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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Tectonophysics j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t e c t o Migmatites, granites and orogeny: Flow modes of partially-molten rocks and magmas associated with melt/solid segregation in orogenic belts Olivier Vanderhaeghe G2R, Nancy-Université, CNRS, Boulevard des Aiguillettes B.P. 239 F-54506 Vandœuvre lès Nancy, France a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 30 August 2008 Received in revised form 7 June 2009 Accepted 22 June 2009 Available online 28 June 2009 Keywords: Migmatite Granite Orogeny Crustal flow Melt migration Solid settling a b s t r a c t This paper presents a model for the genesis of migmatites and granites during orogenic evolution based on the analysis of several Phanerozoic crustal segments and a review of the physical properties of partiallymolten rocks and magmas. This model inventories the modes of bulk flow of partially-molten rocks and magmas and the mechanisms of melt/solid segregation for each mode. Partial melting of rocks is associated with a strength decrease of two to three orders of magnitude leading to strain partitioning expressed by channel flow driven either by forces related to plate tectonics (vertical channel flow) or by the gravity force associated with lateral variations of crustal thicknesses (horizontal channel flow). Although the structural characteristics of migmatites indicate that deformation plays a role in melt migration, the emplacement of laccoliths of leucogranites above migmatites attests to the efficiency of the buoyancy force. Another decrease in apparent strength of about ten orders of magnitude is associated with the loss of continuity of the solid framework marking the transition from partially-molten rocks to magmas. The breakdown of the solid framework also allows for settling of the solid in suspension increasing the buoyancy of the remaining magma. Accordingly, domes cored by diatexites (former heterogeneous magmas) and mantled by metatexites (former partially-molten rocks) are interpreted as gravitational instabilities driven by the relative buoyancy of the magma and permitted by the weakness of the partially-molten rocks. This model provides a first order framework to elucidate the development of a crustal-scale horizontal layering during the evolution of orogenic belts that are affected by partial melting. In this case, the middle crust is dominated by migmatites with domes cored by diatexites and mantled by metatexites that correspond to a partially-molten and magmatic zone, respectively. The granitic dikes and sills and the associated laccoliths of leucogranites correspond to an intrusive zone overlying the partially-molten zone. The refractory lower crust is potentially in part formed by accumulation of solids segregated from the overlying heterogeneous magmas. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The dynamic evolution of Phanerozoic orogenic belts at convergent plate boundaries is associated with extensive partial melting of the continental crust as attested by the genesis and exhumation of migmatitic and granitic terranes (Brown, 2001; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b). The presence of silicate melts within zones of thickened crust is also consistent with a low-velocity, high-reflectivity and high-conductivity zone detected by geophysical tools beneath the Altiplano (Schilling et al., 1997; Schmitz et al., 1997; Partzsch et al., 2000), the Pyrenees (Pous et al., 1995) and the Tibetan plateau (Brown et al., 1996; Nelson et al., 1996; Alsdorf and Nelson, 1999) although alternative interpretations of these geophysical data are also proposed (Makovsky and Klemperer, 1999; Hacker et al., 2000). Partial melting changes rock rheology and density, and leads to the generation of a two-phase medium allowing melt–solid segregation. The rheologic E-mail address: 0040-1951/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.06.021 impact of partial melting affects the mechanics of rocks from the outcrop to the crustal scale (Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b; Rosenberg and Handy, 2005), whereas melt segregation and magma mobility are considered as the main processes leading to crustal differentiation (Vielzeuf et al., 1990; Sawyer, 1994). Addressing these issues requires distinguishing mechanisms of (i) the bulk flow of the partially-molten rocks and magmas (ii) melt/solid segregation via melt migration within partially-molten rocks and solid settling within magmas and (iii) melt migration out of the partially-molten rocks. Following the pioneering work of Mehnert (1968), structural analysis of migmatites has evidenced the relationship between deformation and melt migration (Weinberg, 1996; Brown and Rushmer, 1997; Solar et al., 1998; Sawyer et al., 1999; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Weinberg, 1999; Rosenberg, 2001; Vanderhaeghe, 2001). It has also illustrated the mechanical relevance of distinguishing metatexites from diatextites representing former partially-molten rocks and magmas, respectively (Brown, 1973; Wickham, 1987; Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Brown, 1994; Sawyer, 1994). At the crustal- Author's personal copy 120 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 scale, the mechanical role of partial melting has been identified on the basis of the structural and metamorphic characteristics of migmatites and granites (Brown, 1993; Brown, 2001; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b). Several end-member situations for the dynamical link between flow of partially-molten rocks and melt/solid segregation have been identified encompassing migmatites and granites deformed (i) by vertical extrusion in axial zones of relatively narrow orogenic belts (Brown and Solar, 1998; Solar et al., 1998; Schulmann et al., 2008); (ii) by lateral extrusion to the edges of continental plateaux that correspond to large orogenic belts (Burchfiel et al., 1992; Hodges et al., 1993; Weinberg and Searle, 1998; Beaumont et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b; Grujic et al., 2002); and (iii) by lateral and vertical flow in the axial zone of gravitationally collapsed orogenic belts (Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Gardien et al., 1997; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999a; Ledru et al., 2001). The goal of this paper is to inventory (1) the various modes of flow of a partially-molten continental crust in a context of lithospheric plate convergence and (2) discuss the characteristics of melt/solid segregation via granitic melt migration, magma mobility and solid settling for each mode. The first part of the paper is a synthesis of theoretical and experimental data on the rheology and density of partially-molten rocks and magmas. These constraints are compared to the geological characteristics of migmatitic terranes and associated granites and granulites which lead to a generic model integrating partial melting, flow of the partially-molten crust, granitic melt segregation, migration and emplacement, and solid settling within magmas. 