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To Kill a Mockingbird Film Scene Analysis Project

English Film Study ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Major Assessment 1- Project SCENE ANALYSIS
DUE: End of Week 4- Friday_
Formal analysis of a film requires the viewer to break down the film into its component parts
and discuss how those parts contribute to the whole. Your assignment is to look at how a few
cinematic elements function in a single film.
Choose two or more formal elements from the film text ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ for scene
1. Setting/plot
2. Camera angles/shots
3. Costume/props
4. Sound/lighting
5. Dialogue
There are to parts to this project:
Part A Scene Analysis
Part B Personal Response
Part A- Requires you to analysis the selected scene. You must describe the use of the element
at least 3 elements, analysing and interpreting the effectiveness of mise en scene in the film
(500 words).
Part B- You are also required to write a personal response outlining if given a chance to
recreate what might you change and why? (200 words
How to create and submit the project?
Students can create ppts/Prezi for this project.
They need to embed images/video clip of the selected scene.
They must dedicate slides for both the sections.
No more than 10 slides.
Submit via Schoolbox.
GuidelinesThe project should discuss some of the following:
What information, meaning, state of mind, narrative, theme, and mood/tone is
conveyed by the elements you have chosen to discuss?
Ask yourself:
What kind of shots are used? (Close up, medium, long, etc.)
What is the angle of the shot? (Eye level, high angle, low angle)
Is there camera movement in the shot? If so, what kind? (Pan, dolly, etc.)
What is the approximation duration of the shot? And why? (In seconds).
What kind of lighting is used in the shot?
What significant sound is used during the shot? What sort? (diegetic/non-diegetic)
Is there anything special about the sound (think fidelity, rhythm, loudness, acoustic
quality, etc.)
Is there a significant use of the set in the shot? If so, what does it tell you about the
time and context?
Is there a significant use of costumes, make-up, or props used?
What is significant about the composition and/or mise en scene of the shot?
Is there a specific use of a short or long focal length lens? Finally, relate the scene or
film to the conventions and characteristics of its mode. How is Winter’s Bone an
example of indie/independent cinema?
Use metalanguage for film study. Refer to the vocabulary and Insight pages completed in