DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur SIPOCOT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Tara, Sipocot, Camarines Sur S/Y 2022-2023 (FIRST SEMESTER) EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY for GRADE 12 (PRETEST) Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: __________ Directions: Read each item carefully then WRITE the letter that corresponds to your answer in the blank. 1. A web page that allows interaction from the user. A. Comment B. Dynamic C. Social D. Static 2. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging. A. Hash tags B. Folksonomy C. Rich user experience D. Taxonomy 3. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as ___________________. A. Blogs and Forums B. Bookmarking sites C. Media sharing D. Micro blogging 4. It is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide. A. ICT B. Internet C. Social D. Static 5. It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information. ICT stands as A. ICT B. Browser C. Internet D. Web page 6. To be safe, social link sites; A. You must require that you follow some precautions. B. You should never be used. C. You should require your registration. D. You must post information. 7. One of the best ways to stay safe on a social network site is to: A. choose a site that allows you to control who sees your page B. give your information C. post your picture D. use an anonymous username 8. Social network sites allow you to: A. make plans with your friends, make new friends, apply to colleges B. make plans, make new friends, share your thoughts C. post your picture. Grade 12 – Empowerment Technology_PRE-TEST S/Y 2022 - 2023 D. share your thoughts, order pizza, keep track of friends EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY for GRADE 12 (Pre-Test) Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: __________ 9. An important downside aspect of social network sites is that they are: A. confusing for most people to use. B. expensive. C. using for looking for someone to acquaintance to meet other people. D. where dangerous criminals may target victims. 10. Criminals who go on social network sites: A. Are expert liars who know how to cultivate your trust. B. Are making plans to make friends and share information. C. Are often petty criminals who are not really dangerous. D. Never disguise their identity. 11. What is the widest coverage about much information that circulates the web world? A. Application B. Internet C. Wi-Fi D. Zoom 12. What are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results? A. Boolean operator B. Internet C. Online research D. Research skills 13. __________________is a software program that creates documents using text and/or graphics. An example would be Microsoft Word., A. Notepad B. Calculator C. Word Processing D. Art work 14. These are computer software programs which allow a user to create specific items quickly and easily as opposed to creating the same items by hand. A. Spreadsheet B. Calculator C. Word Processing D. Basic Productivity Tools 15. What is a shortcut key to create a hyperlink? A. Ctrl + A B. Ctrl + F C. Ctrl + K D. Ctrl + Z 16. The art of creating an optical illusion of moving pictures A. Animation B. Keyframe C. Rendering D. Tweening 17. Which is NOT an application of Microsoft Office? A. Excel B. Frame C. PowerPoint D. Word 18. It refers to the arrangement of elements on a page usually referring to specific placement of image, text and style. A. Alignment B. Balance C. Design D. Layout 19. JM designed his infographic with limited text and filled it up with pictures. What principle of visual message he followed? A. Boldness B. Creativeness C. Minimal D. Uniqueness 20. Paula decided to create a web page and considered the pastel colors as the overall theme of the design. What principle of layout did Paula follow? A. Balance B. Boldness C. Color D. Repetition 21. This editing technique is used to brighten or darken the image. Underexposed images can be often be improved by using this feature. A. Brightening B. Contrast C. Photo Editing D. Photo Manipulation 22. This photo editing feature is used to lighten the image, so the photo brightens up. It is a relative expression of the intensity of the energy output of a visible light source. A. Brightening B. Contrast C. Photo Editing D. Photo Manipulation Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NIV) Grade 12 – Empowerment Technology_PRE-TEST S/Y 2022 - 2023 Keep safe everyone! Stay Blessed. 23. This is a regular process used to enhance photos and to create them. It is also called „‟Actual simple process‟‟. This is also covering the regular programs used for exposer on how to use them. A. Brightening B. Contrast C. Photo Editing D. Photo Manipulation 24. This is a process that includes simple editing techniques and have some alteration techniques like erasing, adding objects , adding some graphical effects, background correction, creating incredible effect, change elements in an image, adding styles , eliminating blemishes from a person’s face and changing the features of a person’s body. A. Contrast B. Infographics C. Photo Editing D. Photo Manipulation 25. This process is also known as data visualization, information design, and communication design. A. Brightening B. Contrast C. Infographics D. Photo Manipulation 26. Which technique shows how realistic the look of your image is? A. Proportion B. Rendering C. Shadows D. Texture 27. Which define original image? A. Copied B. Duplicated C. Real image D. Shadowed 28. What is photo manipulation? A. Copying picture from google C. Sketching arts from its original image B. Draw, Cut and Paste picture in a piece of paper D. Transforming a photo using various techniques to achieve desired results. 