2. Physical characteristics of partially-molten rocks and magmas 2.1. Structural characteristics of partially-molten rocks and magmas The structure of partially-molten rocks and magmas composed of a mixture between a solid and a silicate melt fraction is characterized by two geometric thresholds (Fig. 1) (Maaløe, 1982). One geometric threshold is related to the melt connectivity and is referred to as the percolation threshold. The other geometric threshold relates to the continuity of the solid framework and marks the solid/liquid mechanical transition. Melt connectivity allows for melt/solid segregation and for migration of the melt beyond the grain scale. In the case of partial melting of a rock under static conditions, melt connectivity is controlled by the wetting angle at the solid/melt interface and is achieved by the genesis of a network of tubules at the grain boundaries for only a few percent of melt in the partially-molten rock (Bulau et al., 1979; Waff and Bulau, 1979; Jurewicz and Watson, 1984; Jurewicz and Watson, 1985; von Bargen and Waff, 1986; Laporte, 1994). Under dynamical conditions, melt connectivity is achieved for even lower melt percentage and the melt topology is not consistent with one controlled by interfacial energy (Zimmerman et al., 1999; Kohlstedt, 2002; Holtzman et al., 2003). In deformed migmatitic rocks, the former melt fraction is identified by its mineral composition and its texture forming small veins and pockets along grain boundaries (Brown et al., 1999; Rosenberg and Riller, 2000; Sawyer, 2000; Marchildon and Brown, 2003). This distribution is similar to the one obtained in experimental deformation of partially-molten material taken as an analog to rocks (Rosenberg and Handy, 2001). At the macroscopic scale, the distribution of leucosomes, taken as a proxy for the former melt fraction (Sawyer, 1999), is linked to the structure of the rock and forms veins and pockets that are localized in pressure shadows around competent crystals or in boudin necks, along foliation planes, shear zones or fold's axial planes (Hand and Dirks, 1992; Brown, 1994; Brown and Rushmer, 1997; Sawyer et al., 1999; Vanderhaeghe, 1999; Vanderhaeghe, 2001). These observations are further supported by the results of experimental deformation of analog material showing similar features (Barraud et al., 2004). During crystallization of a partially-molten or magmatic rock, the last melt forms a network of veins and pockets localized along the boundaries of euhedral crystals or filling microfractures (Bouchez et al., 1992; Sawyer, 2000). The continuity of the solid framework marks the transition between partially-molten rocks, characterized by a continuous solid framework, to magmas formed by solids and/or crystals in suspension in a melt (Wickham, 1987; Sawyer, 1994; Vigneresse et al., 1996; Vanderhaeghe, 2001). The continuity of a solid framework is a function of the proportion, distribution, relative sizes and shapes of the minerals and solids in suspension (Fernandez et al., 1983; Stauffer, Fig. 1. Geometric evolution of partially-molten rocks and magmas during partial melting and crystallization. a) The three dimensional geometry of melt pockets is indicated for dihedral angles of θ b 60°, θ = 60°, θ N 60°. b) The geometric evolution of partially-molten rocks during partial melting goes through two geometric thresholds, the liquid connectivity and the solid connectivity. In turn, during crystallization, a magma goes across the same geometric thresholds (gray and black = solid crystals, yellow = melt). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Author's personal copy O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 Fig. 2. Rheology of partially-molten rocks and magmas as a function of melt fraction. The strength of solid and partially-molten rocks is synthesized from the results of experimental deformation (Arzi, 1978; Van der Molen and Paterson, 1979; Paquet et al., 1981; Rushmer, 1991; Rutter and Neumann, 1995). The apparent strength of magmas is synthesized based on both the theoretical evolution of suspensions (Roscoe, 1952; Shaw, 1972; Lejeune and Richet, 1995) and on the results of experimental deformation of magmas (Lange, 1994; Dingwell et al., 1996; Scaillet et al., 1997; Champallier et al., 2008). In order to compare the strength of solid rocks with the viscosity of partiallymolten rocks and magmas, apparent strengths are calculated for a strain rate of 10− 5 s− 1. The transition from a solid rock to a partially-molten rock is marked by two orders of magnitude strength drop. The transition from a partially-molten rock to a magma is marked by ten orders of magnitude strength drop. Metatexites represent formerly partially-molten rocks. Diatexites and granites correspond to former magmas. The metatexite/diatexite transition marks the former transition from partially-molten rocks to magmas. 121 the result of grain boundary diffusion and granular flow favored by the presence of melt at grain boundaries (Dell'Angelo et al., 1987; Dell'Angelo and Tullis, 1988; Paterson, 2001; Rosenberg and Handy, 2005). For about 20 to 40% of melt, a catastrophic loss in the rock's strength is observed (Arzi, 1978; Van der Molen and Paterson, 1979; Paquet et al., 1981; Rutter and Neumann, 1995; Rushmer, 1996). This is interpreted as representing the mechanical transition from a solid to a liquid marked by the loss of the continuity of the solid framework. The viscosity of silicate melts mildly increases with the amount of solids in suspension up to a crystal fraction of about 50 to 60% marked by a drastic increase in viscosity caused by crystal interactions impeding viscous flow of the magma (Lejeune and Richet, 1995; Caricchi et al., 2007; Champallier et al., 2008). The classical representation of the strength evolution of partiallymolten rocks and magmas in a logarithmic scale (Arzi, 1978) puts the emphasis on the strength decrease marking the transition between partially-molten rocks and magmas (Rosenberg and Handy, 2005). When considering the strength of the continental crust as a whole, the two to three orders of magnitude strength drop at the onset of melting is probably the most significant one. Indeed, at the partially-molten rock/magma transition, the strength of the partially-molten rocks is already so small compared to the one of solid rocks that another drop of ten orders of magnitudes does not make a difference when considering the bulk strength at the scale of the continental crust. However, the catastrophic loss of strength between partially-molten rocks with a continuous solid framework and magmas with solids in suspension is significant at the scale of the partially-molten layer. 2.3. Density of partially-molten rocks and silicate melts The density of typical continental rocks ranges from 2650 kg/m3 to 3100 kg/m3 (Turcotte and Schubert, 1982; Herzberg et al., 1983; Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). The density of silicate melt of felsic composition is lower than the one of the solid rock it comes from and ranges from 2400 kg/m3 to 2700 kg/m3 (Huppert and Sparks, 1988; Lister, 1989; Cruden et al., 1995). The density of the two-phase melt/ 1985; Arbaret et al., 1996; Gray et al., 2003). Following the partial melting path, this second geometric threshold is reached only in the case of relative inefficient melt migration compared to melt production (Sawyer, 1994). The solid/melt proportion for which the continuity of the solid framework is lost is thus a function of the efficiency of melt migration and on the characteristics of its redistribution in the partially-molten rock. On the other hand, crystallization experiments under static conditions indicate that a skeleton of crystals is achieved for a relatively low crystal fraction of ~ 40% (Lejeune and Richet, 1995; Philpotts et al., 1996, 1999). When subjected to deformation, melt flow induces redistribution of the solids in suspension and a continuous solid framework is only completed for a larger crystal fraction (Arbaret et al., 2000). 