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Library Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Library Scavenger Hunt
1. Visit TWO libraries on the University of Manitoba Campus. Tell me something specific about the
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first library. (And please don’t write that it has books or desks in it!) Talk to the librarian. Ask
for information. What did you find out from the librarian? (4)
Tell me something different and specific about the second library you visited. Talk to a librarian.
What did you find out? (4)
Write down the call number, as well as the title of the book and author(s) that you are
interested in reading. (4)
Use the computer database to find and PRINT an academic article. What was the title of the
article that you printed? (Be sure this is an article on a topic you are interested in learning about
because you will use the article later in the semester.)(4)
Where is the Academic Learning Centre (ALC)? What services are offered by the ALC? What
information is in the short videos on their website? What services are offered in the library? (4)
Strobel May, 2019