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GMGT 1010 Business & Society Course Syllabus

GMGT 1010; (3 CH)
Business and Society
Fall 2021
Friday 2 - 5.50 pm; online lectures on zoom;
Meeting ID: 943 7672 1543; Passcode: 191512
INSTRUCTOR ................................................................. 1
OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION ................................ 5
COURSE DESCRIPTION .................................................. 1
CLASS SCHEDULE ........................................................ 5
COURSE OBJECTIVES ..................................................... 1
IMPORTANT DATES .................................................... 6
COURSE MATERIALS ..................................................... 2
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................ 7
COURSE FORMAT .......................................................... 2
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY ....................................... 8
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING .......................................... 2
STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS ............................. 9
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR ............................................ 11
ATTENDANCE POLICY .................................................... 4
ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY ......................................... 4
Office hours:
Alok Dua
372 Drake Centre not applicable this term
204-474-8104; not applicable this term
M/WF 1 pm -1:45 pm, Zoom meeting ID will be sent by email or by appointment
This course introduces students to the nature and role of business in society with a specific
focus on the key social and environmental issues facing business and managers in Canada.
This course is designed to provide students with: (1) a general understanding and history
of the Canadian business system and management, (2) knowledge of the key social and
environmental issues facing managers in Canada and the broader tensions and debates
underpinning these issues, and (3) an applied understanding of how to navigate these
issues and tensions throughout one’s career.
Students will:
 Gain knowledge about the history of the Canadian business system and its relation to
the trajectories of capitalism in other countries
Understand the historical development of management as a discipline and the key
functions of management in the current business environment
Become aware of the key social and environmental issues related to business with a
specific focus on issues in Canada
Become familiar of the broader tensions and debates underpinning the role and
purpose of business and management
Develop a working knowledge of how these tensions and issues are manifested in the
different functional areas of management
Acquire skills which will help them navigate social and environmental issues as
All university students will be welcome to take this course, and students planning to enter the
Asper School are encouraged to take the course in University 1 or in their first year in the Asper
This is a “W” course and fulfills part of the written degree requirements for non-Asper students.
Text: Canadian Business and Society: ... - With Access (Canadian) - 4th edition
ISBN13: 9781259256868: ISBN10: 1259256863; Available in book store by Robert
Sexty; available online on Amazon and on publisher websites as well.
class notes on Moodle
Please respect copyright laws. Photocopying textbooks or other reading material is a violation of copyright
laws and is unethical, unless permission to copy has been obtained.
Class discussions and thinking/analytical exercises form a major component of this course. Class format
will be lectures, and qualitative discussions. There will also be a group work.
Due to the inability of the human brain to take in too much in too little time, we will not be able to cover
the book page by page. However, the important portions will be discussed.
There will be seven components to the grading:
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
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Class Participation
Term paper
Movie review
Final Exam
I will be using the following letter-grading scheme:
92 and above
82 – 91.99
76 – 81.99
72 – 75.99
66 – 71.99
62 – 65.99
50 – 61.99
Below 50
Letter Grade
(a) Quiz: Will be multiple choice only or Multiple choice plus fill in the blank questions.
(b) Final Exam: (Comprehensive) The final exam might have multiple choice, short/long answer
questions and some case situations.
(c) Movie review: A documentary will be shown to the students in class and they will be given a
series of questions that they need to answer as a group.
(d) Term Paper: The term paper will be a paper between 2,500 and 3,000 words on a topic to be
given out in week 3. Students will be evaluated on their ability to develop ideas and to integrate
course concepts into their arguments. This involves both the content of the paper (ideas,
arguments, etc.) as well as the presentation (grammar, spelling, clarity of writing, etc.). Penalty
for Late submission will be 10% for first 24 hrs , 25% for late reports between 24-48 hrs … Any
report submitted later than 48 hrs will be accepted but will result in a score of 0 which will lead to
repetition of the course.
More detailed instructions will be provided in week 3.
(e) Participation. Participation is very important. I expect you to try and solve all the practise
problems in class on your own and then with a class member before showing the results to me.
Class participation marks will be allocated to all students who try even if they get the solution
wrong. Though sometimes the students getting the solutions right will get higher class
participation marks.
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If you miss an exam or an assignment for medical reasons, your score will be added to the final exam. ICM
also has a list of events for which accommodations will be made for a missed term exam (not final exam)
in that case also your score will be added to the final exam. There will be no make up exams.
Do not make travel plans before the Final Exam. I cannot give a make-up because you booked a flight
ticket for a date earlier than the scheduled final exam. In the event you have to miss the Final Exam for a
valid reason as noted above, a request for a deferred exam must be made at ICM.
You are allowed to miss a maximum of 1 classes without a valid excuse. Excused absences include a
medical reason (with doctor’s note), travel for an approved academic event as per this Faculty-approved
list of events, death of a close family member, or religious observation. In each of the above cases,
documentation will be required. No other reason is considered a valid excuse.
If a student has over 3 unexcused absences, it will result in an automatic F grade in the course. If you feel
you will miss more than 3 classes without a valid excuse, you are strongly encouraged to VW if possible.