2.2. Rheology of partially-molten rocks and magmas The rheologic evolution of partially-molten rocks and magmas is a function of the proportion and distribution of the melt fraction and is linked to the two geometric thresholds (Fig. 2). At one end of the spectrum, solid rocks display plastic to viscous-plastic behaviors characterized by a strength that is typically a function of the strain rate (Kohlstedt, 1995). At the other end of the spectrum, silicate melts have a viscous behavior close to Newtonian at geologically relevant strain rates (Shaw,1972; Webb and Dingwell,1990; Dingwell et al.,1993; Dingwell, 1995; Scaillet et al., 1997, 1998). Experimental deformation of partially-molten rocks shows a two to three orders of magnitude decrease in strength of the partially-molten rock compared to the strength of the initial solid rock for only a few percents of melt in the rock (Van der Molen and Paterson,1979; Paquet et al.,1981; Dell'Angelo et al., 1987; Rutter and Neumann, 1995; Rushmer, 1996). This is interpreted as Fig. 3. Density of partially-molten rocks and magmas as a function of melt fraction taking into account melt migration and solid settling. The density of solid rocks (stars) varies between typical rocks of the continental crust, namely gneiss 2700 kg/m3 and amphibolite 3000 kg/m3 (Turcotte and Schubert, 1982; Herzberg et al., 1983; Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). The density of silicate granitic melt (black line with double arrow) spans a large range from 2400 kg/m3 to 2700 kg/m3 (Huppert and Sparks, 1988; Lister, 1989; Cruden et al., 1995). The dark gray shading indicates the range for the density of melt/solid two-phase system in case of a closed system. The light gray shading indicates the range of melt fraction that corresponds to melt connectivity and solid continuity. Melt connectivity allows for melt migration whereas breakdown of the solid framework allows for solid settling (stars in white circles). The thick black arrows depict the evolution of the density of the melt/solid system (i) in case of melt migration leading to a residual partially-molten rock with an increased density, and (ii) in case of solid settling leaving a magma with an increased buoyancy relative to the one of the partiallymolten rock. Author's personal copy 122 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 solid system is bounded by these two values, but is also a function of the efficiency of melt/solid segregation during partial melting as well as during crystallization (Fig. 3). If the melt remains in situ, one expects a gradual evolution of the density of the melt/solid system between the density of the solid rock and the one of the totally molten rock. In this case, the density of the melt/solid system for a given chemical composition is solely controlled by the compressibility and the thermal expansion which are functions of the melt fraction and of the pressure and temperature (Bottinga et al., 1983; Lange, 1994; Knoche et al., 1995). In contrast, evaluating the density of the melt/ solid two-phase system in case it is not closed during partial melting and crystallization requires addressing the effect of melt/solid segregation associated with melt migration on one hand and to solid settling, on the other hand (Fig. 3). During partial melting, migration of a felsic melt with a lower density than the solid it comes from leaves a solid residuum with a higher density compared to the solid protolith and to the partially-molten layer. On the other end of the spectrum, settling of solids (enclaves, residuum and crystals) results in a lower density magma, and thus increasing the buoyancy of the magma relative to the partially-molten rock. 2.4. Flow modes of partially-molten rocks and magmas The structural features of migmatitic terranes provide constraints on the flow modes of the partially-molten rocks and magmas (Fig. 4). Of particular interest are, (i) the degree of homogeneity of the finite strain fabric that serves as a basis to distinguish turbulent and laminar flows, (ii) the degree of symmetry of the rock fabric that allows distinguishing between coaxial and non-coaxial flow regimes, and (iii) the orientation of the boundaries of the deformation zone. The presence of a roughly planar synmigmatitic foliation calls for homogeneous deformation according to dominant laminar flow whereas complex folds indicate heterogeneous deformation and suggest turbulent flow. Metatexites typically display a rather planar synmigmatitic foliation indicating that partially-molten rocks are dominated by laminar flow (Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Ledru et al., 2001; Solar and Brown, 2001a; Slagstad et al., 2005). The orientation of the channel and the degree of symmetry of the rock fabric, measured by the kinematic vorticity (Means et al., 1980), are indicative of the forces and of the relative motion applied on the channel walls. The forces applied to the boundaries of the deforming zone encompass tectonic forces (basal traction and horizontal compression) and the gravity force associated with lateral variations of gravitational potential energy. Alternatively, considering a kinematic approach, this structural analysis leads to the identification of the relative motion along the sides of the deforming zone. The flow in three dimensions is fully described by a triclinic deformation matrix (Jiang, 1999). However, such complexity is not required to describe the flow of partially-molten rocks and magmas and some simplifications are possible. Indeed, the flow regimes relevant to partially-molten rocks and magmas break down to (i) channel flow in two dimensions with channel walls ranging from vertical to horizontal, (ii) channel flow in three dimensions with horizontal channel walls, and (iii) domal flow. Channel flow defines the displacement of material particles within a channel with parallel walls and includes turbulent and laminar flows. Channel flow in two dimensions (plane strain) is bracketed between two kinematic end-members, namely (i) pure shear (Poiseuille flow) and (ii) simple shear (Couette flow) (Fig. 4) (Turcotte and Schubert, 1982). These two end-members are distinguished on the basis of the degree of symmetry of the finite strain fabric. In the pure shear case, a square at the initial state is deformed into a rectangle and the fabric shows one axis and two planes of symmetry. In the simple shear case, a square at the initial state is deformed into a rhombohedron and the fabric displays only one axis of symmetry. The case of transpression (Sanderson and Marchini, 1984) combining pure shear and simple shear in a channel with vertical walls with a free upper surface and a fixed bottom surface, has been particularly well studied (Tikoff and Teyssier, Fig. 4. Mechanisms of melt segregation, melt migration, magma mobility and solid segregation. Schematic representation of fracturing, percolation and diapirism (gray = solid crystals, white = melt). 1994; Tikoff and Fossen, 1999). In the case of transpression, deformation of the orogenic belt is assumed to be caused by horizontal compression. Alternatively, one could consider that deformation of the orogenic belt in a convergent setting is dominated by the basal traction force associated with subduction. In this case, flow in the migmatites within the channel would record simple shear and the channel walls would be oriented parallel to the subduction plane (Fig. 4). Several end-members are distinguished for nonplane strain flow in three dimensions. 3D flow in a channel with horizontal walls is driven by the gravity force associated with lateral variations of gravitational potential energy (Bird, 1991; Royden, 1996; Rey et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b). In the case of continental plateaux, gravity-driven flow corresponds to redistribution of the accreted crust and does not imply net thinning. This redistribution occurs potentially in three dimensions (Royden et al., 1997; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b). The rheologic properties of the crustal blocks surrounding the continental plateau might influence the flow characteristics (Clark et al., 2005a). Zones of Author's personal copy O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 convergent flow might be associated with crustal thickening, whereas zones of divergent flow might be related to crustal thinning. Domal flow characterized by a vertical axis of symmetry corresponds to another end-member for nonplane strain 3D flow. In the case of laminar flow, flow lines are parallel to the boundaries of the dome with a maximum displacement in the center. Turbulent flow results in mushroom-shape patterns of flow (Dixon, 1975; Jackson and Talbot, 1989). 