Name: ____________________________________ Introduction to the AP6 UK Background Political development Social and Econ Development Human Development index Corruption/Transpare ncy Constitutional monarchy Political rights: 39/40 Civil liberties: 56/60 High GDP per capita 0.932 78/100 - Free & fair elections - High electoral participation 13 yrs mandatory schooling Life expectancy: 81 yrs Infant morality: 3.82/1000 Russia Founded in 12th century Formerly managed by the soviet union Heavily industrialized from feudal economy in 20th century Political rights: 5/40 Civil liberties: 14/60 Gdp per capita: 26,500 Death rate :13.36 deaths otu of 1000 Infant morality 6.42 saths out of 1000 Life expectancy: 72.44 years Literacy rate: 99.7% 0.824 28/180 138/180 Islamic rule No free 14/100 GDP per capita: 12,4000 deah th reate: 5.17 Infant mortality: 14.84 Life expectancy 72.25 0.785 (2018) Score 28/100 Mena years of schooling : 10.1 years Rank 138/180 Nigeria Iran Literacy rate: 85.% Mainly service based Mexico China Federal publikc of 31 states Chinese comminst party was form in 1949 after a long and bloody civil war with the previous regime Political rights 27/40 Civil liberties 33/60 Gdp per capita: $17,900 Mean yrs of education: 7.1 Partly free Death rate: 7.71 deaths Infant morality- 11.86 Lif expectancy: 72.32 yrs Literacy age: 15 and over cn read and write 0.779 Political rights: -2/40 GDP per capita: 16.400 0.499 Civil liberties 11/60 Electoral process is non-existence - Citizen have no right to choose their leader Freedom of expression and belief - One of world’s most restrictive media environments Rule of law - Beatings and 7.9 deaths/ 1000 population 6.7 deaths/ 1000 lives birth Life expectancy: 77.72 years (75 nake 80.7 feamles Literacy 96.8% (98.5%male 95.2% female 28100 39/100 torture are widely employed Personal autonomy and individual rights - Only one legal labor union, but controlled by law - Human Development Report (RANKING OUT OF 189) - GDP /GDP PER CAPITA /GINI INDEX /GDP GROWTH RATE Civil Rights/Civil Liberties (ranking 1-7) and Freedom on the Net (ranking 1-100) - Corruption Perception Index (ranking out of 180) - Fragile State Index (ranking out of 178) - Reporters without Borders – World Press Freedom Index - World Bank for Gini Index 1. In your notes make sure that you have briefly defined EACH measurement and have described what it measures. 2. Review Fragile State Index site (linked above). Go to the Political Indicator for each country. Now click deeper and zero in on the state legitimacy graph line of each country. With the data you just compiled from the presentations, do you see any patterns or trends? Fragile states index → based on conflict asseessment framework known as “CAST” - Measurds vulnerability and assess how it mkght affect projects in the fired, and countinues to be used widely by policy makers, firld practitioners, and local commjnity networks. 3. There has been some debate as to whether economic growth causes democracy or merely correlates with democracy. a. Identify which country has the most economic growth? b. Select one of the indicators listed in the table and explain how that indicator can be used to support your answer. c. How might you explain the discrepancy between China’s GDP (purchasing power parity) and their GDP per capita? d. Compare China’s data with that of the United Kingdom. What differences do you see? What might be a reason for the disparity? 4. Take a closer look at the Human Development Index. What are the components that make up this index? 5. Which component of the HDI is most likely to be affected by corruption in Mexico? Per capita gross national income because corruption effects business which negatively effects the economy