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How to Make Effective Study Summary Sheets

Summary Sheets
How to make a useful Summary Sheet for each unit?
Include the following:
One page one side ONLY.
All major equations included
Variables explained
(name in words, symbol, unit name in words, unit symbol, if it’s a vector or scalar)
[example: 𝑣̅ – velocity (meters per second, m/s)]
Note: the line above the v to indicate the vector
Definitions of vocabulary
Explanation of concepts
Visually appealing layout (use the whole page and all the “white space” and keep it tidy)
Logical positioning of information (ideas that link should be close together)
Use of graphs, pictures, diagrams
Problem solving tips
No solved problem examples.
Make a draft and add to it every day. Then, revise it at the end to summarize your learning.
Why make a summary sheet? Here are just a sampling of reasons…
Keep track of newly learned info in a very point form matter.
Helps you to reflect on what you have learned.
Forces you to express what you’re learning back outward.
Quick reference to all variables and their meaning
Useful to have only one page to review before a test.
Some classes allow you to bring summery sheets into tests so it’s great to know how to make a
good one
Making one actually helps you learn the info so you don’t actually need it for the test often.