2.5. Melt segregation and migration, magma mobility, and solid segregation The main driving forces for differential melt/solid motion in a partially-molten rock or a magma are (i) the buoyancy of the melt; 123 (ii) the pressure gradient arising from heterogeneous deformation of the rock's solid framework and (iii) strain partitioning owing to the rheologic contrast between the melt, the magma and the solid (Brown et al., 1995; Weinberg, 1996; Vanderhaeghe, 2001). At the grain scale, surface tension might also play a role in the force balance (Laporte, 1994; Parsons et al., 2008). Melt segregation describes the motion of the melt relative to the solid at the grain scale, melt migration implies motion of the melt beyond the grain scale and magma mobility refers to the motion of the melt with solid particles in suspension relative to the host solid or partially-molten rock (Sawyer, 1994; Vanderhaeghe, 2001). In turn, solid segregation describes the motion of solid particles relative to the melt in a magma. The mechanisms allowing for melt segregation and migration, and for magma mobility are percolation, Fig. 5. Flow modes of partially-molten rocks and magmas. (a) The flow modes of a weak crustal layer caused by forces related to lithospheric plate convergence, namely the basal traction force, Ft, the horizontal compression force, Fc, and the gravity force stemming out lateral variations of the gravitational potential energy. 1. Flow modes in an orogenic wedge encompass 1a Couette flow (simple shear) and 1b Poiseuille flow (pure shear). 2. Flow mode associated with development of a continental plateau is caused by gravity-driven flow responsible for lateral channel flow without net crustal thinning. 3. Flow mode associated with gravitational collapse corresponds to lateral flow with net crustal thinning. (b) Channel flow encompassing Couette and Poiseuille flow modes. (c) Diapiric domal flow. Author's personal copy 124 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 fracturing and diapirism (Brown et al., 1995; Weinberg, 1996; Vanderhaeghe, 1999, 2001) (Fig. 5). Percolation corresponds to the migration of an interconnected melt fraction through a continuous solid framework (Stauffer, 1985). In the most simple models, migration of the melt is associated with homogeneous deformation of the solid matrix by compaction (Sleep, 1974; McKenzie, 1984; Scott and Stevenson, 1986; Stevenson, 1989; Rabinowicz and Vigneresse, 2004). Experimental deformation of rock containing a small percentage of melt shows that deformation of the solid framework activates migration of the melt fraction from contractional to dilatational sites (Holtzman et al., 2003; Zimmerman and Kohlstedt, 2004). In this case, heterogeneous deformation of the solid matrix creates pressure gradients providing an additional driving force for melt segregation and migration (Robin, 1979; Van Der Molen, 1985a,b; Brown et al., 1995). Fracturing implies an increase in the melt or magma pressure beyond the yield strength of the rock causing rupture (Petford et al., 1993; Rubin, 1993a). Indeed, in experimental deformation of partiallymolten rocks, melt migration is associated with fracturing caused by melt pressure build-up in the closed-system conditions of the piston (Van der Molen and Paterson, 1979; Paquet et al., 1981; Brown and Rushmer, 1997). Such features are also reproduced in experimental deformation using analog materials (Rosenberg and Handy, 2001; Barraud et al., 2004). Diapirism corresponds to the development of gravitational instabilities in a multi-layer system with an inverted density gradient owing to the buoyancy of the melt or magma (Biot and Odé, 1965; Ramberg, 1981; Weinberg and Schmeling, 1992; Cruden et al., 1995). A difference in density between the dome core and the mantling rocks of 0.1 g/cm3 is sufficient to drive the instability (Fletcher, 1972). The geometric characteristics of the diapirs are a function of the viscosity contrast and relative thicknesses of the layers (Biot and Odé, 1965; Fletcher, 1972; Dixon, 1975; Ramberg, 1981; Jackson and Talbot, 1989; Cruden, 1990; Weinberg and Schmeling, 1992; Weinberg and Podladchikov, 1994). The segregation of solid particles in a magma occurs by settling owing to their higher density (Shaw, 1965; Kerr and Lister, 1991; Cruden et al., 1995) or by mutual interactions during flow of the magma (Bagnold, 1954; Manley and Mason, 1954; Bagnold, 1956; Mason and Bartok, 1957; Barriere, 1976; Jeffrey and Acrivos, 1976). The efficiency of solid segregation by settling or interaction depends on the melt and solid rheologies and on the shape aspect ratio of the solid particles (Cruden et al., 1995; Arbaret et al., 1996, 2000). It is also a function of the flow characteristics of the magma (Bagnold, 1956; Fig. 6. Model for the evolution of the melt/solid two-phase system during partial melting addressing melt migration and solid settling. 1. Partial melting of a solid rock leads to a melt phase trapped along rock-forming minerals. 2. Melt segregation at the grain-scale is permitted by melt connectivity between melt pockets and leads to the formation of granitic veins. 3a. Melt migration, allowed by melt connectivity beyond the grain-scale, leads to the formation of laccolithic leucogranites. 3b. In case of inefficient drainage of the partially-molten rock, partial melting proceeds beyond the partially-molten rock/magma transition. 4. Solid settling in the magma is associated with the accumulation of refractory solids leaving a more differentiated magma. Author's personal copy O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 Fernandez et al., 1983; Cruden et al., 1995; Arbaret et al., 2001; Mancktelow et al., 2002). Active convection is more favorable for maintaining solids in suspension than a static situation (Shaw, 1965; Kerr and Lister, 1992; Cruden et al., 1995). The relative efficiency of the various mechanisms of melt segregation and magma mobility is a function of the rock rheology and of the regional strain rate (Rubin, 1993b; Weinberg and Podladchikov, 1994; Weinberg, 1996, 1999). The rheology of the continental crust and the strain rate at which it is deformed is in turn essentially controlled by its thermal evolution. Percolation as opposed to fracturing is favored in case of low strain rate. Fracturing, quite the opposite of diaprisim, occurs preferentially in case of large viscosity contrasts between the melt or magma and its matrix (Rubin, 1993a; Weinberg, 1996). A melt or magma with a low-viscosity is able to migrate rapidly before cooling at the contact to its host rock (Clemens and Mawer, 1992; Petford et al., 1993; Rubin, 1993a). 3. Flow of a partially-molten crust and melt/solid segregation during orogenic evolution 3.1. Force balance and thermal evolution of orogenic belts in convergent settings Deformation of the continental crust in zones of lithospheric convergence results from the interplay between (i) tectonic forces applied to the boundaries of the system (horizontal compression and basal traction), (ii) gravity forces derived from lateral variations of crustal thicknesses (Artyushkov, 1973; England and McKenzie, 1982; Molnar, 1988; Royden, 1996; Rey et al., 2001), and (iii) the buoyancy forces related to burial of low-density rocks or to the genesis of partially-molten rocks and magmas (Ramberg, 1981). The thermal evolution of the orogenic belt in such a context is controlled by the relative effects of (i) heat production related to radioactive decay and deformation, (ii) heat advection associated with plate motion and associated rock displacements, and (iii) heat conduction (England and Thompson, 1984, 1986; Molnar and England, 1990; Henry et al., 1997; Huerta et al., 1998; Burg and Gerya, 2005). Subduction results in downward advection of the relatively cold lithospheric plate and causes the development of low geothermal gradients at the contact between the converging plates (Toksöz et al., 1971). If convergence is also accommodated by the development of an orogenic belt concentrated in radioactive elements, the cooling effect of subduction is counteracted by the production of heat by radioactive decay (Goffé et al., 2003; Vanderhaeghe et al., 2003). The characteristic time delay between crustal accretion and the required temperature increase putting a significant amount of the accretionary belt under partial melting conditions is on the order of tens of My (England and Thompson, 1984; Henry et al., 1997; Huerta et al., 1998; Vanderhaeghe et al., 2003). This delay might be shortened if the mantle heat flux is increased in case of mantle delamination (Houseman et al., 1981; Kay and Mahlburg Kay, 1993; Schott et al., 2000; Morency and Doin, 2004; Lustrino, 