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NFJPIA-R6 Data Privacy Agreement | Data Protection

The National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants - Region VI (NFJPIAR6) primarily prioritizes the confidentiality of personal data. This document details how the
organization uses and protects personal data for the purpose of obtaining the consent
of data subjects, in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), its Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR), other issuances of the National Privacy Commission (NPC)
and other relevant laws of the Philippines.
To avoid possible confusion regarding the term “personal data” and “information”,
please read the definitions below about personal data.
Personal data refers to all types of:
● Personal information – “any information, whether recorded in a material form or not,
from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly
ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other
information would directly and certainly identify an individual;”
● Sensitive personal information – “personal information about an individual’s race,
ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, religious/philosophical/political affiliations,
health, education genetic or sexual life, legal proceedings, government-issued
identifiers and other information specifically established by an executive order or an
act of congress to be kept classified;” and
● Privileged information – “any and all forms of information which, under the Rules of
Court and other pertinent laws, constitute privileged communication, such as, but not
limited to, information which a person authorized to practice medicine, surgery or
obstetrics may have acquired in attending to a patient in a professional capacity.”
Collection of Information. We collect your personal data including those you have
provided us during your application, registration, and other information we acquire or
generate upon your membership or participation and until the validity of your
Access to Information. As a general rule, NFJPIA-R6 does not and will not share personal
data with third parties except as necessary for the proper execution of processes related
to a declared purpose, or the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary, required, or
authorized by or under law. For purposes of the event, we use and share your information
as permitted or required by law to pursue our legitimate interests as an organization,
including a variety of academic, non-academics, administrative, historical, and
statistical purposes.
Sharing of Information. For purposes of the event conducted by the Organization, the
Organization may share your personal data with our event partners and other partners
that are necessary in the execution of the event. However, NFJPIA-R6 will only use
personal data for the purpose disclosed in this document and will not use it for any other
Validity. NFJPIA-R6, particularly the Record and Documentation Department stores
personal data in both online drives and local storage, such as Google Drive, One Drive,
Cloud, etc., and physical document storage facilities. Personal data and health data are
retained for five (5) federation years from the date of acquisition. Subject to applicable
laws, rules, and regulations, the data subject may request personal data to be deleted
from the Organization’s systems, databases, and hard copies within a reasonable
requested date.
Rights of Data Subject. Data subjects have the following rights: the right to be informed;
right to object; right to access; right to rectify or correct erroneous data; right to erase or
block; right to secure data portability; right to indemnify for damages; and right to file a
complaint. The organization’s decisions to provide access, consider requests for
correction or erasure, and address objections to process personal data as it appears in
the organization’s official records, are always subject to applicable and relevant laws
and/or the DPA, its IRR, and other issuances of the NPC.
Information Protection. NFJPIA-R6 implements all appropriate technical and
organizational measures necessary in order to ensure a level of security, as required
pursuant to the Data Protection Act and other measures necessary in order for the
organization to comply with the security requirements set out in the Agreement or that
are otherwise required by other prevailing law. NFJPIA-R6 undertakes to inform the data
subject of the technical and organizational measures, which it will implement to protect
the personal data being processed. If the processor of data makes changes that could
affect the protection of personal data, the data subject shall be informed of this well in
advance before such changes are implemented.
Data Incident. Any data security incident or breach that comes to the knowledge of
NFJPIA-R6 will be recorded and reported as required by law. The organization will take all
necessary and reasonable steps to address such incidents or breaches and mitigate any
negative effects of such incidents or breaches. If there is a strong suspicion that an
incident affects your personal information, NFJPIA-R6 will notify you of such an incident in
an appropriate manner.
Contact Information. Should you have any inquiries, feedback, and/or complaints, you
may reach the Secretariat Department through the following contact details:
Regional Secretary General
or you may direct your concerns to the Public Relations and Communications
Department through the following contact information:
Regional Vice President for Communications-Negros
Regional Vice President for Communications-Panay
By signing this Data Privacy Agreement, I consent to the collection, generation, usage,
processing, storage, and retention of your personal data by the organization for the
purpose(s) described in this document. I ensure that I have completely read and
understood the terms above before signing.
I also authorize the organization to disclose your information to accredited/affiliated third
parties or independent/non-affiliated third parties, whether local or foreign, in the
following circumstances:
● As necessary for the proper execution of processes related to the declared purpose;
● The use or disclosure is reasonably necessary, required or authorized by or under law.
From time to time, it may be necessary for the organization to revise this document. Any
revision made to this document shall be communicated via posting on the organization’s
website or via email. Any change will not be applied and will not alter how the
organization handles previously collected personal data without obtaining my consent
unless required by law.
Moreover, I have read this form, understood its contents and consent to the processing
of my personal data. I understand that my consent does not preclude the existence of
other criteria for the lawful processing of personal data and does not waive any of my
rights under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other applicable laws.
Signed by:
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter
Local Chapter