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NPSIII Reviewer – To the Moon Technique (Mnemonic System)
Energy – the ability to do work
Heat/Thermal – energy in transit from a high temperature object to
a lower temperature
Heat Transfer – exchange of thermal energy
Light/Radiant – energy that travels by waves
Reduction-Oxidation Reaction:
1. Reduction – substance receives one electron
Process: Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu (Copper)
2. Oxidation – substance gives away one electron
Process: (Zink) Zn → Zn2+ + 2e
Gamma Rays – energy that travels through space
Kinetic Energy – energy in motion
Electrical Energy – flow of electric charge
Redox Reaction – oxidation reduction reaction
Chemical Energy – bonds of chemical compounds
Nuclear Energy – splitting atoms in a reactor
Gravitational Energy – energy associated with gravity field
Involves conversion of chemical energy to
electrical energy
Antoine Lavoiser – introduced the term “oxidation”
Also discovered oxygen
Electrochemical Cells – cells used for electrochemical conversion
Types of energy:
1. Potential – energy possessed by a body
2. Kinetic – energy possessed by object in motion
Two types of cells
o Galvanic – spontaneous reaction
o Electrolytic – used to fuel the
Electrolysis – electrical energy is converted directly into chemical
Energy Sources:
Photo Electrochemical – artificial photo synthesis
1. Renewable – can be easily replenished
Also referred as clean energy
From natural sources
o Solar energy (Light)
o Geothermal energy (Heat)
o Wind energy (Air)
o Biomass (Chemical)
o Hydropower (Water)
2. Non-renewable – cannot be easily replenished
From sources that will run out
o Petroleum
o Hydrocarbon
o Natural gas
o Coal
o Nuclear Energy
Electrochemical Energy Storage – method used to store electricity in
a chemical form
Forms of Electrochemical Storage:
1. Fuel Cell – device which converts chemical energy
obtained from fuel to electrical energy
2. Battery – device which converts chemical energy into
electrical energy by the chemical reactions in the device
Conservation of Energy – slow down the use of non-renewable
Electrochemical Energy – electrical energy to chemical energy
Also related to fuel cells
Electron – stable subatomic particle
Types of batteries
Primary cells (Dry cell)
Secondary cells (Lithium cell)
Lead-acid Accumulator – used in road
Dry Cell Battery – used in small
electronics and home appliances
Lithium Cell Battery – used in
appliances such as cameras,
Come in both nonrechargeable and chargeable
3. Capacitors (Condenser) – electrical component
Super Capacitor – device which stores
energy more than batteries
Nuclear Chemistry – subfield of chemistry dealing with radioactivity
NPSIII Reviewer – To the Moon Technique (Mnemonic System)
Nuclear Energy – energy in core of an atom
Weight – force caused by gravity reaction
Atoms – tiny particles in molecules
Surrounded by electrons
o Protons
o Electrons
o Neutrons
Physical Properties:
Enormous Energy – present in bons that holds nucleus together
Nuclear Fission – atoms are split apart
Uranium – used by nuclear plants for nuclear fission
Advantages of Nuclear Energy:
High Efficiency Level
Abundant Supply
Environment Friendly
Low Maintenance
Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy:
Waste Disposal Issues
Leak Potential
Physical Properties – can be measured or
o Extensive Properties – dependent on
amount of matter
o Intensive Properties – not dependent
on amount of matter
Chemical Properties – change in identity
o Examples
Heat Combustion
Chemical Stability
Preferred Oxidation State
o Chemical Change – process that causes
a substance to change into a new
o Chemical Reaction – process involving
the breaking or making of interatomic
o Physical Change – process that does
not change the substance
Pure Substance – has constant composition
Radioactivity – unstable nuclides
Nuclide – used to describe any atom having a nucleus of mass
number A, atomic number Z, and number of neutrons N
Isotopes – nuclei contains different number of neutrons
Mixture – two or more types of matter
Symbols in Nuclear Chemistry:
Elements – cannot be broken down
Compounds – can be broken down
Heterogeneous Mixture – not uniform in
Homogeneous Mixture – uniform composition
Mixtures – can be separated into its component substances by
physical means
Filtration – used to separate undissolved solid component
Evaporation – filtration cannot be used, particles are too small
Distillation – mixture is made up of two or more liquids
Fuel – material than can be made to react with other substances
Fossil Fuels – hydrocarbons with minor impurities
Petroleum – found beneath earth’s surface
Coal – combustible black sedimentary rock
Natural Gas – found deep beneath earth’s
Matter – anything that occupies space
Mass – quantity of matter