2005), or if deformation of the crustal belt releases significant heat (Molnar and England, 1990; Burg and Gerya, 2005). The geological record of migmatitic and granitic terranes suggests that partial melting and magmatism are intimately linked to the thermal–mechanical evolution of orogenic belts in a variety of tectonic situations comprising crustal-scale orogenic wedges, continental plateaux and collapsed orogens. Each of these situations can be viewed as a specific mode for the behavior of the crust at convergent boundaries. For each mode, (i) the flow characteristic of the partiallymolten layer and eventually of a magmatic layer, (ii) the mechanisms of melt migration out of the partially-molten layer, and (iii) the mechanisms of solid settling within the magmatic layer leading to an accumulation layer are discussed. Development of an orogenic wedge, a continental plateau and collapse could also correspond to distinct 125 stages depicting the thermal–mechanical evolution of the crust at convergent plate boundaries. The parameters controlling the transitions between these stages are discussed considering the role of partial melting and magmatism on one hand and the consequences in terms of the genesis of migmatites, granites and granulites. 3.2. Migmatites, granites and granulites A model for the genetic link between migmatites and granites is proposed in Fig. 6. Partial melting of fertile lithologies at the grain scale leads to the generation of small leucosome pockets at grain boundaries. Partial melting beyond the first percolation threshold corresponds to melt connectivity and allows melt migration beyond the grain scale to form leucosomes. The connectivity of leucosomes to form a network of granitic dikes and sills leads to melt migration out of the partially-molten zone to form intrusive laccoliths of leucogranites. These granites are characterized by a homogeneous texture and have composition likely close to the eutectic or peritectic ones. If partial melting proceeds and melt migration is not efficient to drain the partially-molten zone, then the accumulation of melt leads to the transition from partially-molten rocks to magmas marked by the loss of the continuity of the solid framework allowing solid settling. Four crustal zones are defined with reference to the efficiency of the processes of melt/solid segregation via melt migration, magma mobility and solid settling, namely from top to bottom, (i) the intrusive zone characterized by the emplacement of laccoliths of homogeneous leucogranite, (ii) the partially-molten zone responsible for the formation of metatexites, (iii) the magmatic zone corresponding to the genesis of diatexites and heterogeneous granites, and (iv) the accumulation zone characterized by a more refractory composition and granulite-facies metamorphism. 3.3. Orogenic wedge formation In the case of sufficient increase in temperature, the orogenic belt is affected by partial melting (Fig. 7a). Migmatites and granites extruded in the axial zone of relatively narrow orogenic belts are exemplified by the northern Appalachians (Brown and Solar, 1998; Solar and Brown, 2001b), the Variscan South Armorican (Berthé et al., 1979; Vigneresse and Brun, 1983; D'Lemos et al., 1992) and Bohemian massifs (Racek et al., 2006; Tajcmanova et al., 2006; Schulmann et al., 2008). These terranes are characterized regionally by a steep foliation developed under greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism (Schulmann et al., 1994; Solar and Brown, 2001a). These migmatites are characterized by a steeply-dipping synmigmatitic foliation in metatexites and by elongated domes cored by diatexites (Solar et al., 1998; Solar and Brown, 2001a). Melt migration at depth within the partially-molten layer, is likely to occur by melt percolation aided by heterogeneous rock deformation, whereas at higher structural level, in the intrusion zone, fracturing is the most probable mechanism. Crustal-scale vertical shear zones control the development of a network of granitic dikes feeding laccoliths of leucogranites emplaced within mylonitic zones at the amphibolite/greenschist facies transition that could represent a fossil brittle/ductile transition (Vigneresse, 1995; Brown and Solar, 1998; Solar et al., 1998; Zak et al., 2005). The predominance of metatexites corroborates the efficiency of melt segregation and migration in such context. Indeed, in this mode, both convergence-related forces and buoyancy of the melt act in concert to favor melt segregation within the steeply-dipping synmigmatitic foliation planes and upward melt migration along these structural pathways. In the northern Appalachians, U–Pb geochronology on zircon suggests that the emplacement of leucogranites did not span more than 5 My (Solar et al., 1998) and thus implies that the orogenic crust did not remain partially molten for a long time period. Geochemical signatures of the granites, of the metapelites and of the migmatites Author's personal copy 126 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 Fig. 7. Model for the impact of melt segregation and migration, magma mobility, and solid segregation on crustal differentiation during the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts. The inset provides a legend and illustrates the four different zones associated with partial melting and magmatism in the orogenic crust. The three block diagrams depict each a particular scenario for the behavior of the continental crust and associated partial melting and magmatism. Under favorable circumstances, these modes correspond to successive stages of the thermal–mechanical evolution of a model orogenic belt, encompassing the formation of (a) an orogenic wedge (t1), (b) the development of a continental plateau (t2), and (c) gravitational collapse of the orogenic belt (t3). Major structural features, thrusts (black lines) and foliations (dashed black lines) and the 400 °C and 750 °C isotherms are shown for each stage. Author's personal copy O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 suggest that partial melting of fertile metapelites is the main source for the genesis of the migmatites and the granitic magmas (Brown and Pressley, 1999; Solar and Brown, 2001b). In addition of being fertile these metapelites are typically enriched in radioactive elements providing a significant heat source for metamorphism and partial melting (Vigneresse et al., 1987; Chamberlain and Sonder, 1990; Vigneresse, 1990; Solar and Brown, 2001b). In these examples, the genesis of migmatites is synchronous to horizontal shortening and transpression in response to plate convergence (Schulmann et al., 1994; Solar and Brown, 2001a). The formation of these crustal segments results from the tectonic accretion of terranes dominated by clastic sedimentary rocks between older continental blocks (Thompson et al., 1997, 2001; Schulmann et al., 2003). Partitioning of convergence-related strain in the weak sedimentary sequence leads to localized thickening and to the formation of a orogenic belt dominated by metapelites both, fertile (Vielzeuf and Holloway, 1988) and highly radiogenic (Chamberlain and Sonder, 1990). The temperature increase in such context is potentially associated with the combined effects of heat produced by deformation and by radioactive decay leading to partial melting which further weakens the accretionary belt (Brown and Solar, 1998; Solar and Brown, 2001a; Thompson et al., 2001; Schulmann et al., 2003). In such contexts, exhumation is likely controlled by erosion but lateral sliding of upper crustal-scale slices might also contribute as is proposed for the Montagne Noire (Aerden and Malavieille, 1999). A steady-state situation is reached if exhumation by erosion or tectonic denudation balances the influx of material related to convergence in which case exhumation of migmatites and granites is expected at a constant rate. 3.4. Continental plateau development Migmatites and granites exhumed at the front of continental plateaux (Fig. 7b) are exemplified by the southern edge of the Tibetan plateau (Le Fort et al., 1987; Burchfiel et al., 1992; Hodges et al., 1992; Grujic et al., 1996; Weinberg and