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Technology in Education & Livelihood: Research Overview

Importance of technology in modern time
According to Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018), the 21st century is an era of technology. Aside
from life, technology is one of the most precious gifts from God. It has a vital role in every part of the
society. Truly, it redefines the way of living. Its function in education is exquisite which makes the
teaching and learning process appealing and satisfying.
Moreover, Modern information technology, as represented by networks and multimedia, has gradually
entered basic education, higher education, and teaching, enabling a new instructional platform for
children to fulfill the cognitive development through their engagements with computers. The foundation of
software development in information technology education is the creation of high-quality, accessible
educational tools He, L. (2020).
Ratheeswari, K. (2018) emphasizes that in this digital age, using ICT is essential for learners to practice
and apply suitable 21st century skills. ICT enhances literacy development, and it is necessary for
instructors to fulfill their role as didactic environment designers. ICT enables a teacher to communicate
his or her instruction in an appealing and easy-to-understand manner for students at all levels of
Ratheeswari, K. (2018). Information communication technology in education. Journal of Applied and
Advanced research, 3(1), 45-47.
He, L. (2020). Application of Computer Information Technology in Modern Distance Education System.
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1453, No. 1, p. 012075). IOP Publishing.
Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of Applied
and Advanced Research, 3(1), 33-35.
importance of technology and livelihood in the modern time
The quality of today's education will determine humanity's destiny. Education is crucial in determining
what the future holds for everyone. Fundamentally, it should meet its goal of preparing children for work
and industry TUMBALI, A. J. Y (2021). By 2030, the objective is to level up the population of learners
equipped with knowledge and skill for employment. According to Agluba, C. A. (2021), enrolling Tech-Voc
strands should be a primary concern because it improves students' academic performance. TLE and
Tech-Voc teachers, in particular, must motivate students to continue their expertise in Senior High
School. In this way, children can improve their technical skills and achieve positive outcomes in
academics and social. Technology and livelihood education is essential for being a functioning member of
society. A member of today's workforce Choosing a professional route and then understanding the
technologies associated with that field or industry can be a great strategy to increase your chances of
success Jacolbia, R. B. (2016). TLE at junior high school is a solution to the industry in terms need to
respond to the country's request for skill shortages. TLE, by its very nature, delivers occupational
competence and fosters logical analysis in our learners Gregorio, M. S. R. (2016). Nevertheless, there is
a need to employ more modern methods to teach students the "TLE" domain, as well as to offer seminars
and workshops for teachers who want to learn how to implement the modules strategy Padullo, Z. M.,
Fuertes, A. C., Casa-alan, R. M. M., Garalda, J. T., Quintana, E. P., & Fuertes Jr, D. G. (2021).
Padullo, Z. M., Fuertes, A. C., Casa-alan, R. M. M., Garalda, J. T., Quintana, E. P., & Fuertes Jr, D. G.
(2021). Using E-Modules in Teaching Technology & Livelihood Education For The Revitalized Alternative
Delivery Mode Program of Holy Spirit National High School. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and
Stability, 3, 34-43.
Gregorio, M. S. R. (2016). Technology and Livelihood (TLE) Instruction of Technical Vocational and
Selected General Secondary Schools in Catanduanes. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and
Educational Research, 15(4).
Jacolbia, R. B. (2016). Future educators’ perceptions on technology and livelihood education status and
development of work skills. Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 85-91.
PLAN. International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education, 1(3), 56-76.
Difference between the skills with technology to skills with traditional way of teaching
Mourtzis, D. (2018, June) claimed that traditional education approaches such as lectures, textbooks, and
case study methodologies are universally recognized as insufficient for strengthening students' most indemand employability abilities. Teachers are the source of knowledge while learners are the recipient of
it in traditional teaching. Most educators considered that pupils may not have the chance to partake
actively in the learning process unless their teacher tells them to do an activity or poses them a query in
traditional learning. Teachers' expertise is largely irrefutable, and pupils are expected to accept it Khalaf,
B. K., Zin, M., & Bt, Z. (2018). Moreover, it is explained in the study of Saeheng, P. (2017) that Learners
in traditional education reported dissatisfaction with traditional teaching since this style of delivery was
not effective for learning. The lecture method has a tendency to encourage students to be submissive
and reliant on the instructor rather than themselves. Learners made some comments about how to
improve the course and they recommended and emphasized the use of technology.
According to Boholano, H. (2017), globalization and internationalization are prominent themes in 21stcentury education. Teachers-in-training in the twenty-first century is technologically aware. Preservice
teachers will assist the educational system in meeting this goal by effectively engaging and teaching
generation Z students. Curricula must be developed to encourage an interactive student-centered
environment to which students will relate and respond, and educational systems must be equipped with
a minimum of ICT resources, including hardware and software.
Gilakjani, A. P. (2017) found out that people's habits of gathering information, conducting research, and
communicating with others have all altered substantially as a result of technological advancements.
Distance barriers have been removed by technology, allowing for faster speeds. To effectively teach
somebody, education is required. To improve teaching and learning, technology integration is becoming
more common in classrooms.
In the study of Rajendra, I. M., & Sudana, I. M. (2018), Active engagement between professors and
students is a benefit of interactive multimedia technologies in the classroom. The use of technology in
the context of instructional media plays an essential role in improving the quality of teaching and
student learning outcomes. The use of multimedia technology in the development of instructional
material allows for the integration of information and skills. Multimedia technology's success has
transformed teaching and learning approaches.
Saeheng, P. (2017). A Study of e-Learning, Blended learning, and Traditional Teaching Methods to
Motivate Autonomous Learning in English Reading Comprehension of Thais Learners. IJELTAL
(Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2(1), 1-20.
Khalaf, B. K., Zin, M., & Bt, Z. (2018). Traditional and Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogy: A Systematic
Critical Review. International Journal of Instruction, 11(4), 545-564.
Mourtzis, D. (2018, June). Development of skills and competences in manufacturing towards Education
4.0: A teaching factory approach. In International Conference on the Industry 4.0 model for Advanced
Manufacturing (pp. 194-210). Springer, Cham.
Rajendra, I. M., & Sudana, I. M. (2018). The influence of interactive multimedia technology to enhance
achievement students on practice skills in mechanical technology. In Journal of Physics: Conference
Series (Vol. 953, No. 1, p. 012104). IOP Publishing.
Boholano, H. (2017). Smart social networking: 21st century teaching and learning skills. Research in
Pedagogy, 7(1), 21-29.
Gilakjani, A. P. (2017). A review of the literature on the integration of technology into the learning and
teaching of English language skills. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(5), 95-106.