Arriving in class over 10 minutes late or leaving more than 10 minutes early (without my prior approval)
will be considered absent for that class. Marking attendance for a friend who is absent is Academic
Dishonesty and will be dealt with severely.
Practice self-control—don’t browse the Internet or check your e-mail/social media messages in class. You
may be interested in reading this article.
NO audio/video recording of any lecture is allowed.
PowerPoint files, assignment/project guidelines, other class-related files, and grades will be posted on
Moodle. Moreover, any announcements outside of class will be sent by e-mail from Moodle. It is your
responsibility to check your ICM e-mail account frequently so that you don’t miss these emails.
There are many questions that cannot be answered succinctly over email. If you email me a question,
please consider whether it can be easily and effectively answered by email. If it cannot, please talk to me
before or after class. If I receive a question that is difficulty to answer electronically or will require a
lengthy response, I will ask you to meet with me to discuss instead.
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In the group project for this course, you are expected to use the APA style of referencing, for both the intext citations and the Bibliography. To learn about the APA style, please consult a librarian in the
Management Library or look up http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/citationmanagers/referencemanagers.
Sep 10
Sep 17
Sep 24
Oct 1
Oct 8
Oct 15
Oct 22
Introduction to Business and Society
Understanding the Canadian Business System Custom Book
Canadian Capitalism
Capitalism in the 20th century Custom Book
Management Thought in the 20th century
Reading 1: Dyck, B. and M. Neubert (2011). “A short history of management thought.” Material
drawn from chapter 2 in Dyck, B. & Neubert, M.J. (2010).
( Summary one on this topic is due)
Reading 2: Hamel, G. (2009). “Moon shots for management”. Harvard Business Review Summary 2
on this topic is due
Quiz #1 ( from everything covered in class1, 2 and 3)
Social issues in Business Custom Book
Functional Departments of Business
Reading : Dyck, B. and M. Neubert (2011). “Fitting Together the Parts of a Business Firm: A
Conventional and an Alternative Perspective.” Material drawn from chapter 18 in Dyck, B. &
Neubert, M.J. (2010). Summary 3 on this topic is due
Environmental issues in business
The CSR Debate:
Reading: Friedman, M. (1970). “The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.”
Summary 4 on this topic is due
Quiz #2
The Shareholder/Stakeholder Debate: Custom Book
Reading: Smith, J. (2003). “The Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Debate.” Sloan Management Review,
Summer 2003. Summary 5 on this topic is due
Oct 29
Movie Show
Nov 5
Nov 26
The Short-Term/Long-term Debate
Reading: Forbes – “Why can’t we end short-termism?” Summary 6 on this topic is due
Network for Business Sustainability (2014). “Long-Term Thinking in a Short-Term World.” Report for
Executives. Summary 7 on this topic is due
The Corporate Power: Custom Book
Dyck, B. & Neubert, M.J. (2010, pp 37-38). “The increasing dominance and size of corporations.”
Summary 8 on this topic is due
Indigenous issues in business and society
Time in class to finish the term paper
Accounting and finance lectures
Dec 3
Final exam
Nov 12
Nov 19
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Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Movie review
Term paper submission
Final Exam
Oct 1
Oct 22
Oct 29
Nov 26 ; 6 PM
Dec 3
All exams/activities in the class time and online on moodle. Before starting meeting on zoom.
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AACSB Assurance of Learning Goals and Objectives.
The Asper School of Business is proudly accredited by AACSB. Accreditation requires a process of
continuous improvement of the School and our students. Part of “student improvement” is ensuring
that students graduate with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their careers. To do so, the
Asper School has set the learning goals and objectives listed below for the Undergraduate Program.
The checked goal(s) and objective(s) will be addressed in this course and done so by means of the items
listed next to the checkmark.
Goals and Objective in the Undergraduate Program
Determine which quantitative analysis technique is appropriate
for solving a specific problem.
Use the appropriate quantitative method in a technically correct
way to solve a business problem.
Analyze quantitative output and arrive at a conclusion.
Written Communication
Use correct English grammar and mechanics in their written
Communicate in a coherent and logical manner
Present ideas in a clear and organized fashion.
Term paper
Term paper
Term paper
Ethical Thinking
Course Item(s)
Relevant to
these Goals
and Objectives
Quantitative Reasoning
Goals and
in this
Identify ethical issues in a problem or case situation
Identify the stakeholders in the situation.
Analyze the consequences of alternatives from an ethical
Discuss the ethical implications of the decision.
Core Business Knowledge
Entire course
Entire course
Entire course
Entire course
Entire course
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It is critical to the reputation of the ICM/ Asper School of Business and of our degrees that everyone
associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create
business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are
beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of
Manitoba General Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading “Plagiarism and
Cheating.” Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and
without referencing the source of these words
duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source
paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of
another person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal
presentation) without referencing the source
copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment
providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment
taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes)
impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose
of submitting academic work or writing any test or examination
stealing or mutilating library materials
accessing test prior to the time and date of the sitting
changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned
submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one assignment, without discussions
with the instructors involved
Group Projects and Group Work
Students should be aware that group projects are subject to the same rules regarding academic integrity.
