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Mindfulness Practice Log: Simple Awareness & Mindful Eating

Informal Practice Log – Week 7
What was the
What process did you
use? (Simple Awareness,
What was going on with
you when you thought
to do the process?
(body, mind, emotion)
What did you notice
WHILE you were doing
the process? (body,
mind, emotion)
What did you notice
AFTER you did the
process? (body, mind,
emotion, action)
I felt frustrated at how
long it was taking,
hurrying just to get
through, thinkiπng “I
HATE doing this – I have
so many other things to
I started to pay
attention to the one part
I was working on: the
pile of tools in the
corner, colors, shapes,
how it felt to be holding
the saw handle.
I actually continued with
the process for a while.
I was much calmer, only
focused on what I was
doing at THAT moment.
It wasn’t the job itself
which was frustrating,
but my thinking about
all the other things I had
to get done.
(Mindful Eating) Eating a sour
My mouth was salivating as I
was craving the orange. I was
excited inside to take the first
bite and taste it.
When I started chewing the
slice it was very sour and very
juicy. My taste buds started
going crazy and the acid
almost hurt my teeth.
(Simple awareness) Running
on the track at the Currie
Centre dreading how much
I was really tired, and I wasn’t
in the mood to be running and
thought I could be doing other
more productive things.
(Simple Awareness) Driving to
work when I was tired and
didn’t want to be at work.
I was tired in the morning and
my stomach sort of sunk when
I thought of my long work day
I started to notice how nice of
a track it was that I was
running on and how nice the
building was in general. I was
lucky to have a membership
Started to notice the sunrise
and notice how beautiful it
was. I realized how nice it is to
wake up this early.
I realized after how good the
oranges tasted even in their
off season. It made me want to
go out and buy more oranges,
so I could have them every
I started to actually appreciate
the run and the realization
made me happier and made
my run much easier. It made
me want to come to the gym
more often!
I wasn’t dreading work as
much and I somehow actually
felt less tired and more excited
a little. I was happier.
(Mindful Eating) Eating BBQ
I was hungry at work, so I was
excited to eat the chips. I felt a
slight smile on my face when I
pulled them out of my lunch
I noticed the hard crunch of
the chips on my mouth and
the sharp edges on my
cheeks. I thought how good it
tasted and how I still had lots
more left!
I noticed I wasn’t quite as
hungry after eating the chips
and that it would make me last
until lunch break easier. I
noticed I had a bit more
(Simple Awareness) Doing
homework and getting
stressed over what I needed
to finish for the next day.
My mind kept wandering
thinking of other
responsibilities I had. Really
was stressing to finish
everything in time.
I looked over at my dog laying
down beside me, how his fur
felt on my hand and how lucky
I was.
It definitely made me less
stressed and happier because
I realized the tasks were
doable and I would get them
done and that there was no
Learned that just such a
simple task can actually be
very complex and there can
be a lot to it. It made me
realize the most I could get out
of every task in the future.
I learned that running on a
track wasn’t all that bad, that I
just had to focus on good
things around me and it will
make every dreadful task
much more enjoyable.
I realized that my work isn’t
actually that hard and it isn’t
worth it to stress over. I
learned that its worth getting
up early and I’ll make more
It made me realize that I can
really focus and think about all
those different sensations at
the same time over such a
simple task. I learned there is
so much to every everyday
I realized that there are a lot of
good things in life and only
few bad or stressful. I learned
to look at the good things
happening instead of just
Mindful Eating, STOP, “Turning
I was cleaning the
garage and getting
frustrated with how long
it was taking and
decided to use Simple
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What did you learn?
(Mindful Eating) Eating a
poutine at the cellar.
I thought of the salty poutine
as my mind was wondering
what my favourite part of it
was. Wondering what it would
taste like as I hadn’t had one
in so long.
I was thinking how my
expectations definitely lived up
to how tasty it was. I felt the
soft fries in my mouth and the
warm gravy. It was extremely
This study source was downloaded by 100000817858554 from CourseHero.com on 09-24-2022 02:46:31 GMT -05:00
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real reason to be stressed.
focusing on the stressful
I was extremely full, and it felt
as if I ate more, I was going to
puke! It warmed my body up
as well as I had to take off my
hoodie after I was done
I learned that I can really
make myself aware of each
bite and think about each one
with so much more than what I
was previously used to.