ElementPure substance (made up of atoms) What are Elements made ofAtoms What are biomocules made up of______Hydrogen and Carbon Compundtwo or more <b>elements</b>&nbsp;bonded togther&nbsp; Compounds have different properties than the _________ they are made up ofelement Water has unique properties. Name themPolar, Cohension, Universal Solute Polarnegative + positive Cohesionsticks to itself Universal Soluteother substances dissovle in it (salt,suger) Chemical ReactionsProcces of turning one set of chemicals into another Chemical Reactions are like ______Equations (1 + 1 = 2) Proteins ______ and ______muscleBuild and repair Polymermultiple monomers bonded Monomera molecule that can be bonded Carbohydatefast energy lipidsstored energy Nucleaic AcidsTramsimit genetic info (DNA) Chemical Reactionchanges in chemical bonds Reactantthe compunds that are going to change Productthe compund after the reaction Activation energyenergy nned to start reaction&nbsp; Catalyst&nbsp;&nbsp;element or a compound that increases the rate of chemical reaction Enzymespeed up reaction 2 things that denature enzymePH and temperature what does denature meanthe shape of enzyme changes Enzyme are ______ specifichighly Enzymes belong to the organic compund know as _______Catalysts Another name of enzymes are _______proteins Saturation point/ Optmum point. This happens when best _____ and ____ level are reachedEnzyme is max effenciancy. This happens when best temp. and pH are reached Substatesmaterial that is being broken down "<img src=""paste-62927a3024b5ec8a6c126113b4c0a14888740fcf.jpg"">"Carbs: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen&nbsp;<br>Lipids:&nbsp;&nbsp;Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Protein: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, <b>Nitrogen</b><br>Nucleic Acids: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, <b>Nitrogen</b>,&nbsp;<b>phosphorus</b><br>