公司报告 首次覆盖 金斯瑞生物科技 (1548 HK) 中国 迎接高增长的来临 我们首次覆盖金斯瑞生物科技(“金斯瑞”─ 全球第一的基因合成服务 供应商),给予买入评级,目标价 4.70 港元。预测公司 15-18 财年的年 复合增长强劲,达到 41.3%,动力来自基因合成服务的销售利润提升、单 克隆抗体销售,以及与酶制造商济南诺能合并后,公司的工业用酶业务规 模扩大。我们的目标价基于本益比 1.0 倍计算,反映 17 财年预测市盈率 41.3 倍 (EV/EBITDA 25.1 倍),较全球同业过去五年市盈率中值 26.9 倍 高+1 个标准差。 全球生物医学研究服务供应商。 金斯瑞于 2002 年在美国新泽西州成立,销售各种用于生物医学研究的生物技 术产品,拥有客户多达 5,000 名,来学术界及大学、研究机构、制药及生物技 术公司等领域,遍及超过 100 个国家。公司的主要生产基地设于南京,现时 扩展至镇江地区。为提升工业用酶的业务规模,金斯瑞于 16 上半年底收购济 南诺能生物工程的 51%股权。金斯瑞的产品主要用于研究用途(包括单克隆 抗体及寡核苷酸),因此销售前无需经过相关审批。 全球领先的基因合成服务供应商。 按销售计算,金斯瑞 2014 年是全球最大的基因合成服务供应商,销售占比达 到 25.6%。2003 年,公司成为 International Gene Synthesis Consortium(国际基 因合成联盟)的创始成员之一。此外,公司还研发出 GenPlusTM 下一代基因合 成 技 术 , 用 于基 因 组 的 高 通 量 及 平 行 合 成 , 每 月产出 100Mbp , 相 当 于 100,000 个基因或 20 个细菌基因组。我们预测公司的基因合成销售于 16/17 财年将分别按年增长 20%/16.0%,占总收入的 46%-47%(15 财年:54%)。 扩大工业用酶业务。 公司自 14 上半年开始入账酶销售,将会持续制造反应及性质良好的工业用酶, 并且借力其于基因合成的专业知识,修饰及改善生产酶的微生物。这可应用 于整合和简化药物、食品加工和农业的基因合成程序。金斯瑞目前销售 4-5 款 产品,于 16 上半年底收购诺能的 51%股权,借此提升产品种类和销售。受惠 低基数效应,预测公司 16/17/18 财年增长率达到同比升 418%/99%/81%,相 对有机增长(没有收购情况下)为同比升 100%/143%/155%(16 上半年:210%), 占 16/17 财年总收入的 6%/10%。 首予买入,目标价 4.70 港元。 我们的目标价是 4.70 港元,基于本益比 1.0 倍计算。预测 15-18 财年每股盈 利按年复合增长 41.3%,得出 17 财年预测市盈率和 EV/EBITDA 分别为 41.3 倍 和 25.1 倍。我们认为估值溢价合理,基于:(1)每股盈利的年复合增长率高达 41.3%(15-18 财年);(2)公司是全球第一的基因合成服务供应商;(3)收购诺 能后工业用酶销售增加;及(4) 多元化的生物医学小众领域(单克隆抗体)。 我们对抗癌抗原治疗的研发估值为每股 1.50 港元,未计入我们的目标价,占 目前估值的 32%。 医疗保健 生物技术与制药 2016 年 11 月 22 日 买入 目标价 HKD4.70 收盘价 (21 Nov 16) HKD3.81 Upside/downside (%) 恒生指数 总市值 (HKDm/USDm) 52 周最高/最低 (HKD) 日均成交额 (USDm) 流通量 (%) 23.3 22357.78 6,421/828 1.10 - 3.80 4.29 25 资料来源: 彭博 股价表现 HKD 280% 3.50 3.00 230% 2.50 2.00 180% 1.50 1.00 130% 0.50 0.00 Dec-15 80% Aug-16 Price(LHS) Rel. to HSI(RHS) 资料来源: 彭博 股票数据 绝对回报 (%) 绝对回报 (USD, %) 相对 HSI 回报 (%) 资料来源: 彭博 1M 33.7 33.7 38.0 3M 132.3 132.2 134.8 12M 公司簡介 金斯瑞生物科技,于 2002 年,在美国新泽西州成立,向来自 生物技术或制药公司,教育部门(大学和研究机构)以及 100 多个国家的政府机构/经销商的 5,000 多个客户销售各 种生物技术或生化产品。他们的主要生产基地中国南京。 他们的产品类型为客户提供 - 从抗体服务项目,酶到基因 合成项目。北美,欧洲和中国的收入占上半年总收入的 57%/ 17%/ 9%,另外 14%来自亚洲,不包括日本和中 国。其主要股东包括:(1)章方良(董事长兼首席执行 官)(61.9%)和(2)KPCB 中国联营公司(13.2%)。 资料来源: 彭博,公司数据, 国信证券 (香港) 研究部 Figure 1: 盈利预测 截至 Dec 31 (美元百万) 营业额 净利润 实际盈利 每股实际盈利 (USD) 每股股息 (USD) 市盈率 (x) 股息率 (%) 市净率 (x) 每股实际盈利增长 (%) 净资产收益率 (%) FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F 70 6 6 0.005 0.0 96.6 0.0 9.67 2.9 10.8 87 18 11 0.009 0.0 54.0 0.0 4.04 78.9 10.6 116 24 24 0.012 0.0 41.2 0.0 6.01 31.0 15.1 141 29 29 0.015 0.0 33.6 0.0 5.86 22.9 17.7 179 37 37 0.019 0.0 25.9 0.0 5.36 29.6 21.6 萧智舜 PhD 证监会中央编号:AVV237 +852 2899 6747 资料来源:公司数据, 国信证券 (香港) 研究部 研究报告仅代表分析员个人观点,请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明。 2 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Valuation A target price of HKD4.70 based on 1.0x PEG Our TP of HKD4.70 is based on 1.0x PEG, given the company is forecast to grow at 41.3% EPS CAGR from 2015 to 2018F. This translates to a target P/E in FY17F at 41.3x and we use its FY17F EPS at HKD0.013/ shares to derive our current TP, +1SD above its global sector’s past 5-year forward P/E mean. This is also consistent with our DCF valuation, which also points a similar TP at HKD4.74, using WACC at 10.4% and terminal growth at 3.0%. Our TP also implies 25.1x FY17F EV/EBITDA, premium to global sector median of 13.4x, but at 1.0x EV/EBITDA to EBITDA CAGR of 24.6% (FY1518F). A target price of HKD4.70 based on 1.0x PEG Figure 2 Global closest peer’s group comparison 3 - mt h C om pa ny Ti c k e r R a t i ng Div yld Mkt cap avg t / o P ER H i st P ER P ER 3 - Yr EP S ( US $ m) ( US $ m) ( x) FY1 ( x ) FY2 ( x ) C a gr ( %) Price A d just ed sect o r med ian* 3 1.3 2 1.4 19 .7 2 0 .3 P EG ( x ) 0 .9 H i st Div yld P/ B ( %) FY1 ( %) H i st ( x ) 0 .8 0 .2 4 .1 P / B EV/ EB I TD A EV/ EB I TD A FY1 ( x ) 3 .4 ( FY16 F) 16 .0 ( FY17 F) 13 .4 Novozymes-B Shs NZYM B DC Non-rated 245.40 11,283 21.8 26.6 24.4 23.1 6.9 3.52 1.4 N/A 6.68 N/A 15.4 Intrexon Corp XON US Non-rated 25.37 3,002 36.0 N/A N/A N/A (27.1) N/A N/A N/A 4.85 N/A N/A 14.8 Du Pont (Ei) DD US Non-rated 69.51 60,428 177.6 32.0 21.5 18.6 24.7 0.87 2.2 0.7 6.35 6.35 14.7 10.8 Thermo Fisher TM O US Non-rated 151.81 59,969 237.9 30.6 18.4 16.4 27.6 0.67 0.4 0.1 2.77 2.70 18.7 14.8 Vwr Corp VWR US Non-rated 26.16 3,441 21.2 22.4 15.3 14.2 19.4 0.79 N/A N/A 2.25 2.19 11.7 10.9 Waters Corp WAT US Non-rated 140.29 11,304 80.6 24.6 21.4 19.7 10.6 2.03 N/A N/A 5.00 4.85 15.2 13.4 Perkinelmer Inc PKI US Non-rated 51.87 5,675 30.2 27.4 18.7 17.2 21.1 0.89 0.5 0.1 2.66 2.59 15.5 12.9 Agilent Tech Inc A US Non-rated 45.71 14,828 88.3 38.1 23.9 20.9 27.3 0.88 1.0 0.3 3.41 3.39 17.6 14.0 Albany M olecular AM RI US Non-rated 15.66 672 3.7 N/A 14.5 11.6 (374.0) N/A N/A N/A 2.13 N/A 27.2 8.3 Illumina Inc ILM N US Non-rated 137.08 20,137 209.2 43.0 41.3 36.2 10.5 3.95 N/A N/A 8.66 8.47 27.4 23.6 Bruker Corp BRKR US Non-rated 22.38 3,615 14.8 37.3 20.5 20.2 27.7 0.74 0.5 0.2 5.16 4.88 16.0 12.2 Qiagen Nv QGEN US Non-rated 27.49 6,405 27.4 50.9 25.8 22.1 36.6 0.71 N/A N/A 2.42 2.42 19.8 15.0 Dsm (Konin) DSM NA Non-rated 56.63 11,342 38.7 125.8 18.7 15.9 107.3 0.17 2.9 2.1 1.72 N/A 10.9 9.1 N/A * Out liner s and " N / A " ent r ies ar e in r ed and excl. f r o m t he calculat io n o f aver ag es Source: Bloomberg