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Communication Skills & Self-Esteem in High School Students

1. third person
Communication skills are an important part of human interaction. Developing effective
communication skills can help any individual. Having effective communication skills allows
anyone to better understand people, situations, and situations where differences need to be
resolved, or problem solving is necessary. All of these means of communication skills are essential
that are vital for a successful Career. Lack of communication skills will affect you in your everyday
relationships with friends, and social events can become a nightmare. Likewise, promotion and
career prospects can be severely damaged by low self-esteem and poor communication skills.
English Language plays an important role in our life. It is understood by many people around the
world since it is the most spoken language. It is essential in our education. Behind that, many of
the students are still not able to speak English correctly and fluently. Basing speaking English on
the academic performance of students can affect their activeness and trigger their willingness to
learn it. Additionally, we came up to this topic to find how it affected especially for those students
who have difficulty with English.
Give an overview of the research
The researchers chose to conduct this study in order to address a prevalent problem that
affects NHC High School students, as well as to help students build their confidence so that they
can improve their academic performance.
Low self-esteem is one of the common problems around the world, and it is one of the
reasons why an individual has difficulty in communication, that many people would rather stay
inside of their home and avoid people. In fact, it's estimated that roughly 85% of people worldwide
(adults and adolescents) have low self-esteem. (Jennifer Guttman Psy.D.) and it greatly affects our
daily lives, low self-esteem creates anxiety, stress, loneliness, and increased likelihood of
Filipinos are also affected by mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and
personality disorders that can lead to lack of communication skills and low self-esteem, A lot of
Filipinos experience lack of communication skills and one of the reasons is social beauty standards,
Disapproval from authority figures or parents, and Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.
Lack of communication skills is widespread among students, and it causes problems for students
at NHC High School for various reasons, including poor school performance or unrealistic goals,
mood disorders such as depression, and trauma or abuse. When the student has low self-esteem
and lack of communication skills, it has a significant effect in his academic performance such as
unable to respond to recitations, lack of energy, unwillingness to participate in school activities
and events.
Ahlquist (2019) stated that in the Storyline approach, a fictive world is created when learners,
taking on the roles of characters in a story, collaborate on tasks to develop the story. A key feature
is that the learners work in the same small groups for much of the time. During the six-week period
of this study, these learners used English in a variety of speaking and writing tasks. The project
showed a number of benefits, the most important of which were an increase in their motivation to
The connection of this to the study, the journal stated that self-confidence is an attitude of the
students that will serve as a strength to communicate with others using the English language. The
journal indicates that having a self-confidence helps the student to participate to their activities or
performances held at school. Also, this is one of the important things a student should have. It
shows that they should trust themselves, they just need to practice it by doing some activities or
One of the main goals of oral English communication, to improve the speaking proficiency of the
learners. Moreover, it was also found out that oral English apprehension correlated to speech
performance of the students. Furthermore, it was found out that oral English apprehension
influenced students’ speech performance. Hence, the speech performance of respondents coming
from the three secondary schools was affected by their level of oral English apprehension (Sayson,
It tells that the students should boost their self-esteem because it helps them to communicate with
others. Relating this to the study, the journal states that speech performance help the learners to
build up their speaking skills. It relates to the study because having a speech performance
enhanced the speaking skills of the students. In addition, it is kind of the teacher’s method for their
students to work on speaking in English fluently by conducting this kind of performance or
Communication is the exchange of messages that involves the communicators' common
understanding as well as the context in which the communication occurs (Tsui, 2003).
Communication is called "language-based bargaining" by Timothy and Uguma (2017, p.1). As a
result, teacher communication capacity refers to a teacher's ability to communicate with students
in a fluent and audible manner. Communication is crucial in the classroom because it is the vehicle
through which the teacher and the students communicate their knowledge. A teacher's inability to
speak clearly, write on the chalkboard, and write in the students' books could have a negative
impact on how students learn what they are taught. Furthermore, because teachers serve as role
models for students, if they have poor communication skills, they may unintentionally pass on the
same shortcoming to the students.
This study illustrates that the English language plays a big role in our education system. Relating
to this study, the literature suggests that the sense of communication is created when the English
subject, or language the students learned it well. Because of the teacher’s ability to speak in English
to communicate to her students. This article identifies that teachers’ speaking in English can help
the students learn more or be more eloquent in speaking in English, the sense of communication
have created when the students learn more about the English language because of teachers being
fluent in teaching English.
