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Ant Characteristics: Intelligence, Unity, Responsibility

Ants are eusocial insects of the
family Formicidae and, along with
the related wasps and bees, belong
to the order Hymenoptera. Ants
evolved from vespoid wasp
ancestors in the Cretaceous period.
More than 13,800 of an estimated
total of 22,000 species have been
classified. .
-lifespan:black garden ant:1-2 yrs old,pharaoh ant;4-12 months
-speed:sahanan silver ants :3.1 km/h
Clutch size:Carpenter ant:20 pharaoh ant:10-12
Scientific name:Formicidae
-like other social insects ants undergo a metamorphosis in four life stages:egg,larvae,pupae and adult.
-ants hold the record for the fastest movement in the animal kingdom.
-ants can be found on every single continent except antractica
-ants are social insects which live in colonies
-ants don’t have ears and some of them don’t have eyes!
The largest ants nest ever found was over 3700 miles wide.
Ants are Intelligent. They can navigate over long
distances, find food and communicate, avoid predators care
for their young and they know what to do or what they need
for their self and others. And in addition they have an
excellent strategic planning ,precision and organization skills,
they store their food during seasons of plenty, so they will
have adequate amounts in times of scarcity.
Teamwork or unity. Ants know that they can accomplish
more by working together than by working alone. They set
goals and work together to achieve it. No one has whip them
to move, to do their work or work together. By cooperating
,ants can do amazing things ,like dig huge nests, use their
bodies to form rafts or bridges, sew leaves and lift food
together or farm other insects for food.
-ANTS acts as decomposers by feeding on organic waste
insects or other dead animals.they help keep environment
carpenter ants,which make their nests in dead or diseased
wood,considerably accelerate the decomposition process of
If the ants have this some kind of characteristics then so are we. its funny but we can
learn a lot from this ants, the Ants teach us the value of hard work. And laziness does
nothing but encourage us to procrastinate and remain in a state of lack and apathy. If
we don’t move or work nothing will happen, we are just wasting our time, just like in
the short video earlier. If in some cases that they didn’t work to find and store foods,
And the rainy season came then they might starve themselves to death. But gladly they
still work, even though there is a grasshopper that encouraging one of them to stop
and enjoy the day, but they did not listen. So in the end the grasshopper learned that he
should work just like the ants so he will never experience those things that happened to
This is some of the moral lesson that we can learned from the ants.
If I compare myself to an ant it is for having cooperation
within the school and above all intelligence perseverance and
effort to reach every dream within disaster when you work
early and don’t be lazy ,you don’t have any destination in your