Date: 06.10.2018 GUIDELINES FOR INTERNSHIP/MINIPROJECT REPORT AND PRESENTATION ( 2018-19) Course Code: ME708 Course Title: Internship / Mini Project All the students of Final year Mechanical are required to submit Draft copy of the Internship Report as per the below format. The report shall be on A4 size paper having the margins’ as below i. Top & Bottom margin 0.8”. ii. Left margin 1”. iii. Right margin 0.7”. Title (16 font Title Case Bold, Times New Roman). All Headings in title case bold Times New Roman letters with 14 font. Sub headings in title case bold Times New Roman letters with 12 font. Main text in Times New Roman letters with 12 fonts with 1.5 lines spacing. All sections (as 1.0, 2.0 etc.) and sub sections (as 1.1, 2.1 etc.) are to be numbered. Header contains Topic name with 10 font and Footer contains department and College name at left side and at right side page no should be mentioned with 10 font. The report shall be arranged under the following headings 1. Title page/ Cover page 2. Certificate from the industry & institution 3. Declaration. 4. Summary ( Brief profile about company / Organization along with salient features of internship program) 5. List of Contents. 6. List of figures. 7. List of Tables. 8. Introduction. (about the program organizing and its products details along with organizational flow chart etc.,) 9. Narration (about internship step by step details about the internship program underwent) 10. Self evaluation (This is the heart of the report which determines the grade. Give complete details about your experience good & bad and make constructive criticism along with details about the things learnt & practiced) Report shall be Soft Bound with Sky blue Cover page. (No stick binding) The minimum number of pages shall be 20 Nos. Note: The students should prepare the presentation using Microsoft Power Point (for 10 min and not more than 15 slides) The best internship report in each batch 12 students will be picked up for presentation after evaluation end of the session (Prof. Shambulinga Murthy G.C.) Internship Coordinator (Dr. S. Mohan Kumar) Chairman Date:06.10.2018 INTERNSHIP REPORT FORMAT 2018-19 Course Code- ME708 Course Title- Internship / Miniproject Submit your report either in a loose-leaf notebook or thesis binder. The report must have a title page and a table of contents. Number the pages. Your report is a summary of your internship. Make sure it is neat, well organized, focused. Proofread for typos. Make it as professional as you can. Consider it the writing showpiece of your internship. It should be about 10 pages in length, not including the appendix. Two-credit internship reports should be at least five pages in length (not including appendix). Your report will be divided into four major chapters: 1. Summary of the facts: This gives the reader a brief profile of the agency, company or organization for which you worked. Inform the reader about the type of business, number of employees, geographic location, etc. Tell about the identity and the image of the business—how does the business (agency/organization/company) position itself in the industry. Next, move from general information to the specifics about the division or department you worked in. Here you might include an organizational chart of your department. Limit this section to two or three pages. 2. Narrative of what you did and what you learned: You can do this either chronologically by project or by the kinds of tasks performed. Tell the reader exactly what you did on the job. Describe duties/chores in detail. Include writing and/or marketing/account work as well as all other duties. Most importantly, describe what you have learned about the practice of public relations. 3. Self-Evaluation: This is the heart of your report and will largely determine your grade on it. Take a long, hard look at your experience and tell the good and the bad of it. Make constructive criticism of use/misuse of you as an intern. Perhaps you learned something about yourself. Tell the reader about it and make recommendations and suggestions about how you can use what you’ve learned about yourself. Be sure to bring some insight, analysis and reflective thinking to this section. Don’t generalize and offer superficial, glib observations. Be specific and detailed in describing your experience. 4. Appendix: Include samples of the work you did at the internship. Show a variety of pieces (i.e. instead of 15 news releases, include five and samples of other formats such as features or photos). Layouts, ads, tapes, reports, editorials, brochures, letters, and scripts are also appropriate for this section. What you include here will be determined by the kind of internship you had. If you have nothing to include here, your narrative should explain why this is so. MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, HASSAN – 573 202, KARNATAKA (An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum) A Internship/certification/Mini project Report On “Title” In partial Fulfillment for the award of B.E degree in Mechanical Engineering By Student Name USN SEMESTER Carried out at: Carried from_____to_____ DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Hassan – 573 202 2018 -2019 CERTIFICATE This is to Certify that the internship work entitled “……………………………………………………………………………...” Is a bonafied work carried out by Mr./Ms ……………………………….., bearing the USN……………, a bonafied student of MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Department of Mechanical Engineering during the year 2018 -2019. Signature of the HOD DECLARATION This is to Certify that I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in preparing the seminar report and whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text) from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the seminar report and giving their details in the references. Signature of the Student (NAME) (USN: 4MCXXMEXXX) MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: HASSAN (DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) No. MCE/ /MECH/2018-2019 Date 05.10.2018 Attention :VII Semester Students All the Students of final year are hereby required to submit draft copy of the internship report along with the respective work dairy to the concerned project guide and get the approval. The internal report contain mandatorly the following contents:1. 2. 3. 4. Summary of facts Narration what has been learnt Self evaluation Appendix containing samples of work with Photo Models Videos Evaluation Criteria will be based on the submitted work dairy, the internship report, certificate from the company and the viva voce performance. The best internship report in each batch of 12 students will be picked up and kept for presentation immediately after evaluation. All the students belonging to the assigned batches for presentation should get their approval from the guide and bring the internship report in prescribed format along with the work dairy on the day of presentation. Note: All the previous formats for internship has been withdrawn and advised to follow the new format announced herewith. (Prof. Shambulinga Murthy G.C.) Internship Coordinator (Dr. C.V.Venkatesh) Professor & Head Department of Mechanical Engineering Malnad college of Engineering, Hassan Date: 05.10.2018 Proceedings of the meeting held on 05.10.2018 (Friday) Mechanical Engineering Seminar Hall in regard to framing guidelines for Internship. Members Present Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name Dr. S. Mohan Kumar Prof. V.V.Bongale Dr. K.A. Venugopal Prof. L. Laxmana Naik Hareesha M Shambulinga Murthy G.C Position Chairman Signature Members Discussed the following aspects in detail:Internship Where? Should be in an industry. Can be in an training Institute. Can be in-house and with labs like Bosch-Rexroth (Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sensorics & PLC) Can be in local Industries in and around Hassan How? Work dairy for 30 days on daily basis. Certificate from the industry at the end. Draft report to be submitted immediately to the guide/ Department What? Work Dairy Internship report containing:1. Summary of Facts 2. Narration of what has been learnt 3. Self Evaluation 4. Appendix Containing samples of work with Photos Models Videos Evaluation Criteria Work dairy evaluation. Report from industry. Report Evaluation. Viva- voce Note:- Five best internship reports will be picked up and kept for presentation immediately after evaluation.