data and Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 3 Traditional bigger US biotech peer group comparison 3 - mt h C ompa ny Ti c k e r R a t i ng Price Mkt cap avg t / o ( U S $ m) ( U S $ m) A d just ed sect o r med ian* Div yld P ER H i st P ER 3 - Yr EP S ( x ) FY1 ( x ) FY2 ( x ) C a gr ( %) 2 0 .8 P ER 15.8 15.2 H i st P EG ( x ) ( %) P/ B P/ B EV/ EB I TD A EV/ EB I TD A FY1 ( %) H i st ( x ) Div yld FY1 ( x ) ( FY16 F) ( FY17 F) 12 .7 1.1 2 .5 0 .6 5.7 2 .2 11.3 3.8 11.98 N/A N/A 2.24 2.17 15.2 10 .7 Thermon Group Ho THR US Non-rated 20.70 669 2.7 28.8 45.4 29.6 Gilead Sciences GILD US Non-rated 76.42 100,680 766.0 6.2 6.7 7.0 (5.3) N/A 2.4 0.6 5.99 N/A 4.7 13.7 5.2 Celgene Corp CELG US Non-rated 119.45 92,598 465.0 59.1 20.2 16.8 62.5 0.32 N/A N/A 16.39 N/A 27.6 14.3 Biogen Inc BIIB US Non-rated 319.18 69,445 434.2 20.8 15.8 15.2 14.1 1.12 N/A N/A 5.73 N/A 11.3 10.7 Amgen Inc AM GN US Non-rated 149.04 110,874 556.1 16.3 12.9 11.9 12.7 1.01 2.7 0.7 3.61 N/A 9.5 7.3 * Out liners and " N / A " ent ries are in red and excl. f ro m t he calculat io n o f averag es Source: Bloomberg data and Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 3 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 4 Post-IPO forward P/E Band 4.00 +2SD = 27.5x 3.00 Share Price (HK$) +1SD = 21.9X 2.00 Mean = 16.4x -1SD = 12.2x 1.00 -2SD = 8.0x 0.00 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Source: Bloomberg data and Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 5 5-Year Global closest peers’ P/E curve Figure 6 5-Year US’s traditional biotech sector’s P/E curve 23.0 48.0 +2SD=21.1x 43.0 38.0 21.0 +1SD=41.7x +1SD=19.0x 19.0 33.0 28.0 17.0 Mean=26.9x 23.0 Mean=17.0x 15.0 18.0 -1SD=14.9x -1SD=12.0x 13.0 13.0 -2SD=13.0x 8.0 3.0 19-Oct-11 19-Oct-12 19-Oct-13 19-Oct-14 Source: Bloomberg data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 19-Oct-15 19-Oct-16 11.0 19-Oct-11 19-Oct-12 19-Oct-13 19-Oct-14 19-Oct-15 19-Oct-16 Source: Bloomberg data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research 4 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 7 DCF valuation to check with our current TP using PEG method DCF (the whole company) Year ended Dec (USDm) EBITDA Less: income tax Less: Capex Increase/ (decrease) in working capital Unlevered FCF YoY Capex to sales FY16F FY17F FY18F FY19F FY20F FY21F FY22F FY23F FY24F FY25F FY26F FY27F FY28F 35 (7) (10) (9) 10 43 (8) (27) (3) 5 -51% 19.0% 54 (11) (25) (14) 4 -17% 14.0% 63 (13) (19) (15) 16 305% 8.0% 74 (15) (17) (7) 36 119% 6.0% 87 (18) (19) (14) 35 0% 6.0% 98 (20) (28) (8) 42 18% 7.5% 113 (23) (32) (17) 41 -2% 7.5% 134 (28) (29) (11) 66 59% 6.0% 171 (36) (22) (22) 91 39% 4.0% 215 (45) (23) (18) 128 41% 3.5% 263 (56) (25) (32) 151 17% 3.3% 313 (67) (29) (29) 188 25% 3.3% 8.4% (USDm) Present value of Terminal Value Present value of FCF (2017-2027) Ended-2017 786 299 Present value of Enterprise 1,085 Plus: cash Less: debt HKD/USD Equity value (HKD) Shares outstanding (fully diluted) (m) 127 3 7.75 9,370 1,976 Price Target (HKD per share) Implied FY17F P/E x PEG 4.74 41.7 1.0 % Debt % Equity Tax rate 10.0% 90.0% 22.0% 1+ (1-T)D/E Unlevered project beta Project equity beta Risk-free rate Market risk premium 3.5% 7.0% Project equity beta Market risk premium Equity risk premium Plus risk-free rate Cost of equity 1.1 7.0% 7.5% 3.5% 11.0% Cost of debt After-tax cost of debt Cost of equity WACC 1.1 1.0 1.1 5.1% 11.0% Weightings 10.0% 90.0% 6.5% Weighted costs 0.5% 9.9% 10.4% Source: Company data and Guosen Securities(HK) Research Global expert and leader of synthetic genes Global major clients as biotech’s R&D and academia Global major clients as biotech’s R&D and academia. Drug-maker/ biotech firms and universities/ research institutes took up 60% and 36% of total in 1H16, whereas on-line orders already made up 45% of 1H16 total compared to the rest from offline at 55%. Further, North America, Europe and China derived 57%/17%/9% of 1H16 total revenue, with another 14% total was from Asia excluding Japan and China. Currently, the company’s production centre is based in Nanjing, China, likely benefit from falling RMB. We see the research services sector’s long-term growth driver would be the global demand of research and development of better medicines for critical diseases as a result of ageing population. Genscript Biotech has a strong global reach of clients of over 2,510, 1,760, 430, 620 and 370 from North America, Europe, China, other Asia Pacific, reaching as much as over 100 countries. Note that, they had done their services and supplied products to 19 out of global’s top twenty drugmakers by revenue. Global leader in gene synthesis Global leader in gene synthesis Guosen Securities (HK) On the global perspective, albeit top five players dominated an aggregate of 74.2% global gene synthesis sales in 2014, most of which were US companies. Genscript Biotech was #1 with 25.6% of the global market with sales at USD35m in 2014. The company started to launch its gene synthesis service since 2003, subsequently became a founding member of International Gene Synthesis 5 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Consortium with four other