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Energy Revision Booklet: Resources, Transfer, Efficiency

Chemical Potential —>____
Energy Resources
Complete the labels to
show where useful energy transfers take place in a typical
coal power station.
State one advantage and one
between coal and nuclear power stations?
disadvantage of using coal.
____ Draw energy transfer diagrams for generating
____ —> Kinetic
electricity using coal, nuclear, and solar power.
_______ —> ________
Energy Revision
Energy can be viewed as coming in many different forms.
Identify the forms of energy shown below.
_____ What are the similarities and differences
Pictures from E-On
Energy Transfer
Law of Conservation of Energy
___ A bungee jumper has 1.2 MJ of gravitational potential
energy. Draw an energy transfer diagram to show the energy What is the wasted energy in this process?
_______________________ What percentage of the
transfers from the time he jumps until the
time he reaches the bottom of the first ‘bounce.’
energy input is transferred to elastic potential energy?
When the bungee is fully extended it stores 1.0 MJ of
Particles in heated substances have more kinetic
elastic potential energy. Draw an energy flow (Sankey)
energy and they vibrate more. This causes the hot
diagram to show the energy transfer process.
substance to expand and become less dense. Less
dense areas in fluids will rise above the cooler, denser
areas. Using the picture to the right,
explain how a radiator uses
convection to heat an entire room.
Reducing Heat Loss from Houses
Method... Prevents... Because...
Double glazing
Cavity wall insulation
Draught excluders
Thermal Energy
Thermal, or heat energy, can be transferred in three
____ Radiation
Thermal energy can also be
transferred as
_______ waves. Particles are
not required for
radiation and so it can travel
through a _____.
Matt black surfaces are good
________ and
emitters of thermal radiation.
Light shiny
surfaces are poor absorbers and emitters of
thermal radiation, they ______ it instead.
Words: vacuum infra-red absorbers reflect
ways; ________, _________, and ________. Thermal
energy is transferred from hotter places to colder
The efficiency of a system is the ratio of total energy
input to useful energy output. It is given by the
Explain, using the
diagrams, how
transfers heat.
Efficiency can be given as a percentage by
multiplying by ___. Sample Questions
A car engine releases 100 000 J of energy from burning
petrol. 40 000 J is transferred to kinetic energy and
electrical energy for lights, radio, etc. 60 000 J is wasted
as heat and sound. What is the efficiency of the system?
Why are metals better conductors than non-
_____ Conduction occurs in solids, liquids and gases.
______ An old 100 W light bulb transfers 100 J of energy
Liquids and gases have an other method of heat
every second. 10 J of this energy is released as light, the
transfer more suited to their properties... Convection
remainder is released as heat. A newer bulb transfers 90
Convection transfers heat through fluids due to the
J of every 100 J to light energy, and the remainder to heat.
different densities of hotter and cooler regions in the
Which bulb is the most energy efficient?
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______ A kettle is 80% efficient. How much energy must
_____ The bungee jumper on page 2 has a mass of 100
be supplied to provide 8000 J of heat energy?
kg. How high must he be?
_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
___ _____
Work, Energy & Power
Energy & Work
What is the equation that links work and force?
____________________ A car has an average driving
_____ A red panda climbs 4 m up a tree and gains 260 J
force of 700 N and drives for 1.2 km. How much work is
GPE. What is the mass of the red panda?
__________________________________________ Roy
is moving house. He does 500 J of work moving boxes
with a force 5 N. How many meters does he move the
boxes? _______________________
Kinetic Energy
_____ Gravitational Potential Energy
What is the equation that links mass, velocity, and KE?
What is the equation for calculating GPE?
________________ A Year 11 pupil (mass 50 kg) is
________________________ Roy arrives at his new flat
running frantically at 7 m/s to reach her exam on time.
and must move his boxes (mass 0.5 kg) up three flights of
How much kinetic energy does she have?
stairs. Each flight of stairs is 2 m high. How much GPE
does each box gain?
____ A tortoise (3 kg) has a kinetic energy of 0.135 J. What
is its speed?
____ GPE and KE
A kite of mass 0.5 kg is flying 5 m above the ground. What
is its GPE?
____ If the wind suddenly stops blowing, and assuming all
GPE is converted into KE, how fast will the kite hit the
ground? ____________________________
____ Power
How is power calculated?
___________________________________ A lift of mass
1000 kg raises up 5 m in 10 s. How much GPE does the lift
____ What is the power of the motor?