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School Environment Observation Report

FS 1: Observation of Teaching – Learning in actual School Environment
1. Describe
neighborhood where
the school is found.
2. Describe the school
campus. What colors
do you see? What is
the condition of the
3. Pass by the offices.
What impressions do
you have of these
4. Walk through the
school halls, the
library, the cafeteria.
Look around and
find out the other
facilities that the
school has.
The school is close to a Catholic church. It is surrounded by fast food
restaurants, eateries, buildings, and establishments. The neighborhood
is noisy due to the motor vehicles and jeepneys that crisscross the
streets, but the school's outdoor environment is clean and unpolluted.
The school grounds are wide, and the buildings are well constructed. I
can see many colors within the school, but the majority of them are pink
and cream because that is the school's color scheme. Some of the
classrooms have already been repaired and painted in inviting hues
(like cream & white). The SHS Building was recently refurbished and
appears to be in good condition. Regarding the other building, I believe
it is safe to say that it is in nearly good shape. Overall, the structure is
well-kept and offers a pleasant ambiance.
Whenever I pass by each office, I get the feeling that the individuals
working there are always busy. I felt most at ease visiting the faculty
office because they are welcoming and I am well acquainted with the
teachers and instructors. They are well-appointed, air-conditioned, and
ventilated. Some employees are approachable, while others are not.
The Library is filled with books, is peaceful, clean, and well-organized.
They have separate places for each student's need. For example, they
have computer rooms for students who need to undertake online
research or simply need a computer to encode their activities in
Microsoft software. They also include conference rooms where students
can discuss about their school's activities without disturbing those who
are studying because they are in an enclosed space. They have
separate floors for each level, such as the first floor for graduate
students, the second floor for the learning commons and computer
area, the third floor for college students, and the fourth floor for SHS
students, which makes it easier for students to find books that are
relevant to their interests and needs. The library also has something
called "Opac" where students may search for books that they need to
find and it will give them the reference number of the book as well as
the floor it is on.
The halls are also clean, as is the canteen, which is always stocked with
nutritional dishes. The school provided a free WIFI zone so that students
and teachers may access the internet at any time on campus.
1.) Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2.) Examine how the pieces of furniture’s are arranged. Where is the teachers table
located? How are the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?
3.) What materials/equipment are present?
4.) Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5.) Is the room well-lit and well- ventilated?
Reminders for safety precautions and appropriate sanitation are posted on the
walls of the classrooms. Because we are still experiencing the pandemic and
have only recently transitioned to the new hybrid learning, those paper stickers
are really important and helpful in reminding students to take care of their
health. The learning materials are maintained in each teacher's desk in the
faculty office.
The furniture is carefully placed, and the teacher's table is in the center of the
room, where he can clearly view all of the students and vice versa. The arm
chairs are placed in a face-centered setup, with 5 rows and 6 columns. This
chair setup is ideal for student presentations and demonstrations. It also
creates a nicer environment for students to engage while maintaining the
necessary social distance.
The room is wide, well-lit, air-conditioned, and well-ventilated. In agreement with
CHED and implementing the safety precautions for the students' safety and
health. In the morning and afternoon, there are only 15 students in the class
since they are divided into two groups, block A and block B. Block A students
must come to school in the morning, and then block B, another batch of
students, will report to school in the classroom, keeping the room from
becoming overcrowded while maintaining social distance.
Classroom Facilities
1. Wall Displays
2. Teacher’s table
3. Learner’s Desks
4. Blackboard
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
There are no wall displays in any of the rooms or on the building walls,
except for the safety procedures that must be observed in order to
preserve social distance and prevent close contact among students, so
preventing the virus from spreading on campus. On the ground floor of
the campus, however, the walls are occupied or covered with bulletin
boards where each program or strand can input vital notices or details
that students need to know as well as design it according to their artistic
The teacher's table was in the center of the classroom, where she
could see every student coming in and out.
Each room contains 30 chairs organized in 5 rows and 6 columns. It
has also been painted white. It is also well-maintained, chairs material
it is made of a durable plastic.