major global gene synthesis providers. In 2014, the company developed GenPlusTM Next-Generation gene synthesis technology and started to provide the relevant high-throughput gene synthesis services. At the same time, this segment technique has benefited all other segments within the company including industrial enzyme production. Genscript’s de novo synthesis of DNA molecules encoding novel or optimized proteins has enriched their protein and antibody-related services and products. No doubt about their product’s purities and market reputation, in 2012, the company was selected as the first pure commercial entity to take part in Johns Hopkins University’s Synthetic Yeast Genome Sc2.0 Project. From this large-scale project to make an ideal model organism for various usages such as medicines, the company successfully finished the synthesis of 170kb long of DNA fragments of a special yeast chromosome arm within three months. This work led to certain publications in peer-reviewed journals, such as Nature. The company’s gene synthesis expertise includes the construction of non-pathogenic microbial strains that are used to produce high-quality industrial enzymes, in particular to food industry. Figure 8 From DNA fragment to protein expression Source: Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Note that, GenPlusTM Next-Generation gene synthesis technology is Genscript’s latest breakthrough: a proprietary technology platform combines parallel synthesis and automation to enable an unprecedented capacity of 100Mbp per month – similar to 100,000 genes or 20 bacterial genomes. Guosen Securities (HK) 6 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 9 An example of high-throughput array-based gene synthesis technology Source: Photograph courtesy from Curr Opin Chem Biol (by S.Ma, N.Tang and J Tian); Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities (HK) Research In 2015, the company’s gene synthesis services sales attained USD47m, a 22% y-o-y surge, making up as much as 54% of its total revenue. During the 2016’s interim, its gene synthesis sales rose 21% y-o-y to USD26m, 48% of 1H16’s total. With our average order price assumption at USD2,500 2600 per annum, we project the company’s gene synthesis segment to attain 20% y-o-y/ 16.0% yo-y sales growth in FY16F-17F, reaching as much as USD56m/ USD64m respectively, still translating to 46% -47% of its total revenue. This also implies a sales CAGR from 2015 to 2018F of 18.3%. In 2014, the company already had 67.1% of gross margin. With bigger economy of scale by higher base pairs preparation per day as a result of advancing new techniques on high-throughput and parallel synthesis, we project Genscript’s GPM to stay at 67.0% in FY16F, edging up to 68.0%/ 71.0% in FY17F-18F respectively. Protein production also fares well Protein production also fares well The company’s protein production services has been extended to both expression and purification of the target protein. Genscript can produce high quality recombinant proteins in four expression system, namely bacterial, insect, mammalian, and yeast cells, towering up to over 5,300 highquality proteins. Of which, recombinant proteins can be used in various areas of research, such as diagnostic analysis, drug discovery and development, and protein functional and structural studies. In the past, the company also engaged in more complicated projects or orders, including transmembrane proteins, protein complex by co-expression, biologically active enzymes, cytokines, growth factors, envelop proteins, nuclear hormone receptors, and recombinant antibodies to its global clients. Usually, this work requires 2 to 4 months to complete the protein production, including cloning strategy design, gene synthesis and subcloning, protein expression, protein production and the final function confirmation. In 2015, Genscript’s protein production sales reached USD10m, up 22% y-o-y, making up 12% of 2015’s total revenue. In light of continuous demand of quality protein complex for many drugmaking and biotech industry, we project a 32% y-o-y sales growth in this segment for FY16F, due to a low base in 2H15, arriving at USD14m. Given its low-base in the market, this segment is estimated to surge 32% CAGR from 2015 to 2018. Same reason as in gene synthesis, we see the Guosen Securities (HK) 7 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, GPM for the protein production to stay at 59.0% in 2016, same as in 2014, then edging up to 60.0%/ 62.0% in FY17F/18F. Skillful antibody development with high entry barriers Skillful antibody development with high entry barriers Since 2004, the company has supplied 13,000 high-quality polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to its global clients, using technologies derived from in-house R&D efforts and advanced inlicensed technologies. Genscript also provides a unique next generation therapeutic (curable) antibody development platform with clear advantages over the traditional monoclonal antibody (MABs) method. Whereby its process involves antigen preparation, animal immunization, antibody development and the final antibody purification, this usually takes 4 to 6 