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Australian Tax Forum: Corporate Tax Reforms & International Issues

DATE DOWNLOADED: Mon Oct 10 05:50:28 2022
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Bluebook 21st ed.
33 Austl. TAX F. [i] (2018).
ALWD 7th ed.
, , 33 Austl. Tax F. [i] (2018).
APA 7th ed.
(2018). Australian Tax Forum, 33(1), [i]-[ii].
Chicago 17th ed.
"," Australian Tax Forum 33, no. 1 (2018): [i]-[ii]
AGLC 4th ed.
'' (2018) 33(1) Australian Tax Forum [i]
OSCOLA 4th ed.
'' (2018) 33 Austl Tax F [i]
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George Washington University - Jacob Burns Law Library
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Copyright Information
Modelling Australian corporate tax reforms
Chris Murphy
The unconvincing case for 25%
Graeme Cooper
International spillovers from proposed
US tax reforms
Dhammika Dharmapala
Australia's company tax: options for
fiscally sustainable reform
David Ingles and Miranda Stewart
Dividend imputation: a critical review of
the future of the system
Rhys Cormick and John McLaren
Tax treaties and the international allocation
of production: the welfare consequences
of tax credits
Nigar Hashimzade and Gareth D Myles
Professor Michael Walpole
Guest Editor
Miranda Stewart
General Manager, Knowledge and Learning
Alexandra Wilson
ATF Coordinator
Carla Reddy
Production Manager
Louella Brown
Australian Tax Forum is published four times a year. Subscription information can be obtained at
taxinstitute.com.au/publications/australiantaxforum. Subscription requests should be emailed
to membership @taxinstitute.com.au.
Submission of papers
Submissions for publication are welcomed and should be emailed to the Publisher at
Authors have granted permission for copies of articles to be made for classroom use provided:
(1) copies are distributed at or below cost; (2) the author and journal are identified; (3) notice of
ownership of the copyright is affixed; (4) the Australian Tax Forum is notified of the use.
Indexing and online access
Australian Tax Forum is indexed on The Tax Institute's website taxinstitute.com.au, Current
Law Index (online version: LegalTrac), Index to Legal Periodicals (online version: Wilsondisc),
Index to Economic Literature.
ISSN 0812-695X
Australian Tax Forum is a refereed journal that publishes scholarly works on all aspects of
taxation. All articles are subject to peer review by specialists in the field. For Australian authors,
this publication has been ranked an "A" category journal under the Australian Research
Council's Humanities and Creative Arts journal list.
For further information on this publication, please visit our website taxinstitute.com.au.
© 2018 The Tax Institute
This journal is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research,
criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any
process without written permission.
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, the opinions published in this journal do not express the
official opinion of The Tax Institute. The Tax Institute accepts no responsibility for accuracy
of information contained herein. Readers should rely on their own inquiries before making
decisions that touch on their own interests.