In Indonesia’s educational context, speaking is also emphasized in learning. It becomes one daily
activities of students, regrettably most of students faced anxieties when speaking English for the
oral communicative purposes is concerned (Haidara, 2016). They face difficulties when speak
English, such as 3 when producing the words and could not think of anything to say. English is
decided as the main foreign language which given more importance than any language that taught
in Indonesia (Haidara, 2016). To help students increase their speaking skills researcher necessary
to find solutions to overcome students’ difficulties in speaking ability. A study has been carried
out on what factors that positively affect students English speaking fluency. It was conducted by
Hidayat and Herawati (2012) the results show that there are three factors influence students’
speaking fluency, including enjoyable learning process, good self-motivation, and good support
from their friends.
This study states that the speaking is emphasized in learning more. Relating to this study, literature
suggests that the sense of learning is created when the students learn more about English language
or subject. Sometimes, students are having anxieties when they speak in English because they are
afraid that what they are saying may be wrong. This article point out that communication can
enhance the students' knowledge in English and help them more to be more eloquent. The sense
of learning is created when students can convey what they want to say or share to others about
Recently conducted research in Russia (Morozova, 2013) gleaned the general problems of Russian
students associated with learning to speak were subdivided into four main groups: 1) Students are
embarrassed to speak English because they are afraid of making mistakes and receiving criticism
from teachers and others. 2) Working in a group, which encourages students to use their native
language. 3) Students' deficiency in information about topics being discussed, even in their native
tongue. 4) Students appear to be lacking in language command when completing assigned tasks.
Aside from those concerns in academics, indigenous learners are also challenged with other
difficulties and various experiences that are related to their hardships in expressing themselves in
a language that the majority speaks. Having very limited exposure to the English language impacts
their rightful opportunities.
Many students rely on their feelings of anxiety while speaking English to their friends or
classmates. It is hard for a student to speak out about his/her feelings when he/she feels the tension
of being afraid of being grammatically incorrect and also when he lacks the ability to communicate
in English. Students lessen their opportunities to voice out their thoughts, opinions, and advocacy
on certain topics that may affect their future opportunities.
The students are afraid to speak due to their feeling of incapable in English. They are unwilling to
be intimidated by their friends rather than the teacher. It creates the sentiment of shyness. Students
think a lot when they are faced with exploring their ideas in a speaking performance. The feeling
of being the worst, incompetent, and less-skilled, that all have been built if students could not
uncover their shyness by confidence. Those could block the process of students’ ability in oral
communication (Juahana, 2012).
The sentiment of shyness while speaking English can have many negative effects on a student. It
makes a student less communicative and can limit a student's ability to speak for herself/himself.
The shyness of students is mostly when they're with their friends or classmates because they
overthink their English grammar that can affect their confidence. Therefore, the students should
learn to focus on the English language because it could develop their self-confidence and give
them an ability to verbally communicate more fluently.
Recently conducted research in Russia (Morozova, 2013) gleaned the general problems of Russian
students associated with learning to speak were subdivided into four main groups: 1) Students are
embarrassed to speak English because they are afraid of making mistakes and receiving criticism
from teachers and others. 2) Working in a group, which encourages students to use their native
language. 3) Students' deficiency in information about topics being discussed, even in their native
tongue. 4) Students appear to be lacking in language command when completing assigned tasks.
Aside from those concerns in academics, indigenous learners are also challenged with other
difficulties and various experiences that are related to their hardships in expressing themselves in
a language that the majority speaks. Having very limited exposure to the English language impacts
their rightful opportunities.
Many students rely on their feelings of anxiety while speaking English to their friends or
classmates. It is hard for a student to speak out about his/her feelings when he/she feels the tension
of being afraid of being grammatically incorrect and also when he lacks the ability to communicate
in English. Students lessen their opportunities to voice out their thoughts, opinions, and advocacy
on certain topics that may affect their future opportunities.
The students are afraid to speak due to their feeling of incapable in English. They are unwilling to
be intimidated by their friends rather than the teacher. It creates the sentiment of shyness. Students
think a lot when they are faced with exploring their ideas in a speaking performance. The feeling
of being the worst, incompetent, and less-skilled, that all have been built if students could not
uncover their shyness by confidence. Those could block the process of students’ ability in oral
communication (Juahana, 2012).
