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Family and Marriage Quiz 1

Family and Marriage Quiz 1
Question 1
4 / 4 pts
Deciding about, rather than sliding into, a situation involves looking at the alternatives,
not just picking the ________ choice.
Question 2
4 / 4 pts
About __________ percent of all American children are expected to live in a
single-parent household at some point in their lives.
4 / 4 pts
According to the text, which of the following is NOT a current societal trend impacting
​a great increase in the number of pets in the family
Question 4
4 / 4 pts
Those with a “family change” perspective view the family as ________________.
“an adaptable institution”
Question 5
4 / 4 pts
Today, only about __________ percent of American households fit the 1950s nuclear
family ideal of a married couple with children, where only the husband is employed.
4 / 4 pts
The _______ family became common in industrial societies because it was better suited
for city life.​Correct!
Question 7
4 / 4 pts
Family change is attributed to which of the following influences?​Correct!
​ economic trends and cultural changes
Question 8
4 / 4 pts
Sometimes we _______ into a decision rather than making a conscious one. ​Correct!
​ "slide"
Question 9
4 / 4 pts
Parents, siblings and other relatives are usually highly influential in developing a child’s
_____________, or that child’s sense of worth and value.
Question 10
4 / 4 pts
Traditionally, both law and social science specified that the family consisted of people
related by
​blood, marriage, or adoption.
Question 11
4 / 4 pts
The Census Bureau uses which of the following terms to describe a person or a group
of people residing together?
Question 12
4 / 4 pts
The divorce rate​Correct!
​ has been in decline since 1980.
Question 13
4 / 4 pts
Children are __________ likely than the general population or the elderly to be living in
Question 14
4 / 4 pts
Family _________ theorists posit that today's family forms need to be seen as ​Correct!
​ change
Question 15
4 / 4 pts
Through the lens of social scientific research, individual choices are shaped by
​social factors.
Question 16
4 / 4 pts
Scholars and advocates with a __________ perspective point to what they see as a
negative cultural change accentuated by excessive individualism and
​family decline
Question 17
4 / 4 pts
The text points out that the social institutions of marriage and the family have become
_________________ since the mid-twentieth century.
less predictable
Question 18
4 / 4 pts
From interviews and observations, the authors reveal that:​Correct!
​ there are many definitions given for "family."
Question 19
4 / 4 pts
________________ is made up of the ideas and feelings about the uniqueness and
value of one’s family unit, which often emerges in family traditions, rituals and
Family identity
Question 20
4 / 4 pts
People are influenced by the society around them. Societal or structural conditions can
negatively limit or positively__________ our options.
Question 21
4 / 4 pts
Particularly among college educated women, parenthood is _________.
​ postponed
Question 22
4 / 4 pts
A person who believed in the “family-decline” theory might say the following:
“There has been a serious breakdown in marriage and family values.”
Question 23
4 / 4 pts
The definition of ​family​ adopted by the authors of this text includes those who do all of
the following EXCEPT
have the same name and background.
Question 24
4 / 4 pts
Same-sex couple households increased by _____ percent between 2000 and 2010.
Question 25
4 / 4 pts
In the 1950s, the nonmarital pregnancy rate was __________ in comparison with today.
​much lower