February 27, 2014 The Managing Director, The following document presents the Internal Audit Plan for your review and approval. In accordance with the Internal Auditing Standards. The internal audit plan include areas identified though risk assessment. This document presents the risk assessments procedures and the audit plan proposed based on the results of the risk assessment. This document also includes the internal auditing guidelines and internal audit charter under which the AA Joyland internal audit program will operate. Yours obediently Khalid Aziz Internal Audit Dept 1 PREPARED BY KHALID AZIZ Fellow of Institute of Chartered Managers ICMA(Professional IV (Fin), Associate of Public Accountant, MBA (Marketing) In the light of the International Standards of Auditing the following Internal Audit Plan is being prepared for AA Joyland. AA Joyland activities will be identified by using the following methods: By conducting an entity-wide risk assessment By Using gap analysis technique Through review of prior findings received as a result of the annual financial statement audit; Consulting with staff and management; and External Auditor findings and judgment. 3 This Internal Audit Plan covers AA Joyland of the Siddiqsons group. Internal Audit mission statement provides a guide for daily audit work. Siddiqsons group Internal Audit dept complies with the Auditing Standards and has adopted the definition of internal auditing as Siddiqsons group’s internal audit mission statement 4 Mission Statement The Internal Audit dept of Siddiqsons group provides independent, objective assurance and consulting activities designed to add value and improve operations. It will assist all entities of the group in accomplishing its management objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, internal control, and various governance processes. Vision Statement The internal audit function will focus on traditional audit areas such as risk assessment including the risk of fraud and misuse of assets, proper internal controls, reliability and integrity of financial and other information and safeguarding of assets 5 Mission Statement AA Joyland is committed to provide the best services, as well as value for their customer’s time and money. It is achieved through highly dedicated, educated, and productive work force who are committed to the long term growth and success of the company. Vision Statement Maintaining dedication to the professionalism and standard of service, continuance refinement of quality, expansion of capabilities, increment in efficiency, and elevation of the superior level of customer service. 6 This charter identifies the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the AA Joyland Internal Auditing program. 7 Internal Auditing is an independent appraisal activity which is established: to review operations and procedures and to report findings and recommendations to top management. 8 The internal audit dept will perform audit under the authorization of the Managing Director of Siddiqsons group and will access to the AA Joyland Director to report all issues which internal auditor believes should be reviewed by the Director. The Internal auditor will submit the audit reports to the Siddiqsons Managing Director and the Director of AA Joyland. This report ensures independence, comprehensive audit coverage and audit recommendations. The Internal Auditor, in the performance of audits and with stringent accountabilities of safekeeping and confidentiality, will be granted unlimited access to all AA activities, processes, records, property, and staff members. The Internal Auditor will have no responsibilities assigned other than those related to developing and implementing the internal audit program for AA. 9 The Internal Auditor is responsible for assessing the various functions and control systems in the AA. The fulfillment of this accountability is not confined to but includes: Appraising the effectiveness and application of accounting systems and controls, administrative systems and controls, information resources systems and controls, and other major systems and controls, so as to ensure that all the major systems and controls are reviewed. Evaluating the sufficiency of and adherence to AA plans, policies, and procedures and compliance with all governmental laws and regulations. Performing special reviews (if any) instructed by the MD/ Director. Conducting appraisals of the economy and efficiency with which resources are employed. Coordinating audit planning and scheduling activities with other audit team members. 10 It is a measurement of the likelihood that an organization's goals and objectives will not be achieved & A systematic process of assessing and integrating judgments about probable adverse events. 11 Financial and operating risks may be overlooked significantly if the scope of the internal auditor’s work is limited. Therefore, internal audit would: Assess risk by taking into account all the major systems and controls of the AA as part of the audit areas. The audit area refers to all auditable subjects, activities, units, issues and functions within the organization. Identify the risk factors that affect the audit areas and assign weights to the risk factors. Establish a method for combining and assigning risk factors and weights to develop a annual audit work plan. Develop an audit plan and work schedule based on the results of the risk assessment. Obtain written approval for the plan from the Managing Director of the organization. Implement the plan. Significant deviations from the audit plan shall be supported by reasonable, documented explanations." 12 It is important to understand types of risk and how it will be measured in performing the audit of AA Joyland. Controls are required to reduce risk and to improve the likelihood that goals and objectives will be achieved. Better control means lesser risk. The Risk Assessment detects and evaluates the controls in place to reduce different types of risk exposure. 13 Financial Exposure: Financial exposure exists whenever an audit area is susceptible to errors that affect the general ledger and financial statements and safekeeping of assets. Information Exposure: An information exposure exists where information is of a sensitive or confidential nature and which could be altered or misused Efficiency Exposure: An efficiency exposure exists whenever company’s resources are not being utilized in an effective or efficient manner. Human Resource Exposure: A human resource exposure exists when managing of human resources is inefficient and in a way which is against the management’s policy Environmental Exposure: An environmental exposure exists where internal or external factors pose a threat to the stability and efficiency of an audit area. Regulatory Exposure: A regulatory exposure exists whenever an event in an audit area could cause the company to be subjected to adverse regulatory consequences. For instance tax notices. Service Exposure: A public service exposure exists whenever an event in an audit area could jeopardize existing public services or new public services. 