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Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT Platform

Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
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Home  IoT  Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
Author - ee-diary
 October 07, 2022  2 minute read
Temperature Logger IoT builder proteus
The above video tutorial shows how to make a temperature logger industrial internet of things(IIoT)
application using Proteus IIoT platform. This IIoT application shows real time temperature in degree
Celsius on the thermometer and on graph. The temperature is also logged and saved into a file.
Temperature control and monitoring in useful in most industrial factories.
With the IIoT application demonstrated in the video above, one can change the temperature display
and time log using three buttons in seconds, minutes and hours. One can also add hours log easily.
There is also a button to clear the data log. The display UI(User Interface)- front panel background
including image, button color, type etc can be changed easily- that is background. The tutorial shows
how to make the flowchart for all the functionality explained above. Once the basic is learned which
was shown in the earlier tutorials Proteus Visual Designer tutorial - LED Blink and Proteus LED Control vi
IoTBuilder Code the flowchart program is also easy to build. The first tutorial just mentioned teaches
how to build simple LED blink with Arduino using flow chart programming. So this concentrates on how
10/12/2022, 10:56 AM
Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
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10/12/2022, 10:56 AM
Temperature Logger with Proteus IIoT platform
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to use the proteus flowchart which starts with creating a complete new flowchart project. The second
tutorial mentioned teaches how one can also directly write program from source code in C++
language. This is to teach and show how to program via source code instead of flowchart and show
that this is possible for those who wants to dive deeper into the program code itself.
After the program is build(compiled) one can go to url https:localhost:8080(the port address can be
changed to anything from the server) on PC or mobile devices and see the front panel of the designed
IIoT application. Thus this application is helpful for IoT devices monitoring wherever WiFi connectivity is
available. Here thermistor based temperature sensor is used. But one can use any other temperature,
even simple LM35 based temperature sensor. Some tutorial on learning how to use LM35 with Arduino
and displaying temperature on the web are LM35 Arduino code with LCD and Display Temperature on
Web with NodeMCU, LM35 and Node-Red.
More IoT devices can be added into the application illustrated here. The proteus IoT platform has all
kinds of internet of things devices, breakout board, switches, buttons, sliders for controls and display lik
numeric, text display, virtual leds etc and flexible configurable front panel editing editor. Within hours
you can build your IIoT or IoT application.
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Proteus LED Control via IoTBuilder Code
Arduino ESP8266 IoT development platform with Proteu
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10/12/2022, 10:56 AM