Uploaded by Brett Bonnaffons

Political Spectrum: Finding Bias in News Editorials

Political Spectrum
Whether we like it or not, and whether we realize it or not, political viewpoints are
expressed everywhere. We hear them on the radio, from the mouths of television
commentators, and read about them in the newspaper.
Directions: Find at least two different newspaper editorials that demonstrate a clear
leaning toward the left or right of the political spectrum. Editorials are newspaper
columns where people express their opinions on a particular subject. Their purpose is
to inform readers about a particular view or interpretation of a topic, often to persuade
people to support the author’s belief over all others. Thus, editorials are intentionally
biased, they are not just regular news stories that tell the facts (who, what, when,
where, why, and how).
Political cartoons are also a component of most newspapers that comment on, or
criticize, a current issue or event. You should find a political cartoon that demonstrates
a political view of your choice.
Both the editorials and the cartoon should be recently published (within the last twothree months).
Create a new document and attach the links for the articles
You should find ONE conservative editorial, ONE liberal editorial, and ONE political
cartoon of your choice (this could be conservative or liberal, moderate, reactionary or
Each one should be labeled according to the political viewpoint expressed.
Then, you should summarize the main ideas of each article, and the main idea of the
cartoon. Finally, provide evidence for why you chose to label the editorial and cartoon
as conservative, liberal, etc.
This assignment is Due by the end of Tuesday October 26’s class.
Points will be earned for quality editorials, and for a clear, accurate summary and
explanation of the article’s bias.