ID: C0293995 CMST 180 April 19, 2022 Digital Media is Causing a Decline in Reporting Quality Bidleman, Cricket. “Legendary Sports Writer Fears for Decline in Print Journalism.” Peninsula Press, Peninsula Press, 19 Apr. 2022, The article provides an insight regarding the decline of the traditional journalism. The article compares the context and quality of journalism in the 1960s and the present era, through an opinion of a journalist, Hal McCoy. Hal McCoy has been a sports journalist for about 49 years. In this case, McCoy highlights that the quality of the reporting as well as content of the mass media, especially in major areas such as news and sports has declined extensively. According to the article, journalists rarely covered stories about the personal engagements of the athletes prior to the introduction of digital mass media. However, the need to attract the attention of the viewers and readers influence the content of the modern reporting. In this case, modern reporters add content that has minimal effect on the main idea of the message in order to acquire either a large viewership or following on the different special media platforms. In addition, the boundary between the journalists and the subject no longer exists because the constant reporting about the athlete’s personal life rather than writing or reporting about their performance in sports. As such, the nature of reporting and content of the reporting is geared towards attracting a large followership on digital media rather than accurately informing the audience. Tsfati, Yariv, et al. “Causes and Consequences of Mainstream Media Dissemination of Fake News: Literature Review and Synthesis.” Annals of the International Communication Association, vol. 44, no. 2, 2020, pp. 157–173., doi:10.1080/23808985.2020.1759443. This publication claims that dissemination of fake news in the mainstream media is mainly driven by the digital media technology. Yariv et al. highlights that disinformation has been present in the media since the beginning of mass media. However, the current increase in the amount of fake news in the mainstream media is due to the adoption of different forms of digital media such as online journalism and social media. In this case, the present era in mass media is characterized by the availability of ‘post truth’ and ‘alternative facts.’ As such, there has been an increase in the lies in the public sphere, which is generated through the mass media. According to Yariv et al., social media is one of the mediums for disinformation and fake news. The desire by the reporters and mass media companies to attract large numbers of social media followers is main contributor to the publication and spread of fake news. In addition, digital media enables the information to spread to quicky and directly to the readers through different online platforms. In this context, mass media companies can spread fake information to the public regarding specific topics such as politics, entertainment or economy in order to support a given agenda or idea based on the needs of the patron or sponsor of the media company. Newman, Nic. “Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2022.” Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University, Jan. 2022, Newman points out that both the audience and journalists have been ‘burnt out’ by the increased news agenda and polarized debates about different issues in society such as identity, politics, and culture. The publication indicates that the occurrence of the COVID-19 crisis in 2021 created an avenue for the growth of the digital media, which pursued varied agenda in society. The increase in the usage of digital media created a space spread of opinions based, rather than factual information on the mass media. According to Newman, news’ audiences in different parts of the world has extensively declined since 2020 because of the increased adoption of the digital media as source of information and news. However, the information that is availed to the audience through digital media platforms such as social media, and blogs lacks reliable and accurate information. In addition, the young population in many parts of the world have turned away from mainstream news by embracing the new digital media. The publication further highlights that journalist conduct minimal research in their reporting because of the increase in demand for instant news on digital platforms. This lack of research has contributed to low quality journalism and reporting because of the large number of lies and fake content in news. O’Brien, Daniel, Christian-Mathias Wellbrock, and Nicola Kleer. "Content for free? Drivers of past payment, paying intent and willingness to pay for digital journalism–a systematic literature review." Digital Journalism 8.5 (2020): 643-672. In this publication, O’Brien et al. argues that the present journalism model has contributed to a decline in the quality of reporting and content of mass media. in this case, the revenue model that is based on advertising is challenged by the digitalization of the mass media, such that paid content model has been adopted by mass media companies. Prior to the adoption of digital media, journalistic content providers relied on paid advertisement to finance various aspects of the media such as research and content creation. However, the demise of this model due to the rise of digital media contributes to financial problems among the mass media companies, which limits the quality of reporting and journalistic content in the mass media. Most advertising firms opt for digital media platforms such social media that provides instant results in terms of reaching the consumer market. However, most of the digital media content providers invest minimally in ensuring quality content, which has limited the reliability of the media content and reporting.