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Evidence Appraisal Worksheet for Nursing Students

Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix – Module 5
The purpose of this group worksheet assignment, like all assignments in this course, is to help prepare
you to be a successful nurse. The assignments in this course are to challenge you, work on collaborating
as a team, empower you to research, and appraise and evaluate research to inform you and your group
members to help answer your PICO/T question.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your
success in the course:
 Module Outcome #1: Identify the hierarchy of research designs and evidence
 Module Outcome #2: Apply critical appraisal criteria to evaluate qualitative and quantitative
research reports
 Module Outcome #3: Analyze the strength, quality, and consistency of evidence findings to
address a clinical question
 Module Outcome #4: Compare tools for processing and analyzing quantitative and qualitative
This assignment will also help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in
this discipline:
 Identify scholarly research to help solve a real-world problem
 Appraise research and summarize key findings to help solve a real-world problem
 Distinguish key elements in scholarly literature that lead to an outcome
 Determine the quality and consistency of the evidence findings to make an informed discussion
about the implementation into practice
Each group member is to conduct an evidence search to identify one piece of research literature
(qualitative or quantitative study, integrative review, clinical practice guideline, meta-analyses,
or meta-synthesis) to contribute to the group project. The piece of evidence selected must be
scholarly in nature (a research study) published within the last 5 years. Each group member is to
analyze the piece of scholarly evidence identified and record findings on the matrix table. Each
team member should select a different piece of evidence for analysis. Therefore, it is imperative
that group members communicate with one another regarding the identified article they will be
analyzing to prevent duplication.
The group/team is to review the gathered evidence and matrix tables to construct a
written report of findings to make an informed discussion about the implementation into
One report is to be submitted on behalf of the team and should include each team
member’s matrix table within the Appendix of the report.
Submit the Evidence Appraisal Report and Matrix Tables (in Appendix of report) by
11:59 on Sunday of Week 10.
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Introduce the problem of interest (depth and nature of problem) and discuss significance to
nursing. Support with a minimum of two scholarly resources dated within the last 5 years.
PICO(T) Question: State the question your team has selected and corresponding PICO/T
Appraisal of the Evidence
 What are the connections or contradictions between parts of a work, or multiple works
examined? What themes or traits were commonly shared among the studies? Are the
conclusions or recommendations similar among the studies examined? Are there
contradictions or conflicting findings among the studies examined (if so discuss)?
 What is the overall strength of the evidence based on the quantity, quality, and
consistency (of results) of a body of literature examined?
 Discuss how the evidence examined contributed to answering the PICO question of
 Discuss how the evidence examined contributed to answering the PICO question of
 Identify gaps in research findings to answer the PICO question of interest.
 Identify additional research evidence needs (what additional information will be
gathered to further answer the question of interest).
Grammar, Writing Style, and APA
 Please use appropriate levels of headings to organize your work per APA.
 Final paper should be 3-4 pages (excluding the title page, reference page, and matrix
tables in Appendix)
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Evidence Matrix
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the study design & level of evidence, setting/sample/sampling methods, intervention & outcomes measures,
and results & conclusions of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the study (consider threats to reliability
and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the sample/sampling, research design, and methods of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the study (consider threats to reliability and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the sample/sampling, research design, and methods of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the study (consider threats to reliability and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the sample/sampling, research design, and methods of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the study (consider threats to reliability and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the sample/sampling, research design, and methods of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the study (consider threats to reliability and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Group Member Name
Study Design Type
Title of Study (APA format)
Level of Evidence
URL to Study
Quality of Evidence (low, good, or high)
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Identify Methods Utilized to
Obtain Data
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key
Using Bulleted Points:
List Key Implications/
Conclusions Revealed in
Was the setting
appropriate to answer
the research question?
Reflect upon the sample/sampling, research design, and methods of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the study (consider threats to reliability and validity).
Reflect upon the overall quality of the study (strengths and limitations) and discuss the appropriateness in answering PICO of
interest to promote a practice change. Can the findings be generalized (why or why not)?
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Criteria for Success (Grading Rubric):
 The problem was Introduced in a clear and concise manner (depth and nature of problem).
and supported by a minimum of two pieces of scholarly evidence from within the last 5 years.
 The significance to nursing was identified.
The PICO/T question was presented.
Evidence Appraisal
 Discussed the connections or contradictions between parts of a work, or multiple
works examined. Made note of themes or traits that were commonly shared among
the studies. Discussed the similarities among conclusions or recommendations among
the studies examined. Identified contradictions or conflicting findings among the
studies examined.
 Discussed the overall strength of the evidence based on the quantity, quality, and
consistency (of results) of a body of literature examined?
 Discuss how the evidence examined contributed to answering the PICO question of
 Identified gaps in research findings to answer the PICO question of interest.
 Identified additional research evidence needs (what additional information will be
gathered to further answer the question of interest).
Matrix Entry
Clinical Inquiry – NURS 3270
Evidence Appraisal Report and Evidence Matrix
Data recorded was based on the analysis of scholarly evidence in the form of
qualitative or quantitative studies, integrative reviews or systematic reviews,
clinical practice guidelines, meta-analyses, or meta-synthesis.
 Evidence selected was from within the last 5 years.
 Data recorded was accurate and complete.
Scholarly Writing & APA Formatting
 3-4 pages in length (excluding title page, references, and matrix in the
 Included an APA formatted title page
 Level headings utilized to organize body of paper.
 Matrix placed in Appendix
 Free of grammar and punctuation errors