a) 2 1 da nCt n 1 n with 0 n 1 . There is an inverse dependence on time. a dt Ct n t X n exp En / kT exp En E p / kT exp mn m p c 2 / kT where is X p exp E p / kT last step uses the fact that since E K mc 2 , the kinetic energy term will cancel. X The difference in rest energy equals 1.3 MeV so we have n exp 1.3 MeV / kT . Xp X 1 exp 1.3 MeV / kT (b) n X p 6.7 Take the natural logarithm of both sides and solve for kT. We find kT 0.68 MeV and thus T 7.9 109 K . (c) Using the equipartition theorem, this temperature corresponds to an energy of K 32 kT 1.02 MeV . According to Figure 16.6, this temperature corresponds to a time of perhaps 0.1 s or 1 s, which is before the time at which nuclei could form. 43. For a uniform distribution assume a cubical lattice of stars, each separated by distance d. Then each star occupies a cube of volume d 3 , and the density of that cube and the universe as a whole is M / d 3 . Solving for d, M d 1/ 3 2.0 1030 kg 3 27 9 10 kg/m 1/ 3 6.0 1018 m. Converting to lightyears, 1 ly d 6.0 1018 m 640 ly. 15 9.45 10 m Our local region is much denser than this, because we know there are many stars closer than 640 ly to the sun. (Other than the sun, the closest star system, Alpha Centauri, is just over 4 ly away.) This density is to be expected, because galaxies are relatively dense collections of stars. © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.