Searle, 1998). Past analog of this situation might be illustrated by the Grenvillian Province (Sawyer, 1991; Timmermann et al., 2002; Slagstad et al., 2004), and the Western Superior Province (Culshaw et al., 2006). Key features of this end-member case are illustrated by the Himalaya–Tibet example. The High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) is dominantly composed by metatexites with a shallow-dipping synmigmatitic foliation (Burg et al., 1983, 1984b; Brunel, 1986; Pêcher, 1989; Barbey et al., 1995, 1996; Weinberg and Searle, 1998). The HHC is delimited by the Main Central Thrust (MCT) at its base (Brun et al., 1985; Brunel, 1986) and the South Tibetan Detachment (STD) at its top (Burchfiel et al., 1992; Hodges et al., 1992). Kinematical and metamorphic studies of the HHC are consistent with its ductile extrusion between these two major tectonic contacts (Hodges et al., 1993; Grujic et al., 1996, 2002; Robyr et al., 2006). Granites form laccolithic plutons emplaced within the STD at the contact between the HHC and the overlying deformed Tethyan sedimentary sequences (Burg et al., 1984a; Le Fort et al., 1987; Harris and Massey, 1994; Guillot et al., 1995; Scaillet et al., 1995; Searle et al., 1997; Searle, 1999). The HHC is pervasively intruded by a network of granitic dikes that are oblique to the synmigmatitic foliation and feed the leucogranitic plutons (Weinberg and Searle, 1998). The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the granites and the migmatites of the HHC also suggest that these rocks are genetically linked (Le Fort et al., 1987; France-Lanord and Le Fort, 1988; Harris and Massey, 1994; Barbey et al., 1995; Guillot and Le Fort, 1995; Harrison et al., 1999). The melting reactions are consistent for melt generation by isobaric heating (Visonà and Lombardo, 2002). To the North of the STD, migmatites and granites are also exhumed in domal structures aligned along the North Himalayan antiform (Burg et al., 1984b; Chen et al., 1990; Guillot et al., 1998; Rolland et al., 2001; Mahéo et al., 2002; Lee 127 et al., 2004). The predominance of metatexites suggests that the partially-molten rock/magma transition was not reached either because of insufficient melting or owing to efficient melt migration to feed the large Himalayan leucogranites. In contrast, domes cored by diatexites are present at the rear of the plateau margin within an antiformal structure trending parallel to the himalayan belt (Chen et al., 1990; Guillot et al., 1998; Lee et al., 2000; Rolland et al., 2001; Mahéo et al., 2002). The antiformal structure might respond to localized exhumation and isostatic rebound of the lower strength underlying rocks as proposed by some authors (Burg et al., 1997; Beaumont et al., 2001). In contrast, the fact that domes are cored by diatexites favors an origin by the development of gravitational instabilities driven by the buoyancy of the magmas. The contrasting characteristics of migmatites exhumed along the edge of and within the Tibetan plateau might indicate that partial melting beyond the partially-molten rock/magma transition requires relatively rapid decompression triggered either by focused erosion or by crustal extension (Teyssier and Whitney, 2002). Geochronology indicates late Oligocene–early Miocene ages for the granites emplaced to the South of the STD whereas granites exhumed in the North Himalayan antiform are dated in the late Miocene (Scharer et al., 1986; Maluski et al., 1988; Coleman, 1998; Schneider et al., 1999; Walker et al., 1999). Bright spots, high electric conductivity and low-velocity below 10 to 15 km underneath Tibet are consistent with the presence of silicate melts (Nelson et al., 1996; Gaillard et al., 2004). These data suggest that a partially-molten layer is progressively extruded by large-scale horizontal lateral flow and exhumed to the edges of the Tibetan plateau since at least the last 20 My (Beaumont et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b). The transition from vertical to lateral extrusion corresponds to the transition from the development and growth of a wedge-shaped orogenic belt to the development and growth of a continental plateau. This transition occurs when the weak partially-molten zone generated by thermal maturation of the orogenic belt reaches a critical volume (Vanderhaeghe et al., 2003). Flow of partially-molten rocks corresponds to lateral channel flow. This flow eventually leads to exhumation of migmatites and granites by extrusion along the edges of large continental plateaux such as is currently the case along the southern edge of the Tibet plateau. In this case, lateral channel flow is driven by the gravity force that arises from lateral variations in crustal thickness (Artyushkov, 1973; Molnar, 1988; Royden, 1996; Rey et al., 2001). The partially-molten crust partitions this gravity-driven horizontal flow owing to its low-viscosity in contrast with the upper part of the crust which transmits convergence-related forces (Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001b; Vanderhaeghe et al., 2003). Localized exhumation at the edges of the plateau might be caused by local uplift and erosion (Beaumont et al., 2001) in response to dynamic pressure developed at the boundary of the flowing partially-molten layer as suggested by numerical models (Clark et al., 2004, 2005b). The distribution and textural characteristics of granitic veins indicate that at deep structural level, melt migration proceeds by percolation aided by heterogeneous deformation of the partially-molten rocks. At higher structural levels, granitic dike and sill networks feeding laccoliths of leucogranites attest to the efficiency of melt buoyancy to drive melt migration. Indeed, in the case of lateral flow of a partially-molten crust and development of continental plateau, upward melt migration and magma mobility probably indicate that buoyancy alone is sufficient as a driving force. Indeed, if melt migration was solely controlled by pressure gradients owing to heterogeneous deformation, in the continental plateau mode, lateral flow should predominantly lead to lateral melt migration. 3.5. Orogenic gravitational collapse Migmatites and granites are exhumed in the axial zone of gravitationally collapsed orogenic belts (Fig. 7c) as proposed for the Paleozoic Caledonian belt in Norway (Chauvet et al., 1992; Andersen et Author's personal copy 128 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 al., 1994), Variscan belt of western Europe (Doblas, 1991; Rey et al., 1991–1992; Van Den Driessche and Brun, 1992; Vissers, 1992; Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Burg et al., 1994; Gardien et al., 1997; Lardeaux et al., 2001; Ledru et al., 2001), the Mesozoic North American Cordillera (Coney and Harms, 1984; Amato et al., 1994; Foster and Fanning, 1997; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 1997; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Liu, 2001), and part of the Cenozoic alpine belt (Dinter and Royden, 1993; Sokoutis et al., 1993; Gautier and Brun, 1994; Vanderhaeghe, 2004; Duchêne et al., 2006). In these examples, migmatites and granites are exhumed and juxtaposed with upper crustal units along low-angle detachment zones (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999a). The synmigmatitic foliation of metatexites is dominantly shallow-dipping but also describes kilometer-scale domal structures cored by diatexites (Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Lagarde et al., 1994; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Ledru et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe, 2004; Whitney et al., 2004). Granites form laccolithic plutons emplaced below the low-angle detachment zones (Lister and Baldwin, 1993; Foster and Fanning, 1997; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Teyssier et al., 2005). The diatexites and the granitic laccoliths are structurally connected by a network of granitic dikes and sills that intrude the metatexites (Vanderhaeghe, 1999; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999a). The petrologic and geochemical signatures of the leucogranites are consistent with