It is widely given for both the teacher and the student's stability and
value of learning focus. It's essentially a combination of a blackboard
top and a sliding white board, and the teacher can use both.
5. Learning Materials /
Visual Aids
The lesson material or visual aids utilized by the teacher are legible so
that the students can learn. The teacher used PowerPoint to convey
his lectures and shared a copy with his students by uploading it to
Google Classroom. PPT adheres to the 7 by 7 guideline of PPT, which
allows students to practice writing and listening skills while the class is
in session.
How do school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusion?
The school site and classroom have an impact on students' learning because it is the
common location where a teacher aids learning. For example, if the school is dark, has
an unpleasant odor, is disorganized, is not well-maintained, is crowded, is too tiny, and
has a hot temperature, students will not want to stay on campus and study since they
will be distracted by these factors and will only think about leaving home. These types
of issues that students will face are regarded as impediments not only to the learning
process but also to the teaching approach. If these irritate and distract students, it is
probable that the teacher will be unable to teach under these conditions. As a result, I
concluded that the physical state of the learning environment affects students and
teachers not only physically but also cognitively.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development / how
does this relate to your knowledge pf facilitating learning?
According to my observations, the school buildings and surrounding grounds, such as
noise, lighting, and temperature, have an impact on children' learning. The
environment should reflect the lessons taught to students because it also plays a role
in developing our learners.
For example, if I were assigned in elementary school, I would want to see colorful
decorations displayed on the classroom walls since it makes it more lively for the
students and gives them a sense of their own position or identity in a classroom setting.
However, because I am assigned in the SHS, the classroom I visited did not have any
colorful designs posted on the wall, which is understandable given that the building is
shared with college students, making it difficult for them to decorate a room when
other students from other programs or departments are also using it. It also responds
to the student's interests, as they are now adolescents, and their physical surroundings
needs to alter from bright pictures to a bulletin board with top achievers. This also
signifies growth in a learner.
The following paragraph is about facilitating learning. We all know that the educational
atmosphere and classrooms must be favorable to learning. Because here is where
learning occurs, these locations must provide the required facilities and space for
optimum contact between students and teachers, as well as socialization and
teamwork among students.
With fewer distractions and environmental problems, the instructor may simply create
a learning-friendly classroom environment. If a classroom and campus are in good
condition, teachers will have fewer concerns about making learning more enjoyable
and engaging. The physical state of the learning environment is equally important in
aiding learning.
1) Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, I would like to teach in the school setting that I am currently observing. Aside from
the fact that I am already familiar with the location, the school has good attributes and
qualities that are great for me in a school.
The setting is conducive to studying because the school ensures that all of the
students' needs and comfort are met. They provide all of the learning resources that
students require, such as a library with complete materials and up-to-date books, and
designated rooms for students' needs, such as computer rooms and conference
rooms; computer rooms with updated and high-tech technologies, such as MAC
computers; the school also provides WI-FI for students; and other facilities such as
auditoriums, home economics rooms, science laboratories, AVR, speech laboratories,
and so on. Finally, but certainly not least, they seek to educate students not only
academically, but also spiritually. If I am destined to teach at Lourdes College, I will
gladly accept the chance and enjoy my chosen profession.
2) What kind of school campus is conducive for learning?
A secure, clean, noise-free campus is one that is concerned with the growth of a
student in all aspects, including physical, psychological, and spiritual development.
The ambiance of a campus is also influenced by the community in which the institution
is located. Though the community is not tranquil enough for lessons to take place, then
even if the campus is clean, well-equipped, and well-maintained, the safety of everyone
on campus takes precedence. So, if one of these elements is lacking, the proper
balance for a viable learning campus is lost. Every campus should have at least some
of these characteristics, which the campus I visited did.
3) What kind of classroom is conducive for learning?
A classroom that is conducive to learning should, first and foremost, be clean, orderly,
have appropriate lighting, be well - aired, and be wide. It must be noise-free or, at the
very least, noise-blocking. For a better learning environment, all distractions are
eliminated or decreased. In terms of psychology, it should be a safe haven devoid of
discrimination and bullying. It should be a place where people appreciate one another,
are open to differences, and can showcase their abilities and skills.