months for MAB development, and 2 to 3 months for polyclonal antibody works. This segment sales, has been booked as the other items within the life science research services, which also include sales from oligonucleotide synthesis, DNA sequencing and peptide synthesis. Further, Genscript also provides very professional oligonucleotide synthesis, especially those labeled by fluorescent or non-fluorescent dyes, quencher pairs, or electrochemicals for qualitative and quantitative detection. This can be used in genetic testing and personalized medicine. Its DNA based oligonucleotides are produced with high purity by the company’s state-of-the-art oligosynthesiser, whose products’ identity and purity are checked by mass spectrometry and high throughput capillary gel electrophoresis. Moreover, the company also makes a variety of RNA type derivatives, like modified RNA, chimeric oligonucleotide with mixed DNA and RNA bases, 2’-MeORNA, 2’-F-RNA, and other antisense RNAs at client request. All RNA oligonucleotides’ identity and purity are checked by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and HPLC. All in all, we project this other segment sales to grow at 16.3% CAGR from 2015 to 2018, given its (1) variety of products and services with good growth potential such as MABs, DNA and RNA synthesis; and (2) historical sales CAGR at 18.8% from 2012 to 2015. We also see this other segment sales will continue to make up 21%/ 20% in FY16F-17F of the company’s total (FY15: 23.1%). Industrial enzymes to grow big post Nornoon consolidation Novozymes dominated 44% of the global market in 2014 Industrial enzymes to grow big post Nornoon consolidation The company started to record sales from industrial enzyme segment since 1H14. Genscript will use its gene synthesis expertise to modify and improve the industrial enzyme producing microorganism. Such that, the modified microbes can produce industrial enzymes with good yields and effective performance properties. In particular, Genscript will continue to spend R&D on industrial enzymes for food industry, as well as chemical drug production and beverage sector. Since 2013, the company had developed product lines for a few enzymes under the brand name of Bestzyme, especially for starch processing industry with 4-5 products on sales. The company is expected to roll out the second generation of thermal and acid stable alpha-amylase in mid-2016. They currently keep the design and laboratory scale production of their industrial enzyme products in-house, while the company outsources the large-scale manufacturing and formulations to other third-party suppliers. In April 2016, Genscript acquired 51% interests in Jinan Nornoon Biological Engineering (Nornoon) (济南诺能生物工程有限公司) in China at a cash consideration of RMB53m. This reflects a 22.1x FY15 P/E or 15.7x FY17F P/E under our estimate for Nornoon. Genscript is likely to help improve Nornoon’s existing production capacity. Founded in 2009, Nornoon has an annual capacity of 3Ktons, and its fermentation base was derived from Jinan Tiantianxiang Co., Ltd. (济南天天香有限公司), whose enzyme production has started in 2000. Currently, Nornoon can make enzymes for (1) animal feeds; (2) food industry; and (3) industrial-use. This company had booked a net profit of RMB4.7m in 2015 (2014: RMB1m). Based on the service network of Chinese Academy of Science for microbiology, Novozymes (NZYMB.DC, NR) dominated 44% of the global market in 2014, with DuPont and DSM to have 20% and 6% of market shares. In China, we believe that the current supply of industrial enzymes still relies on imports from overseas companies. In 2013, the market estimated China’s annual usage Guosen Securities (HK) 8 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, China’s current biggest domestic supplier of industrial enzyme is Guandong Vtr Bio-tech Co. reached 1.1m tons, of which Novozymes taking up two-third of this market, followed by DuPont. China’s biggest domestic supplier of industrial enzymes is currently Guandong Vtr Bio-tech Co. ( 广东溢多利生物科技 ) (300381.CH, NR), followed by Youtell Biochemical (湖南尢特爾生 化),Beijing Smistyle Science and Technology Development (北京昕大洋科技发展), and Sunhy Group (武汉新华扬生物股份). Figure 10 Global industrial enzyme market shares in 2014 Others, 30% Novozymes, 44% DSM, 6% Dupont, 20% Source: The service network of Chinese Academy of Science for microbiology and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Global industrial enzyme market to forge ahead to USD6.0bn by 2016 from 2014’s USD3.7bn While we see the global industrial enzyme market to forge ahead to USD6.0bn by 2016 from 2014’s USD3.7bn, on the need of cleaner and fewer synthetic steps for food and drug synthesis. In 2015, Genscript Biotech only recorded USD1.4m, over 289% jump from 2014. The company also reported a similar sales value just for 1H16. In light of the completion of 51% stake acquisition of Nornoon, we expect its 2H16 sales to be USD5.6m with USD4.3m sales from Nornoon. This leads to its full-year sales for industrial enzyme in FY16F to be USD7m, a 418% y-o-y jump, with Genscript’s organic sales growth to be 100% y-o-y (at USD2.7m) on its low base and being in rapid sales