All group members should exercise special care to ensure that the group project does not violate the policy
on Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur, group members are jointly accountable unless the
violation can be attributed to specific individuals.
Some courses, while not requiring group projects, encourage students to work together in groups before
submitting individual assignments. If it’s unclear whether it is allowed, students are encouraged to seek
clarification from the instructor to avoid violating the academic integrity policy.
In the ICM, all suspected cases of academic dishonesty in undergraduate courses are reported to the ICM’s
office and follow the approved disciplinary process.
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Academic Dishonesty in the ICM
F-DISC on transcript indicates the F is for disciplinary reasons.
Cheating on exam (copying from or
providing answers to another student)
Sharing exam questions electronically
during exam
Possession of unauthorized material
during exam (e.g., cheat notes)
Altering answer on returned exam and
asking for re-grading
Plagiarism on assignment
As per ICM policy
Submitting paper bought online
Inappropriate Collaboration
(collaborating with individuals not
explicitly authorized by instructor)
Group member had knowledge of
inappropriate collaboration or plagiarism
and played along
Signing Attendance Sheet for classmate
Impersonation on exam
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The University of Manitoba provides many different services that can enhance learning and provide
support for a variety of academic and personal concerns. You are encouraged to visit the below websites
to learn more about these services and supports. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact your instructor or the Undergraduate Program Office.
For Information on…
Admission, Registration, Tuition Fees, Important Dates, Final
Exams, Graduation, and Transcripts
Academic policies & procedures, regulations, Faculty-specific
information, degree and major requirements
Help with research needs such as books, journals, sources of
data, how to cite, and writing
Tutors, workshops, and resources to help you improve your
learning, writing, time management, and test-taking skills
Support and advocacy for students with disabilities to help
them in their academic work and progress
Copyright-related questions and resources to help you avoid
plagiarism or intellectual property violations
Student discipline bylaws, policies and procedures on
academic integrity and misconduct, appeal procedures
Policies & procedures with respect to student discipline or
misconduct, including academic integrity violations
GO to icm website of talk to
Students’ rights & responsibilities, policies & procedures, and
student advisor
support services for academic or discipline concerns
Your rights and responsibilities as a student, in both academic
and non-academic contexts
Full range of medical services for any physical or mental health
Information on health topics, including physical/mental health,
alcohol/substance use harms, and sexual assault
Any aspect of mental health, including anxiety, stress,
depression, help with relationships or other life concerns,
crisis services, and counselling.
Support services available for help regarding any aspect of
student and campus life, especially safety issues
Resources available on campus, for environmental, mental,
physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual well-being
Help with any concerns of harassment, discrimination, or
sexual assault
Concerns involving violence or threats, protocols for reporting,
and how the university addresses them
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Alok Dua, MBM, MSc, B (Chem) E
Areas of Research Interest: Fuzzy and heuristic modeling in Operation management area
Areas of Teaching Interest:
Alok Dua has industrial work experience of over seven years in a fortune 500 company (Indian Oil
Corporation) where he was Senior Production Engineer in-charge of two petroleum refinery units worth
a capitalized cost of over a billion dollars. Alok was directly managing the effort of a team of eight
engineers and eleven technical operators.
Alok’s interest in teaching and training started in the year 2000 when he started giving seminars on safe
handling of hydrogen gas in petroleum refinery. Alok has been teaching regularly at Asper School Since
2002. He has won 7 teaching awards at Asper Business School. Alok has taught more than twenty different
courses in the field of Management that has given him a good overall rounded knowledge of most aspects
of business
Some personal Information:
Early childhood and all of schooling until grade 12 was done in Delhi. Lived in a one bedroom house with
mom dad and sister for most of his childhood. Alok’s parents having only limited resources decided to
spend the money on private school education of their children rather than on other comforts because of
that even today Alok feels he doesn’t need much to live.
Left Delhi in 1987 at the age of 18 to go to Calcutta India to study Chemical Engineering. From 1987 till
2007 only had one dream to go back to Delhi and settle there. After 2007 that dream died a prolonged
natural death as Alok realized that it was romanticizing of good old days.
Have been living in Winnipeg since May 2001.. Alok fells comfortable calling Winnipeg his home as this is
the city where he has lived the longest period of time.
Used to like to brag about a 4.5/4.5 GPA (may be still wants to ha ha).
Goals in life keep on shifting as Alok grows. Alok is really proud of loosing 68 pounds in the year 2000
some silver lining to otherwise a very dark year. For the first time in over a decade reached a weight of
less than 200 pounds which makes him happy every time he thinks about it. Though still far from the
dream of visible abs but is hopeful of 2021 summer.
Alok has been supporting World Vision Canada for more than 18 years now and other charities off and
on. Lately Alok has a goal of some how financing and working with his own hands the planting of a forest
in area where there is too much heat and pollution, hopefully after retiring.
Other things in class ……..
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