4) In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
For the psychological part, in the first day of class I should lay all my set of rules in
order to keep order and peace. I must maintain my authority over the students while
also making it easy for them to approach me and seek my assistance. There should be
a limit to how friendly I can be to both myself and my students for our mutual benefit.
I should always use sound judgment and not let my own beliefs influence how I handle
things. In terms of the physical environment, I will encourage my students to be
accountable for keeping the classroom clean and orderly at all times. I will make
certain that my class is free of distractions. I'll make sure the space is well-lit and at
the proper temperature.
5) Write your additional learnings and insights here.
As I have observed, the physical environment plays an important role in keeping your
students' attention in their lessons. If the students are uncomfortable, distracted, or
irritated by the environment of the classroom or campus, they tend to only think about
when the class will be over and they can go home. Another is keeping the students'
attention on the class discussions; this depends on the teacher’s way of teaching. For
example, some teachers use PPT solely for giving students the important information
they need but know the topic well enough that they do not have to read what’s in it.
Others use PPT just for reading and not for discussing the topic in depth. If a teacher
is prepared to have the class discussion, he gets the students' attention; if a teacher
is not, the students will find the class boring and will talk to their seatmates until the
class is over.
PAGE 9,10, & 11: (To be edited) https://www.slideshare.net/ToninaMarwin/fs-episode-1
1) Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do
you see?
- There are 18 board displays found all around the ground floor walls.
2) Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see
The boards are found in the ground floor of the building where it is highly visible
and accessible for students, parents and stake holders. The display board are
proportion to the height and size of the wall.
3) What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
- The displays on each boards are inclined with their program theme and activities.
As you can see on the pictures provided in page 11 each have different artistic
styles and ways of conveying their information in an unique way. The borders are
visible, the colors of the board are in harmony with the wall and the prints are
friendly to the eyes. The information’s are simple, and understandable for the
intended audience.
4) What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
- The materials used in making prints are cartolina and pictures. Some materials
used are pins, Styrofoam, and etc. Pictures are proportion to the size of the
board and the colors are cool to the eye. The borders were made wood and
covered with cartolina that defines the edges and corners of the board. The board
is well tacked on the wall. The prints and pictures are protected by a stained class
that covers the whole board
5) Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the
- So far, I did not notice any error or inconsistencies of grammars or spellings.
There are no misleading information’s too. The prints are correctly spelled,
grammatically free from errors, simple and friendly to common audience.
6) Are the messages clear and easily understood?
- The messages are clear in each boards, they only input important details and
information’s the target students need.
7) Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
- Some of the boards uses catchy phrases such as the social studies program uses
the word “Histogram” in catching their target audience attention, where the
displays on the board somehow illustrate one of the famous and most used social
media account “Instagram”
8) Take a photos of the display boards (if allowed)
PAGE 12 & 13: (To be answered)
PAGE 14 & 15: (To be edited) https://www.slideshare.net/ajcolocado/field-study-3-episode2-70539787
Why do you think was the purpose of the board display?
The purpose of the board
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why? Or
Why not?
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why
or why not?
Was the board display effective? Why or Why not?
What suggestion can you make?
PAGE 17: https://tinyurl.com/4jjcsfjj
(to be edited)
1) Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
1. Creativity - Teachers must be creative in order to communicate concepts and
knowledge in an engaging manner.
2. Resourcefulness - the ability to use the resources at one's disposal to meet
situations while conserving the teacher's time, effort, and money.
3. Originality / Uniqueness- it is a work developed with a distinct style and substance
in order to draw students to the board.
4. Good communication - An educator must be able to communicate effectively; she
or he must understand that words paired with visual content can frequently
communicate more effectively than words alone, and students can quickly receive
the message.
5. Artistic - A teacher must be artistic in order to properly imagine the presentation
and the effects they wish to produce, which they will then apply to the display.
2) Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I believe I already have the ability for creativity and resourcefulness because, since
high school, I have always helped to decorate our school stage and bulletin boards
whenever there is an event or occasion. These days, I don't have the opportunity to
practice these talents in person, but with editing software, I put in a lot of effort to
make my school outputs innovative while also nice and clean.
3) I believe I need to develop my artistic abilities since I have a difficult time finding my
color sense; they constantly seem out of place or uncoordinated. I also need to
enhance my communication skills because I sometimes struggle to convey the
message I want to convey to my classmates because I lack the necessary words and
phrases. So, in order to develop in these areas, I need to read more and expand my
vocabulary, as well as conduct more research on color cues and senses.
Learner’s Development Matrix
High School
Indicate age range of
children observed:
Indicate age range of
children observed:
Indicate age range of
children observed:
Gross-motor skills
Fine – motor skills
Self- help skills
Interaction with Teachers
Energetic, graceful,
sometimes hyper
and composed
Capable of writing
analysis, poem,
cursive & manuscript
Proper Hygiene is
fully developed
(grooming, eating)
Participates well in
Most of the class
belongs in small
groups. Likely to
speak with opposite
More on fashion and
social media e.g.
TikTok or Instagram.
Moods and temperament,
expression of feelings
Tend to be more
emotional over things
but hides it. Scared of
Emotional independence
Can converse well
both in English &
communication skills.
Capable to
Can or is capable of
conductive reasoning
and analysis.
Communicative Skills
Thinking Skills
Salient Characteristics
being alone, rejected
or confronted.
Depends more with
changes in voice,
weight & height.
Implications to the
Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of learners observed
Age range of learners observed
High School
Age range of learners observed 16
-19 y/o
They tend to be more 
emotional, and care a lot
about their appearance.
Likes to be on trend always
especially in fashion.
lesson 
integrated with real-life
situations or examples.
Teachers should integrate
technology when teaching
students at this age to catch
their attention and keep
them interested.
Teacher should treat every
student with fairness and
give the same enthusiasm
in every class.
Energetic but at the same 
time graceful.
should be applied inside the
class to assess the learner’s
understanding in lessons.
1. As I observe the students, I notice that we both have the same demeanor and learning
style in class. For example, most of them are Kinesthetic learners, as evidenced by the
fact that they are always taking notes during discussions, and there are also visual
learners who want to see what is being thought. In terms of demeanor, I am more
emotional and sensitive to things, but I disguise it by doing the quiet treatment, the
same as them.
2. Ms. Sarah is a teacher I will never forget for the right reasons. She motivates me to
become a more effective teacher, not just academically but also holistically. She
continually tells us that we should fix ourselves in the comfort room and not in the
classroom or public places since it is improper. Also, we must always dress formally
and neatly. When it comes to cognitive and emotional aspects, she would often remind
us that learning is a continual process in which teachers may learn from students and
vice versa. If you want to be a teacher, you should be emotionally stable and available
because you will encounter a variety of learners with varying personalities and learning
environments. Finally, in terms of social skills, we must be adaptable and ready to
respond in any situation.
3. The majority of my observations were centered on student traits and how they
behaved, felt, reacted, and shared their opinions with peers and teachers. And the two
most essential things I learn and can ponder from this observation are the importance
of establishing and enforcing authority and discipline within the classroom, as well as
developing connection with the learners. Because if you don't develop discipline and
authority in class, it will be difficult to keep them in order, especially if you don't have
a relationship with them.
Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory is my favorite developmental theory. Because
it is focused with the evolution of a person's cognitive process, such as how children think
differently than adults, it helps us understand learners better. It also investigates how
these mental processes affect how we see and interact with the world. It provides
complete specifics of development from infancy to puberty, but that is not the only reason
this is my favorite theory; it is also important in teaching because of the relevance of each
As an aspiring teacher, I will utilize this theory as a guide for developing tactics and
materials for learners, particularly those in the formal operational stage. I can, for example,
use items that pique their attention, such as schematics or illustrations. Using this
approach, I can ensure that I identify acceptable materials to present the lessons properly
and that students are learning effectively.