rampup phase. We foresee the company’s industrial enzyme sales will still continue to grow at 418%/99%/81% y-o-y in FY16F-18F versus organic growth at 100%/143%/155% y-o-y. In this case, we also factor in a conservative forecast on Nornoon’s revenue growth in FY17F-FY18F to be 11%/ 15% y-o-y, partly on RMB devaluation and more time needed to ramp its sales channel in China. All in all, this enzyme segment will account for 6%/10%/14% of FY16F-18F total revenue (FY15: 1.6% & 1H16: 2.6%). Industrial enzymes’ gross margin in 1H16 of 13.1% was larger than FY15’s 5.5%, we see its gross margin would likely improve after its revamp of production issues, foraging ahead to 25.0% in FY16F and up to 35.0% in FY17F. Guosen Securities (HK) 9 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Financial projection Stunning core profit growth at 110% y-o-y in 2016 Stunning core profit growth at 110% y-o-y in 2016 We foresee that its gene synthesis services sales, making up 48% of FY16’s total revenue, will surge 20% y-o-y in FY16F (FY15: 22%), with 1H16 also at 21% y-o-y. This is well-supported by (1) true expertise in gene synthesis; and (2) robust demand of quality modified genome for organisms to further research in drug synthesis, food processing and agriculture. Coupled with other vast demand and sales of modified antibodies and oligonucleotide (DNA and RNA) synthetic products, we expect this big segment sales of life science research service to hit USD94m, a solid 22% y-o-y increase. In addition, industrial enzyme sales would have a breakthrough to reach USD7m (+418% y-o-y), post integration of Nornoon sales in 2H16 of USD4.3m. All in all, its FY16’s total revenue would likely attain USD116m, a 33% y-o-y jump (1H16: 30%). Its blended gross margin is seen to stay at 65.5% level compared to FY15’s 65.8% and 1H16’s 67.5%, again on stable gene synthesis’ margin at 67.0% and wider margin sales from growing industrial enzymes segment. We expect its operating (opex) expenses to sales ratio to stand at 39.8%, similar to 1H16’s 40.6% (1H15: 48.0%), on better sales channels and network. Its blended tax rate should stay similar to 1H16’s 21.3% at 22.0%. Our underlying profit is forecast to be USD24m, a stunning 111% y-o-y jump from FY15’s USD11m. This FY15 profit number is derived from its reported earnings of USD17.5m, after adding back of a listing expenses of USD5m, and deducting gains from (1) the settlement of intellectual property infringement dispute; and (2) foreign currency exchange. Trade receivables days is forecast to edge up to 62 days, from 2015’s 61 days; while inventory days will be largely similar to 2015’s 23 days. Cash conversion cycle will likely stand at 53 days, up from 2015’s 52 days. Bank deposits and cash is seen to be USD124m at end-2016, up from end-2014’s USD104m, on gains from operating cashflow as a result of bigger profit. Further, we expect the company will invest USD6m/ 2m/2m for plant expansion and constructions in Jinan (Nornoon), Zhenjiang and Nanjing headquarters respectively, totaling USD10m of capex, 8% of total revenue. We do not expect the company will pay dividend in 2016, same for 2015. Good 23% y-o-y profit growth in 2017 Good 23% y-o-y profit growth in 2017 We foresee that its gene synthesis services sales will still make up 46% of FY16’s total revenue, achieving 17% y-o-y in FY17F (FY16F: 20%), consistent with 18% CAGR (2014-18). Again, this would be likely driven by robust demand of good-quality modified genome for organisms to further research and production in different areas (medicines, agriculture and food industry). To sort out the issue of intellectual property right argument with their clients when dealing with in vitro/ in vivo preclinical trials, the company is expected to cut out its pre-clinical drug development business. This will likely result in smaller sales at USD5m, 3% of 2017F’s total revenue (FY16F: 8%), expecting this segment to have no sales in 2018. At the same time, the company is seen to replenish the smaller sales from preclinical work to industrial enzymes sales at USD14m (+99% y-oy). This will be assisted by the full-year consolidation of Nornoon sales in 2017 at USD7m (+11% yo-y), with the company’s organic sales growth for enzymes at 143% y-o-y (USD7m). All in all, Genscript’s total revenue is projected to grow at 22% y-o-y at USD141m (FY16F: 33%). On bigger economy of scale in production, as well as its products’ stable selling price and wider margin sales of gene synthesis at 68.0%, we forecast its blended GPM to stay at 65.5%, same as in 2016. While its opex to sales will likely stay at 39.5% of total revenue in 2017, little smaller in 2016F’s 39.8%. As such, our underlying profit in 2017F is forecast to be USD29m, 23% y-o-y increase. Trade receivable and inventory days were largely similar to our estimated numbers as in 2016 at 62 and 25 (2016F: 62 and 23 days). Bank deposits and cash is forecast to be USD127m at end-2017 (end-2016F: USD124m), on bigger capex for the Jinan (Nornoon) and Zhenjiang sites which will be offset a similar operating cashflow at USD36m vs 2016F of USD37m. Moreover, we expect the capex in 2017F will be dedicated as USD8m