See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Hierarchical Otsu method Experiment Findings · December 2021 CITATIONS READS 0 26 1 author: Mikhail Kharinov Russian Academy of Sciences 52 PUBLICATIONS 148 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Space-time is the movement representation View project Scholar Model of Images, Objects and Superpixels View project All content following this page was uploaded by Mikhail Kharinov on 25 December 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. From this directory you can download a program for hierarchical clustering of pixels of a digital grayscale image by the Hierarchical Otsu method. Note, the program lacks a focusing parameter for the basis number of intensity levels. So, in fact, this parameter is fixed at 2. The result of the standard Lena image processing is also given (source Lena image is copied to file 216_0.00000.bmp, where the first number indicates the number of intensities in the image, and the second number specifies the value of the standard deviation) CONTENT: 1. is a hierarchical sequence of image approximations in 1, 2, 4, 8, ... intensities. Note: The first number in the file name of the image approximation indicates the number of intensity levels (number of tones); the second number is the standard deviation of the approximation from the image. 2. SequentialAcess.zi is a hierarchical sequence of image approximations in 1, 2, 3 ... intensity levels. Note: The first number in the file name is the number of intensity levels; the second number is the standard deviation of the approximation from the image. 3. Total2KernelOtsu.exe is the executable module of the Windows console application of the Hierarchical Otsu method. Total2KernelOtsuV.exe is a command line generator intended to run the executable module. Note: Total2KernelOtsu.exe and Total2KernelOtsuV.exe must be placed together. 4. Total2KernelOtsu.cpp is the source file of the program.. Senior Research Fellow of St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) Mikhail V. Kharinov, PhD,, December 25, 2021 View publication stats