Most crucially, because this learning theory also suggests providing students with
opportunities to explore a variety of hypothetical topics. I will make certain that our lessons
are not dull and easy because the students believe they are not hard enough, but instead
I will use relevant resources, ask motivated questions, and provoke thinking. That way, I
can ensure that students are learning while also having fun.
An Observation Guide for learners’ Characteristics
During Class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact
with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the
teacher than others.
 Some students are discreet and respectful of the teacher, whilst others are
impolite and lack boundaries. When it comes to socializing with their peers,
they are more at ease and open to sharing their ideas. They are more
engaging with their peers or classmates, as I have observed.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and front part of the room. Do they behave
and interact differently?
 Those in the front interact more in class than those in the back; those in the
back listen but are quickly distracted by their surroundings and enticed to
use their mobile phones.
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete with each other?
 The students regard their peers as friends rather than competitors, and they
have already established a foundation of friendship within the classroom.
They are quite open in discussing their opinions and enjoy making each
other laugh.
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
 Students that sit in the center of the room participate more in class, raise
their hands more, and ask more interesting questions to teachers. Those in
the rear tend to ask for the most assistance since their attention is divided
and not centered primarily on class discussion because they are easily
distracted by things like using cellphones or talking with their seatmates.
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates
try to help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?
 When a student is unable to answer a teacher's question, some of their
peers assist them, while others raise their hands and wait for the teacher
to call them so they can answer. This scenario occurs every time the teacher
conducts an oral or impromptu quiz.
Outside Class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside the class? Homogeneously, by age? By
Gender? By racial or ethnic groups? By their interests? Or are the students in mixed
social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
 As I have observed, students tend to form groups outside of class based on
social interests and age. They don't worry about gender because I see both girls
and boys hanging out after class. They will encourage you to join their group if
you share the same interests and social position as them, for example, if you
own a motorcycle or enjoy hanging out after class.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe their
 Introvert students are less engaging with their peers and are more likely to sit
in the backseat. As far as I can tell, they only speak in class when called upon
or when approached by their peers about a class discussion; otherwise, they
prefer to stay in their set and listen to music or read a book whenever they have
the opportunity.
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interaction in the
classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader,
a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
The major people who play important roles in the classroom are the teacher
and, of course, the students. I observed that in every class there is somebody
who appears to be their leader and also a mascot.
What makes the learners assume these learners? What factors affect their behavior?
As witnessed, the students take on various roles in order to stand out in class.
For example, the leader, or "alpha," exudes an authoritative image that compels
his peers to follow him. He has this habit of talking someone out when they are
being unmanageable or acting out of character, and they listen to him. They
also have a mascot, who frequently cracks jokes and makes the other students
laugh at and with her. She has a tremendously bright energy that fills the room
with laughter and enthusiasm.
2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different”? Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the others?
How is this shown?
 Yes, I have seen that one student appears to be left out. Because of the
language barrier, she was left out and appeared to be different. It was
discovered that she only speaks Filipino and is unable to grasp Visayan. She is
accepted by her peers, but she is often left alone and rarely speaks with them
due to a language barrier.
What does the teacher do to address issues like this?
 When I asked the teacher about it, she already informed the class that this
student can converse in Filipino but cannot understand Visayan, so that the
class is aware and understands how to communicate with her.
3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
 The teacher influences class interaction while taking into account the different
variations of the students through modeling fair values inside the classroom.
The teacher does not discourage her students when they respond to her
incorrect response to the inquiry. By not having biases, the teacher has a large
influence on the individual differences of the students. The teacher also treats
all of his or her students equally so that they all feel the same in the eyes of
their teacher.
4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
 The teacher encourages them to approach him if they have any questions or
concerns, and he works with them to foster diversity in the classroom. He knows
his students well, and he shows a real interest in learning about each student
and their culture, which helps him develop trust and allows him to form a bond
with them, making them feel valued. He made certain to maintain constant
communication, acknowledge and respect each student, and include diversity
in his lesson plan. Most importantly, he allows his students to express
themselves freely and is adaptable.