29. Which software is NOT used for photo manipulation? A. Inkscape B. Krita C. Photoshop D. Powerpoint 30. Which technique catches the viewer’s eyes to the focus of your image? A. Combining multiple images B. Emphasis on details C. Enhancing a stock Image D. Rendering your images 31. It is the technology designed to run online and/or via internet and provides interactive online use and services. A. cloud computing B. online platform C. online slides D. Slide share 32. Which of the following online platform allows you to share and present presentations and/or slides, Infographics and videos with other people? A. cloud computing B. presentation/visual C. online slides D. Zoho 33. Which of the following where instead of using your computer’s hard drive and storage, you store and access your data and programs via the Internet? A. cloud computing B. presentation/visual C. online slides D. Zoho 34. An online presentation tool to build quickly from concise, well- presented content from top experts. A. cloud computing B. presentation/visual C. Slideshare D. Zoho 35. It is a cloud computing platform that keeps all work in one secure place with online file storage. A. Google drive B. presentation/visual C. online slides D. Slide share 36. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes especially in industry. A. Facebook B. Internet C. Social Media D. Technology 37. What is WYSIWYG? A. What you see is what you get C. When you see is where you get B. When you saw it you get D. Who you see, when you get Grade 12 – Empowerment Technology_PRE-TEST S/Y 2022 - 2023 38. What is the element of length as a mark connecting any two points? A. Line B. Shape C. Space D. Text 39. Who invented the first true WYSIWYG editor and it was a word processing program called Bravo? A. Aristotle B. Charles Simonyi C. Plato D. Galileo 40. It stresses the visual differences in size, shape, and color between the elements to enhance the perception of a message intended. A. Balance B. Contrast C. Emphasis D. Value ____41. Which of the following is the most basic of all Infographics elements? A. Colors B. Images C. Lines D. Shapes ____42. Which refers to the ideas that describe the natural or normal optical logic of humans? A. Coherence B. Design principles C. Infographics D. Unity ____43. What types of Web is referred to as the “read and write” Web? A. Web 1.0 B. Web 1.5 C. Web 2.0 D. Web 3.0 ____44. What is the solid state equivalent of vacuum tubes? A. Computer B. Programs C. Telegraphs D. Transistor ____45. These types of API run in a remote machine, server, or computer, and the application to draw data and services. A. Access API B. Access GUI C. Plug-in API D. Runtime Environment ____46. Microsoft : Office365 :: Google:_______ A. Google Forms B. Google Mail C. Google Site D. Google Suite ____47. Which is NOT a collaborative tool? A. Facebook B. GSuite C. Microsoft 365 D. Photoshop ____48. Which of the following social media platform can create a group? A. Facebook B. Instagram C. TikTok D. Twitter ____49. Adrian is trying to create a Google Sheet saved on his Google Drive. He wants to share the Google Sheet to his team in Facebook but ensuring no privacy breach. What is the best possible way to share it? A. From Google Drive, get the shareable link and post it on Facebook group within Public setting. B. From Google Drive, get the shareable link and post it on Facebook group within Private setting. C. All of the above D. None of the above ____50. Ruz created a Facebook Group. He would like to guarantee that only admin and moderators are allowed to accept member. Furthermore, he wants to ensure that the Group Posts are limited for all members. What is the best setting need to be enabled? I. Group Privacy should be set to Private. II. Group Privacy should be set to Private. III. Membership Approval shall be set to Anyone in the group. IV. Membership Approval shall be set to Only admin and moderators. A. I,III B. I,IV C. II,III “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Keep safe everyone! Stay Blessed. Grade 12 – Empowerment Technology_PRE-TEST S/Y 2022 - 2023 D. II,IV G o o d l u c k ! ! ! ANSWER KEY: EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY _ PRE-Test_1st Quarter/1st SEM. 1. B 11. C 21. B. 31. B 41. A 2. A 12. A 22. A. 32. B 42. D 3. B 13. C 23. C. 33. A 43. A 4. B 14. D 24. D. 34. C 44. A 5. A 15. C 25. C. 35. A 45. C 6. A 16. A 26. A. 36. D 46. D 7. D 17. B 27. C. 37. A 47. D 8. D 18. C 28. D. 38. A 48. A 9. B 19. D 29. D. 39. B 49. A 10. C 20. C 30. B. 40. B 50. A Grade 12 – Empowerment Technology_PRE-TEST S/Y 2022 - 2023