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Ergonomics Knowledge Test: Ergoweb Training

Test your occupational ergonomics knowledge by answering the following questions taken from
Ergoweb’s training.
1. Ergonomics is a body of knowledge concerned with:
A. Human abilities
B. Design of tools, machines, systems, tasks, jobs, and environments
C. Fitting the job or task to the person
D. All of the above
2. Which of the following would not be considered a physical work characteristic?
A. A drill
B. A 300-pound supervisor
C. A bushel of potatoes in a produce warehouse
D. A workplace temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit
3. The greater the match between worker capabilities and task demands:
A. The greater the chance of worker injury/illness
B. The lower the chance of worker injury/illness
C. Has no impact on chance of worker injury/illness
D. The greater the chance of being exposed to high risk jobs
4. Maximum isometric strength capacity frequently is used to evaluate the risk of performing a job
A. At slow motions, maximum isometric strength is very similar to maximum isotonic strength
B. Maximum strength capability through a range of motion has not been measured by isokinetic
C. At all speeds of motion, maximum isometric strength is the same as maximum isokinetic strength
D. A prediction based on an isometric strength test better approximates actual performance of a
dynamic task than a prediction based on a dynamic strength test
5. Psychophysical experiments from Liberty Mutual Insurance Company have determined the maximum
acceptable weight or force for:
A. Lifting, lowering, carrying, and hammering tasks
B. Lifting, carrying, pushing, and female wrist flexion and extension tasks
C. Lifting, lowering, walking, and pulling tasks
D. Lifting, driving, and pushing and pulling tasks
6. The calculation output of the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation is:
A. The compressive force through the L5/S1 disc
B. The Recommended Weight Limit and Lifting Index
C. The Acceptable Weight for Carry Tasks
D. The low back moment of the lift
7. Engineering controls involve:
A. Workplace policy, procedures, and practices that minimize the exposure of workers to risk conditions
B. A change in the physical features of the workplace
C. Application of proper personal protective equipment
D. Medical management
8. Examples of administrative controls include all except:
A. Rest breaks
B. Rotating workers through different jobs
C. Installation of an adjustable height keyboard tray
D. An effective tool maintenance program
9. Four commonly recognized computer workstation postures are:
A. Sitting, standing on both feet, standing with one foot resting, reclined
B. Standing, sitting tilted forward, sitting upright, sitting tilted back
C. Standing forward, laying down, sitting up, sitting on knees
D. Sitting with arms supported, standing with no arm support, seated with foot support, seated with no
foot support
10. Which of the following could be considered an engineering control for an office ergonomics hazard:
A. Implementing a stretching program
B. Switching to a chair with greater adjustability
C. Implementing a pre-work screening process
D. Purchasing wrist braces
Does your company need ergonomics training? Contact Ergoweb today or visit our Training and
Consulting service overview.
Answers: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B