The sentiment of shyness while speaking English can have many negative effects on a student. It
makes a student less communicative and can limit a student's ability to speak for herself/himself.
The shyness of students is mostly when they're with their friends or classmates because they
overthink their English grammar that can affect their confidence. Therefore, the students should
learn to focus on the English language because it could develop their self-confidence and give
them an ability to verbally communicate more fluently.
According to Dike Okoro (2010), when it comes to adopting English and studying its components,
those who want to master English should do the opposite. They have a high possibility of enjoying
the benefits of acquiring English in the United States or throughout the world if they chose to do
so. According to statistics and verified data. US immigrants who spend time and space to learning
English have a decent probability of improving their educational prospects. This is because English
has a significant influence not just on students, but also on the general public.
It interconnects in this study on how students and also the general public will learn and master the
efficiency on English language. It also connect the study in terms of improving someone’s
performance on their educational diagnoses.
The Nigerian education sector has faced several challenges that have affected students’
performance. One of these challenges has been the continual weak performance. Unsatisfactory
results have been a source of great concern to stakeholders in the education sector for over a decade
(Olayide, 2012).
The literature review is organized the importance of understanding the language of instruction for
reading, writing, oral skills, and academic achievement as the study wants to find. Empirical
evidence on the relationship between English language proficiency and academic achievement.
This will help the researchers to ponder how being eloquent and how it affects us not being concise
in speaking with the said language.
Jack C. Richards (2017) Most of the world’s English language teachers speak English as a second
or third language rather than as their first language. For many, their level of proficiency in English
may not reach benchmarks established by their employers, raising the issue that is the focus of this
article, namely, what kind of proficiency in English is necessary to be an effective teacher of
English? The article seeks to provide an overview of how the role of language proficiency issue
has been addressed in the ELT literature. It describes the kind of specialized language skills needed
to teach English through English, explores the relationship between language proficiency and
teaching ability, considers the impact of language ability on different dimensions of teaching, and
raises the implications for language assessment and for the design of language enhancement
programs for language teachers.
This correlates to the study a way that the article states that English Proficiency is needed not
only by students but especially by Teachers in the English subject, but there are Educators that
does not reach the bench mark for level of proficiency. The article specifies that English Proficient
the language ability has an impact on different dimension of teaching, and that it raises the
implication for language assessment.
Mike Cabigon (2015) the Philippines is doing fine in terms of English competency, concerns on
how much of a competitive advantage it still is for the country were raised. The stakeholders agreed
that the country needs to step up its efforts in improving the teaching and learning of English,
developing it as a vital skill of the workforce. This is an initiative that could potentially strengthen
the Philippines' distinct advantage in this part of the world, particularly with the upcoming ASEAN
economic integration. To maintain
the Philippines’ strength as a major ESL destination, we need to address the gap in qualified ESL
teachers and the issues around ensuring the quality of ESL schools. upcoming ASEAN economic
This illustrates that Filipinos are will improve the English language. We need this for us to
strengthen our distinct advantage. In terms of English language to keep the Philippines as a top
ESL destination, we need to address the dearth of qualified ESL teachers as well as concerns about
ESL school quality. The economic union of ASEAN is close to becoming a reality.
As stated by Thornbury in Zyoud (2012) that speaking is an interactive and requires the ability to
cooperate in the management of speaking turn. A speaker express his though and feeling in words,
phrases, and sentences following a certain structure which regulates the meaningful units and
meaning of sentences.
The frequency of using the language will determine the success in speaking skill. In other word,
without practicing, it will be difficult to speak English fluently. Confirms that it is also important
to organize the discourse so that the interlocutor understand what the speaker says. Speaking is
important for language learners because speaking is the first form of communication. They are
expected to be able to speak English accurately, fluently, and acceptably in the daily life.
In learning English, speaking is one of ability that must be mastered by the students. As supported
by Ur (2012) that of all the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing), Speaking seems
intuitively the most important one.
Speaking itself is an oral communication that used to transfer information. Through speaking, we
can express our ideas to others. It is also useful as a tool of communication in understanding foreign
language. In this research, there are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by some
experts in language learning English.
Speaking is one of productive skills which is used by many people to process for building and
sharing information each other. Speaking skill is different from other skills in English language
because it is one of the abilities to carry out conversation. Thus, speaking is the major skill for
communication. Bashir, et.al. (2011) says that speaking is productive skill in the oral mode that is
purposed to communicate and share idea or opinion. It means that the students could be shared
their idea or opinion orally.
