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Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Tutorial: Basics & Special Effects

Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Introduction to Microsoft Power Point
In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can create presentations for seminars, schools, and business
meetings used by business people, educators and teams.
I. Starting Microsoft Power Point
1. Click on Start Button
2. Point to All Programs -----> Microsoft Office -----> Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
II. Display Microsoft PowerPoint Screen
Title Bar
Slide Tab
View Button
III. Adding a slide to the Presentation
On the Home Tab, in the Slide Group, click New Slide
IV. Entering the text on the slide
Click on the “Click to add title” and type the text “IDCS Course”.
Click on the “Click to add subtitle”.
Type the text
1. Computer Technology
2. System Development
Microsoft PowerPoint
Business Communication
Programming Method
Visual Basic
Java Programming
Fundamentals of Hardware and Operating System
V. View slide show
Press F5 or click slid show button
on View Button
VI. Save the Presentation
1. Point to Save button
from Quick Access Tool Bar and click it.
2. Give File name egg. Memo (not including <,>, \, /, :,”,?,”)
(You must select the drive name and folder name egg. D:\Training\...)
3. Click Save button.
VI. Close the Presentation
Select Close button
from Office Button
VII. Existing form Microsoft PowerPoint
Click on Office Button
and Select the Exit Power Point button
Microsoft PowerPoint
Organization Chart
I. Adding Organizing Chart
Add a new slide.
On the Insert Tab, in the Illustrations Group, click Smart art.
Choose a SmartArtGraphicGallery, choose Hierarchy, click an Organization Chart layout and then Click
II. Deleting a shape in organization chart
Right click on shape that you want to delete.
Press delete key.
III. Adding a shape in Organization Chart
Right click on a shape that you want to add new shape
To insert a shape at the same level as the selected shape, click Add Shape After and type necessary text.
IV. Applying the template to selected slides (Slide Background Design)
Click the Design Tab, in the Theme group, click down arrow next to Themes.
Choose desired theme and right click on this theme and select “Apply to Selected Slides”
V. Using View Button
1. Normal
2. Slide Sorter
3. Slide Show
The Default
Show all the slides as thumbnails. Can easily rearrange them by dragging slide
to new position in the presentation.
Specialized view that enables to show on full screen.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Adding Picture, Clip Art, and Table
Adding a Clip Art
Create a New Slide. (Title Only )
Type the text in “Business People ” in “Click to Add Title”.
Click Insert Tab, click Clip Art .
When Clip Art task pane appears, type People in Search for and click Go.
Adding a Picture
Create a New Slide.
Click Insert Tab, click Picture from Illustrations group.
Locate the folder that contains the picture. Eg. Desktop:\Picture\.....
Click insert button.
Adding Shapes
Create a New Slide.
Click Insert Tab, click Shape from Illustrations group.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Assignment 1
Save this file as Table of Contents
Microsoft PowerPoint
Chapter 4
Adding Special Effects to a Presentation
Objective: To be an attractive slide show using effects such as Transition, Animation etc.
I. Using Transition on a slide
 Open the file “Table of Contents.ppt.”
 Select the slide 1 to add Sound effect.
 Click Animation tab, in the Transition to This Slide group
 To add a Sound, click Transition Sound down arrow, choose Applause.
 Click Transition speed down arrow, and choose Speed, Fast
 To set the timing, click the automatically after check box, and set the time eg. 00.20
Microsoft PowerPoint
To add Text Animation
Click slide 1 and choose Title or SubTitle or paragraph to add Transition.
Click Animation tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation
Click Add Effect and choose a desired one.
Choose Direction and Speed of the Effect.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Motion Paths on an Object
Select the object or text you want to.
Choose Motion Path from Add Effect