Uploaded by Rutchel Aljas Maghanoy


Tukuran Technical – Vocational High School
Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur
Quarter 1, Week 3
Name of Learner:
Cellphone Number:
Grade 9 Section:
I. Content: Nail Structure and Conditions & Nail Diseases and Disorders & Hand Spa Treatment
II. Brief Background / Discussion
Nail plays important role in our lives; they are the ones
which protects our fingers and toes.
Nail -Is a horny translucent plate or a horn like keratinous envelope
which protects the tips of the fingers and toes in most primates.
Onyx -Is the technical term or natural term of nail. Nail is composed
mainly of keratin. Keratin is a type of protein that forms the cells that
makes up the horny tissues in nails and other part of your body.
Capillaries- A tiny blood vessels sit under the nail bed. Blood that
flows through the capillaries helps nail grow and give the pinkish
The growth of the nails is influenced by:
1. Age - the rate of nail growth changes throughout the
person’s lifetime.
2. Gender - Men nails grow faster than women nails, except
during pregnancy.
3. Nutrition - the healthier the food you eat the quicker and
stronger nails will grow but if you are in medication, the
growth of your nail will be affected.
4. Climate - Nail grows quicker in hotter environments or
during summertime.
5. Chemical - chemical like benzalkonium chloride, polymers,
plasticizers that has in nail polishes can slow nail growth
and can cause them to be weaker.
6. Nail care - a good nail care routine will help nails grow
stronger and longer.
1. Free-edge – end portion of the nail which extends beyond
the fingertips that can be shaped during manicure and
2. Nail body/ nail plate – visible hard part of nail that is
attached to the nail bed and composed of layers of dead
3. Nail root – beginning of nail found at the base and
embedded underneath the skin.
1. Nail bed – the skin where the nail plate rest. It is a skin
with a layer of epidermis and a layer of dermis
2. Matrix – the portion of the nail bed that sits at the base of
the nail plate.
3. Lunula – half shape, a small portion of the nail matrix
visible as a white crescent.
1. Cuticle – is a protective layer of dead cells around the nail
that cover and seal the back of the nail pate.
2. Hyponychium – or quick of the nail portion of skin under
the free –edge of the nail which protects the nail bed.
3. Nail walls – folds of the skin overlapping the sides of the
4. Mantle –deep fold of the skin in which the nail root
5. Nail grooves – lies along side of the edge of nail plate,
which protects the nail bed from infection.
1. Pointed - They resemble shape of the stiletto, carefully cut
on the sides, and filled into a point so that tips are the
shape of a triangle, leaving the ends pointed.
Oval - This shape is ideal for both short and long wide nail
bed and fingers.
3. Square Round Corners - Also known as square rounded.
This shape is for those who want the square shape but with
the comfort of rounded nails.
4. Round - Also known as square rounded. This shape is for
those who want the square shape but with the comfort of
rounded nails.
5. Square - Also known as square rounded. This shape is for
those who want the square shape but with the comfort of
rounded nails.
NAIL DISORDER - A large group of conditions that affect the
appearance of fingernails and toenails.
1. BLUE NAIL - This condition is known as Cyanosis. It
occurs when there is not enough oxygen in your blood,
making skin or membrane below the skin a purplish-blue
2. BRITTLE NAIL - Dry and brittle nails are the result of too
little moisture. They’re most caused by the repeated
washing and drying of fingernails.
3. BRUISED NAIL - Bluish in color, this may be caused by
trauma or accident like caught your toe in a door.
Immediate treatments are, rest, elevate the injured
toe/finger clean and cover open wounds.
4. HANG NAIL - Small piece of torn skin hanging loose next
to your nail. Hang nail is specially a skin condition.
Improper trimming of cuticle and nail is one of the causes.
5. RIDGES - Has two types of ridges. Vertical ridges often
develop to adults, and it is normal. Horizontal or Beaus’ line
occurs in pregnant women.
6. WHITE SPOTS – Also known as punctate leukonychia.
Can caused by trauma, injury, poisoning and drugs
systemic illness and hereditary.
7. EGGSHELL NAIL - Also known as Hapalonychia, is a
condition in which a toenail or fingernail (or multiple nails)
becomes soft and thin causing to easily bend or break.
8. ONYCHATROPHIA - Also known as atrophy. When a fully
grow nail is atrophied, it loses its shines, healthy look starts
to shrink in size and may eventually falls away.
9. ONYCHAUXIS - Nail disorder that causes fingernails or
toenails to grow abnormally thick. The nails may become
curled and turn white or yellow.
10. BITTEN NAIL - Onychophagia or onychophagy is
considered as disorder characterized by uncontrollable nail
NAIL DISEASE - is more serious and if not treated, can result in
deep infection on in extreme cases, can cause permanent damage to
the nail.
1. ONYCHOLYSIS - Is a common medical condition
characterized by the painless detachment of the nail from
the nail bed, usually starting on the tip and or side.
2. ONYCHIA - An inflammatory of the nail matrix with
development of pus and loss of the fingernail or toenail.
Injury could be a result of misfitting footwear.