Besides, Luoma (2004: 2) says that speaking as an interactive process of constructing meaning
that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. It means that speaking is an
interactive process to share information and ideas for everyone in learning speaking skill. Based
on those definitions, speaking is one of English skills that purposed to interact, communicate, and
share information.
Motivation can derive from both the students and the teacher. In English language classroom,
teachers mainly handle the success of communication apprehension. The method and strategy play
the important roles on how extent the students exploring and applying the target language as well.
As we know that native have more places in oral communication teaching in Thailand because the
local English teachers have inadequately creativity to make a deal (Juahana (2012).
However, inadequate vocabulary makes some effects for the students, they feel fear of mistakes in
speaking skill because they are confused to select a word or arrange the sentences that they want
to say. Thus, vocabulary is the serious problem that is had by students in teaching and learning
process in the class (Gan, 2012). For instance, it was found two children called Jane and Elizabeth
in his class. Jane and Elizabeth got difficult when they wanted 12 to speak because they had to
temporarily think about some words and deliver it orally.
The way the education system is prep in most academies isn’t very facilitative to language
understanding in general. We all infer that bullies are everywhere so the learners and the prejudice
are widely a problem. They are probably afraid to convey themselves because they are not
confident sufficient that their English grammar is precise and because they are anxious to get
embarrassed or be frightened in public. An additional issue is laziness, teenagers who didn’t want
to learn, then financial problems.
The results will provide the students on how to understand the relationship between self-esteem
and communication is going to help you to improve. The best way to help students feel safe
speaking is to create a positive classroom environment. This means cultivating a culture of respect
by giving students positive feedback and not tolerating negativity. Students need permission to try
new words and make mistakes. The given data would guide the teachers on what to do with those
students who struggled on communication or speaking in English. The teacher will not only make
the language use practical, but the teacher will also bring something relatable for the students and
add it within their learning process. They could start by writing something on Facebook or
Instagram, or perhaps start a blog of some kind. Furthermore, like the teachers, the parents too will
understand why their children struggled in English speaking. The given data would help them to
not pressure their child. In addition, let them know that making mistakes is a normal and important
part of learning a language. Everyone makes mistakes at times – it’s how we learn. But don’t
pressure them or show disappointment if your child is not ready to speak in English properly.
COMMUNICATION, this distinction between classical communication in everyday life and
communication in organizations is common. Natalie Ediger (2019)
Speaking English supposes you to widen from usefulness opportunities to the potential to
communicate to people.
DEVELOPMENT, is a word that meeting the challenges to sustainable development in education
through research assessment and evaluation. (Peter Lawson, 2019)
Emphasizing the student's knowledge is part of this study. Students have numerous
opportunities to broaden and add new ideas to their existing knowledge and skills. In this study, it
pertains to the student's learning English as a language, which is helpful and opens many
ENGLISH, English has changed over time as a result of successive generations of speakers. –
(Claire Bowern, 2015)
Because it is used as an eloquence in speaking, it is the study's determiner and an important
subject in this study.
GRAMMAR, the term refers only to the study of sentence and word structure (syntax and
morphology), excluding vocabulary and pronunciation.
- In this study, it serves to the sentences they wrote.
PRONOUNCE, pronunciation is the act or manner of speaking a word. Richard Nordquist (2020)
To utter or accent in a certain aspect in communicating
SPEAKING, Speaking requires planning of activities which not only allow learners to practice
oral language but also focus their attention on important linguistic elements that can improve their
accuracy. (Christine C. M. Goh – 2016)
In this study, it serves as how active the students when they speak in English language.
SELF-ESTEEM, The self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem, is the positive or
negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about it. (Smith and Mackie - 2007)
Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.
It's based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change.
We might also think of this as self-confidence.
Your self-esteem can affect whether you: Like and value yourself as a person.
CONFIDENCE, the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
A feeling of having little doubt about yourself and your abilities, or a feeling of trust in
someone or something.
The state of feeling certain about the truth of something.
The correlational study between
Communication skill and Self-esteem
Provoke the students to make an effort
to enhance their communication skills.
Opportunities in the future,
especially internationally
Improve their self-confidence
when communicating to others.
Self-confidence is the way to improve someone potency in knowledge
with motivation from their mind and it will change someone behavior more
positively in their environment. So, self-confidence have any contribution of
setting self with powerful motivation. It also can make good atmosphere in every
place that he stand on. Self-confidence do not emerge automatically by itself. But,
there is certain process in an individual, which develops his self-confidence.
