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MUN Opening Speech Guide: Outline & Example

What is an Opening Speech?
An opening speech is a one-minute long speech given in the beginning of the conference in
order to inform fellow delegates of your topic and your own solutions.
Opening Speech Outline (Between 1 and 1.5 minutes long):
Honorable chairs and esteemed delegates, the delegate of (country name) is very
pleased and honored to attend this conference and express his/her opinions. This delegate
firmly believes that there must be many possible solutions for the issue of (state topic of
resolution). (State basic information about your resolution topic: summarize key
perambulatory clauses, key statistics, key historical events, etc. 3-5 sentences). This
delegate’s solutions include: (list 3-5 of your most important operative clauses). This
delegate looks forward to a fruitful debate. Thank you.
Example Opening Speech:
Honourable Chairs and esteemed delegates, the delegate of the Union of Burma, is pleased and
honoured to attend this conference and express his opinions. The delegate of Burma believes
there must be many possible solutions to progress non-proliferation. Currently, Burma has no
intention of building a biological or nuclear weapons programme. As well as not becoming a
hosting state for any other nation’s nuclear arsenal unimportant of alliances as a member of
non-aligned states movement. However, Burma is quite strong in its beliefs as an LEDC and a
smaller state of promoting equality between states with nuclear weapons and states without.
These delegates' solutions include
a. providing proper representation within the depository government
b. fueling the severity of treaty withdrawal to secure the unlikeliness of nuclear war
c. enforcing a scheduled regression of nuclear arsenal for nuclear-weapon states and
d. the introduction of the title “non-compliance state” to further de-incentivize breaching the
NPT as an attempt to be considered on the same level as the P5 nations.
Burma believes if any nation can't have nuclear deterrents, no nations can have nuclear
deterrents. This delegate looks forward to a fruitful debate. Thank you.