14 The first step in Risk Assessment is to define the potential audit areas. All potential auditable subjects, activities, units, issues and functions are determined. The potential audit areas will be identified through interviews with the AA management and staff and by reviewing policy documents. 15 Following tentative areas have been identified and will be worked on • Cost centers; Managerial Accounting and Reporting; Financial Accounting and Reporting; Recording system of Financial transactions Information Systems Tax and corporate compliance/proceedings/procedures with regulatory bodies. Administration; Staffing; Procedures to increase club Members ; Collection and Maintenance of Member Data; Communications with Members; All Benefits and cost analysis Withdrawals / Advances of funds for different purposes Security (Goods inward and outward) Communication with dept heads Suppliers of Goods and Services; Business Continuity Planning; Cash Forecasting; Depositing Cash; 16 The following functional areas will go through a systematic risk assessment process: Purchase and stores Marketing and Sales Accounting Food Express; Amusement Park Banquet; and Zaiqa restaurant Human Resources. (Performance Evaluation) Servicing (Electrical, mechanical, plumbing) Data Processing; Data Authenticity and Integrity Management Decisions; Systems; Internal audit will also focus on risks related to investment activities in terms of strategic risk, poor governance, and implementation risks. 17 Second step in the Risk assessment Assess the risk for each potential audit area based on the knowledge of the auditor and the information obtained from company’s staff and management. This phase uses "Gap control analysis," tool. 18 IT, Business development, Accounting , Purchase and stores, Cost centers, human resources and regulatory compliance. Description Current State 1. Obserrve and Future State 1.Record all idealized list all attributes attributes relating to need to be improved. current state 2. identify weakness 2. Use N/A where clear specifically and factually. idea of idealized situation does not exist. Bridging the Gap Gap Indentification 1. Record existence of any Gap b/w future and current state. Yes/No Gap Description 1. Record all the elements that make up the gap b/w current and future state 2. Maintain consistency with Current/Future state. Factors and Remedies Factors responsible for gap Remedies,Actions,Proposals 1.List factors responsible for gap already identified. 2. Maintain specification,relevancy and objectivity. 1. list all possible remedies for bridging the gaps b/w current and furture state. 2. Relate remedies directly to the factors listed previously. 3. Suggest practical and action oriented remedy. 19 A worksheet will be prepared for each functional area that contained risks and possible mitigating controls. Each functional area would be completed by doing the following: Assign each risk an initial rating (inherent risk); Determine whether or not the risk was a fraud risk; Indicate whether the possible mitigating control was in place at AA; and Indicate whether the control affected (reduced) the risk. 20 Is to rank and categorize every functional area. Based on the average score and the standard deviation of the potential audit area, the potential auditable areas were categorized as follows: 1 (Low Risk) 2 (Average Risk); or 3 (High Risk). Internal Audit will then compiled the results and reviewed them with the Management. The risk analysis will also be included in the report. In addition to these proposed audits, a follow-up review will be conducted of recommendations made in audit reports. 21 The AA Internal Auditing plan shall be performed on a regular basis viz, audits of the AA's accounting systems and controls, administrative systems and controls, Human Resource and controls, operational system and controls and other major systems and controls. 22 Audit Plan Reliability and Integrity of Information Internal Auditors shall review the reliability and integrity of financial and operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report such information. Compliance with Policies, Plans, Procedures, Laws, and Regulations Internal auditors shall review the systems established to ensure compliance with those policies, plans, procedures, laws, and regulations which could have a significant impact on operations and reports, and should determine whether the organization is in compliance with them. - Safeguarding of Assets Internal auditors shall review the means of safeguarding assets and, as appropriate verify the existence of such assets. Economical and Efficient Use of Resources Internal auditors shall appraise the economy and efficiency with which assets are employed. Accomplishment of Established Objectives and Goals for Operations and Programs Internal auditors shall review operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals, and whether they are being carried out as planned. 23 will be based on the risk assessment as presented in the previous section. Audit risk scores for each potential audit area shall be used in developing the proposed audit areas ranked in the high risk category, average risk category and low risk category. 24 Internal Audit on the basis of risk assessment results will try to maximize the limited resources to provide reasonable coverage to the activities that require the most attention. 25 Since it is the first time internal audit activity is being conducted on a planned basis and with a wider scope, therefore it will be ensured that the report is factual, accurate and free of bias. Additionally, a self-review checklist will be prepared to ensure the audit reports are properly supported by sufficient audit evidence. 26 All audit reports will be forwarded to the Managing Director and Director of AA Joyland. 27 Future Internal Audit activities include the completion of numerous activities each year. These activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Developing the annual audit plan; Developing the annual risk assessment; Consulting on topics related to the annual external financial statement audit; Establishing and maintaining the compliance procedures; and Maintaining the process of following up on recommendations. 28