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Library Management System Assumptions

1. Each book will be assigned an unique book ID when recorded in the library management
system as the primary key, although the book title and author are the same. The book will
also has its author name, title, category, edition number and price. The state will show
whether the book has been borrowed or not, and copy_number will show the number of
copies of this book. The publisher(s) could also be tracked.
2. Readers will have userID, SSN, name, phone number, address and email as its attributes.
Users could reserve or return books. If the book an user wants to reserve has been borrowed
by others, the user will be put into the waiting list of this book. The LMS will send the
notification to users in the waiting list once the book can be reserved. We assume that the
reader will reserve a specific book(i.e. with unique book_ID instead of one of the copies of
the book). Moreover, if the user violates the library regulation, the account might be
3. If the user doesn’t return the book after the due date, or the book has been damaged by
the user, he/she will be charged an amount of penalty. Each penalty record will have a state
to show whether it has been payed or not, a type to show the reason of penalty, a penalty
date, as well as a penaltyID to identify each penalty record.
4. All books that have been borrowed will be included into the record. Each action of
borrowing a book will have an Reg_No., book ID, user ID as well as the return/issue date.
5. The staff could log into the LMS and track the record of all books, the penalty records and
the users. They have the power to send penalty to the users, deactivate an user account and
maintain each book, or send emails to the users to remind them to return books.