The consulting service contract 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关的法律和法规,委托方和受托方本着平等互利,等价有偿,诚 实信用的原则,在协商一致的基础上签订本合同,就委托方的咨询服务事宜,达成以下协议。 This contract was made, with the principal of mutual benefit and good faith, in accordance with the “Contract Law of the PRC” and related law, regulation and/or interpretations, by and between the entrusting party and trustee, subject to the consulting services that provided hereunder. 一、 咨询服务内容、期限、费用 Ⅰ, Contents, expires and fee of consulting service 1、受托方利用其在装饰建材方面的专业知识、丰富经验和市场资源,为委托方提供产品质量、市场 动态以及相关行业信息等咨询服务。 With its professional knowledge, rich experience and market resources, the trustee provides consulting services such as product quality assessment, market dynamics and relevant service. 2、受托方向委托方提供约定服务的期限是:2021年1月1日至2021年12月31日。 The time limit for the trustee to provide the agreed services is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 3、本合同项下咨询服务费用为2935美元,委托方在2021年10月31日前一次性支付全部费用到受托 方以下账号。 银行名称:中国银行 银行地址: 中国广东省佛山市南海区官窑大道 54 号 账户名:CAIGUOMOU 帐户号码: 6013827001011404767 SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ400 The consulting service fee under the contract is $2935, and the entrusting party shall pay all the fee to the account number below to the trustee in one time within October 31, 2021. BANK NAME: Bank of China BANK ADDRESS: No.54 Guanyao Avenue, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China BENEFICIARY: CAIGUOMOU ACCOUNT NO.: 6013827001011404767 SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ400 二、 双方的权利和义务 Ⅱ, Rights and obligations of both parties 委托的方权利和义务 Entrusting party’s rights and obligation 1、委托方有权向受托方询问工作进展情况及相关的服务,有权阐述对具体问题的意见和建议。 The entrusting party has the right to ask trustee about the work progress and relevant contents, and has the right to state opinions and suggestions on specific issues. 2、依据本合同规定,向受托方支付咨询服务费用。 According to the provisions of this contract, the entrusting party shall pay the trustee the consulting service fee. 受托方的权利和义务 The trustee's rights and obligations 1、受托方按照合同的服务条款和服务内容,向委托方提供保证质量的服务。 The trustee shall, in accordance with the service clause and contents, provide quality guarantee service to the entrusting party. 2、依据本合同规定,向委托方收取咨询服务费用。 According to the provisions of this contract, the trustee shall charge the entrusting party with the consulting service fee. 三、 违约责任 Ⅲ, the liability for breach of contract 委托方未按期支付咨询服务费用的,受托方有权中止服务,由此产生的不利后果由甲方承担。 若委托方超过约定付款期限30日仍未支付的,乙方有权解除本合同,甲方应按未付金额的200%向乙 方支付违约金。 If the entrusting party fails to pay the consulting service fee on time, the trustee has the right to suspend the service, and the adverse consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the entrusting party. If the entrusting party fails to pay within 30 days after the agreed payment period, the trustee has the right to terminate this contract, and the entrusting party shall pay the trustee a penalty of 200% of the unpaid amount. 四、 解决争议 Ⅳ, Dispute resolution 如履行本合同发生争议,双方应首先协商解决。如协商不成,任何一方均可向委托方所在地的 法院提起诉讼,通过法律程序予以解决。 In the event of any disputes arise by this contract; such dispute shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If failure to make the consensus of the parties through negotiation, either party may bring such dispute to the court where the entrusting party located. 五、不可抗力、政府行为及免责条款 Ⅴ, Force majeure, government behavior and the exemption clause 1、本合同双方中任何一方面临不可抗力事件,包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、台风、自然灾害、 原厂商原因等过程中可能发生的不可预见、不可避免且无法控制的情况,致使合同履行迟延或履行不 能,受不可抗力影响的一方应以书面形式将相关情况及时通知对方,除支付义务外本合同约定履行期 限应自动顺延。如前述不可抗力致使合同履行迟延或不能履行的情况持续达一百二十日,且双方未能 就合同变更达成一致意见的,未受不可抗力影响的一方可提前一周通知对方后终止合同。 In the event of any force majeure of either party hereof, force majeure herein means unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncontrollable events that including but without limitation fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, act of god, or automakers’ interruptions, which makes the affected party delay to perform or failure to perform the contract liabilities; the affected party shall use written notice to inform the other party about the force majeure event, except otherwise the payment obligations, other performance liabilities shall be extend accordingly. If the continuous of the aforesaid circumstance makes the performance of this contract delayed or unperformed over 120 colander days, and the both parties failure to make new agreement, the unaffected party may upon one week in advance with written notice to terminate this contract without any other liabilities. 2、因政府颁布法律、法规、行政命令及相关权力机关抽象行政行为原因导致任何一方迟延或不能履 行本合同所约定义务的,应及时通知对方,合同约定的履行期限相应顺延,因此造成的对方损失彼此 不承担违约责任。合同任何一方上级主管单位针对本合同相关项目的具体行政行为导致该方无法履行 合同的不在免责范围之内。 Any delay or failure performance to this contract of either party, under the reason of law, regulation, government decree or any other abstract administrative acts, which make the contract delayed or cannot be performed; the affected party shall inform the other party timely, the contract period shall be delayed accordingly; neither party will not be responsible for any loss of the aforesaid reasons. Nevertheless, any specific administrative act that lead to this contract cannot be performed shall definitely not be included. 六、 其它事项: Ⅵ, Miscellaneous 1、 本合同自委托方和受托方加盖双方签名后生效,合同传真件等同原件,有同等法律效力。本合同一式 陆份,委托方执叁份,受托方执叁份。未尽事宜,依照《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定处理。 This contract shall be enforceable only upon the signed by the duly authorized representatives; the facsimile shall be deemed as the original and enjoy same legal force with the original. This contract is made in six copies, either of the party hold three copies. Any pending matters in this contract, the parties hereto shall processed in accordance with “Contract Law of the PRC” 2、本合同履行中,双方经协商一致可以对本合同的条款进行变更。该变更必须经过双方协商同意, 并由双方授权代表签署书面补充协议和签名,作为补充协议,补充协议也是合同的一部分,一旦补充 协议与原合同正本不一致,以补充协议为准。或委托方和受托方协商确定。 During the performance of this contract, the parties hereto may revise the terms and conditions hereof through friendly negotiation. Such revise hereof shall be through negotiation and mutual consensus; the supplementary agreement shall only be signed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto. Such supplementary agreement shall be deemed as integral party of this contract, if any discrepancies between the contract and supplementary agreement, except negotiated by and between the entrusting party and trustee otherwise, the supplementary agreement shall prevail. 委托人: MUHİTTİN SEYHAN 签名: 身份证:45295922996 电话:0090 252 3586531 邮箱 The entrusting party: MUHİTTİN SEYHAN ID No.: 45295922996 Signature: Phone: 0090 252 3586531 E-mail: v 受托人: CAIGUOMOU 签名: 身份证:445281197805040614 电话:0086-13923223435 邮箱:kencai1999@126.COM Trustee:CAIGUOMOU ID No.: 445281197805040614 Signature: Phone: 0086-13923223435 E-mail: kencai1999@126.COM