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Nursing History & Social Justice Presentation

Focus of this week: “A History of Nursing: The Continuing Social Justice Endeavor”
Dr. Lauren Clark: “Sensitizing Ourselves to Struggles and Strengths: SocioPolitical, Workplace, and
Environmental Social Justice Issues Affecting Nurses Today”
Presenting on Looking at Art
Disabled mothers-to-be face indignigty: “Do you have a man? Can you have sex”
o Thinking about the visual clues that we miss
CHANT Survey: Climate, Health, and Nursing Tool
Sustainability & Healthcare
James Evans, MBA, LEED-GA
Sustainability Manager
Ucla Health
What relationships do we need to build in our communities to build health and population
Considering the environment and how that affects all of our health
o Access to quality healthcare
Nurses have a unique role to play on educating the public on environmental health and public
health (since we are the most trusted profession)
Sustainability impact categories: water/recycling, energy conservation, climate mitigation &
resilience, water stewardship, local & healthy foods
Each patient at a hospital per day develops about 29 pounds of waste a day
o UCLA Health generates 13 million pounds annually
Dr. Rebecca Morse
Curator (means to care for a collection & the objects within it) at LACMA, collection of 20,000
photographs all the way from beginning - 1839
Specialty: photography & contemporary photo
“Sustained Looking”
o Spending time with the thing we are interested in
o Teaches us a form of patience and looking
How you feel at the end will feel different than how you feel at the beginning
Looking @ Migrant Mother
First ask yourself, what is the medium? And what does that mean?
Painting or sculpture always comes from the artist’s mind
This photograph (we are looking at) = old style film, relatively small, gelatin print
Does it fill your field of vision? Are you looking up at it? Are you looking down? What is your
bodily relationship to this art object?
In terms of composition – where is the maker standing? Is the maker looking up or looking down
What type of camera might they be using?
Considering the children around her, faces turned, hair disheveled, the baby is in her arms, baby
might still have food on her face, mother’s shirt looks like she may have recently been nursing –
gives that sensation
She does look a bit perturbed
Canvas behind her so not entirely sure where she is
Light source may be coming from the right, looks like outdoor light, so she is exposed to the
Made in napomo California in 1936 during the depression; photographer is Dorothea lange
(woman shooting the photographer)
o Dorothea had been hired by the government to photograph rural and urban poverty
during the depression
Observing without judgment