an origin, at least in part, by partial melting of the dominantly metapelitic protolith of the metatexites (Downes and Leyreloup, 1986; Downes et al., 1990; Williamson et al., 1992; Gardien et al., 1997; Enkelmann et al., 2006). The ages of intrusive leucogranites span more than 10 My in the Canadian Cordillera (Parrish et al., 1988; Carr, 1991, 1992; Parrish, 1995; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Gordon et al., 2008; Kruckenberg et al., 2008) and more than 30 My in the French Massif Central (Duthou et al., 1984; Mougeot et al., 1997), part of the Variscan belt of western Europe. In both cases, the ages obtained from migmatites are similar to the younger ages obtained from leucogranites. These data suggest that in these examples, the orogenic crust remained partially molten for at least 10 My, feeding granites emplaced at higher structural level and that this partially-molten layer flowed horizontally and vertically before eventually crystallizing during gravitational collapse of the orogenic crust. The exhumation of migmatites and granites in the axial zone of large orogenic belt is attributed to gravitational collapse caused by a modification of the lithospheric-scale force balance related to (i) a change in lithospheric plate kinematics or (ii) a change in lithospheric-scale mass distribution (Houseman et al., 1981; Molnar et al., 1993; Rey et al., 2001). The style of deformation accommodating gravitational collapse of orogenic belts is strongly controlled by the rheological layering of the crust at the onset of collapse (Buck, 1991; Rey et al., 2001). In particular, the presence of a partially-molten layer and the emplacement of granitic laccoliths at the brittle/ductile transition favor strain partitioning owing to the induced rheologic contrasts between solid rocks, partially-molten rocks and magmas (Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 2001a). Shallow-dipping synmigmatitic foliation of exhumed metatexites indicates that flow of the partially-molten layer corresponds to horizontal channel flow. In this context, flow of the partially-molten layer responds dominantly to the gravity force associated with lateral variations of crustal thickness applied along its horizontal boundaries. In contrast to the gravity-driven flow associated with the growth of a continental plateau, during gravitational orogenic collapse, horizontal flow results in crustal net thinning. Migmatitic terrains exposed in the axial zone of collapsed orogenic belts typically consist in both metatexites and diatexites. This attests for the accumulation of the melt fraction beyond the partially-molten rock/magma transition and thus for relatively inefficient melt segregation within the partiallymolten rock and melt migration out of the source region. The gravity force that arises from lateral variations of crustal thickness favors melt segregation in shallow-dipping synmigmatitic foliation planes that might in turn constitute mechanical barriers impeding upward buoyancy-driven flow of the melt and magma (Van Der Molen, 1985a,b). However, the development of diapirs from centimeter-scale cauliflower structures to kilometer-scale domes cored by diatexites and the formation of leucogranitic laccolithic plutons indicate that upward melt migration and magma mobility are possible in such context despite the relatively unfavorable mechanical conditions (Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993). In the case of gravitational collapse, upward melt migration and magma mobility could be driven by both, buoyancy forces and pressure gradients induced by localized horizontal extension. The efficiency of upward melt migration is further evidenced by the presence of laccolithic leucogranites emplaced along mylonitic zones interpreted as corresponding to the brittle–ductile transition (Vigneresse, 1995; Vanderhaeghe, 1999; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b). 3.6. Migmatite domes Domal structures typical of Precambrian granite-greenstone belts and also of migmatitic gneissic terranes (see review in Whitney et al., 2004) have been interpreted either as resulting from (i) fold interferences (Myers and Watkins, 1985; Brown et al., 1992; Yin, 2004), (ii) 3D deformation in transpressional to transtensional kinematic regimes (Yin, 2004), or (iii) diapirs reflecting the development of gravitational instabilities (Ramberg, 1980, 1981). In this paper, I discuss only domes cored by diatexites and mantled by metatexites and displaying structural characteristics indicative of flow under magmatic or partially-molten state. Migmatite domes are cored by diatexites surrounded by metatexites (Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Amato et al., 1994; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier, 1997; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Ledru et al., 2001). Synmigmatitic foliations of migmatites underlined by leucosome/melanosome/mesososome alternations and by the preferred orientation of enclaves attest to flow of the partiallymolten rocks and magmas. Domes are defined by the concentric pattern of foliation trajectories and down-dip mineral lineations (Brun et al., 1981; Ramsay, 1989). The concentric pattern is particularly well expressed by the attitude of the synmigmatitic foliation of metatexites in contrast with the internal structure of diatexites that tends to be more heterogeneous (Hippertt, 1994; Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Vanderhaeghe, 2004). In contrast, the down-dip attitude of mineral lineation is better expressed in diatexites compared to metatexites (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Ledru et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe, 2004). Additional structural characteristics of migmatite domes encompass cascading folds and shear zones, most pronounced in the metatexites consistent with the upward motion of the dome's core (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Kruckenberg et al., 2008). Domes are typically not isolated but are part of a multiple domes and basins structure as exemplified in the Shuswap Metamorphic Core Complex within the Canadian Cordillera (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b). In turn, within the migmatite core, foliation trajectories typically outline second-order domes such as the Thor–Odin dome in the Canadian Cordillera (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b), the Naxos dome in the Aegean domain (Vanderhaeghe, 2004), and the Velay dome in the French Massif Central (Lagarde et al., 1994; Ledru et al., 2001). Triple points in between domes and subdomes are marked by plunging stretching and mineral lineations and by prolate finite strain ellipsoids. These structural characteristics are interpreted as resulting from the development of diapirs (Schwerdtner et al., 1978; Ramberg, 1980; Brun et al., 1981; Burg and Vanderhaeghe, 1993; Vanderhaeghe, 2004) as they are similar to the ones obtained in analog experiments of diapiric gravitational instabilities (Dixon, 1975; Ramberg, 1981; Jackson and Talbot, 1989; Cruden, 1990). According to the physical characteristics discussed in the density and rheology sections, gravitational instabilities are most prone to develop at the transition between the partially-molten and magmatic zones. Indeed, it corresponds to the maximum potential density Author's personal copy O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 difference owing to the combined effects of melt migration out of the partially-molten zone and to solid settling within the magmatic zone. The low strength of partially-molten rocks and the viscous behavior of magmatic rocks are also favorable for the development of diapirs. These gravitational instabilities are likely to be confined to the partially-molten layer as the overlying solid rocks are potentially stronger and less dense than the residual partially-molten rocks. Natural migmatite domes differ from the model by their typical elliptical instead of rounded shapes and in the distribution of lineation and finite strain ellipsoids (Whitney et al., 2004). Accordingly, the structural complexity of natural migmatite