According to Brown (2000: 145), self-confidence is probably the most
pervasive aspect of any human behavior. It could easily be claimed that no
successful cognitive or affective activity can be carried out without some degree
of self-confidence, self-confidence knowledge of yourself, and belief in your own
capabilities for activity (Coppersmith 1967: in Brown, 2000: 145)
Coopersmith (1981, as cited in Harris, 2009, p.9) added that it is a set of
attitudes, judgments that a person brings with him or herself when facing the
world. It includes beliefs as to whether he or she can expect success or failure‖. In
general, it refers to attitudes and beliefs towards the self.
Norton, et al. (2008) states that " Self-confidence as an issue of second
language learning has been basically investigated as an influential variable with a
social psychological approach in the general contexts of investigations on second
language learners „attitudes and achievements" cited in Dr. Salih abdallah Ahmed
Abdallah and Dr. Ahmed Gasm Alseed Ahmed. (2015:1094).
Pae, (2008) states that "Another causal factor that directly explains the
variances associated with L2 achievement is self-confidence. Self-confidence is
operationally defined as low anxiety and high self-evaluation of L2 competence
(Clément et al. 1994). In such a context, self-confidence becomes an important
determinant of attitudes and efforts to learn an L2 and directly influences L2
achievement" AL-Hebaish (2012) states that: "General self-confidence is developed
during the age of childhood and emerges from the accumulation of inter and
intrapersonal experiences (Harris, 2009; Brown, 1994). The literature on the
sources of building general self-confidence points to self-confidence being
derived from several factors. The most important factors are: (1) personal
experiences; successful experiences increase the development of high selfconfidence, while the
experiences of failure have the opposite effect, (2) social
messages received from others. Community, home, school, and peers are
important for self-confidence growth. Sending positive messages for others is
thought to be detrimental to the development of high self-confidence, whereas
exposure to negative messages decreases the level of self-confidence
This study was conducted to find out the learner’s response towards their relationship between
communication skills and self- esteem. . In addition, the students are eligible to take participate in
this case study. Besides, the researcher wants to discover what the students' challenges in speaking
English are, as well as what variables contribute towards the students' difficulties. There are topics
wherein the students having difficulties in their communication and how will affect in their selfesteem. . In addition, the students are eligible to take participate in this case study. Besides, the researcher
wants to discover what the students' challenges in their communication are, as well as what variables
contribute towards the students' difficulties. There are topics wherein the students having difficulties in
their communication, In this study the researcher focused on how students gained their confidence
and what are the right thing to do to learned and to know the techniques to have a better
communication skills. According to National Housing Corporation High school, this study is
limited only to the students of Senior High School the school year 2022-2023, who is also
associated with this outlook of the study. Their age ranges from 17-19 years old. The research
study will conduct by using correlational design and with the help of survey questionnaires.
The purpose of the study is for us the students to know the impact of social skills, and also how
may affect confidence when we have an excellent communication to interact with other people.
We all infer that bullies are everywhere so the students and the prejudice are widely a problem.
They are probably afraid to convey themselves because they are not confident sufficient that their
communication skills is precise and because they are anxious to get embarrassed or be frightened
in public. In addition issue they are lazy to learn on how they express themselves and to get out in
their comfort zone.
1. How does being not good at communicating affect your confidence/self-esteem?
2. Do having low communication skills lower your confidence?
3. Do you gain confidence while speaking to others or do you shy away from it?
4. When you speak to many people, do you gain confidence as you prepare to cast your
5. If you are good at communication, do you also have confidence at yourself?
6. Do you consider yourself a good communicator?
The researchers use Correlational quantitative research which the possible respondents are the
researchers in Grade 12 HUMSS students of National Housing Corporation. The previous
statement illustrates what are the methods and possible outcomes of this research. In our first
method, the preferred respondents will give their perspective about why almost people judge based
on the knowledge that you have especially on how good your social and communication skills.
Furthermore, the researcher will implement questionnaires correlated to the topic they are
responsible for to evaluate their perspectives and acknowledgments towards being not good in
communication. Afterward, the researcher organized their responses to distinguish. The
respondents can be the researcher considering we included the Grade 12 HUMSS students of
National Housing Corporation. And the research is regarding A CORRELATIONAL STUDY OF