How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the class learners and between the teacher and the learners?
In the classroom that I am observing, I feel both respected and liked, as though
they perceive me as a teacher rather than a student teacher. They exhibit
discretion and respect when they see me in and out of the classroom.
Yes, I experience a sense of oneness or togetherness among the students in
the class. As I have observed, they tend to check on their peers to see if they
are already in the room or if there are any absent or even problematic things
that happened to them, such as why is one of our classmates grumpy or gloomy
or things of that nature. Yes, there is oneness between teacher and learners,
but you can see that there is still authority inside that bond. They are willing to
share their ideas and may laugh with their teachers.
1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.
2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem
to be behind.
3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background and needs
of the learners.
4. Observe the behavior of both regular students and those with special needs. Note
their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and
interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the
students in his/her class.
As I've noticed, there are two students who stand out more in class, and there are others who are less engaged.
Following my observations, I asked the teacher about those students in class who stand out and are confident in answering
questions, and it found out that they are on the school's honor roll. It makes sense why they are so engaged. Now I ask him
about the others who aren't contributing as much, and it turns out that they can respond effectively in writing but are cautious to
respond in verbal, as the teacher has noted. They must first be pushed and encouraged to respond in class.
Regular learners are more hyperactive and energetic than special needs students in terms of behavior. Regular students are
more likely than those who seek aid or support from their classmates to complete their tasks before the deadline. I've noticed
that one of the students in the Tuesday afternoon session is now having treatment for tuberculosis and an eye infection. He
moves at a much slower rate than his classmates. He has difficulty responding quickly and is having difficulty taking care of
himself because he is quite unwell and frequently catches his breath. Because of his current state and disposition, he finds it
difficult to communicate with his peers as well as the teacher.
So I brought this up with the teacher, who is already aware of the student's condition and is always sympathetic of him. Because
of his medical conditions, the student has the option of not attending school and instead taking online classes. However, it is
the student's choice whether or not to continue attending school. He wants to be with his classmates and interact to them.
1. Did your observation match the given information by the teacher?
 Yes, my observation match with the teachers given information.
2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What practices
or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs
of the learners.
 As I observed, the students in the class have a variety of learning styles,
including kinesthetic, visual, and audio-visual learners. To adapt to these
students' differences and preferences, teachers should adopt differentiated
teaching, which means designing courses based on the students' learning
styles and grouping them by shared interest, topic, or ability for tasks. In
addition, class content should be evaluated and adjusted on a regular basis to
fit the needs of students.
3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in
abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use
differentiated instruction? If yes, describe ow.
 No, the instructor does not use differentiated instruction; instead, she use peer
evaluation and learning that is inquiry-based. Whereas she divided the students
into five groups of six students each and assigned them scenarios to solve and
discuss their views and ideas in class. The students' reaction to this is favorable
since they were able to openly share their opinions and ask questions of one
another, sparking interest in the lesson.
1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low
achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was
your teacher effective?
 When I was in high school, teachers would ask the low achievers first about the
topic and then proceed to ask the high achievers in class if the lower achievers
couldn't. My teachers at the time would usually incorporate differentiated
instruction into her lessons, where she would ask us if we were musically
inclined, loved writing, or anything else, and then group us with similar interests
to finish a task. And I personally believed that her technique was effective
because we both enjoyed and studied during our high school years.
2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs of the
Patience, respect, adaptability, competitiveness, and understanding are
qualities I believe I will require as a future teacher in order to meet the needs
of students. In order to create trust with the student and understand their
disposition, one must be patient and understanding in the classroom. Second,
teachers must be flexible and competitive, especially in the twenty-first century,
where students may have more information than you, so you must step up and
be two or five times more informed with your learners so that they can see that
they are learning from you. Finally, and most importantly, show respect. To build
an environment conducive to learning in which students feel loved and
confident, one should be respectful and receptive to the uniqueness and
differences of each individual.