for Jinan, USD15m for Zhenjiang sites and about USD4m for Nanjing headquarters, towering a 2017F capex at USD27m, 19% of total revenue. Guosen Securities (HK) 10 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 11 Genscript’s development timeline Source: Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 12 Customer breakdown by category at end-Jun 2016 Figure 13 Customer breakdown by region in 1H16 Japan, 3.3% China, 8.5% Colleges and universities, 23.8% APAC (excl China & Japan), 14.2% Pharma and biotech , 60.1% Research Institutes, 12.5% Europe, 17.2% Government bodies, 1.8% North America, 56.7% Distributors, 1.9% Source: Genscript Biotech; Guosen Securities (HK) Research Source: Genscript Biotech, Guosen Securities (HK) Research Figure 14 Number of purchase orders at end-Jun 2016 (through on-line or offline) Source: Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 11 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 15 Summary of key life sciences research services offered by Genscript Biotech Source: Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Figure 16 Production and sales offices of Genscript Biotech Source: Genscript Biotech and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 12 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 17 P&L analysis Year-ended Dec (USDm) FY14 1H15 2H15 FY15 1H16 2H16F FY16F FY17F FY18F Total revenue YoY change 70.0 16.5% 41.1 22.5% 45.7 25.2% 86.7 23.9% 53.2 29.6% 62.3 36.5% 115.5 33.3% 140.1 21.3% 178.2 27.2% Cost of sales (25.9) (14.2) (15.4) (29.6) (17.3) (22.5) (39.8) (48.3) (59.9) Gross profit YoY change GPM 44.1 15.3% 63.0% 26.9 25.3% 65.4% 30.2 33.3% 66.2% 57.1 29.4% 65.8% 35.9 33.7% 67.5% 39.8 31.8% 63.9% 75.7 32.7% 65.5% 91.8 21.3% 65.5% 118.3 28.8% 66.4% Selling and distribution expenses % of total revenue (15.5) 22.2% (8.4) 20.4% (9.3) 20.3% (17.6) 20.3% (9.6) 18.0% (10.3) 16.5% (19.9) 17.2% (23.1) 16.5% (29.9) 16.8% Administrative expenses % of total revenue (21.4) 30.6% (11.3) 27.6% (17.2) 37.7% (28.5) 32.9% (12.1) 22.7% (14.1) 22.5% (26.1) 22.6% (32.2) 23.0% (41.0) 23.0% (5.6) 8.0% (2.4) 5.9% (4.7) 10.2% (7.1) 8.2% (3.5) 6.7% (6.9) 11.0% (10.4) 9.0% (14.0) 10.0% (19.6) 11.0% 7.1 -17.2% 10.2% 7.2 73.0% 17.5% 3.7 25.6% 8.2% 10.9 53.2% 12.6% 14.3 99.0% 26.8% 15.5 314.9% 24.8% 29.7 172.8% 25.7% 36.5 155.5% 26.0% 47.4 206.6% 26.6% 1.5 0.7 11.6 12.4 (0.0) 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 Other expenses % of total revenue (0.3) 0.5% (0.0) 0.0% (0.3) 0.0% (0.3) 0.3% (0.0) 0.1% (0.4) 0.6% (0.4) 0.3% (0.6) 0.4% (0.7) 0.4% Finance costs (0.4) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0.1) (0.1) (0.2) (0.1) 8.2 7.9 15.1 23.0 14.2 16.0 30.3 36.9 47.8 7.8 (1.7) 20.1% 7.9 (2.2) 27.2% 15.1 (3.3) 22.0% 23.0 (5.5) 23.8% 14.2 (3.0) 21.3% 15.9 (3.6) 22.7% 30.2 (6.6) 22.0% 36.8 (8.1) 22.0% 47.7 (10.5) 22.0% 6.2 0.0 2.9% 5.7 0.0 42.0% 11.8 0.0 452.3% 17.5 0.0 183.5% 11.2 0.0 94.8% 12.3 0.0 4.9% 23.5 0.0 34.4% 28.7 0.0 21.9% 37.2 0.0 29.6% 0.0 (1.7) 8.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 2.9% 8.8% 7.4 83.1% 18.0% 3.8 76.7% 8.2% 11.2 80.9% 12.9% 11.2 51.2% 21.0% 12.3 227.9% 19.8% 23.5 110.7% 20.4% 28.7 21.9% 20.5% 37.2 29.6% 20.9% Y-o-y Total revenue Gross profit Selling and distribution expenses Administrative expenses EBIT EBT Core profit 16.5% 15.3% 21.3% 27.2% 4.8% 4.1% 2.9% 22.5% 25.3% 10.4% 16.6% 47.3% 53.5% 83.1% 25.2% 33.3% 16.5% 46.7% 422.3% 460.4% 76.7% 23.9% 29.4% 13.5% 33.1% 178.6% 193.2% 80.9% 29.6% 33.7% 14.4% 6.5% 80.1% 80.1% 51.2% 36.5% 31.8% 11.1% -18.3% 6.4% 5.7% 227.9% 33.3% 32.7% 12.6% -8.5% 31.7% 31.3% 110.7% 21.3% 21.3% 16.4% 23.4% 22.1% 21.9% 21.9% 27.2% 28.8% 29.5% 27.2% 29.4% 29.6% 29.6% Margin analysis Total revenue Gross profit Selling and distribution expenses Administrative expenses EBIT EBT Core profit 100.0% 63.0% 22.2% 30.6% 11.8% 11.2% 8.8% 100.0% 65.4% 20.4% 27.6% 19.2% 19.2% 18.0% 100.0% 66.2% 20.3% 37.7% 33.0% 33.0% 8.2% 100.0% 65.8% 20.3% 32.9% 26.5% 26.5% 12.9% 100.0% 67.5% 18.0% 22.7% 26.7% 26.7% 21.0% 100.0% 63.9% 16.5% 22.5% 25.7% 25.6% 19.8% 100.0% 65.5% 17.2% 22.6% 26.2% 26.1% 20.4% 100.0% 65.5% 16.5% 23.0% 26.4% 26.2% 20.5% 100.0% 66.4% 16.8% 23.0% 26.8% 26.7% 20.9% R&D cost % of total revenue Operating profit YoY change Operating margin Other income and gains EBIT EBT Income tax expense Tax rate Profit for the year (reported) MI YoY change Adjustment Core profit YoY change Core profit margin Source: Company data and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 13 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Figure 18 revenue breakdown Year-ended Dec (USDm) FY14 1H15 2H15 FY15 1H16 2H16F FY16F FY17F FY18F Revenue Life sciences research service YoY change % Total revenue 63.2 14.2% 90.3% 36.8 21.3% 89.6% 40.1 22.0% 87.9% 76.9 21.7% 88.7% 44.4 20.6% 83.4% 49.1 22.3% 78.8% 93.5 21.5% 80.9% 110.8 18.6% 78.5% 131.0 18.2% 73.0% Gene synthesis services YoY change % Total revenue 38.4 10.7% 54.8% 21.3 14.6% 51.8% 25.4 28.3% 55.6% 46.7 21.7% 53.8% 25.7 20.6% 48.2% 30.1 18.7% 48.4% 55.8 19.6% 48.3% 65.4 17.2% 46.4% 76.3 16.6% 42.5% Protein production services YoY change % Total revenue 8.4 23.5% 12.0% 6.2 62.1% 15.1% 4.0 -12.2% 8.8% 10.2 21.7% 11.8% 