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Lab Report Template: Plant Growth & Light Direction

Your Names
Research Question: write down your research question
ex: What affect does direction of light have on plant growth?
Hypothesis: write a prediction of what you think the answer of the question will be. Written
as an “If______ then_______” statement.
ex: If we change the direction that sunlight is coming from, the plant will grow in that
Materials: a bullet-point list of ALL of the materials used in your experiment
Procedure: a step by step explanation of how you performed your experiment. This should
be a numbered list. If you gave this procedure to a stranger, they would be able to perform
your experiment EXACTLY the same way you did. Should include specific AMOUNTS of
materials, specific periods of time etc…
1. Place two sunflower seeds and one liter of soil in a clay pot
2. Repeat step one with 3 other pots.
3. Set up growing lamps (200 watts). One pot will have a growing lamp positioned directly
above it, one pot will have a lamp positioned with light coming from the West, one pot will
have a lamp positioned with light coming from the East, and one pot will have a lamp
positioned so that the light will come up from beneath the plant
Results: present the results of your experiment: As pictures, a graphical format, as a data
chart, or whatever method best conveys the information.
Conclusion: a (short) paragraph explaining in written form whether or not your hypothesis
was correct. If it was not correct, explain reasons it may not have been correct. Identify any
changes you would make to this experiment to improve it in the future. Give an example of
what other questions still need to be answered about the research question you
Ex. We hypothesized that if the direction of light was changed, the plants would grow
towards the direction of the light. Our results supported our hypothesis.
This is also where you might incorporate any information you learned from OUTSIDE
SOURCES: readings/videos/research. These resources can help better explain the findings
from your experiment.
Ex. Research performed by John Doe and colleagues (2019) showed that plants grown using
red lights had a greater impact on plant phototropism.
References: include references to any outside materials used. Use the following format:
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal/Website. Month Date, Year. Link to website.