3. ONYCHOCRYPTOSIS - Known as ingrown toenail in
which the nail grows into the side of flesh. Toenails which
are not correctly trimmed caused the toes to be squeezed
to each other and occurred some pus later.
4. ONYCHOMYCOSIS - is an infection of the nail caused by
fungi such as dermatophytes, non-dermatophytes molds
and yeast. Nail plate becomes friable and may break up
often due to trauma.
5. ONYCHOGRYPHOSIS - (Ram’s Horn Nail) the nickname
for this disease is ram’s horn nails because the nails are
thick and curvy, like horns or claws.
Hand Washing Techniques of Trained Personnel Prior To PreHand Spa Procedure
1. Thoroughly wet your hands using warm running water and
add liquid soap to your hands.
2. Rub your hands together palm to palm and make a lather.
3. Using your palms rub your hands across the back of your
hands and along the length of your fingers, and then repeat
with your other hand.
4. Interlock your fingers with your palms touching and rub
thoroughly between all fingers.
5. Now rub around your thumbs and then rub the fingertips of
each hand across your palms.
6. Rinse off the soap with clean water, dry your hands with a
disposable towel, turn the tap of with the towel and throw
the towel.
7. Sanitize hands with alcohol.
Now, you seem to be ready to do the treatment to your client’s hand.
Here’s the Pre-Hand Spa Washing Procedure:
1. Ask client to remove all their jewelry.
2. Sanitize arms with alcohol and cotton balls. Apply from the
hand up to the elbow. Include in between of fingers.
3. Prepare lukewarm water and liquid soap. Wash hands up
to the arms. One hand at a time, then repeat the process
on the other hand.
Rinse both hands with clean water.
Tap dry with clean towel.
Prepare scrubbing mixture (body scrub + sea salt). Apply to
one arm by tapping enough amount of scrub mixture from
the hand up to the elbow, then rub gently. Repeat process
on the other arm.
Rinse with clean water to remove scrub mixture.
Towel-dry arms.
Apply hand lotion.
III. Learning competency with code: 1.1: Identify the nail structure,
nail disorders, and nail diseases. 1.2: Check and analyze
condition of client’s hand and wash client’s hand with lukewarm
water and soap, and towel-dry before and after scrubbing
IV. Instructions: Read and answer the activities on the space
provided or you can use another sheet of paper if necessary. You
can research your answers and ideas from the reference below
and be reminded of with the rubrics for scoring.
V. Activities:
Activity #1 - Direction: Fill in the box with at least 3 nail disorders
and 2 nail diseases together with their characteristics, causes and
Nail Disorder
Nail Disease
Activity #2 - Direction: Identification: Write your answer on the space provided.
________1. What part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe?
________2. What protective layer of the cells around the nail that cover and seal the back of the nail?
________3. It is the beginning of nail found at the base and embedded underneath the skin, what is it?
________4. What do you call that horny translucent plate or a horn like keratinous envelope which protects the tips of the fingers and toes in most
________5. What small portion of the nail matrix that is visible as a white crescent?
Activity #3 - Direction: Perform handwashing steps at home. Ask one of your family members to act as a client / model. Follow the procedures in
handwashing. Document your activity by taking photos or videos. In case you do not have these gadgets, narrate your experience in your answer
sheet. Include your impressions on the benefits of handwashing while doing the activity. Refer to the rubrics given.
VI. Guide Questions
1. What is the benefit of having healthy nails?
2. As a future nail technician, how important is determining the client’s structure of the nail before performing the nail services?
3. As a future nail technician, why do you have to learn the nail diseases and disorders?
VII. Rubrics for Scoring
Highly Skilled
50 pts
Appropriate selection of tools
and use of materials and
equipment all the time
45 pts
Appropriate selection of tools
and use of materials and
equipment most of the Time
Moderately Skilled
40 pts
Appropriate selection of tools,
preparation and use of materials
and equipment some of the time
30 pts
Never selects, prepares, and use
Appropriate selection of tools and
No Attempt
0 pt
No attempt to use the
tools and equipment.
Application of
Procedure (40%)
Systematic presentation of
procedures all the time without
Systematic presentation of
procedures most of the time
with minimum supervision
Systematic presentation of
procedures some of the time with
constant supervision
Never follows systematic
presentation of procedures and
highly development on
No effort to apply
procedures to project/
Safety / Work
Habits (30%)
Highly self - driven and
observes all safety
precautions at all times.
Self- driven and observes all
safety precautions at all times.
Self- driven and observes
sometimes some safety
Needs to be driven and does
not observe safety precaution
No drive and totally
disregards precaution
Work done ahead of time
Work done meets deadline
Work done close to deadline
Work done way beyond deadline
No idea of time
Use of Tools,
Equipment and
Materials (20%)
Speed / Time (10%)
VIII. Reflection: I understand about the lesson
IX. References:
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. Learning Module on Nail Care Services. Exploratory Course Grade
7/8, https://www.coursehero.com/file/77321128/BEAUTY-CARE-9-Q1-W1-Mod1pdf/, https://www.coursehero.com/file/77321129/BEAUTYCARE-9-Q1-W3-Mod3pdf/
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Noted by:
TLE/TVL Head Teacher I
Approved by:
Principal IV