7.5 20.6% 14.1% 6.0 49.7% 9.6% 13.5 32.0% 11.7% 17.7 31.3% 12.5% 23.2 31.3% 12.9% Other YoY change % Total revenue 16.5 18.3% 23.5% 9.3 17.3% 22.7% 10.8 25.8% 23.5% 20.0 21.7% 23.1% 11.2 20.6% 21.1% 13.0 20.6% 20.8% 24.2 20.6% 20.9% 27.7 14.7% 19.6% 31.5 13.7% 17.6% Life sciences research catalog products YoY change % Total revenue 2.0 33.9% 2.9% 1.2 25.2% 2.9% 1.3 17.0% 2.8% 2.5 20.8% 2.8% 2.7 126.6% 5.0% 2.8 120.6% 4.6% 5.5 123.4% 4.8% 11.6 110.0% 8.2% 23.2 100.0% 12.9% Preclinical drug development services YoY change % Total revenue 4.4 36.0% 6.3% 2.6 22.1% 6.4% 3.3 49.9% 7.3% 6.0 36.2% 6.9% 4.8 80.4% 9.0% 4.8 43.8% 7.7% 9.5 60.0% 8.3% 4.8 -50.0% 3.4% N/A N/A N/A 0.3 N/A 0.5% 0.5 376.8% 1.1% 0.9 256.5% 2.0% 1.4 289.4% 1.6% 1.4 209.7% 2.6% 5.6 522.3% 9.0% 7.0 417.8% 6.1% 13.9 98.8% 9.9% 25.2 80.6% 14.0% 70.0 16.5% 41.1 22.5% 45.7 25.2% 86.7 23.9% 53.2 29.6% 62.3 36.5% 115.5 33.3% 141.1 22.2% 179.4 27.1% Year-ended Dec (USDm) Gross margin breakdown FY14 1H15 2H15 FY15 1H16 Life sciences research service Gene synthesis services Protein production services Others Life sciences research catalog products Preclinical drug development services Industrial synthetic biology products Blended margin 63.2% 67.1% 59.3% 56.1% 66.5% 63.8% 0.0% 63.0% 66.3% 70.7% 67.6% 55.6% 59.3% 64.4% -46.4% 65.4% 67.6% 67.6% 48.3% 74.7% 69.2% 65.8% 31.5% 66.2% 67.0% 69.0% 60.0% 65.9% 64.4% 65.2% 5.5% 65.8% 69.5% 68.0% 60.0% 79.3% 64.7% 66.2% 13.1% 67.5% Industrial synthetic biology products YoY change % Total revenue Total revenue YoY change Source: Company data and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Figure 19 Gross margin assumptions 2H16F 68.0% 66.1% 57.8% 76.9% 64.3% 63.8% 28.0% 63.9% FY16F 68.7% 67.0% 59.0% 78.0% 64.5% 65.0% 25.0% 65.5% FY17F 69.5% 68.0% 60.0% 79.0% 65.0% 65.0% 35.0% 65.5% FY18F 71.6% 71.0% 62.0% 80.0% 66.0% 0.0% 40.0% 66.4% Source: Company data and Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 14 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Summary financial statements(Year to Dec 31) Profit & Loss (USDm) Revenue FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Financial Ratios FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F 70 87 116 141 179 Gross profit margin (%) 63.0 65.8 65.5 65.5 66.4 Revenue growth (%) 16.5 23.9 33.3 22.2 27.1 Operating profit margin (%) 10.2 12.6 25.7 26.0 26.6 Cost of sales (26) (30) (40) (49) (60) Underlying profit margin (%) 8.8 12.9 20.4 20.5 20.9 Gross profit 44 57 76 93 119 Net debt/equity (%) (46.2) (69.6) (75.9) (75.2) (75.2) 0 0 0 0 0 Net debt/total assets (%) (30.9) (57.1) (59.7) (57.7) (56.2) (37) (46) (46) (56) (71) 7 11 30 37 48 Other income/(expense) Operating expenses Operating profit Operating profit growth (%) Current ratio (%) 150 431 433 388 353 Dividend payout (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (17.2) 53.2 173 23.6 29.9 Interest cover (x) 17.3 0.0 309 237 385 Other non-operating inc/(exp) 1 12 1 0 0 Dividend cover (x) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Finance income 0 0 0 0 0 Acct. receivable turnover days 55.2 61.2 62.4 62.4 62.4 Finance expenses 0 0 0 0 0 Acct. payable turnover days 33.2 32.5 32.9 32.9 32.9 Associates & JCE 0 0 0 0 0 Inventory turnover days 22.4 23.4 23.4 25.0 25.7 Profit before taxation 8 23 30 37 48 Cash cycle days 44.4 52.1 52.9 54.5 55.2 (2) (5) (7) (8) (11) Non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0 0 Net profit 6 18 24 29 37 Other Adjustments on UP 0 (6) 0 0 0 Taxation Underlying Profit Underlying profit growth (%) Dupont Analysis FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Tax burden (%) 78.8 76.2 78.0 Interest burden (%) 110 211 101 78.0 78.0 101 Operating profit margin (%) 10.2 12.6 25.7 26.0 26.6 101 6 11 24 29 37 Asset turnover (x) 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.9 80.9 111 22.9 29.6 Leverage ratio (x) 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 EPS (USD) 0.005 0.014 0.012 0.015 0.019 ROA (%) 7.0 8.1 12.1 13.7 16.4 Underlying EPS (USD) 0.005 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.019 ROE (%) 10.8 10.6 15.1 17.7 21.6 Underlying EPS growth (%) 2.9 78.9 31.0 22.9 29.6 DPS (USD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DPS growth (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source: Company data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research Source: Company data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research Balance Sheet (USDm) Fixed assets FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F 38 38 40 42 44 0 0 0 0 0 Others 11 11 13 14 Non-current assets 49 49 52 2 2 3 Debtors & prepayments 13 27 Bank deposits & cash 26 104 Associates & JCE Inventories Others 8 23 30 37 48 Depreciation & amortization 5 5 5 6 6 15 Interest expense 0 0 0 0 0 55 58 Change in working capital 4 5 26 30 41 124 127 138 3 0 0 0 0 133 153 160 184 Bank & other borrowings 0 0 2 3 Trade & payables 3 2 5 Taxation 0 4 4 Others 26 25 Current liabilities 29 Bank & other borrowings Others Non-current liabilities Net assets Share capital FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F EBIT 44 Current assets Cashflow (USDm) 0 (10) 2 (5) (10) (4) (2) (4) (5) (6) 3 4 3 3 