domes suggests they are not solely the result of the development of gravitational instabilities. Second-order domes have been interpreted as representing multiple intrusions (Bouchez and Diot, 1990) or as recording convection within the magmatic bodies (Talbot, 1979; Weinberg, 1997). The latter proposition is also supported by the rather heterogeneous structural record of diatexites (Ledru et al., 2001; Vanderhaeghe, 2004; Whitney et al., 2004) consistent with turbulent flow. At the regional scale, partial melting of the crust is likely to occur in active geodynamic settings under the control of plate-tectonic derived forces that are probably dominating large-scale flow of partially-molten rocks. Furthermore, the structural relationships between domes and folds on one hand, and between domes and detachment shear zones on the other hand, suggest that diapir nucleation is associated with the development of mechanical instabilities such as folds, boudins or shear zones (Vanderhaeghe et al., 1999b; Yin, 2004). Note that in cross section, domes and antiforms might be confused, but it is nevertheless important to distinguish structures which formation is driven by volume forces (domes) from structures which formation is induced by surface forces (channel flows). In particular, the antiforms that form as a result of isostatic rebound of the footwall of an extensional detachment are often confused with domes. The driving force for antiform formation in this case is the lower strength of the lower structural level whereas in the case of domal structures, the driving force for upward motion of the magmas coring the domes is, at least in part, their buoyancy. 3.7. Residual lower crust The lower crust associated with migmatitic middle crust is only exposed in a few examples (Fountain and Salisbury, 1981; Dewey, 1986; Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). One of the best examples is the Variscan lower crust exposed in the western Alps (Fountain, 1976; Schenk, 1981; Pin and Sills, 1986; Brodie et al., 1989; Zingg et al., 1990; Henk et al., 1997; Hermann et al., 1997; Barboza et al., 1999; Handy et al., 1999) and in Calabria (Schenk, 1984; Caggianelli et al., 1991) owing to overthrusting during the Alpine orogeny. Samples of the Variscan lower crust are also brought back to the surface as xenoliths in Cenozoic lavas in the French Massif Central (Leyreloup et al., 1977; Downes et al., 1990; Costa and Rey, 1995). In these examples, the lower crust is composed by alternating mafic and felsic gneisses affected by granulite-facies metamorphism (T ~1000 °C; P ~10 kbar) coeval with the development of a composite foliation. U/Pb dating of zircon from these rocks indicates that granulite-facies metamorphism is roughly synchronous to slightly younger than the amphibolite facies metamorphism associated with pervasive partial melting of the middle crust (Hunziker and Zingg, 1980; Schnetger, 1994; Costa and Rey, 1995; Vavra et al., 1996; Boriani and Villa, 1997; Lu et al., 1997; Müntener et al., 2000; Rossi et al., 2006). These data suggest that part of the Variscan lower crust of western Europe corresponds to magmatic rocks with a mantle origin and another part corresponds to the residue left after melt extraction (Sills and Tarney, 1984; Pin and Sills, 1986; Pin and Duthou, 1990; Vielzeuf et al., 1990; Vigneresse, 1990; Zingg et al., 1990; Henk et al., 1997; Barboza et al., 1999; Handy et al., 1999). Two scenarios are possible to explain the residual nature of the lower crust, namely (i) that it corresponds to the solid left after 129 melt extraction from a partially-molten layer, or (ii) that it formed by accumulation of residuum solids by settling within a dominantly magmatic layer. According to the arguments developed above, I favor the second option. Despite the fact that natural examples represent dominantly lower crust formed during orogenic gravitational collapse, the reasoning provided in this context should also hold for the other two modes and the development of a residuum accumulation layer is expected during the evolution of partially-molten orogenic wedge and the development of a continental plateau. 4. Conclusion The structural and metamorphic record of migmatitic and granitic terranes indicate that the thermal–mechanical evolution of the related orogenic belts is associated with pervasive partial melting and magmatism. Orogenic crust affected by partial melting is typically characterized by a crustal-scale layering with from bottom to top: - granulite-facies refractory lower crust, - amphibolite-facies migmatites with foliations ranging from vertical to horizontal and delineating domes cored by diatexites and mantled by metatexites, - laccoliths of leucogranites structurally connected to migmatites by a network of granitic dikes and sills. Accordingly, two types of granites are distinguished, namely, (i) laccoliths of leucogranites formed by melt migration out of the partially-molten zone and emplaced in a higher structural level, and (ii) diatexites that correspond to heterogeneous granites and formed as a consequence of melt accumulation within the partially-molten zone and of solid settling within the magma. This crustal-scale compositional layering results from the combined effects of partial melting, melt migration and solid settling during the evolution of the orogenic belt. Indeed, density and viscosity contrasts between the silicate melt and the solid rock favour both strain partitioning and melt/solid segregation. The onset of partial melting, associated with a strength drop of two to three orders of magnitude, leads to strain partitioning between solid and partiallymolten rocks. This is expressed by channel flow driven by forces related to plate tectonics (vertical channel flow) or related to the gravity force associated with lateral variations in crustal thicknesses (horizontal channel flow). Another decrease in apparent strength of about ten orders of magnitudes is associated with the transition between partiallymolten rocks and magmas. The breakdown of the solid framework allows settling of denser residuum solids in suspension in the magma which causes a decrease in the density of the remaining magma. The relative buoyancy of the magma compared to the partially-molten rocks is further increased by melt migration out of partially-molten rocks leaving a denser residue. Solid settling within the magmatic layer leads to the formation of a refractory lower crust by accumulation of residuum solids. Domes cored by diatexites are thus caused, at least in part, by the development of gravitational instabilities owing to the relative buoyancy of the viscous magmatic and allowed by the limited strength of viscous-plastic partially-molten rocks. Bulk flow of partially-molten rocks and magmas is associated with melt/solid segregation owing to melt migration and solid settling controlled in part by deformation but which leads, irrespectively of the geodynamic context, to the emplacement of laccoliths of leucogranites at the brittle/ductile transition and to the development of a refractory lower crust suggesting that buoyancy contrast dominates these processes. Acknowledgments This paper stems out animated discussions with colleagues including Patrick Ledru, Jean-Pierre Burg, Patrice Rey, Christian Author's personal copy 130 O. Vanderhaeghe / Tectonophysics 477 (2009) 119–134 Teyssier, Jean-François Moyen, Véronique Gardien, Fabien Solgadi, Edward Sawyer, Seth Kruckenberg, Pierre Barbey and Stéphanie Duchêne to quote only a few. I hope that they will share some of the concepts that are presented here. This research has been supported by funds from the CNRS, the BRGM (France) and NSF (USA). The first version of the manuscript has benefited from acute reviews by Claudio Rosenberg and Gary Solar. References Aerden, D.G.A.M., Malavieille, J., 1999. Origin of a large-scale fold nappe in the Montagne Noire, Variscan belt, France. Journal of Structural Geology 21 (10), 1321–1333. Alsdorf, D., Nelson, K.D., 1999. Tibetan satellite magnetic low: evidence for widespread melt in the Tibetan crust? Geology 27, 943–946. 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