3 Operating activities 12 20 37 36 41 Capex Tax paid Other operating cashflow (7) (7) (10) (27) (25) Free cash flow 5 13 28 9 16 2 Disposal of non-current assets 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 Associates & JCE (net) 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 Interest received 0 0 0 0 0 25 31 39 Dividends received 0 0 0 0 0 31 35 41 52 Other investing cashflow (2) 3 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 Investing activities (9) (4) (8) 1 2 2 2 2 New loans raised 8 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 Repayment of loans (15) 0 0 0 0 62 149 168 172 188 Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0 (25) (22) 0 2 2 2 2 Other financing cashflow 8 65 (6) (5) (5) Premium & reserves 62 148 160 164 179 Financing activities 0 65 (6) (5) (5) Shareholders' funds 62 149 162 166 181 Inc/(dec) in cash 3 81 23 6 14 127 Non-controlling interests 0 0 6 7 7 Cash at beginning of year 22 26 104 124 Total equity 62 149 168 172 188 Foreign exchange effect 0 (3) (3) (3) (3) BVPS (USD) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Cash at end of year 26 104 124 127 138 Source: Company data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) Source: Company data, Guosen Securities (HK) Research 15 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, Information Disclosures Stock ratings, sector ratings and related definitions Stock Ratings: Buy: A return potential of 10 % or more relative to overall market within 6 – 12 months. Neutral: A return potential ranging from -10% to 10% relative to overall market within 6 – 12 months. Sell: A negative return of 10% or more relative to overall market within 6 –12 months. Sector Ratings: Overweight: The sector will outperform the overall market by 10% or higher within 6 –12 months. Neutral: The sector performance will range from -10% to 10% relative to overall market within 6 –12 months. Underweight: The sector will underperform the overall market by 10% or lower within 6 – 12 months. Interest disclosure statement The analyst is licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Neither the analyst nor his/her associates serves as an officer of the listed companies covered in this report and has no financial interests in the companies. Guosen Securities (HK) Brokerage Co., Ltd. and its associated companies (collectively “Guosen Securities (HK)”) has no disclo sable financial interests (including securities holding) or make a market in the securities in respect of the listed companies. Guosen Securities (HK) has no investment banking relationship within the past 12 months, to the listed companies. Guosen Securities (HK) has no individual employed by the listed companies. Disclaimers The prices of securities may fluctuate up or down. It may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities. The content of this report does not represent a recommendation of Guosen Securities (H K) and does not constitute any buying/selling or dealing agreement in relation to the securities mentioned. 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This report is not intended to be an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned. This report is for distribution only to clients of Guosen Securities (HK). Without Guosen Securit ies (HK)’s written authorization, any form of quotation, reproduction or transmission to third parties is prohibited, or may be subject to legal action. Such infor mation and opinions contained therein are subject to change and may be amended without any no tification. This report is not directed at, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any jurisdictio n where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject Guosen Securities (HK) and its group companies to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. Guosen Securities (HK) 16 Genscript Biotech (1548 HK) Jason Siu PhD, +852 2899 6747, 信息披露 公司评级、行业评级及相关定义 公司评级 买入:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,个股相对大盘涨幅在 10%以上; 中性:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,个股相对大盘涨幅介于-10%与 10%之间; 减持:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,个股相对大盘跌幅大于 10%。 行业评级 超配:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,行业整体回报高于市场整体水平 10%以上; 中性:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,行业整体回报介于市场整体水平-10%与 10%之间; 低配:我们预计未来 6-12 个月内,行业整体回报低于市场整体水平 10%以上。 利益披露声明 报告作者为香港证监会持牌人士,分析员本人或其有联系者并未担任本研究报告所评论的上市法团高级管理人员,也未持有 其任何财务权益。 本报告中,国信证券(香港)经纪有限公司及其所属关联机构(合称国信证券(香港))并无持有该公司须作出披露的财务 权益(包括持股),在过去 12 个月内与该公司并无投资银行关系,亦无进行该公司有关股份的庄家活动。本公司员工均非该 上市公司的雇员。 免责条款 证券价格有时可能非常波动。证券价格可升可跌,甚至变成毫无价值。买卖证券未必一定能够赚取利润,反而可能会招致损 失。 本研究报告内容既不代表国信证券(香港)的推荐意见,也并不构成所涉及的个别股票的买卖或交易要约。国信证券(香港) 或其集团公司有可能会与本报告涉及的公司洽谈投资银行业务或其它业务(例如配售代理、牵头经办人、保荐人、包销商或 从事自营投资于该股票)。国信证券(香港)不排除其员工有个人投资于本报告内所提及的上市法团。 报告中的资料均来自公开信息,我们力求准确可靠,但对这些信息的正确性、公正性及完整性不做任何保证。本报告没有考 虑到个别客户特殊的投资目标、财务状况或需要,并不构成个人投资建议,客户据此投资,责任自负。客户在阅读本研究报 告时应考虑报告中的任何意见或建议是否符合其个人特定状况。本报告并不存在招揽或邀约购买或出售任何证券的企图。 本报告仅向特定客户传送,未经国信证券香港书面授权许可,任何人不得引用、转载以及向第三方传播,否则可能将承担法 律责任。研究报告所载的资料及意见,如有任何更改,本司将不作另行通知。在一些管辖区域内,针对或意图向该等区域内 的市民、居民、个人或实体发布、公布、供其使用或提供获取渠道的行为会违反该区域内所适用的法律或规例或令国信证券 (香港)受制于任何注册或领牌规定,则本研究报告不适用于该等管辖区域内的市民、居民或身处该范围内的任何人或实体。 Guosen Securities (HK) 17